Under the gaze of everyone looking up and staring at him, all eyes were fixed, for fear of missing something, Ye Yun was like a great god of mending the sky, with both hands continuously making seals, grasping at the void, absorbing the power of the stars, an independent and vast space array, descending continuously, Soon the city and tens of thousands of people were enveloped in it.

The supernatural power scene of setting up the formation is not over yet, and it is far more complicated than imagined. Ye Yun keeps making seals one after another, condensing the formations, and thousands of formations are formed continuously, strengthening each other. , and another formation, incredible.

With such a heavy blessing, everyone can no longer see Ye Yun's figure, and feel that this formation is like a world, not only strong, but also profound and boundless, it is not something that true immortals and low-ranking immortals like them can figure out!

"The energy array is ready, Dad, let the qualified juniors of the tribe enter it to practice..."

About ten days later, Xin Wanling came into the sight of everyone, and said in front of Xin Congyang, Xin Congyang was almost oblivious, how had he ever seen such a large space, the energy continuously poured in, it was equivalent to direct empowerment, The real rise of the Xin family begins today.

"Wanling, this is the control token of the formation, you keep it!"

At this time, Ye Yun and Wan Hai flew over from the depths of the Forbidden Law World, grabbed a talisman and handed it to Xin Wanling, and Xin Wanling took the talisman and began to arrange it.

The immortals couldn't wait to get familiar with the space of the big formation, and some even started to practice on the spot!

Not long after, in the big formation, the world of forbidden law in the deep space.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

In the passage of Xuanguang, Li Moran, Yu Xuanji, Princess Shengtian, and Ximen Potian are flying into the central world from the outer formation. It is difficult to figure out the whole formation.

Like the four of them are still cultivators of Xuxian, once they fall into the big formation, they can only die!

"Your Highness!"

Flying out of the tunnel, I saw Ye Yun and Wan Hai sitting on a spiritual mountain in the middle of the boundless space in front of me. Li Moran took the lead and flew up. Ye Yun waved his hand, and the four of them sat beside them, enjoying the food prepared by Wan Hai. Immortal brew.

"Mo Ran, after I left, you have worked very hard for hundreds of years, and you have achieved today's achievements because of your own strength. I read you right. This is a top-grade magic pill. Yuan Zhiguo, plus decades of cultivation in this large formation, you will step from the virtual immortal to the great immortal, and the breakthrough will be even faster in the future, far more outstanding than ordinary geniuses!"

After chatting for a while, Ye Yun grabbed out a halo, which contained a top-grade marrow pill and a fruit of emptiness, and then flicked it towards Li Moran.

"My lord... these are all legendary treasures! Thank you so much, my lord!"

Although Li Moran is a virtual immortal, he has a very good understanding of the immortal world when he entered the immortal world. In the lower immortal world, ordinary divine marrow pills are supreme treasures, not to mention top-grade divine marrow pills, or even the fruit of virtual essence, which he has never heard of. However, if you know that the fruit of Xuyuan comes from the Gate of Nine Heavens, wouldn't you be horrified.

"These three treasures, you also follow!"

Without looking at Li Moran's expression, Ye Yun waved his hand again, and the three halos were so mysterious that Yu Xuanji, Princess Shengtian, and Ximen Potian couldn't predict it, so they flew in front of them.

Ye Yun looked at the three of them with sincere eyes: "You are already my relatives, Ye Yun. Looking back, when I needed help the most, you were the ones who helped me all the time. When I was able, I also helped you." I will do my best to help my loved ones!"

"Then we're welcome!"

Yu Xuanji first grasped and inhaled the two peerless treasures into her body, and then Princess Shengtian was also quite reserved, keeping the treasures away, while Ximen Potian had been researching the treasures for a long time.

Ye Yun's eyes were sharp, and suddenly he found that Yu Xuanji was a little melancholy, so he understood something, and comforted him: "Xuanji, I will go down to the world later, and bring a few senior sisters to the fairy world, don't worry, when your cultivation base increases, I will directly take everyone into the Sixth Layer Immortal Realm, and I am forming the Holy Dragon Party in the Sixth Layer Immortal Realm, from now on, you will work hard in the Holy Dragon Party and strive to build the Holy Dragon Party into the Taiyi Empire!"

Yu Xuanji showed Ye Yun's incomparably strict and tender expression again: "I really can't hide anything from you!"

"Anyway, you were my master back then!"

Ye Yun smiled, the world is really impermanent, who would have thought that Ye Yun's achievements today are so extraordinary, while the strong in the past are far behind, Ye Yun looked at Princess Shengtian again: "Princess, if you plan to develop Shengtian Dynasty, I will support you, and the lower world will naturally bring the core figures of the Shengtian Dynasty into the fairy world!"

"I'm a woman, what do I do with such a burden? The long-cherished wish of the older generation was over when I first met you. After I came to the fairy world, I want to live for myself and open up a supreme fairy road, holy heaven The dynasty and all the princesses are in the past!" Princess Shengtian said suddenly, it is not difficult to see that coming to the fairy world has changed her.

"Sister can take it easy..."

Yu Xuanji comforted her.

"Times have changed, indeed..."

Ye Yun smiled lightly, ascending to the fairy world, and being in the lower world are completely two worlds, for monks, the road of practice has only really begun, Ye Yun waved his hand and smiled boldly: "The things in the lower world have become the past, we must keep moving forward Look, that's right, I haven't introduced you yet, this is Fairy Wanhai, now like me, he is a disciple of Xumi Cave Heaven in the Sixth Layer Immortal Realm


Li Moran, Yu Xuanji, Princess Shengtian, and Ximen Potian immediately saluted Wanhai. Of course, they had doubts in their hearts, and they all knew that Wanhai and Ye Yun had a close relationship.

Wan Hai was very polite, her smile was as deep as the ocean, which made people daydream, and she nodded and smiled like a breeze: "Everyone, there is no need to be too polite!"

Everyone didn't expect Wanhai to be so eloquent, and they were stunned for a while before they came back to their senses.

After some hot chatting, everyone became more familiar, and soon returned to the atmosphere of being in the lower realm, and no longer felt that Ye Yun and Wanhai were superior, Ye Yun looked at Li Moran at this moment: "Mo Ran, you ascended late, How is the Taiyi Empire developing now?"

Li Moran said earnestly: "In less than a thousand years since your ascension to the fairyland, countless high-ranking powerhouses have risen, centered on the Taiyi Starfield and the Shenzhou Starfield, and continue to develop to all surrounding starfields, constantly conquering empires and forces, and also I met a lot of super masters, but they were all beheaded one by one, and now the imperial forces almost cover the entire Taiyi plane, truly unified, but there is a problem, that is, Yaohuangshan has started to act again!"

"Yaohuangshan? When I left with Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable, I greeted the masters of Yaohuangshan. They are a bunch of repeated villains. Knowing my strength in the Taiyi plane, they still dare to act presumptuously. Could it be... Yaohuangshan There are immortals beyond the Immortal Realm?" Ye Yun suddenly understood.

"What your lord thinks is true. It is the fairy-level masters who appeared in Yaohuangshan, who dared to be presumptuous, and even once blatantly attacked our Taiyi Empire. Unfortunately, they were beaten by the masters of the empire and fled. The heart is mechanical, the heart is safe, and sooner or later we will attack the plane again, and the lord will go down to the realm, just to refine the Yaohuangshan!" Li Moran admired Ye Yun, and Ximen Potian nodded repeatedly.

"Of course, if you don't get rid of this cancer, how can everyone practice in the fairy world with peace of mind?"

Ye Yun stood up at this time, waved his hand, and a beam of energy flashed out, looking at Li Moran, Yu Xuanji, Princess Shengtian, and Ximen Potian: "Come in quickly, I will wash the marrow for you!"


The four of them were not polite, and immediately flew into Guangyao, this is a rare opportunity in a thousand years!

"Ancient Xiaguang..."

Ye Yun immediately waved his hands, flew to the side of Guangyao, and made a series of dharma seals, from the Great Immortal Tribulation, the ancient laws of the heavenly tribulation, and the ancient Xiaguang slowly whirled out.

"This is an ancient power I got at the Gate of Nine Heavens. I don't know the name yet, but it is comparable to the power of the law of the Nine Layers of Immortal Realm. You will have an advantage over any immortal when you cultivate this energy!"

After casting the ancient glow, it slowly flew into Guangyao, and began to pour into the bodies of the four people. The four sat cross-legged to cast the seal, absorbed the ancient glow, and fused the energy in their bodies, and then came Ye Yun's floating voice: "Absorb slowly, wait a moment I will pass on an extremely powerful ancient qigong called the Da Luo Jin Immortal Physique, which is comparable to tenth-level qigong!"


With the disappearance of Ye Yun's voice, black impurities continuously gushed out of the four people's bodies, and explosions began to occur in their bodies. This kind of explosion was almost like breaking through a realm!


Explosions continued one after another, day after day, Li Moran, Yu Xuanji, Princess Shengtian, and Ximen broke into the fairyland, and the realm was only a low-level virtual fairy, which is equivalent to being in the fairyland, they are servants, and they are the lowest slaves. , now being transformed by Ye Yun with immortal king-level energy supernatural powers, the physical body will naturally undergo earth-shaking changes.

Moreover, Ye Yun couldn't release too much energy, the four people's weak realm and physical body couldn't bear it at all, and their good intentions would indirectly harm the four people.

Li Moran, Yu Xuanji, Princess Shengtian, and Ximen Potian accepted Ye Yun's personal infusion of energy into finely minced flesh. In the physical body, after taking the top-grade divine marrow pill, the result is that the body explodes and dies.

Everything is guided by Ye Yun's delicate thoughts.

It took ten days and ten nights for Li Moran, Yu Xuanji, Princess Shengtian, and Ximen to break the sky and transform their bodies. Originally, Ye Yun could be very fast, but the four of them are too weak to accept strong energy.

"Now I will plant the Da Luo Jin Immortal Physique into your primordial spirit ocean!"

With the disappearance of Guangyao, Ye Yun tapped his finger, and the four seals of the true text flooded into the minds of Li Moran, Yu Xuanji, Princess Shengtian, and Ximen Potian.

"Sure enough, it is a very advanced qigong... With our current cultivation, it is impossible to start practicing such a profound qigong!" Ximen Potian opened his eyes in disbelief.

Princess Shengtian's pupils were also full of shock: "It's true..."

"Okay, all of you are in this big formation, practice hard, refine the top-grade marrow pill and the fruit of Xuyuan, and I will go to the lower realm with Fairy Wanhai, and leave for a while, when we come back, all of us will get together again !"


While Li Moran, Yu Xuanji, Princess Shengtian, and Ximen Potian were immersed in the Da Luo Jin Immortal Body and the subtleties of ancient Qigong, Ye Yun and Wan Hai disappeared.

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