"Master, why are you asking him?"

The chief surnamed Li, with a look of resentment, came to the head of the Jufang Gang, and immediately pointed at Shu Yuanhao and cursed: "This man is ambitious, and he secretly established the Holy Dragon Party in the gang. Just now, here, these people use him As the center, if you say you want to betray the gang, your heart will be punished, and you should be ashamed!"

"Other brothers are present, who doesn't know?"

The chief surnamed Li provoked other members of the Jufang gang, and they all turned against each other.

"Shut up!!!"

Unexpectedly, the leader of the Jufang Gang suddenly yelled at him, and the aura of the third-order peak of the Immortal King shocked Mr. Li back three steps, and he was covered in cold sweat.

"Brother Shu, you are a rare talent in my gang. I also know that you established the Holy Dragon Party. In fact, I know what you think, but in this world, many things cannot be accomplished overnight. Take the Jufang Gang as an example. Over the years, our It’s not that I don’t want to establish the Jufang Gang as the largest gang in Taisuo Immortal Pond, there are some things that depend on man’s efforts, but the success depends on God’s will, speaking of this, I just want you to say it yourself now!”

As expected of a gang leader, he can hold his breath, even if he gets angry and murderous, he still has to come in front of the Jufang gang, and come to the gang first, and then to fight, to convince the crowd with reason.

"Help Master..."

Shu Yuanhao was still silent for a long time, but besides were Ye Yun and Pang Xuan, plus...he established the Holy Dragon Party with Ye Yun, Zhang Wen, Mo Yunzhong and others in order to become famous in the fairy world and become the overlord of the fairy world. But the Jufang Gang couldn't bring him what he wanted. A boat can't always carry much.

"Today is indeed a choice, leader, thanks to your care for many years, today Yuan Hao is going to decide to establish the Holy Dragon Party and break away from the Jufang Gang. I hope we can choose to leave. Please forgive me, everyone has their own ambitions!"

In the end, Shu Yuanhao still took a step back and had nothing to do!

However, how can the Jufang Gang accommodate rebellion?

Mr. Li finally heard these words, and before Jufang Gang could speak, he waved his hand, and more than [-] subordinates rushed up with him towards Shu Yuanhao, Ye Yun and the others: "Traitor, court death..."

"Brother Li!" Jufang helped the leader, and wanted to stop the matter of Li's surname. He seemed to be a person who valued affection and didn't want to make things too extreme.

"Master, things have come to this point, look, I don't need you to do anything today, I will take them down, take their heads, follow the rules of the gang, kill them!" The chief surnamed Li ignored the leader of the Jufang gang and waved his hand. He pointed out that more than [-] immortals entered the restaurant with him.

"Kill!!!" As for the thousands of members behind the Jufang Gang, some of them came out one after another and rushed to the restaurant following the echo of the chief surname Li.

"Pear, I think the person who rebelled against the Jufang Gang today is you, bastard. If you are such a person, then I won't be polite!"

"Golden Ant Beast King Puppet!"

Shu Yuanhao finally became cold. When he saw the chief surname Li who had been killed, he immediately protected Ye Yun, Pang Xuan, and Wanhai with hundreds of people, and protected the three of them together with seven people. When someone rushed into the restaurant, he immediately waved his hands, and a tunnel of mysterious light suddenly opened.


Suddenly, a strange voice sounded from the mysterious light passage.

Whoosh whoosh~!

Then an unbelievable scene that shocked people physically and mentally happened. Thousands of golden ants and beast king puppets flew out of the passage like locusts in an instant, and rushed into the camp of hundreds of people surnamed Li Changshi like lightning. Only thousands of golden ants were seen. The Ant Beast King puppet formed a mighty force like a wave of golden ant beasts, rolling towards hundreds of people.

Chang Shi, whose surname is Li, and those members of the Jufang Gang are ordinary immortals, who have never seen such ancient creatures, trembling in fright from the golden ant beast king: "Oh my god, what kind of monster is this? Back off! "


Only then did I realize that I had to escape, and it was already too late. The horde of golden ant beasts composed of thousands of giant golden ant beast king puppets immediately covered hundreds of people with overwhelming momentum. , flying all over the sky, all kinds of screams can be heard endlessly.

"Brother Ye, this Golden Ant Beast King...could it be the more than 1000 you suppressed at the Gate of Nine Heavens back then? You can actually refine such ancient monsters into puppets?"

In the rear, Pang Xuan looked at all this in shock. He was very familiar with the golden ant beast king, and he could still recall the painful scene of being attacked by the golden ant beast king in the six-eared statue, and the golden ant beast king was Ancient evils can only be suppressed unless they reach the high level of the Immortal King, but they must be refined into puppets unless they are the Immortal Emperor.

Immortal Emperor, in Pang Xuan's eyes, Ye Yun is definitely not an Immortal Emperor, but a Great Immortal, who made golden ant beast puppets?How could Pang Xuan not be shocked.

Ye Yun said with a smile: "At the beginning there were outsiders present, so naturally they couldn't show it, but now brothers are on the same side as me, so it doesn't matter if you tell them, they have been subdued by me long ago, and I wanted to use them as the strongest means of the Holy Dragon Party , It's a pity that the number is too small, if there are tens of thousands of Golden Ant Beast Kings, even high-level Immortal Kings can kill them!"

"I can't see through my brother more and more, you can be called a god!" Pang Xuan was still shocked physically and mentally.

"This trick is nothing, Brother Pang is also hiding it, hehe..." Ye Yun smiled and said nothing, of course, Pang Xuan knew what he said.

"This is... this is... the legendary ancient monster, the Golden Ant Beast King!!!"

Finally outside the restaurant, the leader of the Jufang Gang led the rest of the gang, trembling with fright, his eyes froze, and suddenly remembered the origin of the monster.

"help me……"

Under the madness and hunger of the golden ant beast king's puppet, hundreds of people lost their lives. The head of Li, surnamed Changshi, was desperately asking for help from the leader of the Jufang Gang.

Now, no one can save him in the five-level fairy world, and the immortals who Jufang helped are not fools. They all came from the lower realm after countless slaughters. Now that they see Shu Yuanhao can use such a strange magic weapon, they know it well. Shu Yuanhao was no longer comparable to them.

"Come in, all!"

Finally, the Golden Ant Beast King puppet killed hundreds of Immortal King first-order immortals without any effort. With the surname Li, there were no bones left, only the restaurant was full of minced meat. Shu Yuanhao immediately played a summoning talisman, and the Golden Ant Beast King puppet One after another honestly, entered the passage and disappeared into his body.

"Awesome!!!" The seven members of the Holy Dragon Party suddenly felt that they were superior and no longer inferior. From then on, they no longer needed to look at people's faces.

"Master, Li Chang's motivation, you should have seen it, but I also want to leave the Jufang Gang. From now on, the Holy Dragon Party will start to develop from the Taisuo Immortal Pond. Whoever blocks it will be killed, brother. let's go!"

Shu Yuanhao killed the members of the Jufang Gang. No matter who is wrong, it also means that he has nothing to do with the Jufang Gang, and it is impossible for him to stay in the Jufang Gang. Ye Yun, Pang Xuan, Wan Hai and the seven of them disappeared into the distance under the shocking eyes of everyone.

"Brother Shu is good at killing, but Brother Shu can't bear to attack the Jufang Gang. We know this, but where do we start now?"

Walking on the street, the 11 people gave people awe and intimidation to everyone in the Quartet. Several people were talking and laughing. Walking on the street, Pang Xuan asked a key question.

Shu Yuanhao seemed to have a plan: "The method is very simple, buy land, or get in touch with the master of Taisuo Immortal Pond, Master Taisuo, lease the territory, and establish the Holy Dragon Chamber of Commerce. This matter can be completed within a hundred years! "

Pang Xuan said with a smile: "If there is a problem, I can let the Pang family's influence infiltrate it. A little real Taisuo, even if he is a fifth-level fairy king, so what?"

"Brother Pang, it's best for us to do this by ourselves, and don't bother other forces. Also, I will leave it to you and Brother Shu to establish the Holy Dragon Party in the fifth level of immortality. I have to go to the fourth level of immortality. In the fairy world, there are more things to do!"

Ye Yun stopped suddenly, first rejected Pang Xuan's opinion, and then took out a storage ring from Da Luo Ring and handed it to Shu Yuanhao: "This contains all the treasures I have collected since I stepped into the fairy world, fairy stones, gems, Magical treasures, scriptures, and ancient books are not a problem. The key is two treasures. The first is the root of the Panlong tree, and the second is the magnetic silver star sand. There are about a dozen copies of the root of the Panlong tree. There are not so many, and the Ciyin Xingsha has a million catties, which are reserved for the early use of the Holy Dragon Party, and I will still have it here later. These two treasures will allow the Holy Dragon Party to quickly become famous in the five-level fairy world!"

When Pang Xuan heard it, he yelled in horror: "The root of the Panlong tree, the magnetic silver star sand... My God, these two are supreme treasures, and my Pang family is also looking for them everywhere!"

He knew that the weight of this storage ring might lead to an earth-shattering killing.

"Brother... With it, is it still worrying that our Holy Dragon Party will not be able to develop?"

Shu Yuanhao took the storage ring, and tears filled his eyes with excitement. This treasure, together with the puppet of the Golden Ant Beast King, is enough for the Holy Dragon Party to gain a foothold in the five-level fairyland.

Ye Yun didn't think so, he said to Shu Yuanhao: "It's not easy to establish a party in the five layers of immortality. After all, every force has developed from the high level of immortality. We need to trouble Brother Pang to sit in the township, and then Big Brother Shu will summon Gu Boyun, and other brothers from the lower realm, all from the upper realm, and then gather people from all directions!"

"Brother Ye, I understand what you mean. You can go to work at ease. I will keep an eye on the establishment of the Holy Dragon Party in the Five Layer Immortal Realm, and then I will join. Hehe, I really can't wait!" Pang Xuanle broke down.

Ye Yun had a deep meaning: "The development of the Holy Dragon Chamber of Commerce still requires a lot of energy, but you don't have to worry about financial resources. As long as it develops and the Holy Dragon Chamber of Commerce runs smoothly, it will be self-sufficient in many aspects. At that time, you have to guard against other things. Power, take advantage of the fire to loot! Brother Pang, the Xuedian and the Shi family are just factions in the sect, and we have to develop a party in the fairy world like the twelve fairies, so that we can gain a foothold in the fairy world!"

"I have experience in this area, brother Ye, go to the lower realm!" Pang Xuan was full of confidence.

"Well, let's just say goodbye. I will come here to join my brothers in about a hundred years. Once the Shenglong Chamber of Commerce develops, you and I will return to the sect. At that time, we will set foot on the high-level fairyland and stand at the pinnacle of the sect. Farewell! "

Ye Yun suddenly pulled Wanhai back, nodded and smiled at Pang Xuan and Shu Yuanhao, and then disappeared without a trace.

"Brother Ye..."

Pang Xuan and Shu Yuanhao bid farewell on the spot, and they were willing to leave after a long time.

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