"Everyone, my son is inviting you to come to the dojo for a gathering!"

Just when Ye Yun, Pang Xuan, Lin Yan, and Li Yunyun were sent out of the Lingxu Pavilion along with many psychics, a woman suddenly came from the void and bowed respectfully to the four of them.

"Who is your son?"

None of the four expected that someone's invitation would come so directly.

"My son, it's Di Ao!" The woman was born with delicate features, beautiful face and beautiful appearance, and her every word and action did not lose the special temperament of a woman's beauty and wisdom.

Lin Yan smiled: "So it's Senior Brother Di Ao!!!"

Li Yunyun looked at Lin Yan with a graceful look, her eyes sparkling with a smile: "Brother Di Ao was guiding us in the lower realm back then, and he was also our guide. Since the senior brother invited us with such a good harvest, we will naturally go!"

"Let's go!" Ye Yun and Pang Xuan had already made a secret decision, and after Lin Yan and Li Yunyun nodded, they also naturally agreed.

So the four of them followed the woman and flew into the Xuanguang Passage, and there were many forces left, all of whom came to win over the four of them. Unfortunately, the woman under Di Ao's sect got there first, and Di Ao seemed to be in the Xumi Cave of the Sixth Layer of Immortal Realm. Influence, as soon as they heard that it was Emperor Ao, these forces would voluntarily give up.

Soon, in the blink of an eye, the woman flew into the passage with Ye Yun and the others, and then entered another passage. After flying out, they came to a small building in the valley, only to see Emperor Ao who released the masculine energy, just in time Walk out of Xiaozhu and welcome the four of them.

"Three junior brothers and one junior sister, the senior brothers are here to congratulate you for winning the bid and being promoted to the sixth level of immortality. I think that when I became the No. , just stepped into the sixth sect, everyone, please!"

As expected of a genius, Di Ao spoke extraordinary, humble and polite, like a gentle gentleman, he personally led Ye Yun and the others into the small building to sit down, and asked the woman to pour the freshly brewed fairy tea.

As soon as the celestial tea was taken in, the four of them felt their whole bodies shaken. They could all see that this celestial tea was not simple, it was specially refined by masters. Immortal tea is a treasure that is comparable to elixir

"Senior brother really knows how to taste, let the junior sister open her eyes, it seems that she has to learn from the senior brother!" Li Yunyun had a sharp mouth.

Di Ao smiled modestly, and waved to the four of them: "Junior Sister Yunyun is talented and beautiful, and she will be her own disciple in the future, and Junior Brother Lin, Junior Brother Pang, and Junior Brother Ye are also the favored ones of heaven, full of talents, and they will be honored on the big stage of the fairy world." , belongs to you!"

Pang Xuandao: "What did you say, senior brother is my role model, and the senior brother's family has a lot of background. In terms of strength, even the sect can't compare with the emperor's family. In the future, we will have to rely on the senior brother. We look forward to the emperor's family coming back again." To be famous in the Immortal World, I also look forward to my brother being famous in the Immortal World!"

"Yes, the Emperor's family is a big family that is famous in the fairy world. Senior brother thinks highly of us so much, please take care of me in the sect!" Lin Yan continued, his eyes were urgent, as if he wished to get closer to Di Ao.

"This Lin Yan...if he devotes his mind to cultivation, he may reach the level of Immortal Emperor in the future, but now...he is just a pug, he can wag his tail and beg for mercy from anyone!"

Ye Yun didn't speak all the time, but he could still answer a few words. Ye Yun shook his head when he glanced at Lin Yan. This person had already been in contact with Shi Hong and planned to join Shi's family, but now he was close to Di Ao like a family. What a villainous face, capricious.

As the saying goes, you can't look at one side of a person. After a long time of contact, people's nature will naturally be exposed.

At Di Ao's invitation, after a few days of discussion, Ye Yun left, and then Li Yunyun and Lin Yan parted ways with Pang Xuan and Ye Yun and returned to the ashram.

"Brother Ye, look at Emperor Ao, you and I have no idea at all? This invitation is not as simple as just drinking tea and discussing Taoism, right?"

In the void, Ye Yun and Pang Xuan leisurely looked at the scenery of the Sixth Layer Immortal Realm Xumi Immortal Realm, and they were not in a hurry to return to the dojo.

"Di Ao is very powerful. Although he is a fifth-level immortal king, he also has leapfrog strength, no less than the seventh-level immortal king. This kind of disciple will sooner or later step into the seventh-level fairy world. It seems simple for him to invite us to drink tea this time. , but it contains his way of dealing with people, this person will definitely not be an ordinary character in the future, how can there be ordinary people in the Di family!" Ye Yun knows the Di family best, and through fighting with Di Tian, ​​he knows that Di Tian The deep scheming of the family characters.

Di Ao is a person who is even more mysterious than Ditian and has means. Since he really has the strength of the seventh-level immortal king, but he did not step into the seventh-level immortal world or even the eighth-level immortal world, but took every step steadily, it is enough to show that this person is A man who acts with great care and caution.

This kind of person is not the kind of arrogant and arrogant character of Di Tian, ​​who is the most difficult to deal with.

"Hehe, the emperor's family has long since been destroyed, and it's only in name only. As my brother said, Di Ao is not a lunatic who wants to continue to complete the emperor's family's unification of the fairyland and build the fairyland into a monarchical imperial fairyland, right?"

Unexpectedly, Pang Xuan said such a big joke.

"Brother Pang really awakened the dreamer with just one word. Maybe...Di Ao, who is a disciple of Xumi Cave with you and me, is such a person with a scheming mind that goes deep into the ocean!"

Ye Yun smiled and said nothing, but he was reminded by Pang Xuan in his heart that it was not easy from Di Tian at the beginning, and now Di Ao is probably really a lunatic.

"Joke, joke..."

Pang Xuan didn't believe it at all, took it as a joke, laughed a few times, and clasped his fists at Ye Yun: "Brother Ye, I'll go back to the dojo first, I still need to practice hard for a while, if brother has something to do, you can use the summoning talisman at any time, and say goodbye!"

"I should also meet up with Wanwan..."

Watching Pang Xuan leave, Ye Yun immediately cast the Summoning Talisman, with strong willpower, he sensed a certain place in the distance, and then turned into a streamer and flew over.

Passing through layers of passages, here is an independent dojo, with patches of forest forming a vast field, and deep in the center is another valley, hidden in the forest.

"Sister, it's really surprising that Ye Yun was able to make friends with someone like Fairy Lingque, so that you not only entered the sixth level of immortal world smoothly, but also have such a high-level dojo!"

Two beautiful shadows flew out from the valley, it turned out to be Suwen Xianzu and Wanhai, they were holding hands, and Yan Ran was like a sister.

Wanhai showed a rare and beautiful smile, which seemed to be seen by the extinct volcano, and could erupt again, she laughed and said: "These are just tricks, look, he is here!"

"Oh?" Ancestor Suwen followed Wanhai's gaze, and saw a mysterious light appearing in the enchantment of the dojo. After the space was distorted, a figure, Ye Yun, appeared from the depths of the space and flew towards him.

"I didn't expect you to meet first!" Ye Yun arrived in a flash, and his own speed had already surpassed the laws of the sixth layer of immortality. I thought it was a high-level immortal master from somewhere.

Ye Yun was also quite happy to see Suwen Xianzu. At that time, Suwen Xianzu suddenly entered the Snow Palace and entered the Sixth Level Immortal Realm under the lead of Jinling Fairy.

Ye Yun was thinking about the safety of Immortal Ancestor Su Wen in the sixth level of immortality, but Wan Hai took the first step and pulled Immortal Su Wen over early.

"Miss Wan Wan suddenly sent me a letter saying that she was in the Sixth Level Immortal Realm, you were stunned for a moment, we should be together, let's go back first!" Su Wen Xianzu and Wan Hai flew into the valley with Ye Yun.

The buildings in the valley are mainly in sea blue, and the pavilions, gazebos, corridors, flower beds, and ponds are full of ocean atmosphere.

The three of them immediately came and sat down in the flower garden. Wan Hai picked a lot of spiritual flowers, peeled off the spiritual liquid, and poured them into the spiritual cup. Are you in trouble?"

Su Wen smiled lightly, at this time she was no longer the superior immortal ancestor back then, she already knew that Ye Yun's strength surpassed her, so her tone and expression changed from a master-like austerity to an ordinary woman, as if she was pouring out her thoughts : "My status in Xuedian is mediocre, and I don't want to rely on Xuedian sincerely. As for Shi Chennian, I'm very surprised. Why haven't people from the Shi family come?"

"Shijia? I don't know what Shi Chennian is thinking. I hope this matter will pass away. It will be a good thing for us to have less worries!"

Knowing that Suwen Xianzu is safe for the time being, Ye Yun also calmed down, feeling that the situation is much smoother than in the sect of the fourth layer of the fairy world, and there are no enemies everywhere, Ye Yun said again: "To develop the Xuedian, it is natural to dig out qualified people everywhere. Senior Sister, I am ready to make a bold move to open up the Holy Dragon Party, and the time is ripe!"

"This is a good thing. With your current cultivation base, plus the fact that you have become an elite of the sect and have influence in the sixth-layer fairy world, it is conceivable, but I don't agree with drastic changes. It's better to take it step by step. After all, you are not a fairy now. Emperor, only the party established by the Immortal Emperor can take root and develop!" Su Wen Xianzu put forward his own opinions, and he was completely unaffected.

"En..." Ye Yun calmed down, feeling that Suwen Xianzu's basin of cold water was too timely.

Suwen Xianzu said again: "It's a pity that sisters Liuguang and Xuanhan can't step into the sixth layer of immortality immediately. It's easy to do things with many people. You develop the Holy Dragon Party, and we also have to do our best!"

"Oh, by the way, these are the fruits of five emptiness. You have just broken through the fourth rank of the Immortal King. After refining, you will not only be able to achieve the perfection of the fourth rank, but also be promoted to the fifth rank of the Immortal King in a short time!" Ye Yun grabbed it with his backhand, Just seal the halo with the five emptiness fruits and give them to Suwen Xianzu.

"This is a good baby, I will not be polite!" Suwen Xianzu sucked it into his palm decisively.

This is not the fourth level of immortality, Suwen Xianzu is no longer the supreme immortal ancestor. In the sixth level of immortality, although she is also a super expert, she is still much worse than Guixu Daoist.

For her, the fruit of Xuyuan is timely rain.

"Let's talk about something to drink!"

At this time, Wanhai was also busy, and suddenly became ingenious. He actually collected spirit flowers and refined the fragrance of immortal wine. After sitting down, the three of them began to taste and enjoy this rare time together.

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