This is Ye Yun's first time facing the power of a celestial being, which makes him feel so small, and what's even more ridiculous is that this is just the power of a celestial being, such as a look, even a single look can't be resisted.

Celestial Immortals surpassed Earth Immortals. In ancient times, they were monks who were truly fellow immortals.

The last time at Haotian Peak, the sound of the law enforcers made Huang Qi vomit blood, and that time, Ye Yun was still able to resist, but now he is within the attacking range of the Celestial Immortal, so naturally he can't parry it.

puff puff...

Around the ancient totem stone pillar, the killers of the two parties killed the ghosts and gods, and fell to the ground one by one with blood. These people are all the most elite killers of Ziyi Pavilion and Raksha Temple. Even in Xuanwumen, they are outstanding disciples.

"Suyi, bitch, the old ghost wants to capture you alive, refine you, and make you my slave. You will be ravaged by me every day, and you can enjoy yourself whenever you want!"

The Raksha ghost stepped back a few steps, full of evil spirits, staring at Suyiren's proud figure, like a hungry wolf staring at its prey.

"Old ghost, you who have always cultivated evil skills, today I will make you perfect, let you become a ghost forever, and you will not be reborn forever. You will suffer in hell. There is a blood furnace there, and you will be boiled with blood forever." , with a sudden shock, gusts of true energy shot towards the Raksha ghost like curtains, and the brilliance flowed.

"Ghost blood weeps!"

A series of blood-colored ghosts shot out from the Rakshasa ghost. These ghosts were condensed with very high-level true energy, hundreds of times higher than the magical powers of the earth fairyland.

"It seems that the calculation was wrong this time!"

Ye Yun immediately fled to the corner, the aura of the two celestial masters alone was enough to shock him to death, so as not to harm Chi Yu, he dodged early.


The two forces wrestled together, forming a storm to run wild in the underground palace. Suyi people and Raksha ghosts fought each other in the two auras, wandering around, and any objects that touched their power instantly turned into Powder, even swallowed directly, but the stone wall of the underground palace is still as stable as Mount Tai, motionless.

In the dark underground palace, there are fighting flames everywhere, sometimes up and down, sometimes left and right.

"Get me down!"

An Earth Immortal tenth-level super strong man, entangled by a strong man of the same realm, greedily looked at the alchemy tripod in the sky, unexpectedly raised the sword in his hand, and slashed at the ancient stone pillar with one sword.


With a sneer, the sword energy cut off the stone pillar with ease. In an instant, everyone rushed towards the falling Danding, but at this moment, there was a creaking sound of the door closing.

"Is there a mechanism?"

Looking back, Ye Yun couldn't wait to run towards the bronze gate, but the gate was still firmly closed, his body was cold, how majestic the underground palace arranged by immortals is, can he still get out?

However, Ye Yun didn't have time to think about going out at the moment. When he turned around and the moment the bronze gate closed, the ancient stone pillar turned into a shocking light and exploded directly. The majestic force rushed directly in all directions like a flood.


A female assassin in Ziyi Pavilion, facing the surging and majestic power, used her eight layers of power to resist. However, she underestimated the human fairyland too much. Even though this legacy power has been consumed a lot over the years, it is still Immortal power, the humble weak can only contend.

The female killer was instantly killed by the light, but her whole body was intact, she just lost her vitality and fell to the ground.

Then, the killers tried their best to fight against the light, but they couldn't resist at all. In the blink of an eye, they all died, and the light showed no signs of weakening, and continued to expand and gallop, devouring everything.

"Break it for me!"

"Destroy it!"

Raksha ghost faced the immortal Guangyao in fear, took out a half-moon-shaped terrifying magic weapon, and suddenly blocked it in front of him. At the same time, Su Yiren put on a green armored battle robe, as tall and refined as a fairy.


The human immortal's light swept across, smashing the half-moon-shaped magic weapon into pieces, and the Raksha ghost turned into an inconceivable corpse with its mouth wide open.

With a bang, Suyiren was so shaken that he fell to the ground, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

"I'm not reconciled...I'm not reconciled!"

Seeing the two celestial peerless masters who couldn't even take a breath, Ye Yun completely gave up resisting. He never expected that there would be no turning back after making a decision.

This is the world of practice. It is extremely cruel and the jungle is prey to the strong. If you want to survive, you don't rely on opportunism, but on the strength of the strong. At this moment, Ye Yun fully understands, but it is a pity that God does not give him a chance.


Immortal brilliance swept over Ye Yun's body. Immediately, Ye Yun felt that his body lost consciousness, and his consciousness was also disappearing. There was no pain, as if he was about to fall asleep.

To die, Ye Yun knew that he was going to die, he had let down Uncle Han, his father and friends, there were still many things he hadn't done in this life, indeed, his mother was still suffering in the palace, as a son of man, he was not filial.

For some reason, at the moment of death, Ye Yun suddenly burst out with a desire for life, and at the same time, at this moment, a terrifying power shot out from Ye Yun's eyes, golden light, sacred and ancient, Buddha came from heaven, and could illuminate the endless darkness Hell, incomparably majestic, is like the gods.

Under such a majestic power, the radiance of the human immortal was suddenly swallowed up, turned into an air current and dissipated. The sacred brilliance was unstoppable, destroying all the power without any effort.

"The power just now... seems to be emanating from me... why didn't I know that there was such a powerful force in my body, and it destroyed the power of the immortal in an instant, my God, what kind of power is it!"

The underground palace calmed down, silent, and the air was pungent and bloody.

Ye Yun raised his hands, his eyes were full of shock, at this moment, he didn't believe it, he didn't believe that the sacred power came from his body.

What is the power?

This question has been entangled with Ye Yun. After thinking about it for a while, he has no clue, so he can only let it go temporarily. Maybe when he becomes a fairy, he will know everything.


In the dantian, a terrifying flame suddenly erupted from the Furnace of the Blood Mansion, and the flame swept across the whole body, tendons, muscles, blood vessels, cells, and countless cells were tempered again in the flames.

Majestic zhenqi entangled Ye Yun's body. At this moment, Ye Yun's physical body turned into a jade body, blood-red, and he could see the veins flowing inside.

"Under that sacred power, my physical body was actually baptized, allowing me to directly break through the tenth level of the meat fairy, the foundation-building realm, and the meat fairy consummation!"

At this moment, the mood is indescribable, caused by good fortune and misfortune, who knows if it is a blessing or a misfortune, blessings and misfortunes depend on each other, and in the end, Ye Yun became a success.

"Peak of the Ten Layers, what a majestic power, I want to overcome the catastrophe immediately, first successfully overcome the catastrophe, become the body of the real and empty, and then go back to Xuanwumen to find the elders to get the foundation building method!"

Ye Yun was very excited, but the most important thing at this moment is to see if these killers are dead, otherwise any one of them has the powerful ability to kill Ye Yun.

"They are all powerful and high-ranking Earth Immortals, and they will all become my refining products. Your power will help me become a strong one!" After checking, Ye Yun sucked all the killers below the Earth Immortals into the black evil spirit gourd.

When he came to the Raksha ghost, Ye Yun's heart was pounding. He was the second level of the immortal, and his dantian possessed the "Ming Pill". According to rumors, the "Ming Pill" is the essence of the life-long cultivation of the immortal. A "Ming Pill" is worth Liancheng is the most powerful treasure among celestial beings, and it is also an important thing for becoming a celestial being.

"Unfortunately, at the second level of the Celestial Immortal, with this level of cultivation, you should have a very high avatar in the Rakshasa Hall. Your body will be refined by me, and your life pill will also fuse with my dantian, allowing me to be among the Earth Immortals." Realm, you have the Celestial Life Pill!"

After careful inspection, Ye Yun confirmed that the Raksha ghost was dead. The meridians of his whole body were shattered, as if cut off by a thousand knives, the cells were shattered, and the dantian was also destroyed, only the life pill remained.

Suck out the life pill, look carefully, fist size, chaotic and thick, like a star, full of mysterious power like heaven and earth, the aura makes Ye Yun a little afraid, after all, he is still a meat fairy now, in front of the gods, he is humble.

Mingdan is like Hengsha in the dark universe, mysterious and profound.

Life Pill is the source of power for celestial beings. Through cultivation in the Celestial Cave, a huge dantian world is formed. After the catastrophe of the Earth, the cave world is transformed into a life pill, which is compressed into a planet-like source. Short will be transformed into golden pill.

Golden elixir, the natal life of immortals, only those who possess golden elixir can be regarded as immortals.

"This Life Pill is different from Uncle Han's Life Spirit Orb. Uncle Han's Life Pill has long since fallen and disappeared, but the Life Spirit Orb was sealed by Uncle Han's power, and it contains Uncle Han's thoughts."

After carefully comprehending it, Ye Yun put the life pill directly into the Furnace of the Blood Mansion. If he put it in the Heisha Spirit Gourd, he would be discovered by Taoist Tianhong in the future, and the Furnace of the Blood Mansion is the power of blood energy, which has the same source as the body, and ordinary people will not notice it. of.

"This woman named Suyiren, it's a pity, it is rumored that the killers of Ziyi Pavilion are all women..."

Ye Yun inspected Suyiren, and suddenly frowned: "There is still a sliver of life, but unfortunately no one saves her, she may die soon, this is a peerless person at the second level of immortality..."

Facing a powerful celestial being, Ye Yun felt powerless. It would be of great benefit to him if he had such a strong person as his bodyguard. At this moment, Ye Yun thought a lot and deeply.

For the time being, Suyiren has not been accepted into the Heisha spirit gourd, nor has he killed her with a slap. When he came to the bronze gate, Ye Yun no longer had the heart to take any alchemy. If he couldn't get out, even a celestial being would be imprisoned and die .

"This bronze gate is really not a mortal thing, but all the sealing power of this underground palace has been destroyed. It seems that it is caused by the sacred power in my body. It is impossible to go out with my strength."

Ye Yun turned around. He was in a bad mood at this time. If he really wanted to be imprisoned like this, life would be worse than death. His eyes suddenly fell on Suyiren: "When I successfully overcome the tribulation and achieve the body of the real and the void, then the blood gun The power will be several times that of before, if we cooperate with her power..."

"Then... cracking this bronze gate is not difficult!"

Thinking about it carefully, Ye Yun was really happy for being calm. If he had gotten to know Suyiren just now, then he would have no choice but to leave without hope.

"I can't do anything to save you, maybe the owner of this underground palace can..."

Suyi is a celestial being, Ye Yun is no more than a flesh celestial being, how could he save her, Ye Yun turned his head again, and immediately walked towards Dan Ding, all hope is there.

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