The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 77 Nine Dragon Pan Body

"The undefeated blood body, the ultimate activation, this is all my power, the blood spear can kill the fifth or even sixth level of the earth immortal."

"Break the mortal kalpa, become the mortal in one kalpa, break through the mortal world, take your life against the sky, and achieve the supreme body of truth and emptiness. From then on, my life span will increase by thousands of years."

Watching the catastrophes in the sky melt away one by one, thousands of golden lights penetrated the clouds and fell on Ye Yun's face, staring at the sky, in the bottom of his heart, a kind of majestic thought of dominating the world unexpectedly arises.

Breaking through the mortal world, so far, means that Ye Yun is no longer a mortal, but a true cultivator.

Suddenly, a ray of sunlight slowly descended from the golden light.

"It's cold and rainy in the sky, Xiaoyun, do you know that the earlier the vision, the greater the potential of a person and the greater the fate of immortality, but now is not the time to be happy, and there will be a burst of auspicious light instilled in the world, this This kind of auspicious light contains the essence of the supreme vitality of the world, prepare the natal spirit beads, and the auspicious light vitality can help you absorb part of the natal spirit beads."

Suddenly, Uncle Han's excited voice came from Ye Yun's mind.

"Auspicious vitality!"

These four words suddenly popped up in his memory, Ye Yun's mind moved, and a large amount of information flooded out like a flood.

After the catastrophe, a kind of divine power will descend from heaven and earth to help those who survive the catastrophe instill it, change the nature of true energy, and at the same time help those who survive the catastrophe to dredge their bodies and swallow the rest of the catastrophe. This is the auspicious light vitality. Some people say it is the spirit of the fairy world.

In a word, the more this power is absorbed, the more magical properties the true qi can have. There are many elemental properties in the vitality of heaven and earth, such as earth, water, fire, wood, wind, thunder, light and so on.

Auspicious light vitality is a kind of pure vitality containing light elements. Once inhaled, the true energy contains the nature of light, and in the future one can practice the laws of heaven and earth.

For example, in the aura field, as long as Ye Yun inhales the auspicious light energy, auspicious light will appear in Ye Yun's aura field, which is incomparably sacred, just like heaven.

"Oh my god, how can there be auspicious light vitality? It only exists in ancient books. Ordinary people, at most, are infused with the sacred vitality of wind, thunder, and fire. Who the hell is he?"

Su Yiren's tense heart immediately relaxed, but her heart was beating non-stop, and it was the first time she saw Xiangguang's vitality appearing.

" it bright?"

At the moment when the auspicious light enveloped the body, Ye Yun instantly felt the pores open naturally, and the auspicious light flowed into the pores like a gurgling stream, and then penetrated into the muscles, meridians, cells, and finally bones, every part of the body was full of mysterious auspicious light vitality.

A ray of light suddenly appeared in Ye Yun's pupils, but it quickly disappeared. This illusion of breathing made Ye Yun see through the stars, and he was the light. Wherever he went, there was light, it was heaven.

"Natal Lingzhu."

Taking the opportunity to raise energy to control the mysterious natal spirit pearl in the dantian, the spirit pearl slowly floats in the dantian, like an immovable permanent stone in the vast void, with countless mercury vertical lines on the surface, exuding a chaotic and transparent silvery white holy light.

"The whole body's true qi, auspicious light vitality, and natal spirit beads, the three are combined into one, the world is like a furnace, I am the flame that burns the world, burn it!"

With a snap of his fingers, the auspicious light energy occupies the body, clears the meridians, incinerates impurities, and when Ye Yun feels as deep as the ocean, he turns on the melting furnace of the blood house, allowing the whole body's true energy to fuse with the auspicious light energy, and the two forces form a mysterious new true energy , the true energy condensed in the dantian, violently hitting the natal spirit bead like a flood.

The natal Lingzhu slowly exudes strands of silver-white power, blending with the new true energy, intertwining with each other, like two giant dragons soaring up, and finally, they merge into one.

"How can there be a kind of profound and huge celestial power in his body? Sixth, seventh or... definitely not the power of life pill, the breath is different..."

"Impossible...Why does he keep absorbing the auspicious light energy, like a giant beast in the ancient world. Back then, I only absorbed a part of the power, but it was already amazing, and he..."

Suyi's consciousness spread out, and she slightly touched the breath around Ye Yun, but when she was bounced away, she was extremely shocked, and a high-level celestial power was enough to make her bow her head in submission.

The fusion of the three forces is like flooding into a dry well, surging, ferocious, sacred, boundless, immeasurable, and unparalleled.

"Auspicious light vitality, plus the cold rain on the day of crossing the catastrophe...Xiao Yun is thousands of times better than me in the past. Sure enough, he is the inheritor of the fairy fate, and I am just a guide, the ancestor of the Ye family, countless The grandeur of the ancestors, everything will be realized in him one by one."

In the ocean of souls, in the darkness of the depths, a middle-aged man in white robes closed his eyes, exuding the boundless star sea like a fairy, and the infinity of heaven.

"The heavenly tribulation is broken, and the mortal world is far away. I am a saint, I am an immortal, the melting pot of the blood palace, and you are the backbone of the world!"

Time flows quietly like a stream, and finally reaches the state of fullest strength. Ye Yun presses down on his body and inhales the last auspicious light energy around his body, but above the heaven and earth, the auspicious light energy is weakening, and Ye Yun feels at this moment Power is as deep as the universe.


Suddenly, a mysterious golden light erupted in his chest, Ye Yun was startled, sweating profusely, for some reason there was such a change, he felt palpitations and uneasiness.

"Could it be..."

At this time, in the depths of Ye Yun's brain, in the ethereal sea of ​​thoughts, Uncle Han suddenly opened his eyes with an incredulous expression on his face.

"The pan body of the dragon is still nine dragons!"

Almost at the same time, Ye Yun tore off the blue robe, and saw that on his chest, a golden pattern the size of a plate was appearing. It was formed by the condensation of golden light. The light gradually solidified like a liquid, and finally turned into nine strips of gold. The dragons, whose tails are entangled with each other, but the dragon's head is facing outwards, put the Buddha together and travel in time and space.

The eyes of the nine dragons are all closed, as if they are asleep, but the nine dragons are lifelike, and the dragon armor, dragon pattern, dragon beard, and dragon claws are all clearly visible, just like real dragons.

This ancient nine-dragon plate pattern was deeply branded on Ye Yun's chest like a tattoo, and the sacred and mysterious light dissipated one by one. In the end, it was just a real but ethereal dragon pattern.

"Nine-dragon pattern... why do I have it on my body? It's like an ancient totem. What exactly is it?" Ye Yun was like a two-foot-tall monk, unable to figure out anything.

"Yun'er, come on, try to break through to the Celestial Immortal a few days earlier, and then you will unlock all these secrets yourself!"

Uncle Han's excited voice came from the sea of ​​consciousness.

After hearing this, Ye Yun buttoned up his robe, frowned, and immediately asked: "Uncle Han, could it be that the Nine Dragon pattern on my body, do you know the origin..."

"Uncle Han has vaguely seen it. It is an ancient mysterious and unusual sacred power. It comes from Uncle Han's stone statue. Uncle Han has studied it all his life, but he has not found out why. Now, you have obtained the ancient Inheritance, the approval of that strong man, the secret will naturally be solved by you."

"Ancient inheritance? Senior strong?"

Ye Yun felt that his head was a mess, and he could distinguish everything clearly: "Uncle Han, could it be that this strange Nine Dragon pattern on my body is related to the secret you mentioned?"

"That's true, but Uncle Han can't be sure about everything. When you break through the heavens and have the power to protect yourself in the Self-talking Continent, Uncle Han will tell you all the secrets. If something unexpected happens halfway, you can also Find out the secret you want to know from the stone statue." The voice gradually faded away, and finally disappeared completely.


Ye Yun sighed, but from Uncle Han's words, he drew many conclusions.

Uncle Han's stone statue must have a secret inside, and it's not Uncle Han's secret. Moreover, that stone statue has a deep connection with Xuanwumen and is inseparable. Come.

And the nine dragon pattern must have come from the secret in the stone statue, maybe there is a powerful senior in the stone statue, the power he left behind is the nine dragon pattern, and the successor is precisely himself.

Otherwise, Uncle Han wouldn't talk about inheritance.

"My mind is so messed up, forget it, all of this will be unraveled in the end, but I will go back to Scarlet Cloud City when I have time, and get the stone statue back, so as not to have long nights and dreams."

"Finally passed through the catastrophe, stepped into the Earth Immortal, and condensed into a real and virtual body. However, I have not stepped into the first stage of the Earth Immortal, and I still need to go back to the Xuanwu Gate to obtain the foundation building method. Once I condense into the real and virtual seeds , can be regarded as truly stepping into the first level of the earth immortal."

"It's a pity that the natal Lingzhu only absorbed part of the power. With my current strength, I can't refine it all. However, part of the power is enough to turn me upside down. Now I can kill the disciples of the inner court. The sixth level of the earth immortal, I He has the confidence to kill, and the seventh level of the Earth Immortal is an outstanding disciple, to deal with the seventh level of the Earth Immortal, you need to fight to know the difference."

Sitting cross-legged, hide the natal spirit beads in the Furnace of the Blood House, let the Furnace of the Blood House absorb it continuously, and increase the strength all the time.

"Building Foundation Pill, the last one, I will use you to strengthen my cultivation."

He also took out the last Foundation Establishment Pill from the storage ring. The three Foundation Establishment Pills given by Taoist Tianhong at the beginning, but now there is not one left, and he will find ways to get a large number of Foundation Establishment Pills in the future.

Chi Chi!

The strong medicinal power of Zhuji Dan spread in the body immediately, but it was not as powerful as before. Before, Mo Han was still a meat fairy, so taking Zhuji Dan naturally felt powerful, but now, the medicinal power of Zhuji Dan could no longer meet the needs.

"He actually has a high-grade foundation-building pill. This kid has too many secrets. He has just stepped into the earth immortal, and he is still a true and false body. He has the strength comparable to the sixth or even seventh level of the earth immortal. Once the foundation is established successfully, step into the earth fairy. Immortal Yizhong, at that time, even the Earth Immortal Qizhong will not be his opponent, what is his origin?"

Under the shade of the tree, Su Yiren secretly analyzed: "I'm afraid even Qin Qing can't compare to this kind of genius. This kind of person can be regarded as a real genius. Even if he goes to Beihai, he will be an absolute genius."

"He's growing so fast, it seems that we can't be tough on him, we can only use tricks to soften him..." At this moment, Su Yi's mind was like a well, planning the future.

"Let it burn!"

Ye Yun, who was sitting cross-legged at the bottom of the cold pool, was absorbing the foundation-building pill, opened the furnace of the blood mansion, let the flames burn, and absorbed the power of refining the foundation-building pill.

"My true qi is so strong, and in my body, there is a kind of holy light, especially the true qi, which is composed of hundreds of millions of sesame seeds..."

Observing the dantian carefully, Ye Yun found that the true qi was completely different from before, and also different from ordinary true qi. Among them, there were countless light spots in Fangfo, and there was actually light in the true qi.

This kind of light is not just a color or shape, but power. Ye Yun feels the light of true energy, it seems that there is a kind of sacred and pure power, which releases the righteousness of the Buddha.

In the fairyland of the earth, after crossing the catastrophe, all kinds of sacred vitality will appear in the sky, which will be instilled in the body. This process can absorb part of the sacred vitality.

The average person can only absorb one percent.

A genius, at most, is only one-tenth. This kind of person is rare, and it only exists in theory. After all, the vitality of the sky is an extraterrestrial force, and as a human being suppressed by the sky, naturally, it cannot absorb the power of the heaven and the earth and be on the same level as the heaven and the earth.

Man cannot transcend heaven and earth and nature.

Beyond heaven and earth, it is not a human being, but a fairy, or a god.

But Ye Yun broke the tradition and absorbed all of the auspicious light energy without wasting any of it, and all of it entered the physical body. It is conceivable how terrifying Ye Yun's potential will be in the future.

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