The moment Suyiren left, Ye Yun directly expressed his intention.

"This stinky boy is so young, but his scheming is so sophisticated."

Su Yiren turned around, her black eyebrows were cold and cold, but she didn't know what the face looked like under the mask, she came to the side without knowing the sound.

"Breaking the ten kalpas!"

With a loud roar, Ye Yun flew into the bottom of the cold pool, no longer concealing the power of his dantian, and the powerful true qi that had already surpassed the tenth weight of the meat fairy poured out like a flood, and even the air was shaken away.

"It's just a meat fairy, but he has such a large amount of true energy, which is comparable to the third or fourth level of an earth fairy... and that peerless qigong spear. If he can successfully pass the tribulation, then he will achieve extraordinary things in the future." Calm, but his heart was already full of waves, marveling at Ye Yun's talent.

As a celestial being, she has seen many geniuses, but this kind of genius can no longer be described as a genius. Meat celestials possess such strange powers that have already surpassed cognition.

Above the blue sky, a cloud suddenly rises, and in an instant, the cloud billows, accompanied by thunder and lightning, churning the sea, as if a huge disaster is brewing.

"Break the mortal calamity, why did you make such a big calamity..."

At this moment, Suyi's face was solemn, looking at the catastrophe in the sky, it was strange and utterly destructive, and the Buddha wanted to kill the person who crossed the catastrophe: "Such a catastrophe can only be found if you break through the heavenly fairyland... ...Why is this so, a mere meat immortal can cause such a majestic catastrophe, which is more terrifying than ordinary immortals."

"Uncle Han once reminded me that my cataclysm was abnormal, so I was told to be careful. It was true, but it seemed to be more terrifying than the cataclysm described by Uncle Han. Why?" Facing the winding elephant, Ye Yunshen Deeply feeling the horror of the catastrophe, he is like an egg, and the sky is a huge rock, once it falls, he must be smashed into pieces.

At this moment, Ye Yun found that everything around him was full of strange catastrophe. This kind of catastrophe blasted away the vitality of the heavens and the earth, as if it would not let Ye Yun have a chance to breathe, and Ye Yun had no chance to escape. locked.

"No, if this kid dies like this, then..."

Suyi people are very worried, in the whole world, only Ye Yun has the detoxification pill, once he dies in the catastrophe, who can detoxify her.


Seeing that a huge vortex formed in the sky and was about to descend, unexpectedly, there was a breath-taking chill in the lightning and clouds.

Suyiren frowned, it was the first time she was so serious, looking at the cold air: "Could it be that there is still a vision..."

A faint sound of breaking the wind came out, and amidst the lightning and robbery clouds, there was actually a small black rain, and these light rains fell one after another.

"Oh my god, this is the cold rain in the sky... Brat, don't be careless. This is a vision that only happened when the celestial beings crossed the catastrophe. Even the celestial beings dare not be careless."

Su Yiren was so insightful that she recognized the black Xiaoyu at a glance, and subconsciously cast a black face, which turned out to be a peerless face of only seventeen or eighteen years old.

Her whole body is as delicate as a fine carving, with willow eyebrows and eyes, like Wan like flowers, like a fairy, with extraordinary temperament, and her skin is as delicate as jade. At a glance, it will be remembered for a lifetime.

"The cold rain in the sky will freeze the true energy, once it gets on it, it will never be able to condense the true energy." Su Yiren stepped forward a few steps, ready to help.

"So what, it doesn't matter what the weather is like, it's cold and rainy, he can't help it!"

The robbery cloud, thunder and lightning, and the floating cold rain in the sky perfectly merged into one, and immediately formed a rain curtain, controlled by the thunder and lightning, falling from the sky and falling directly.

"Overlord Fist!"

With a split of both hands, he waved towards the sky, and suddenly, the Nine-Armed Overlord Fist was formed behind him, which was twice as huge as before, like a nine-armed God of War, hitting the sky with his fists.

Chi Chi Chi!

Domineering soared to the sky, causing the robbery clouds to scatter, thunder and lightning ran away, and the cold rain from the sky destroyed some, but more cold rain from the sky fell from the sky, and it gradually became larger.

The Nine-Armed Overlord Fist is still punching, hitting the calamity elephant, all the calamity clouds, thunder and lightning, all of which are scattered by the force. If there is no cold and rainy sky, it would be a piece of cake for Ye Yun to break through the ten calamities, but now, With the appearance of the frigid and cold rain that is said to be unique to angels, Ye Yun was not at ease.

Under the bombardment, although the robbery cloud dissipated, it continued to condense, and the robbery cloud was only about two feet in size, but it slowly absorbed the scattered robbery cloud, and now it has become a full ten feet in size, and the thunder and lightning are also dense, Especially the cold rain in the sky, forming a terrifying water curtain above the two.

"This kid is very powerful, so it's useless to worry about it, but that day, the cold and rain became more and more dense, and finally a huge water curtain will pour down, swallowing everything, it depends on whether this kid can persist until then. "

Suyiren calmed down slightly, but she was also ready to make a move at any time.

"The melting pot of the blood palace, burn it, and create a stalwart power for me!"

Ye Yun also felt that the Heavenly Tribulation was getting stronger, so he had to use all his strength to activate the melting furnace of the Blood Mansion. Suddenly, flames rushed out, surrounding Ye Yun tightly, forming a huge wave of true energy, and heading towards the surroundings and the sky.

"What kind of flame is that? Why is there a power in his dantian that makes me afraid?" Seeing Ye Yun like a fierce tiger, Suyi was shocked. When ordinary people are going through tribulations, they are constantly unable to hold on, but Ye Yun On the contrary, he became more and more brave.

"Fire Palm!"

Facing the terrifying catastrophe that came one after another, Ye Yun unleashed the Blazing Palm, one of the three greatest skills of the Ye family. Suddenly, flames burst out one after another, and the mysterious flames from the melting furnace of the Blood Mansion formed a fiery chop like a flying sword. Like arrows, one after another unceremoniously slashed at the robbery elephant.

Whoa whoa whoa!

The huge calamity cloud was sliced ​​through the air by streaks of fire, making big openings, but just as it broke through the calamity cloud and lightning, it was intercepted by the thick water curtain of the floating cold rain that day, and it was instantly swallowed up and turned into nothing.

"The cold rain in the sky is really powerful and extremely domineering." Seeing that the true energy could not be released even under the cold rain in the sky, Su Yiren was really anxious.

"The cold rain in the sky is really powerful. Now I feel that the cold air is restricting my true energy, and it is even swallowing my tendons, allowing the robbery energy to enter my body, and finally devour me and destroy me."

A series of fiery cuts was not important to the cold rain in the sky, Ye Yun felt tremendous pressure instantly, and the calamity cloud and lightning formed a huge mushroom-like calamity, slowly pressing towards Ye Yun, getting more and more Near, only a few feet away.

"If this pressure continues, he will definitely die, so let's do it now."

The powerful wind blows Suyiren's black hair, she is like a fairy, flying in the nine heavens, and around her, a tyrannical force that is several times stronger than ordinary true energy gradually appears.

"Senior, don't move. When I really can't do anything, I will tell you. I want to see if the sky is cold and the rain can make me like Ye Yun."

Feeling the strange and powerful aura, Ye Yun turned sideways, was stunned when he saw Suyiren's face, and then immediately refused.

"I don't appreciate it, okay, I'm going to see how you can break the cold and rainy sky." Suyiren seemed very angry, and even stomped his feet in anger.

During the conversation between the two, the giant elephants actually completely suppressed Ye Yun, and Ye Yun exuded a strong aura, his whole body was surrounded by the elephants, and his space was only less than ten feet away.

At first glance, Ye Yun was powerless, even Suyi felt so, but she was not very worried, because she knew that Ye Yun still had the most powerful Blood Spear that had not yet been used, and that kind of powerful , She has personally experienced it, and even she is terrified.

"Surrounded by Heavenly Tribulation, how does it feel..."

Ye Yun looked around and felt that he was in the ancient chaos. The calamity cloud was dark and colorless, and it seemed like a chaotic sea of ​​clouds. The thunder and lightning, like thunder and lightning, illuminated the darkness from time to time. The cold rain that day was like constant sand in the chaotic world. , forming huge chaotic sand seas.

"Not yet, I have to wait until the heavens feel that I am powerless to return to the sky and reduce the power of the catastrophe before making a move. Otherwise, the catastrophe will become stronger and stronger, and I will show weakness!"

As a last resort, Ye Yun used his aura to protect him, but everything around him began to freeze, even the robbery clouds and thunder and lightning were frozen.

The sky is cold and rainy, and it is said that it can freeze all powers. Sure enough, it can freeze the forces that tend to be nothingness such as robbery clouds and thunder and lightning, and turn them into entities. This is already a fairy trick.

For example, if you throw a stone into a pool of water, there will be ripples, but the ripples will disappear soon, and the pool water will remain as calm as before, but the robbery cloud and thunder and lightning are just like the pool water, no matter how you stir it, it will condense again, and it will never disappear .

"Such a huge heavenly floating cold rain tribulation power...even the seventh level of the earth immortal, it is not easy to defeat, but this kid's breath is still there, it should not be at the critical moment of life and death, let him taste the pain first, then it will be natural He will hand over the detoxification pill to me, I am a god, how can my fate fall into his hands!"

In front of Suyi people, at this moment, a huge oval-shaped silver-black ice cover covers the entire cold pool, freezing all life, and the sky is slowly reducing.


Ye Yun slowly raised his hands, his whole body instantly turned blood red, from eyes to pupils, from neck to ankles, his whole body became a blood jade figure.

And his aura also started to freeze, which shows how terrifying the cold rain in the sky is.

"Why did his aura disappear all of a sudden? No, it exists again, as if there is a shrinking aura..." Su Yiren's face changed, puzzled.

"Invincible blood body, ultimate activation."

At this moment, Ye Yun exerted all his strength to activate his physical body. During the catastrophe, releasing all his strength, Ye Yun had the feeling of controlling the world.

Heavenly Tribulation originally represented heaven and earth, but Ye Yun was frozen by the powerful Heavenly Tribulation of the floating cold rain, allowing Ye Yun to stand in the midst of heaven and earth and be with heaven and earth.

"The Blood Spear is omnipotent, even the world, and the sharp spear is invincible!"

A spear of blood ghost with a length of more than ten feet was formed. Ye Yun held it in his hand.

Let the Buddha go, pierce the sky with a spear.


A burst of metal clang clang colliding sounds erupted in the sky, Ye Yun slowly raised his head, standing upright on the ground, like an Optimus Prime, a shot pierced out, piercing the freezing sky, the entire huge layer of cold rain and ice in the sky was suddenly smashed rise.

"Oh my God, what kind of skill is he doing? How can his strength be increased by ten times at once, a full ten times, even if he is the eighth level of the earth immortal, he will be beheaded by him with a single shot."

In an instant, Suyi was astonished. In his heart, he regarded Ye Yun as an ancient monster. That huge body held up the heavenly calamity, and the Buddha's hands supported the heaven and the earth. He represented the god and ruled over everything.

"Break it for me!"

Ye Yun turned vigorously, and the Xueming Spear suddenly spun rapidly, like a drill bit, falling on the frozen sky, and exploded with a bang, the Xueming Spear instantly shattered the ice layer of the floating sky, causing all Heavenly Tribulation, turned into ice cubes, fell into the earth, and then disappeared into clouds and smoke.


Like a tiger coming out of the cage, or like a dragon coiling in the sky, the blood spear shot straight at the sky that was about to dissipate. Under the power of the blood spear, the heaven and earth catastrophe suddenly turned into gas and merged into the heaven and earth, and the blood spear finally became like fireworks The splendor disappears.

"He actually used his strength to defuse the cold rain in the sky...Even if he is a fairy, he is nothing more than that!"

Looking at the sky, Su Yiren was speechless. She had a feeling that in the future, Ye Yun would grow into an eternal giant who could pierce the sky.

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