"A bunch of trash... useless!"

Jue Sha Peak, Yang Li and others stood pitifully in front of Yang Xingyuan with their hunched bodies, being scolded severely. At this time, several disciples from the inner court came, all of them were sixth-level earth immortals. The existence of elites among disciples is the same as Jing Wuhui's.

"I waited for a few people to complete the task and come back. This kind of thing happened. When did my Yang family fall to this point and be humiliated by a meat fairy ant?"

These high-ranking disciples in the inner court are all people who will take revenge, how can they tolerate Ye Yun.

Furthermore, the Yang family is an ancient giant beast at Xuanwu Gate, and they are protected by Shengyuan's disciples, and they are high above them. To them, Ye Yun is just a stepping stone. weak.

"Monitor his every move, look for opportunities... click!"

Members of the Yang family are full of hatred and never show mercy to their enemies.

The purpose of alarming the outstanding disciples in the inner court this time is to give the Jing family a bad start and raise the status of the Yang family.


Rakshasa Peak.

Chi Chi!

In the cave, in front of Ye Yun was a blood spear floating in front of him, standing upright in the void, setting Buddha Optimus Prime, propping up the heavens, Ye Yun was constantly making a series of seals according to the coagulation method, so that the blood spear would continue to intensify. thick, chaotic.

The Spear of the Blood Nether is completely condensed from true qi, and there are countless energies in the qi. Only after repeated training, all the energy is compressed into the purest true qi, and through continuous blessing, the spear of the blood ghost becomes a real one. However, with Ye Yun's current cultivation base, it is simply impossible to cultivate the body of the Blood Spear. Only a human fairyland or a real immortal can do it.

The Spear of the Blood Underworld comes from ancient times. It is an unworldly miracle created by ancient powers. It can strangle everything. When a spear is stabbed out, the world is in turmoil and the stars are dark. But if Ye Yun wants to exert the true power of the Spear of the Blood Underworld, he must at least Reaching the level of ancient power, suppressing the ages.

This time, he practiced for almost a full month. He used all the formation technique learned from Shengwutai to cultivate the energy of the Blood Spear, and even got out of control, completely immersed in the cultivation.

Ye Yun noticed that the token of the Lanfeng Sect was slightly shaken, and his heart was suspended for a moment. He took it out and took a look, and a deep voice came in: "There are a large number of Baishan Lingguo in the Xuanzhong Mountain Range, and immediately accept this task..."

"Baishan Lingguo, that kind of precious alchemy grass, is specially designed to neutralize the medicinal properties of the spirit pills, reduce the rejection, so that hundreds of kinds of spirit pills can be perfectly integrated."

Immediately, a spiritual herb such as Baishan Lingguo appeared in my mind. I remembered that it was recorded in the book that this kind of spiritual herb is an essential material for alchemy, and a kind of elixir without any repulsive side effects is a peerless treasure. The good spirit fruit happens to play this crucial role.

Even the Lanfeng Sect needs this kind of spiritual grass treasure.

"It just so happens that I want to cross the catastrophe. Although the Xuanzhong Mountains are not as good as the Broken Sword Mountains, they are full of dangers and there are many forbidden places. They are the holy places for me to cross the catastrophe. Most of the catastrophes are found by the elders of the Xuanwu Sect or the strong people of the same clan. I am alone. Facing the catastrophe of the sky, stepping out of the mortal world, and stepping into the earth fairy!"

"I heard that Xuanwu Sect will have merit points every time they complete a task. Once a certain standard is reached, they can be exchanged for magic weapons or even foundation building pills. Once they break through to the Earth Immortal, every level of the tenth level is very difficult. Some people can cultivate to the tenth level of the Earth Immortal. , It takes 1000 years of human time, and it takes hundreds of years for a genius, if you have a lot of Foundation Establishment Pills, your strength will increase, and your cultivation will naturally double, often many geniuses of big families will rise in this way."

"In the future, I will need a lot of foundation building pills, and other panaceas. There are only a few ways to get so many pills. You can either rely on merit points in exchange for them, or use demon crystal cores, and the second is to make alchemy by yourself. These three ways, only you can do it yourself. Alchemy is the kingly way, but it is very difficult and requires different fires, utensils, various spiritual herbs, etc.!"

Ye Yun analyzed calmly, thinking carefully.

"Brother, this is a bad situation. The Yang family's spies are wandering around Luosha Peak. It may be that I belong to the Yue family. We can't stay in Luosha peak in the future. After all, the Yue family has no inner court disciples. This matter cannot affect the whole family. Yue family."

Suddenly, Yue Li walked in in a hurry, with sweat on his face, he came to Ye Yun and said gruffly.

"There are countless families in the Xuanwu Sect. Among the mountains, the sea of ​​peaks is like an ocean. The Yang family is really powerful and can be found here. But brother, don't worry. They should not be sure now. I will leave now and lure them away. Yes. Now, I'm going to the Xuanzhong Mountains to cross the catastrophe, and I will pick up a task in a momentary change, big brother, you must wait for me to come back and help you cross the catastrophe." Ye Yun said confidently and worriedly.

Yue Li nodded, but he was still worried, even though he knew Ye Yun's strength: "If I think about it, as long as I stay behind closed doors, they can't come in and search with great fanfare. It's okay, I will practice in seclusion during this period, and try to reach the tenth level as soon as possible. Peak, but brother, you have to be careful when you go, there are very few meat fairyland disciples to take up the mission, and people from the Yang family will also make trouble for you."

"In Xuanwu Sect, I'm still a little afraid of the sect's rules. After all, killing the same sect will attract the elders. Once I'm outside, I can open the killing ring. Brother, take good care of yourself during this time!"

Immediately, a gust of wind blew by, and Ye Yun disappeared, leaving only Yue Li thinking alone.

Haotian Peak is located in the central mountain range of Xuanwumen, not far from Shengwufeng, and further into the center is the most mysterious holy place of Xuanwumen.

"Jing Wuming actually appeared in the direction of Haotian Peak, this guy, is he too self-righteous, to accept the mission even if he doesn't come to the fairyland?"

"He doesn't know that there is a sky beyond the sky, and there are people beyond people. We must keep a close eye on him."

Amidst the sea of ​​mist and mountains, several disciples from the outer court of the Yang family were flying at low altitude. A thousand meters away from them, a group of figures were flying towards a huge mountain peak.

Haotian Peak, as its name suggests, soars into the clouds, connects the sky and the sea, and puts Buddha in the same place with the sky. On the halfway up the mountain, there are various buildings, palaces, pavilions, pagodas, and castles. The top is indeed a huge circular palace, without the atmosphere of a palace, it looks very ordinary.

And in the void, some people climbed along the mountain road, and there were also strong people above the fourth level of the earth immortal who flew down directly, and there were also monks of the third level of the earth immortal who flew in the sky with flying swords, shuttling endlessly.

Although Ye Yun has the third level ability of beheading and killing earth immortals, he does not reach the fourth level of earth immortals. Only when he reaches the fourth level can he have the ability to fly in the air. In the lower realms, he can only use magic weapons or fly for a short time.

Especially at the fifth level of the Earth Immortal, after cultivating the cave, you can fly for a long time, cross the ocean, go to many islands and even the North Sea, but to truly have no shackles, unless you break through the celestial, celestial, in ancient times, it was a half-immortal, Possesses the power to destroy heaven and earth.

Haotian Hall, a huge square, was crowded with tens of thousands of people, and most of them were inner court disciples or even outstanding disciples. Outer court disciples were rare here, let alone flesh immortals.

"Five top-grade foundation building pills, I hope to break through to the next level."

Several inner court disciples happily walked out of the main hall and came to the square. They were all figures of the fifth and sixth levels of Earth Immortals, and the leader was even an outstanding disciple, the Seventh Level of Earth Immortals.

One of them howled and laughed suddenly: "I'm not mistaken, a disciple of the Ninth Layer Outer Court of the Meat Immortal came here, maybe he wants to accept the task."

"Haha, I don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth." The others laughed loudly.

"Brother Wang, don't underestimate that person. This person's name is Jing Wuming. He has been in the limelight recently. He is known as a genius. He can kill the third level of the earth immortal in the realm of the flesh fairy. Once he breaks through the earth immortal, he may be able to kill the fourth level. A five-level powerhouse." A few disciples from the inner courtyard of the Liu family came to the side.

"He really is Jing Wuming. I've seen this person before, and judging by his aura, he is definitely not a vegetarian." At this time, the square exploded, and many people pointed at Ye Yun and discussed.

"The Jing family has produced geniuses, and there are also three disciples of the Holy Court, Jing Tianxia, ​​Jing Youfang, and Jinghuang. If this child grows up, the Jing family will be in trouble..."

"The Yang family has only one Yangjue, whose realm is the same as Jing Youfang's, and he is at the second level of immortality. However, Jing Huang of the Jing family is an invincible strongman at the fourth level of heavenly immortality. If you really want to fight, Yangjue can only die."

"Brother, you don't know, but Yang Jue is very close to Xiang Ying. That Xiang Ying is also at the fourth level of the Celestial Immortal. It is rumored that he is sprinting to the fifth level. I think the people of the Yang family are so presumptuous because they have the support of the Xiang family. , give the Yang family a hundred courage, and dare not offend the Jing family."

"There is Yang Jue, and there is Xiang Ying... This Jing Wuming is doomed. Both Xiang Ying and Jing Huang are peerless geniuses. They are high above the others, so they probably won't fight for a weak person, right?"

"Emperor Jing, Xiang Ying, Bai Qiuhen...they are the real geniuses of the Xuanwu Sect. People like Lord Tiantian and Qin Qing would have been beheaded if they hadn't had their backing. Xuanwu sect genius."

For a while, there were all kinds of chattering voices in the square.

"This is the Xuanwu Sect, where the inner court disciples and outstanding disciples gather together, but my current strength is too weak to withstand the outstanding disciple's move, and the elite among the inner court disciples can also kill me. At this time, I must bear it! "

Hearing all kinds of voices, Ye Yun walked on the road silently, the ancient well was silent, just like mosquitoes were biting, he dared not offend any of these people, but he would not be bullied in vain.

"Stop, I heard that the Jing family has recently produced a talent, Jing Wuming, is that you?"

Under the eyes of tens of thousands of eyes, more than a dozen blue-robed disciples openly blocked Ye Yun's way.

The leader is a chubby 25-year-old blue-robed youth, tall and tall, with thick eyebrows and small eyes, and looks like a rat-headed rat.

"Look, isn't this the new generation genius of the Huang family, Huang Qi?"

"This Huang Qi is amazing. The first level of Earth Immortal can kill the second level, and now it is the third level of Earth Immortal. It is rumored that in a mission not long ago, he killed a fourth level of Earth Immortal casual cultivator."

"There are two peerless geniuses of the Huang family behind him, Huang Jifan and Huang Jiyu, the only pair of brothers in the Xuanwu sect, they are absolutely gorgeous."

For a while, many people were afraid of getting into trouble, but most of them sat happily waiting for the good show to be staged.

Ye Yun was unremarkable, looked at Huang Qi and said, "Is there something wrong?"

Huang Qi stretched his waist: he took a breath, he didn't seem to regard Ye Yun as a shoulder-to-shoulder figure at all: "Recently you have been in the limelight, and you have become the name of a new generation of geniuses, but I, Huang Qi, as a leader among geniuses, naturally have to try Try your best."

"What if I don't want to?" Ye Yun still looked calm.

"Then don't blame me for being rude, what kind of shit genius, today, I will abolish your title of genius." Huang Qi was tyrannical and tyrannical.

At this time, a third-level disciple of the Earth Immortal walked out from Huang Qi's side. He smiled disdainfully and pointed at Ye Yun, his eyes full of contempt: "This is not where meat immortals can come, meat immortals? Ants, if you step on them casually, you will be killed!" Daqun, idiots, go away."


As soon as this person left, there was a slap mark on his face.

"So fast..."

There was a sigh of relief in the square.

Ye Yun returned to the original place, smiled lightly, and ignored everything: "People have human nature, dogs have dog nature, if you are a dog, just be honest and don't bite everywhere."

"You're not too brave!"

Huang Qi is no longer absent-minded, with murderous intent in his eyes, full of anger, he walks out step by step, and the aura of the earth fairy continues to erupt.

"Looking for death!" Huang Qi stepped forward suddenly, and an electric dragon gushed out of his body. Huang Qi jumped high, and stepped on the electric dragon to pounce on Ye Yun.

"The trump card came out, it's the advanced qigong in the fairyland, and the thunder dragon rushes to the sky." Everyone felt the air freeze, their hearts stopped beating, and they were all looking forward to what Ye Yun would do next.

"Overlord armor!"

Ye Yun didn't move in place, he didn't use any means of attack, but a pair of blood armor appeared all over his body. Horns protruded from both shoulders of the armor, and there were several ancient patterns on the armor.

Boom... chi chi.

The Thunder Dragon hit the Bawangjia like a meteorite, and the Bawangjia didn't move at all, as stable as Mount Tai, but the thunder dragon roared and scattered, entangled the Bawangjia fiercely, as if it would be torn apart, and the sound of electric current breaking through the wind made the heart beat faster.


Ye Yun's big foot shook, and a surge of zhenqi burst out instantly, shaking the thunder and lightning a foot away, and even Huang Qi was overturned in embarrassment, almost falling to the ground.

"Stop it all, this place is the Haotian Temple, whoever dares to be presumptuous, don't blame it for being ruthless."

When Huang Qi was about to attack again, a flood-like voice came from Haotian Hall, directly rushing towards Ye Yun and Huang Qi, shocking all the disciples present to resist luckily.


Huang Qi spat out a mouthful of blood, and stepped back ten steps, his face was bloodless, he looked at Haotian Palace solemnly, and hummed unconvinced: "Heavenly Immortal, hateful Law Enforcer..."

"This is the power of a celestial being... just one breath can drown me..."

The overlord armor almost disappeared from Ye Yun's body, and his face was extremely pale. At this moment, Ye Yun urgently needed strength like never before. Only being strong can he not be humiliated like just now.

Although to others, this is not considered humiliation, it is just a punishment from the elders, but to Ye Yun who is proud and arrogant, it is a kind of shame.

"Jing Wuming, the relationship between you and me has been concluded, and we will never die!" Huang Qi was furious, full of hatred. In front of thousands of people, he couldn't take Ye Yun down. The disciples left angrily.

There are many people like Huang Qi in the square, who want to use Ye Yun to make a name for themselves, but they are all dumb now, no one dares to have such an idea.

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