The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 700 Return to the Mortal Realm

"It's a pity... I can't sense Chi Yun's breath... It seems that Chi Yun must have obtained the Jade Immortal Armor in Yi Jiutian's hands, and then the upper realm took the last armor. With Chi Yun's ability to recover, it will not take long to restore the Immortal Emperor ..."

At this moment, within the territory ruled by the Xin family forces, on a mountain peak, Ye Yun had just bid farewell to Yu Xuanji and the others, and came to this space with Wan Hai, Ye Yun also began to sense the Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable. no result.

"It's impossible to meet Chi Yun in the Lower Immortal Realm...I feel like Chi Yun and I will meet again in the High Chong Immortal Realm soon!"

Ye Yun was full of disappointment, the relationship between Chi Yun and him was already like brothers, Ye Yun was still a little unaccustomed to Chi Yun's absence.

"Going to the lower realm so soon!?"

At this time, Xin Wanling turned into a stream of light and landed on the top of the mountain. When he saw Ye Yun and Wanhai waiting here, he asked unexpectedly.

Ye Yun said with a smile: "We will come back immediately when the matter in the lower realm is settled. For matters concerning the Fan Family, the Ao Family, and the Supreme Immortal Sect, you are enough!"

"They're just a bunch of chickens and dogs, I can't bear to part with you..." Xin Wanling said anxiously, a little annoyed.

Wan Hai immediately stepped forward, putting her delicate jade-like hands on Xin Wanling's, "He was joking with you, how could we not know my sister's thoughts? Your first task now is to take care of the family, and we will go to the world immediately." Yes, never parting, how can we meet again!"

Never parting, how could we meet again? Xin Wanling smiled knowingly. She stood in the wind and watched Ye Yun and Wanhai drift away with the wind.

"The energy of the first-level fairyland is too low-level, and it came to this boundless place in an instant... the familiar boundless place, when I ascended to the fairyland in the body of a mortal, from this boundless place, I encountered space storms and various dangers step by step! "

After about three breaths, Ye Yun and Wanhai flew out from the bottom of the huge energy layer of the first layer of immortality, and entered a chaos, full of nothingness and twisted endless chaotic time and space.


This kind of existence, no one knows the origin of the unbounded land, there is no law, only the natural force of the universe, the space storm can destroy any matter, even Ye Yun's current cultivation of the immortal king should be careful in the unbounded land, directly Facing a time and space without laws, who knows what kind of horror will emerge.

There is an unbounded land between the mortal world and the immortal world, and there is also an unbounded land between the immortal world and the god world. This is an insurmountable gap between the two worlds of life.

"It turns out that this is the unbounded land of the lower realm. I heard that in the unbounded land above the fairy world, there are a large number of relics and various substances that have fallen from the gods. Instead, there is nothingness, and there is only the original appearance of the universe!"

"With the energy of Unbounded Land, it is enough to destroy any matter between mortals and immortals!"

Wan Hai followed Ye Yun, and the two of them crossed the Boundless Land like nothingness, and kept falling. Of course, space storms, and all kinds of Boundless Land energies are not fatal to Ye Yun and Wan Hai!

Of course, if it is an ordinary virtual fairy or real fairy, they will not choose to go through the unbounded land and choose the teleportation array when they come down from the fairy world.

"Look, that's the mortal world. From the moment I left the first-level fairyland, I could sense the breath of the Taiyi plane. Now that I come to the unbounded land, this feeling is even stronger. It's a pity that in the high-level fairyland, the distance The mortal world is too far away, unless I reach the Immortal Emperor Realm, I won't be able to sense the existence of the Immortal Realm!"

Ye Yun released a powerful aura, constantly suppressing the power of the Unbounded Land, like a meteorite falling continuously, he couldn't help but see the faint energy layer in the depths below: "At the beginning, I fused the origin of the planes, but in fact, it was not a real fusion. In the plane, mortals can only integrate the essence of the plane, and use the essence to control part of the energy of the plane. At the beginning, the ability was limited, and there were still many problems that could not be solved for the plane. It is still somewhat difficult to completely refine the plane, after all, the mortal world is also a huge dust in the universe, and the immortal is also a human being, so if you want to completely merge with the matter of the universe, you must be a super emperor!"

"The universe is so wonderful, you and I are a single particle..." Wan Hai nodded in agreement.

Even if one of them reached the ninth level of the Immortal King, and the other reached the fifth level of the Immortal King, they would not dare to release it with all their strength, and of course Ye Yun didn't push Xiaoqian. means.

After almost half a day, the two finally arrived at the end of the Unbounded Land, and saw the energy layer of the mortal world, which is the so-called world boundary, appear in front of them. Ye Yun just blinked, and Wan Hai disappeared into it.

"In the mortal world, I, Ye Yun, have returned!!!"

In an instant, a brand new world appeared in front of Ye Yun and Wanhai, with bright stars, silver light in the sky, thousands of miles of Milky Way, countless swirls in the sky forming a picture scroll of galaxies, and a large number of planets embedded in the depths of the sky. There is no end in sight.

"The mortal world... Although the energy is not as strong as the fairy world, it is no less vast than the fairy world..." Wanhai felt the breath of the mortal world intimately. To her, the mortal world was full of earthy and real breath.

"I read countless ancient books in the fairy world, but I have never seen how vast the mortal world is... I never thought that with the strength of the fairy king, I still can't see so far away!"

Ye Yun used to think that with his current level of cultivation, he could see through the mortal world, but he was wrong, very wrong, the vastness and depth of the mortal world completely surpassed the limits of his understanding.

"Brother, according to the old master, although the energy of the mortal world is low-level, it is huge and boundless. Moreover, the material power of the mortal world is very strong, no less than that of the fairy world. To destroy it one step faster, even the old master himself has not traveled all over the mortal world!"

Just when Ye Yun was puzzled and amazed, Xiaoqian's lovely voice came from his body, as if he was everywhere.

"Old man Tianji is so supernatural. He can't understand the mortal world by drawing the coordinates of the world... It seems that even the super emperor can't know the fundamental existence of the world, and he needs to reach the supreme god...!"

In an instant, Ye Yun once again felt the hardships of cultivating truth. Thinking back from being a mortal flesh fairy to the great fairyland, he was still alone. Only through the vicissitudes of the universe can we truly understand the universe!"

Xiaoqian's childish voice came again: "Brother, Xiaoqian believes that the unfulfilled wishes of the old master everywhere can be fulfilled in your hands. The old master said that it is impossible to draw the world of mortals and the world of immortals with immortals in the fairy world." The complete coordinates of the old master... At the beginning, the old master was also a super emperor, a strong man standing at the peak of the fairy world, but it is still the case, just like the God Map itself, and now it is suppressed in a time and space that the old master has never been to. Brother must reach the supreme God, draw Xiaoqian as the number one god map in the universe!"


Ye Yun shook his head bitterly, then took Wanhai, who was admiring the beautiful scenery of the mortal world, and continued to fly to the depths. After about a dozen breaths, Ye Yun and Wanhai stood above a dazzling star field plane, and in the Further above, there is a star domain plane full of evil spirits: "The upper part is the Yaohuang Mountain plane, and the lower part is the Taiyi plane, my birthplace!"

Wan Hai smiled: "Well, I can already feel your aura... You said that there are quite a few immortal auras in this Yaohuangshan plane. Someone has established a teleportation array, and the aura of the demon clan is really strong!"

"As Wanling said, it's just a group of chickens and dogs. I'll take you to Chiyun City, which is where I was born!" Ye Yun suddenly pulled Wanhai into his arms, released his breath, and the two disappeared in the wireless starry sky. not see.


The Yinsha River five miles away from Scarlet Cloud City!

As time goes by, the Yinsha River still looks like a galloping giant python, with clouds and mist floating in the sky, and it feels like the giant python is rushing and hunting its prey!

The two figures appeared out of thin air, outside the forest, on a rock outside the river bank, it was Ye Yun and Wanhai. Ye Yun looked at everything he was familiar with. After thousands of years of vicissitudes, the Yinsha River still hadn't changed much. It is the river galloping faster and faster.

Wan Hai stretched out his arms, embraced nature, breathed the clean air in the morning, and muttered to himself: "Sure enough, there is your breath here, I can breathe it, it is very familiar, very close, very close, Fang Buddha is by my side, time Go by, the past is not the past!"

"More than 1000 years ago, I was here. Every morning, before dawn, it was still foggy, and sometimes there was light rain. I practiced iron fighting skills repeatedly on this river beach. At that time, for the sake of self-esteem and family , I don’t know hard work, I don’t know how tired I am, I just practice hard for a long time..."

The past is like a tide, constantly surging in his mind, what Wanhai said is right, the past has not become the past, every bit is the trace of practice, how miracles are permanently engraved in the depths of memory.

As if from time to time, Ye Yun could feel the severe pain brought by the iron strike, the coldness and numbness of the skin, no sweat, no tire, just to prove himself, and time can also prove that the persistence and tenacity in the past, now suddenly Looking back, it's worth being right, otherwise, Ye Yun wouldn't be standing here, watching the situation with a smile.

Ye Yun became more famous, and being able to stand here shows that in the future, the persistence of the past will be needed even more in order to truly be worthy of yesterday's hard work.

"Let's go to Scarlet Cloud City to see..."

Pulling Wanhai up, he made another move, and in an instant, the scene kept going backwards, and with just a breath, Ye Yun and Wanhai appeared in Chiyun City.

However, everything has changed since then, and Chiyun City was also built into Taiyi City back then, Ye Yun looked at the bustling Taiyi City and was deeply moved.

Scarlet Cloud City has completely disappeared, but some places still exist, such as Ye Yun's ancestral hall. Next to it, there is a huge Ye Mansion!

"Clap clap clap!"

Because it was still dawn, when Ye Yun and Wanhai walked past the Ye mansion, they heard familiar slapping sounds. Ye Yun immediately flew into the void with Wanhai, and at first glance, it turned out that it was in the Ye mansion, where morning exercises were being held. Hundreds of teenagers, bare to the waist, holding thick iron bars, are beating the flesh.

This is just like Ye Yun back then, they are practicing Iron Fighting Kung Fu and have received the excellent inheritance from Ye Yun's ancestors.

"You're so energetic!" Seeing this scene, Wan Hai gave a charming giggle and was completely overwhelmed.

"This is the good man of my Ye family. These are all methods of my father..." Ye Yun is also wholeheartedly at ease. Although things are different and there is no acquaintance, but the feeling will not change.

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