Jagged city

Chapter 162 Traffic Mobilization

Jagged City - Chapter 160 Traffic Mobilization

At 09:30 in the evening, I finally got back to the special team. Now there are 15 people in the special team. One of them protects Lin Tao every day, and the other two go to the security base for training. It has become a temporary training ground. The two teams are self-training, and the second is leading troops. Because the security company has received nearly a hundred retired special forces, these two teams are much more professional than them, so they are responsible for training various subjects, sometimes I will run to practice on the barren hills ten kilometers away.飞㊣\(≧▽≦) The military provided a lot of equipment through Wang Han's special brigade impermanently. This company has a semi-military nature, especially the three shareholders Wang Han contacted, one is the grandson of Jin Lao, and the other is Commander Chen's son-in-law and Lieutenant General Li's youngest son, all three of them were secret stocks and signed a secret agreement.stored in a bank safe.On the surface, Xiao Xiao is just a legal person.Xiao Xiao still doesn't know at this moment that her legal person will become a bigwig in the international mercenary market in the future, a big figure who will stir up the world.

three days later.

Xiliang's major transportation project has been widely publicized in various counties, districts and villages, and the villages that are very active have begun to raise their own funds. They only need to allocate special funds from the county to start road construction.The main reason is that the villages in Xiliang have been poor for too long, and road traffic is an important reason for hindering economic development. The propaganda slogan of the counties, districts and towns is: "Giving out a month's grain, the road leads to home, hard work for a month, and benefit thousands of people." Home!"

This "give up one month's grain, the road leads to the home" means that a family can build the road to the door of the house by giving up one month's ration money.The next sentence refers to the fact that there are no laborers in the countryside, digging ditches and leveling the roads. After a month of hard work, thousands of families can walk on asphalt roads.This slogan is real and catchy. It was originally proposed by Li Guilan, the women's director of Xiaohe Village, Dongdian Township, Xiguan County. Xiaohe Village was the first to respond to the Xiliang government's call, and each family contributed [-] yuan.

A few days later, it became the slogan of the whole township, and when the mobilization meeting was held again in the county, it became the slogan of the whole county. After other counties and districts learned about this slogan, they followed it up one after another.This slogan also represents the hope and determination of farmers to get rid of poverty.

At the beginning, half of the villages in Dongdian Township were squeamish and unwilling to pay for it. The township cadres couldn't do the job, so some township cadres asked Li Guilan to try.Li Guilan is 35 years old. She has a bean curd mouth with a sharp mouth and a sharp appearance. She is quite famous in the countryside.

When I came to the site of the mobilization meeting in Majia Village, I took the microphone and asked directly: "Those who don't want to contribute money and effort to build roads raise their hands."

Wow, more than half of the people who were laughing and making trouble raised their hands.

Li Guilan pointed to a middle-aged man and asked, "Why don't you want to contribute money and effort?"

The man smiled and said, "How many generations have you walked this way, and you can't leave here? Who wants to work if you can stay here? It's so comfortable to hug your wife!"

"Yes, yes!" Many people booed and laughed.

Li Guilan was not angry, and pointed to an old man and asked, "Master, why do you disagree?"

"I'm old, I can't walk anymore, it doesn't matter if I build roads or not." The old man hummed.

Li Guilan pointed to a man with an unshaven beard and asked, "Brother, why don't you agree?"

The big man laughed and said, "I'm a bachelor. I don't have a daughter-in-law or children. I don't have anyone to build roads."

Li Guilan nodded and pointed to a young man and asked, "Why do you disagree?"

The young man said embarrassingly: "My father doesn't agree, so give me the gift money!"

After hearing this, Li Guilan stood up holding the microphone and looked around. Most of the township cadres gave no hope.The deputy head of the village who sent Li Guilan over also turned dark, as if all the cadres were laughing at him, thinking that if a woman came over, he would be able to talk about Majia Village.

"Fathers of Majia Village, do you know how I feel right now?"

Everyone looked at Li Guilan silently, not knowing how she felt, and some people laughed.

"I feel sad. My grandparents still go to the west entrance to make a living. How about you, sitting in a well and looking at the sky, do you know what it looks like outside? Seeing other people living in western-style buildings, you can't be tempted to use a car. Look at your dolls, all of them are dirty. Not a lot. I have a few new clothes to wear. Look at your young men, each of them has strength, but who is willing to marry, come married, and follow you to squat at the door every day to eat coarse grains, you young men, more importantly Going outside to a big city, do you just want to nest here, covered in dirt on sunny days and muddy on rainy days, like this old man when you get old, leaning against the wall to bask in the sun. This is your ideal. Don’t you want to go out and venture, Marry a beautiful city girl and come back. Don’t girls in this village want to marry a good guy?"

"Just want to have a fart?" The middle-aged man interjected, and all the cadres were disgusted.

"Yeah, just wanting to have a fart, you have to work hard, don't you think you can get rich by hugging your mother-in-law? Why are you poor? It's because you are backward in thinking. The broken roads are full of potholes, and cars can't get in. Food carts are not willing to come in. When children go to school, how many rainy days do they fall into mud puddles? After repairing the road, cars can enter the village, and new daughter-in-laws don’t need to make donkey carts when they go to the city to buy clothes. Don’t tell me you want to be poor in Majia Village? For a few lifetimes, Majia Village has been a wimp, not only does he not give money, he is even unwilling to give strength, so how can he not be a bachelor?"

The people in Majia Village were silent for a while, their faces were a little hot, and some people muttered: "Isn't there no money?"

Li Guilan continued to shout: "No money? Money is earned by people. If you give up a month's rations, no one will die from starvation. After the road is built, it will not only make it easier for children to go to school, but also for small businesses to come in. The entire Xiliang City is building roads. At that time, your Majia Village will have a dirt road, and when girls marry other villages, they will be sent in by car. Do you think there will be big girls working as donkey carts and bumping their buttocks to your village to suffer the punishment? Wait and beat the bachelor! You think you are a bachelor and you don’t want to pay money. You are only 40 years old. If the road is built and there are more people doing business, you can make money if you work hard. In three to five years, marrying a widow or something will not work. Question, who said you must be unique. You have to stand up on your own. Even if you are really single all your life, and you will have a big funeral in the future, you can walk on the asphalt road smoothly. If you sprain your feet on this broken road , the coffin has to roll into the ditch!"

Everyone in Majia Village was said to be unable to lift up and vote, and the scene was very silent.

"Folks, our Majia Village in Dongdian Township has suffered from poverty for hundreds of years, so let's end here. Don't you all want to see the day when the baby will have a future, don't you want to see the smooth asphalt road, and don't want to know how to live in foreign countries? What's the taste of the building? Many of you are six-foot-tall men, why don't you have the consciousness like me. Forget it, you don't have any crops in Majia Village, so don't talk nonsense with you, you pay to repair your own house Do my shit." Li Guilan put down the microphone and made a gesture to leave.

The township cadre thought to himself, this is the end of the game, why is this bitch so careless!

"Who said that the people in our Majia Village don't grow? I will pay for the money and strength!" The bearded bachelor stood up and shouted loudly. He changed his usual cowardice and finally showed the heroism of the Northwest man.The two widows in this village immediately looked at each other with admiration, and there was a gleam of surprise in their eyes.

"Yeah, damn it, I was scolded by a woman. There were bandits in our Majia Village back then. Who said they were bloodless? Isn't it just building a road? What a big deal?"

Many people in Majia Village were provoked by Li Guilan, clamoring that they should not be looked down upon by this girl.

"What is the eldest brother's name?" Li Guilan asked the bachelor.

"My surname is Ma, what's the matter?" The big man stared straight at Li Guilan with his eyes wide open.

"Brother Ma, you look like a man now. If I were a little widow, I would find someone as bloody as you, a real man. Hey, there is only one real man in Majia Village. I, Li Guilan, know it. I will go to other villages to promote it later. Brother Ma, don’t worry, as long as you work hard, it’s not a problem for me to lead a matchmaker for you and go to another village. It’s not a problem if a real man comes out of this Ma’s village. I, Li Guilan, look down on those cowards the most—” Li Guilan secondary phase excitation.

"Okay, Li Guilan, don't fucking talk about it." The village party secretary had a dark face, and finally couldn't help it, and stood up. The old man was in his 60s, but he was very tough.With a trembling big hand holding a cigarette pouch, he waved forward and shouted at the people in Majia Village: "This road must be repaired. If it is despised by a woman, our Majia Village will have no face to face people. Not only must this road be repaired, It also needs to be built to be the best in Dongdian Township. Let the whole township see how bloody the men in my Majia Village are. Which one does not pay or work hard? In the future, there is no way to go to the village committee to go through the formalities for weddings and funerals. Relief is impossible—"

"Okay, don't talk about it, we will repair this road. If anyone doesn't repair it, no one will carry the coffin for the old man's funeral!"

"Xiu, we want to repair the best—"

All the township cadres also looked happy. They didn't expect that Li Guilan really had a skill, but what he said was a bit too much, and ordinary township cadres would definitely not be able to do it.

After a few days, the other villages didn't pay Qi road construction fundraising funds. When they heard that Li Guilan was coming, the village cadres hurriedly mobilized from house to house overnight.Dongdian Township became the first in Xiguan County to collect all funds, and it was done within a week.

Li Guilan was received by Ouyang Qing, and was appointed as the director of the publicity and mobilization team of Xiguan County's "Big Traffic" project!Going to the villages of Xiguan County to attack the fortresses, Li Guilan began to slander and curse at the beginning, and then under the guidance of Ouyang Qing, she gradually turned into policy-oriented and sincere propaganda, and gained a lot of fame in Xiguan County.

This is just a typical example of the mobilization of a major transportation project in Xiliang City. Four counties and five districts have already been mobilized, and the enthusiasm of the people has been ignited. Now the start-up funds are needed.

When the counties and districts were rejoicing and preparing to do a big job, Liu Ming set foot on the road to the capital of the Northwest Province, and took Director He of the office to the Northwest Provincial Communications Department to seek support.Liu Ming's briefcase is not only filled with materials for Xiliang's road traffic construction, but also the heavy hope of the 300 million folks in Xiliang City.It was the first time that Liu Ming felt such a great responsibility, and it was the first time that he was moved by the people of Xiliang.

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