Kowloon space!

"Yuqing Immortal Light Art...As expected of a ninth-level qigong, it is very difficult to practice..."

At this moment, Ye Yun is sitting cross-legged on the altar, using the Shenluo Domain, urging the Taiyi Divine Furnace to absorb the power of the altar, and he himself is condensing the light of white jade.

This light of white jade is like the transformation of jade, it looks like temperament, but it is not a gas, but a combination of almost solid and gas, like ground jade powder, it is combined, wrapped around Ye Yun's body Surroundings, it gushes out from the skin and absorbs in again, in a continuous cycle.

Repeatedly, the light of white jade becomes more and more powerful, and this light of white jade is actually one of the peerless magical powers possessed by Xumi Dongtian Great Emperor, Yuqing Immortal Qi.

"The Yuqing Immortal Qi is really special. It is possible to condense such pure Immortal Qi through tens of thousands of practice times. It also contains the power of will, giving Yuqing Immortal Qi a unique energy. If Yuqing Immortal Qi is brewed by itself, it may be In a certain era soon, a life form with Yuqing's immortal energy will emerge!"

Nature is such a magical workmanship, and all kinds of qigong in the fairy world are a huge wealth that has been continuously practiced by generations of immortals. The Yuqing Immortal Light Technique is one of them.

After condensing again and again, time passed by in a hundred years. When Ye Yun opened his eyes again, his pupils released jade-like immortal energy: "Yuqing Immortal Light Art is similar to Taiyi Divine Light Dao. But how can Yuqing Immortal Light Technique compare to Taiyi Divine Light Dao, any true energy must surrender under Taiyi Divine Light!"

Fortunate to receive the supernatural power inheritance of Xumi Dongtian Great Emperor, Ye Yun knew that this is also the sect's fancy four people, once he displays Yuqing Immortal Light in the future, everyone will treat him as a direct disciple of Xumi Dongtian Great Emperor.

At this time, Wanhai was floating in the sky, merging with the heart of the ocean.

The Heart of the Ocean looks like a mass of transparent blue divine light, like deep blue sea water, but it is an indestructible and solid fetish, and even Ye Yun can't see a trace of the substance in it.

Xiaoqian sat next to Wanhai, his body was transparent, flashing infinite coordinates, slowly absorbing divinity, his aura became more emptiness and vastness.


Sumeru Immortal Territory, Lingxu Pavilion!

"Junior Brother Ye, don't worry about going out to practice, the sect will not call you if there is no serious matter!"

Above the void, Master Guixu appeared and was talking with Ye Yun. The main purpose of Ye Yun coming to find Master Guixu was to prepare for the lower realm, and he had to explain many things. He didn't know how long it would take for this lower realm.

Ye Yun didn't expect Master Guixu to be so casual, he didn't put on airs at all, and he didn't talk about sects, so he left Lingxu Pavilion with fists in his hands.

Flying out a mysterious light channel, a shadow flew from the opposite side, Ye Yun slowed down, and the figure of Pang Xuan flying rapidly appeared in the cold pupil.

As soon as Pang Xuan appeared, he couldn't wait to ask with concern: "Brother Ye, are you looking for me so urgently? What's the big deal?"

"I'm going to the lower realms. It may take a while to come up. There are a lot of things to do!" Ye Yun saw Pang Xuan's sincere eyes and tone, but he was very happy. In Xumi Cave, besides Suwen Xianzu, he finally had a friend. , so I don't want to find other reasons to prevaricate the other party.

"Working? Then just bring your brothers to the lower realm. As I said earlier, you and I will advance and retreat together. Besides, the more people you have, the more power you have!" Pang Xuan didn't consider himself an outsider at all.


Ye Yun frowned lightly, although it was just a sentence, but it was related to his real secret, but thinking of going through all kinds of big and small things with Pang Xuan, Ye Yun knew him well, just needed a strong man to sit in the Holy Dragon Party, Then he nodded decisively: "Well, since the brother is so kind, the brother will never refuse. This time, there is really a place in the lower realm, and I need the help of the brother. I told the brother before that I want to establish a party called the Holy Dragon Party." , The main purpose of the lower realm is to develop the Holy Dragon Party, I plan to first establish the Holy Dragon Chamber of Commerce in the five layers of fairyland, and start to expand step by step, after all, I am not an immortal emperor, nor an immortal king, so I must start to develop from the lower realm!"

"I understand brother's thoughts, beyond your and my authority, and the scope of strength, you and I can't control it, step by step, start to develop from the lower realm, the Holy Dragon Party, a good name, I also thought about the establishment of a party one day. I really have to do something, when will I go?" Pang Xuan didn't even think about it, his blood was surging.

"Go to the lower realm now! Let's go!"

Ye Yun laughed a few times boldly, and the two of them flew to the depths of the Xuanguang passage.

Outside the Sumeru Domain, Wanhai covered his face with a blue silk scarf and was waiting for Ye Yun in the strong wind. When a halo appeared in the enchantment of the Sumeru Domain, Wanhai saw Ye Yun and Pang Xuan appear. Pang Xuan suddenly appeared, she was not surprised at all, Ye Yun had greeted her before.

"Is this Junior Sister Wanhaiwan?"

After being introduced by Ye Yun, Pang Xuan also knew Wanhai, but Pang Xuan was not a fool. He could see that Ye Yun and Wanhai had an unusual relationship, and he was not a talkative person. Fly deep into the fairyland.

About a few hours!

When they came to an uninhabited land, the three of them stopped, and Pang Xuan looked around, confused: "Brother Ye, if you and I want to go to the lower realm, it is best to choose the teleportation array, otherwise we will directly cross the sixth and fifth realms. It consumes a lot of energy!"

"No, let's shuttle!"

Ye Yun didn't want to waste time. Of course, what Pang Xuan said was very normal. A lot of energy is needed to travel through the fairy world. After all, each layer of fairy world is separated by a thin layer of void space. To break through this layer of space, one person can The power of power is very difficult. Usually, the immortals in the upper and lower realms will choose the teleportation formation built by the big forces and great sects. As long as the immortal stone is consumed, the formation can be freely shuttled through the lower realm.

After Ye Yun said a word, before Pang Xuan could see clearly, the three of them disappeared directly. In just three breaths, they traveled through a layer of time and space with complex energy, and then entered a world where energy is sparser than the sixth-layer fairy world. , In a lot of low-level energy layers.

"Five layers of fairyland!?"

In an instant, Pang Xuan felt that he had entered an unfettered world. The energy was so sparse that it could not be compared with the Sixth Layer Immortal Realm. It was as if he had just recovered from an illness, and the world was empty and unrestrained. Unlike in the Sixth Layer Immortal Realm, where he was bound by various laws, But here, there is no oppression at all, and the laws are much weaker.

Because this is not the sixth level of immortality, but the fifth level of immortality which is lower than the sixth level of immortality in all aspects, there is such an obvious gap.

Ye Yun explained: "We are going to the Jufang Gang, a brother with the highest cultivation level of the Holy Dragon Party, Shu Yuanhao is in the Jufang Gang, and his cultivation level is the second sister of the Immortal King. Look, Shenglong Dragons need masters to sit in their command!"

Pang Xuan did his part and patted his chest: "Leave this to me. When I was in the family, I helped my father manage the family affairs and establish a chamber of commerce. Hehe, the need for a lot of financial resources is the first!"

"Financial resources are not a problem. I have a lot of precious treasures here. Otherwise, it would not be easy to establish a chamber of commerce. To develop the Holy Dragon Party, it is best to start with the chamber of commerce. Don't worry about this brother. Let's rush over. Brother Shu Yuanhao also started from Jufang. Help is rushing over here!"

After saying a few words, Ye Yun flew away with Wanhai and Pang Xuan. The speed of the three masters almost surpassed the limit of naked eyes' resolution. Of course, the reason for such a fast speed is that they are not restricted by too many laws.

"The Daqian Shentu is completely assembled, and the effect is astonishing. It only takes a few breaths to travel between the fairy worlds... I can go anywhere in the fairy world!"

After a while, Ye Yun was secretly communicating with Xiaoqian, and it was Xiaoqian's contribution to crossing the fairyland just now, not Ye Yun's means.

The ability brought by Xiaoqian is indeed beyond Ye Yun's expectation. It is so easy to travel through the fairy world. If you get the Daqian God Picture himself, you may go from the first level to the ninth level without taking a few breaths.


After nearly an hour of flying, finally, fairy pools appeared in front of the three of them. Some were huge, some were of average size. A person is flying over from one of the fairy ponds.

The leader is none other than Shu Yuanhao, a member of the Holy Dragon Party, who was the strongest man with the highest cultivation level in Panlong Shuzu.

"Brother Shu!"

Ye Yun yelled Xiong Zhuang's voice from a long distance, and then swept over a dozen people behind, almost all of them were from the first to second ranks of Immortal Kings. There are also some records in the Holy Dragon Order, and about six or seven people joined the Holy Dragon Dang, in the world of five layers of immortals, although he is not a top powerhouse, he can be regarded as a figure.

Of course, the Holy Dragon Party has just been established, it has no reputation, and there are no masters in charge, so naturally it will not attract strong people to join.

"Brother Ye, as soon as I received the summoning talisman, I was so happy that I didn't close my eyes for days. Fairy Wan, you're here too, so happy!"

Shu Yuanhao flew over excitedly in an instant, gave Ye Yun a big hug, almost brought tears to his eyes, then saluted Wan Hai, and then introduced the others to Ye Yun.

Of course, Ye Yun also introduced Pang Xuan to Shu Yuanhao, and after a lot of excitement in the void, Shu Yuanhao took the three of them and flew towards a fairy pond.

About half a quarter of an hour, everyone came to a medium-sized fairy pond, which was protected by a vast barrier, and when they came to the city gate, Shu Yuanhao introduced: "Brother Ye, Brother Pang, this is Immortal Tai Suo. Chi, our Jufang Gang is in this Immortal Pond, ashamed to say, the Jufang Gang is just a second-rate gang here!"

"Taisuo Immortal Pond? I have a little image of this. I, the Pang family, should have influence around here!" Pang Xuan swept the Immortal Pond, and said calmly.

"Pang family?" When Shu Yuanhao heard it, he didn't pay much attention to it before, but now he was shocked when he heard Pang Xuan mention the Pang family, as if he also knew the power of the Pang family in the fairy world.

"It turned out to be the brothers of the Jufang Gang again, but it is still the old rule. We have to record a sum, calculated on the basis of the head, and we will go to the Jufang Gang to ask for the fee at the end of the year! Go in!"

The city guards of Taisuo Immortal Pond are almost all soldiers of the same color, which is not easy. They are all at the first level of immortal kings, some are at the second level, and even on the city wall, they have the aura of the third level.

"It seems that the Jufang Gang is really a second-rate force..."

Seeing that Shu Yuanhao and Jufang Bangshu were making things difficult one by one, Ye Yun could tell that Jufang Gang was not well-known in the Wuzhong Immortal Realm, even in Taisuo Immortal Pond, they were also ordinary forces.

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