"The law enforcers are really impolite. They directly attacked the two of them. Fortunately, they were only verbal punishment."

"Word punishment... You didn't see it just now, Huang Qi vomited blood. In contrast, Jing Wuming is safe and sound. If you can take the punishment of the punisher, even you and I can't do it!"

"Huang Qi is defeated, and the Huang family will definitely embarrass Jing Wuming in the future! This Jing Wuming is indeed worthy of the word "genius". Among the new generation, he is not as good as Qin Qing and Lord Baitian, and he is also considered first-class. He is a character, when he breaks through the fairyland, Xuanwumen will be even more lively!"

The crowd gradually dispersed, talking and talking endlessly.

"Brother Lei, it's really not easy for a flesh fairy disciple to be able to withstand a layer of your skill."

"He has a lot of true energy in his body, and he has used the meat fairy kung fu skills like a fire. He is a seedling and needs to be practiced. He is too sharp, which is not a good thing, and he is easy to be strangled halfway."

In the depths of Haotian Peak's sea of ​​clouds, it's hard to tell whether it's the void or another time and space. Two golden eyes shot directly at the square, gaining insight into every detail.

"After a few months in Xuanwumen, I have only seen so many elite disciples in Haotian Peak, and in Scarlet Cloud City, there are only a handful of meat immortal monks, but here, there are many strong people in the fairyland..."

Sweeping around, Ye Yun felt like a deep ocean, like a small boat, small and weak, the Xuanwu Gate is indeed the first gate in the Ziyu Continent, with so many immortal disciples, sweeping the mainland is a trivial matter.

And in a certain space of Haotian Peak, Ye Yun vaguely felt that there were a few powerful auras from the sky, ethereal and indeterminate. This kind of power transcended the mundane and was in the torrent of time and space. Yun's body has long been washed with the breath of a fairy, and he can communicate with the universe in the dark.

This kind of character is the real mainstay of Xuanwumen.

Anybody can fight for the hegemony of the mainland and become a king. Fortunately, monks are not based on secular power, but on the way of heaven, the way of humanity, and transcending reincarnation.

Like many monks of the Bai family, most of them aim to fight for power and profit. They possess power for the sake of territory and supremacy of imperial power. People like them will never be able to open their eyes and see the other side of the starry sky.

"All kinds of tasks are engraved on the wall, choose by yourself."

The central hall is a six-story hall suspended in the center, almost all of which are made of jade. On the central jade platform, dozens of disciples of Haotian Peak are dispatching tasks to everyone.

"Xuanzhong Mountain Range, Baishan Spiritual Fruit, Level [-] mission..."

Ye Yun looked at the jade wall several feet high, on which tasks were clearly and neatly arranged, and the characters were condensed with true energy, like little tadpoles swimming slowly.

At this time, Ye Yun was uncertain. He knew that there were seven levels of tasks. The outer court disciples usually choose the first and second level tasks, while the inner court disciples only choose the third level tasks. The higher the level, the higher the difficulty factor, and the easier it is to fail. And it is possible to die at the weight of the task.

Xuanwu disciples, disciples of the outer court are below the third level of earth immortals, disciples of the inner court are below the sixth level of earth immortals, and outstanding disciples are below the tenth level of earth immortals. As for the disciples of the holy court, all of them are in the realm of heaven.

For third-level missions, disciples from the fourth to sixth-level Earth Immortals will only accept the inner court disciples, while disciples from the outer court will accept the third-level missions. Eight out of ten people will fail, and only one person will succeed, and it still depends on luck.

"Old man Tianhong... asked me to take on such a difficult task. Could it be that he wants to see how my strength has improved during my time at Xuanwumen? Is he trying to use the task to test my strength?"

After careful consideration, I understood the general idea in my heart.

Although the Baishan Lingguo is extremely important to every Taoist sect, the Lanfeng Sect is the largest sect in the North Sea, and there is no shortage of resources. Even if the Lanfeng Sect branch of the Ziyu Continent lacks spiritual herbs, they can let their disciples collect them. Why bother? There must be a reason for the large fee charter.

"Tianhong Taoist...Hua Tianci, let me sneak into Xuanwumen, and carefully calculate everything. What do they want me to do? Or what do they want from Xuanwumen? At least, Xuanwumen has something they want or are afraid of. Existence..." After repeated consideration and analysis, Ye Yun felt that everything was not as easy as he imagined.

Standing in the queue, after waiting for a long time, it was finally Ye Yun's turn, took out Jing Wuming's identity token, and handed it to an old man with long beards: "Third-level task, Baishan Lingguo."


The old man and several other old men around him looked at Ye Yun with disbelief in their eyes, and some even laughed at Ye Yun for being overconfident.

"Flesh Immortal... You read that right, a disciple of the Ninth Layer of the Meat Immortal Outer Court dared to accept the mission of the inner court disciple."

"Hey...it must be another young master from a great family. With a big backer, he is not afraid of the sky and the earth. He doesn't know the heights of the sky and the depth of the earth, and he sees the world too small."

Countless disciples who were queuing up to receive the task were talking about Ye Yun. Naturally, they said that Ye Yun was young and arrogant, and some people slandered him, and they all regarded it as a big joke.

"Don't underestimate him. He is Jing Wuming. He defeated Huang Qi just now. You have all heard about Huang Qi. The elite of the new generation of disciples, the Earth Immortal Triple Layer, was defeated by him."

"Could it be that he is Jing Wuming who beheaded the disciples of the Yang family with three moves last time at Shengwutai?"

"It's him, who has become famous now and has become the target of many talented elites who want to stand up. Huang Qi is one of them. Who wants to lose the battle, but after this incident, Jing Wu's name has become famous, and he will suffer More hostile."

Many outer court disciples recognized Ye Yun at a glance. As disciples of the same outer court, they were secretly observing each opponent's every move and knew everything well. If they encountered each other in the future, they would be dumb. There are intra-door competitions, and only by clearly grasping everyone will have the upper hand in the future.

In the blink of an eye, the name of Jing Wuming also spread in Haotian inner hall.

"You can actually defeat Earth Immortal Sanchong. Your name is Jing Wuming, right? In the new generation, you can be regarded as a seedling. Since you voluntarily accept the third-level mission, the old man will record it for you, but I want to remind you in advance that the Xuanzhong Mountains are not only There are a large number of high-level monsters and even evil spirits, even inner court disciples are rarely willing to go, this time there are only dozens of people who accept the task, and all of them are elite disciples of the inner court."

The eyes of the old man with beards are still indifferent, with this expression, it seems that Ye Yun can't complete this task at all: "But the credit points are quite high, one hundred good fruits can be exchanged for one credit point."

Ye Yun remained silent, looked up and saw the three big characters Jing Wuming appeared behind the task.

"You can go with the team, or you can go alone, go." The old man didn't want to waste any more words, he shook his hand, and the next disciple immediately bumped Ye Yun away.

Walking out of the Haotian Palace, countless people looked at Ye Yun with amazed eyes, pretending that there was no one there, Ye Yun silently walked down the stone path, gradually going away.


Xuanzhong Mountains, located in the deep southwestern border of the mainland, is a territory where humans are extinct. Except for monks, not a single inch of land belongs to mortals.

"It took half a month to reach the land of Western Xinjiang. The Xuanzhong Mountains should be on the upper left. Below this land, there are a lot of monsters. Just in time, I want to use the spear you want to sacrifice to refine the blood to sharpen your edge."

In front of the cliffs of the Chongfeng Mountains, Ye Yun was wearing a blue robe from the disciples of the Xuanwumen Outer Court, panting heavily with sweat on his face, and had been traveling non-stop for several days, almost exhausted.

At this time, only the sea of ​​clouds is left with the Buddha in the world, and a series of mountain peaks poke out their heads above the sea of ​​clouds, like a shy girl, mysterious and beautiful.

Flying into the forest, Ye Yun was not in a hurry to find the Hundred Good Fruits. As long as he got one of those things, he would be able to do business. Taking the opportunity to cultivate is the kingly way, to hone his strength, break through the tenth level, and eliminate the dust.

Aww... Aww!

A large forest was destroyed, and on the ruins, more than 200 tiger-shaped monsters were surrounded by more than [-] monster wolves.

The tiger is the king of the forest and the lord of all beasts, and wolves are weaker than tigers, but ten wolves can kill one tiger.

A tiger-shaped monster, about two meters high, about the same height as a giant human being, about five meters long, with a snow-white body and a tail like a thunderclap. It has fangs that grow out of its big mouth, more than a foot long. long.

Xuejinghu, a high-level monster, the overlord of the forest, leads a group of monsters.

In contrast, the demon wolf is only 1.5 meters tall, with a strong body, shiny black hair, erect ears, blood red eyes, and blood-red bone spurs on its limbs, like half a moon in the starry sky, extremely sharp.

This is the Bone Moon Demon Wolf, an existing species in the wolf clan.

With Aowao roaring up to the sky, the Buddha was about to be called Potiandong, shaking the ruined forest violently, directly changing the air flow in the void, the air flow was like a flood, rushing in all directions, and one by one the ancient trees were destroyed and buried. The area of ​​the ruined forest has expanded by a full third.

Da da da!

The bone moon wolf attacked in an instant, like a galloping horse, trampling dust all over the sky.

"It's Xue Jinghu and the bone moon demon wolf who are fighting each other, and I'm going to take advantage of it in the end!"

A few hundred meters away, Ye Yun was sitting on an umbrella-shaped ancient tree, staring at the dusty forest ruins with relish: "Xue Jinghu is a high-level mature monster, relatively immortal, and most of the bone moon monster wolves are It is the advanced juvenile stage, only a few of them are in the growth stage, this battle will not be over for a while."

Ye Yun began to practice meticulously.

Sure enough, the battle of monsters and beasts was a war of attrition. It took six days and six nights for all the Xuejing tigers to be killed by the bone moon monster wolf. Half of the bone moon monster wolves died, and most of them were seriously injured. It can be called a disastrous defeat.

At a glance, the ruins of the forest turned into a sea of ​​blood, corpses lying in the ruins, like hell, endless killing, never ending.

"Blood Spear!"

Ye Yun went to the battlefield, facing dozens of bone moon monsters, calmly, if there is no blood gun, maybe Ye Yun is a little afraid, and will use the snake spirit flying armor to deal with it.


The pack of wolves let out a deep and soul-stirring growl, and all the Bone Moon monsters stood up, looking forward, above the empty ruins, a human was walking step by step with a blood-red spear in hand.


Stepping out with one step, he flew [-] meters in an instant, and appeared in the center of the battlefield. Facing a huge wolf that was similar to himself, Ye Yun stabbed out without hesitation or fear.


The blood gun was indestructible, a shot pierced the wolf's hard body, blood flowed along the blood gun, and the terrifying gun exploded in the wolf's body in an instant.

Pulling out the Xueming Spear, the monster died instantly. Ye Yun's eyes were indifferent, his figure flashed, and another spear stabbed out, piercing a hole in the head of the other monster wolf. With a twist, the Xueming Spear spun rapidly, Crush the wolf's head into pieces, turning it into a headless body.


Several bone moon demon wolves pounced on Ye Yun at the same time, as if they had sensed that this small human being had hidden supernatural powers, they gathered together again and attacked him in groups.

"As expected of an ancient miracle, come on, let's kill!"

With one swing of Ye Yun's spear, he pierced through the body of a demon wolf, and then, like a god of war, he directly rushed to kill the pack of wolves.

Such as the second and third levels of Earth Immortals, the powerful bone moon monsters, in front of the blood spear, are so weak, as if they are afraid, they shatter with a light tap.

In the shadow of the gun, there are wisps of sacred halo.

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