Taisuo Immortal Pond!

"This is the territory of the Jufang Gang. It controls more than 100 streets. Within our control, no force can infiltrate. Of course, every year, we have to hand over enough shares to the Lord of the Immortal Pond!"

Shu Yuanhao and a dozen members of the Jufang Gang led Ye Yun, Pang Xuan, and Wanhai into the southwest of Taisuo Immortal Pond, and began to introduce them grandly. Compared with other territories of Taisuo Immortal Pond, Southwest Immortal Pond is slightly Prosperous and densely populated with vendors, but it is inferior to other places in terms of the flow of people and the layout of fairy buildings.

All in all, the territory of the Jufang Gang is still relatively popular.

You can see members of the Jufang Gang patrolling the streets at any time. These ordinary members are all around the tenth rank of the Great Immortal, and members who surpass the Immortal King rarely appear. Sometimes you can see members of the Jufang Gang oppressing vendors. Of course This kind of gang, what they do is based on profit.

"Brother Shu, how big is your Jufang Gang?"

The crowd continued to visit the streets. The vendors blindly avoided the members of the Jufang Gang when they saw them. However, when they saw Shu Yuanhao, these vendors would take the initiative to say a few words. It seemed that Shu Yuanhao had a high status in the Jufang Gang.

"Brother, the Jufang Gang is just a gang. There are dozens of helpers in Taisuo Xianchi. Our Jufang Gang is considered to be upper-middle class. Recently, the gang leader is planning to open a chamber of commerce with foreign forces. Of course, it depends on how simple it is to open a chamber of commerce." , the upper layer of Xianchi alone needs to be exploited layer by layer, our Jufang Gang has a certain strength, but it is very difficult to open a chamber of commerce!"

Under Ye Yun's questioning, Shu Yuanhao gave an overview of the temporary situation of the Jufang Gang, then glanced around from the corner of his eye, and asked Ye Yun cautiously: "Some time ago, Brother Gu Boyun came up from the Fourfold Immortal Realm, And what happened in Leiyin Mountain, do brothers have plans to develop the Holy Dragon Party?"

"It's my plan, and it's also the purpose of my visit this time. The lower realm just held the Nine-Day Prison Slaying Contest. I won the championship and was promoted to the sixth level of the immortal world by the sect's senior management, becoming an elite disciple. The Dragon Party is coming!"

Ye Yun replied directly via sound transmission.

"Okay, let's go to Jufang to help get together and clean up the dust for you!"

Shu Yuanhao was overjoyed to hear that Ye Yun had become an elite disciple of Xumi Cave in the Sixth Level Immortal World. Since he was stronger than before, and with the matter of Lei Yinshan, Shu Yuanhao felt that the opportunity had come.

Bypassing a street, Shu Yuanhao took Ye Yun and the three of them into the largest and most prosperous restaurant on this street, and cleared the venue directly to let everyone else leave!

"Shu Chang, so many people have cleared out. I'm afraid that today's turnover will not meet the standard, so I won't be able to explain to the gang!" At this moment, a fat man with shrewd and small eyes hurried away from the restaurant. When he came out and came to Shu Yuanhao, he complained in public.

As soon as Shu Yuanhao and the others sat down, they didn't expect the fat man to say these words. Shu Yuanhao frowned, "I'm the boss, don't I have the power? Brother Hu, besides, I didn't eat for nothing today. Serve them all up, I want to treat my two brothers to a big drink!"

"It turns out that these two brothers are also members of the Holy Dragon Party!"

The fat man surnamed Hu is the person in charge of the restaurant. Of course he knows that Shu Yuanhao has another identity in the Jufang Gang. .

"Don't blame the two brothers. This restaurant is the place where the Jufang Gang gathers the assembly. You are welcome today!" Shu Yuanhao nodded to Ye Yun and Pang Xuan, which was considered rude, and the dozen or so people who gathered just now There are only seven members of the Fang gang left, all of whom were recruited by Shu Yuanhao into the Holy Dragon Party.

Naturally, he is also Shu Yuanhao's most sincere subordinate in the Jufang Gang.

After a while, the fat man surnamed Hu asked people to bring a plate of delicacies, as well as fine wine, different spiritual fruits, etc., which were really rich. Following Shu Yuanhao's toast, a total of 11 people began to eat and drink happily, all of whom were members of the Holy Dragon Party , which is equal to a family, eating and drinking is also very tender.

"Brother Ye, you are a disciple of the Xumi Cave. I heard that brother Shu said a while ago that his brother was in the lower realm, and he killed the son of the Ninsha sect alive. In the main hall of the Leiyin Mountain, it is a majestic! Give us Say it!"

Then everyone started to get acquainted with each other, suddenly someone raised his glass to Ye Yun and asked, he drank a glass himself first, everyone looked forward to looking at Ye Yun.

Ye Yun just shook his head when he saw expectant gazes, without any pride at all, he smiled with the wind: "It's a small matter, it's not worth mentioning!"

"Hmm..." Everyone shook their heads in disappointment.

"Ha ha!"

At this moment, Pang Xuan's pupils shone with a shrewd smile, raised his glass and looked at everyone: "Everyone, Brother Ye thinks it's nothing, but I can tell you, since you all value the Holy Dragon Party and join the Holy Dragon Party, then you are your own brother, don't see me!" In addition, Brother Ye participated in the Nine Heavens Prison Killing Contest this time, successfully won the bid, and has become an elite disciple of the Sixth Level Immortal Realm Xumidongtian, and in the competition, he forcibly killed the fifteen participating disciples of the Ninja Killing Sect!"

"Amazing!!!" After everyone heard it, they were excited, they danced and started pouring wine, and drank happily with Ye Yun and Pang Xuan.

"Why so noisy?"

At this moment, suddenly a group of people came in. The leader was a middle-aged man with a broad shoulders and a big face in Chinese characters. He exuded a tough aura from all over his body. As soon as he stepped into the restaurant, he looked at Shu Yuanhao and the others with piercing eyes: "It turns out that Brother Shu is here. I thought it was some gang of ignorant guys who disturbed Qingjing!"

Shu Yuanhao's aura also erupted suddenly, and he countered bluntly: "Brother Li, I haven't seen you for a few days, and brother is still going to fight with me? You and I are both good at it. Don't you want everyone to watch jokes, besides today is I will clean up the dust for my brother, brother Li, don’t go too far with some things, push your limits!"

"Shu Yuanhao, what nonsense are you talking about? If you have the guts, just fight with our boss, set a life and death certificate, and live and die in peace!"

Before the middle-aged man could speak, a subordinate came out beside him and yelled at Shu Yuanhao.


How could the seven masters of the Holy Dragon Party allow Shu Yuanhao to be so angry that he slapped the table violently to release his aura, as if he wanted to fight with the other party.

"The two elders are both brothers of Jufang Gang. If the family doesn't talk about each other, why are you fighting? Don't let outsiders see the joke!" The person in charge of the restaurant, the fat man surnamed Hu, trotted out in time.

"Brother Ye, it seems that the top and bottom of the Jufang Gang are not on the same page. It is better for us to follow up with this third-rate gang and kill as soon as it is necessary. We may as well set up the Shenglong Party Chamber of Commerce on the Jufang Gang site!"

Just when the two sides were at war, Pang Xuan and Ye Yun seemed to be joking. Pang Xuan looked at it for a while, and suddenly revealed a sly smile.

Upon hearing this, Ye Yun patted Pang Xuan on the shoulder cheerfully: "Haha, brother, this method is a good one, as I wish, as I wish!"

"Where are you guys from, is there a place for you to talk here?" The two suddenly laughed, attracting everyone's attention, and the senior man surnamed Li stared at them like a poisonous snake.

"You bunch of ants are really short-sighted and despise my Holy Dragon Party. Well, today I want you to join the Fang Gang and disappear from this Taisuo Immortal Pond forever!"

Ye Yun and Pang Xuan came to Shu Yuanhao's side, Ye Yun yelled at the senior man surnamed Li, and immediately grabbed a seal, and without Shu Yuanhao's defense, injected it into Shu Yuanhao's body: "Brother Shu! , You should have heard what brother Pang said just now, I believe you have no objection, this golden ant beast puppet is under the control of the elder brother, at that time, the foundation of my Holy Dragon Party's foothold, gods come to kill gods, Buddhas block and kill Buddhas! "

"Shu Chang's matter, you must not provoke a major event!" Hearing Ye Yun's words, the fat man surnamed Hu broke out in a cold sweat, and immediately came up to dissuade him.

"Brother Ye..."

Shu Yuanhao ignored the fat man surnamed Hu at all, but felt thousands of golden ant beast king puppets horribly entrenched in the domain. When this power was released, Shu Yuanhao knew that even Taisuo Immortal Pond would also Taking it easily, he was shocked physically and mentally, wondering why Ye Yun could get such a peerless magic weapon.

The elder, surnamed Li, seemed to hate Shu Yuanhao to the bone, and immediately waved his hand. Dozens of his subordinates began to block before the entrance of the restaurant: "Want to rebel? Betray the Jufang Gang? Tell the gang leader quickly, there are other long-term matters, For the rest, block the exit, none of them can escape today!"

Swish Swish Swish~!

One by one, the Jufang Gang disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Ye Yun, Pang Xuan, and Shu Yuanhao didn't expect that this man with the surname of Li would be so eager for quick success and instant benefit, and if he seized the handle, he could not wait to trample Shu Yuanhao until he couldn't stand up.

"You're digging a hole for yourself..."

Shu Yuanhao looked at the long matter surnamed Li, and then at the other members of the Jufang Gang. It could be seen that Shu Yuanhao still couldn't bear it. Doing this kind of thing is equivalent to eating someone else's milk, and turning him around Pacifier swallowed.

Mr. Li, who was surnamed Li, led people to block the exit, and Jufang helped more and more people: "Digging holes? I think so too, Shu Yuanhao. I didn't expect you to be ambitious. Dragon party, you really want to establish your own family, today, we gather Fang Gang, we will clean up the family, kill you, a traitor, let your heads hang in the incense hall, and let every brother step on it!"

"You really are ruthless!" Shu Yuanhao finally showed his murderous intent.

"Guangzhu and everyone else are here!!!"

Suddenly, hundreds of members of the Jufang Gang outside suddenly boiled over.

"What are you doing?"

Sure enough, a majestic voice came from the side of the street, and then, the third-level breath of Immortal King burst out, and there were more than a dozen people.

"Clan leader, you came at the right time. Just this time, Shu Yuanhao discussed how to betray the gang. If you don't believe in helping, you can do it for Brother Hu. He has witnessed all this with his own eyes!"

The chief surnamed Li immediately bowed to greet a tall, but skinny middle-aged man with a pointed face. At first glance, he seemed to be quite a submissive person.

The middle-aged man is the leader of the Jufang Gang. When he came to the door, there were thousands of members, all of whom were between true immortals and immortal kings. He swept away Shu Yuanhao, and immediately shouted sharply: "Brother Shu, the leader of this gang has been waiting for you all this time!" Not bad, tell me, I would rather not believe what Brother Li said, I want you to tell me yourself!"

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