The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 72 The Danzong Ruins from China


Like a giant stomping, Ye Yun stepped on the ground, cracks appeared, several bone moon monster wolves around were trapped in it instantly, unable to shake, Ye Yun stabbed out with a radiant light, and the monster died.

Looking around, there are more corpses of monster wolves, and there are only a dozen or so dying monster wolves around. They showed despair and started to run away, but they were chased and killed by Ye Yun all the way, and they lost their demon power because of Ye Yun's iron-blooded wrist .

"It's a quick kill. The melting furnace of the Blood Palace is endless. It seems to be integrated with the blood spear in the dark. Such an ancient miracle is earth-shattering."

The fighting spirit is endless, Ye Yun feels that at this moment, even if he is a fourth-level Earth Immortal, he can kill him with a single shot, even if he is a fifth-level Earth Immortal, he can't beat the Blood Underworld Spear. Know your physical strength.

"You all go to hell together!"


People are like shooting stars, spears are like gods of the underworld, with one spear stabbing out, taking their lives, with just one breath, more than a dozen bone moon monsters are all killed by the spear of blood ghosts, they cannot resist the power of the spear of blood ghosts at all, it is really appalling, Ye Yun It is estimated that even the low-level magic weapon is nothing more than that, and even surpasses the power of the low-level magic weapon.

"The Spear of the Blood Underworld seems to have a desire to reap life. Putting Buddha to kill all living things is not comparable to a magic weapon. From now on, the Spear of the Blood Underworld will be my real killer, because it is the nemesis of living beings."

It's a pity that Ye Yun's cultivation base is too low. If he surpasses the human immortal, he is the kind of ancient immortal in the rumors, and he will know the origin of the blood spear.

The next step is to collect the demon crystal core.

After taking all the demon crystal cores, Ye Yun took a look, there were nearly [-] of them, and they were all high-level demon crystal cores, which could be exchanged for a small amount of foundation building pills and magic weapons.

"Once these demon crystal cores are exchanged for Foundation Establishment Pills, they should be able to break through the Tenth Level of the Meat Immortal. Well, the Xuanzhong Mountain Range..." After everything was cleaned up, Ye Yun continued on his way.


This is a cold pool that has been drained of water. At the bottom of the pool, a bronze gate seals some ancient existence, and there are several corpses lying at the bottom of the cold pool. The wounds are still bleeding, and they seem to have just been killed.

These corpses were dressed strangely and wore colorful robes, but each of them turned out to be strong earth immortals at the ninth or tenth level, and even three of them were strong heavenly immortals.

"Raksha ghost, these powerful men from China have been secretly beheaded by you and me. You don't represent the Raksha Temple, and I don't represent the Purple Clothes Pavilion. Between you and me, we should be able to resolve the conflict temporarily, right?"

"A woman's heart is as poisonous as a scorpion, Suyiren, why should I believe you? This is the ruins of the Pill Sect, and the treasures inside are like a city. Whoever gets it will be able to become a strong man surpassing the master of the Xuanwu Sect after a thousand years."

On the cold pool, about twenty people from two sides stood facing each other, one side was covered in purple clothes, all masked, and the other side was wearing a black robe with a huge skull on top of the black robe.

Purple clothes and mask, this is the status symbol of Ziyi Pavilion in Ziyu Continent.

Black robes and skeletons, these are the symbols of the Raksha Temple, the three major killer organizations.

The leader of the Ziyi Pavilion is a thin, slender and small masked man, and behind him are a group of masked women, the masked leader sneered and said: "I'm Suyi, I'm a girl, are you still worried?"

"Although I don't know that you are cruel and merciless, Suyi, I, the Raksha ghost, are not fools. I seek skins from tigers. In this way, we will enter the Danzong ruins together. Whoever finds all the treasures will count, how?" There are many middle-aged people with ghost patterns, and their bodies are slightly hunched.

Suyiren was silent for a while, then nodded and said: "Okay, one word is an enemy."

"The wounded, stay on it to recuperate, and the rest, go!" Raksha Ghost gave an order, leading seven or eight people to fly into the ruins.


Suyi blinked at the injured, his eyes were indifferent, the pupils were black, as if they were a pool of stagnant water, and immediately led a group of masked women to fly down one after another.

"I don't know what made the gate of the ruins. Although it is old and corroded, even you and I can't open it. Fortunately, there is a map."

The ancient bronze disciples were covered with green embroidery, and the Raksha ghost and the Suyi people were following an ancient animal skin picture, searching on the stone wall, when the Suyi people suddenly found something, raised their hands, and the bronze suddenly opened with a bang, a burst of The dust rushed towards him, and the Raksha ghost led the Raksha Temple killer to enter first.

Without hesitation, Suyi led his men into the ancient ruins.


In the sky above the cold pool, three black shadows shot out in an instant, and there were several hissing sounds. Seven or eight wounded killers in Ziyi Pavilion and Luosha Temple were all killed by the snake spirit flying armor in one breath.

"What a ruin, it's still the Danzong legacy!"

Ye Yun flew to the top of the ruins in an instant, took back the snake spirit flying armor, and looked down: "The Danzong ruins are rare in a thousand years. In the history of the Ziyu Continent, they only appeared once or twice, and almost all of them were acquired by Xuanwumen, so they became the overlord of one party. However, the leaders of the Rakshasa Palace and the Purple Clothes Pavilion are all peerless figures at the second level of the Celestial Immortal, it would be too risky for me to go on like this..."

"Wealth and wealth are in danger. Cultivators are against the sky. I want to snatch food from the tiger's mouth!" Ye Yun turned around and came to the killer's corpse, put on his clothes, and used the bone-changing skill to transform into a killer.

"These people come from Shenzhou, which is a paradise for monks. But coming here to hunt for treasures is considered a foreign land. I know you don't feel at ease when you die, but I still want to refine you. Three celestial beings and one corpse, this power is really great tonic!"

Ye Yun unequivocally put all the corpses into the black evil spirit gourd, leaving no one left, then jumped down, flew into the ruins, and landed in front of the half-covered bronze gate in an instant, the ancient ruins carefully isolated from the world world.

"Old Jiu, why are you here?"

As soon as he came to the underground palace and turned the corner, Ye Yun happened to bump into a few killers from the Raksha Temple at the end of the team, one of them was quite surprised to see Ye Yun.

"My injury is almost healed, I want to come down and do my best, and we must pay attention to Ziyi Pavilion's change in the middle." Ye Yun quickened his pace and said in front of several people, without any flaws, calm and composed.

"The leader also ordered us to continue to set off."

The Raksha Temple killer and Ye Yun set off together, and the Ziyi Pavilion killer was on the other side. They were all slender and well-proportioned, and they should all be of national beauty.

Chi Chi!

"Everyone, be careful, you touched the mechanism!"

In front of the darkness, there was a sudden shout. Before everyone had time to react, a wave of flying arrows shot out from the darkness. The people in front were caught off guard and were hit by arrows one after another. The killers behind them all got down and dodged in time.

"Oh my god, it's poisonous... help me!"

The four shot killers were lying on the ground practicing kung fu to heal their injuries, but suddenly their faces turned black, and bursts of poisonous gas swept through their bodies, instantly turning into four black men and mummified corpses.

"Old ghost, can you see the origin of these poisons? It can even poison people of the eighth and ninth ranks of earth immortals. From this point of view, even heavenly immortals must be poisoned to death."

When Suyiren and Rakshasa ghost came to the corpse, everyone stepped aside immediately. Suyiren took a look at it, but exhaled lightly, and swept away the poisonous gas from the four of them.

"Sure enough, he is a peerless and powerful immortal. It feels like he can inhale a mountain with just one breath." On the side of Rakshasa Hall, Ye Yun stood at the end of the crowd, seeing Su Yiren's methods, he was shocked to heaven.

The Raksha ghost looked at the side carefully, and said with lingering fear: "Just now they explained that the owner of the ancient tomb was their ancestor, a great alchemy sect in Shenzhou. Refining poison, I'm afraid even a celestial being will die."

"Human Immortal..."

Everyone gasped, their hairs stood on end in shock when they heard it.

Immortals, high above, belong to the legendary characters, all of them are amazing, and they are all immortals who live for tens of thousands of years. It often takes a thousand years to cultivate to become a fairy, and it takes thousands of years for a fairy to become a human. In ten thousand years, most of the monks died in the long years.

Millions of people practice at the same time and reach the realm of human immortality. I am afraid that there is only one person, maybe there is not even one person. Human immortality means invincibility, represents the world, and only human immortals exist in the whole world.

For example, in the Lanfeng Sect, it is said that the suzerain is a human immortal who stands tall in the sky and covers the sky with one hand.

"Human Immortal... surpasses the existence of Uncle Han, it's a pity that I don't have the chance to see it, what a pity!" Ye Yun was slightly stunned, as if he had other thoughts in his heart.

"It's dangerous to go here, be careful!"

The Raksha ghost shouted loudly and continued to lead the crowd on the road.

With the experience of the poisonous arrow just now, every step since then has been cautious, no one dares to be careless, the heavenly immortals will die here, and they, the earth immortals, will undoubtedly die, each of them knows it well.

Suyiren and Luochagui are the highest cultivation among the crowd, and they are also the only two heavenly immortals. Fortunately, they are the second-tier heavenly immortals. Along the way, they found many traps and cracked them, so that everyone was safe.

“It smells so good!”

"It smells so strong. When it arrives, there must be countless pills in it. The pills refined by the Immortal Pill Sect, even if you smell it, you will have a sense of immortality."

Gradually, the crowd twisted and turned, and finally came to the front of an empty underground palace. In front of them, there was a dark underground palace covered with moss. It may be that the underground palace arranged by the immortals in ancient times has also avoided A damp and moldy fate, but there is an invigorating medicinal fragrance in the air.

"Look, what is that..."

A Rakshasa Temple killer suddenly pointed at the top of the underground palace. On the big pillar, there was a big black cauldron, emitting colorful lights from it.

"Oh my god, that...that's the alchemy cauldron, the alchemy cauldron used for alchemy, it's priceless, even the Xuanwumen, there are only a few, and this alchemy cauldron is made by immortals, whoever gets it, then It is to obtain the entire Purple Jade Continent and control all monks with pills!"


Unexpectedly, before the two leaders of Luocha Temple and Ziyi Pavilion took the lead, these subordinates rushed up greedily one by one, forgetting what they had done.


At this time, the Raksha ghost and the Suyi people looked at each other with a tacit understanding, and they both shouted the word "kill" at the same time, which was shocking, and the two gods actually made a move.


The two powerful forces of heaven collided together, like a meteorite hitting the sun, exuding a force that would destroy the world, like a flood rushing towards the ancient tomb in all directions.


At that moment, Ye Yun released the Overlord Armor to protect his body, but facing the power of the celestial being, the Overlord Armor instantly disappeared, the remaining power of the celestial being swept over Ye Yun, and his whole body hit the wall of the ancient tomb, spitting out blood, moaning feebly with.

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