Jagged city

Chapter 163 Director Liu's Public Relations Strategy for 2 Milks

Jagged City - Chapter 160 Director Liu's Mistress Public Relations Strategy

Director Liu Minghe checked into Fuyun Hotel on the same day to make preparations. ╔ y ╗ Why prepare?This application for funding is not just a matter of going to the Department of Transportation and directly approaching the director.Besides, Liu Ming didn't know any director.Under the traffic department, there are traffic management bureau, construction bureau, road administration bureau, engineering quality and safety supervision bureau, traffic planning and design institute and other five departments that need Liu Ming to visit. Can send you away, what the director is not at home today, what is not working today, what is in a meeting tomorrow, a department directly under the Department of Transportation can let you transfer for a few days.You want to visit these departments, can you do it without good preparation?

When Chinese people do business, most of them are discussed at the dinner table. It is learned to invite people to dinner and give gifts.Now before going to the traffic department, you must find someone who understands and can talk to the leader of the traffic department.Provincial Department of Communications has one director, six deputy directors, two inspectors, one secretary of the Disciplinary Committee, and one chief engineer, not counting the director, as long as one of the ten deputy directors can invite out to dinner, the matter will be considered a success It took less than half.

Director He gave Liu Ming an idea.

"Director, our application materials for Xiliang Transportation can be delivered to the office of the Department of Transportation this afternoon, but we have to wait for the approval. I don't know when and what month it will be. Therefore, we must open up internal relations."

"It's up to you to say, the key is that I don't know anyone, the deputy director or something, and I won't be summoned!"

"Hehe, although the former director and I often run into walls here, we still know a few people. For the approval of the Xiliang Highway, we need to visit the Basic Construction Department. We will invite them to dinner directly. They will definitely not come, and it will be self-defeating. I I happened to know that Director Ge Hong's lover, Song Yuli, opened a restaurant in Shuiwan District, and the business is booming. If you want to see Ge Hong, you have to get through with that Song Yuli."

Liu Ming's eyes lit up, and he said: "Okay, let's first invite the departments directly under the Transportation Department, the Administration Bureau, the Design Institute, etc., whoever can be invited, five or six times in a row, and mess with these people." This face is familiar, and this is considered to be a compliment to Song Yuli and Ge Hong, and then I am trying to find a way to ask Director Ge Hong for help."

"High! The director is really high up." Director He held out his thumb.

"Come on, Lao He, keep your spirits and run around with me."

For four consecutive days, Liu Ming hosted a banquet for the relevant persons in charge of the traffic management bureau, the construction bureau, the road administration bureau, the project quality and safety supervision bureau, and the transportation planning and Design Institute, and gave gifts after the meal. Delivering in boxes, not talking about doing business, just talking about making friends, these people also know it well, and they all said that as long as they have the documents from the Transportation Department, everything is easy to handle.Liu Ming had a big banquet at Mingyue Building in Shuiwan. Song Yuli knew these people, and Song Yuli came to toast occasionally. These people looked flattered.Ge Hong is a powerful figure in the Department of Communications. Although he is only a director, he has great power and is very promising. He will be promoted to deputy director next year. Therefore, the leaders of these lower-level departments often communicate with Ge Hong.

Song Yuli has also secretly paid attention to Liu Ming these days. Liu Ming is the director of the Xiliang Transportation Bureau. Although he is a prefecture-level city, he is still a department-level cadre after all. Liu Ming developed a good impression. Of course, the most important thing is that Liu Ming hosted seven banquets in four consecutive days, not only spending more than 5 yuan, but also Liu Ming played on the stage repeatedly, and the wine did not know how many times he vomited.Song Yuli also felt that it was not easy for the people below, so she somewhat felt compassion.Song Yuli invited Liu Ming to drink tea, Liu Ming saw the opportunity, how could he miss it.First, he praised Song Yuli's appearance and the strong woman in the shopping mall.Song Yuli covered her mouth and laughed, of course women would like to hear compliments from others.

Song Yuli said, "Director Liu, you're working so hard on wine just to make friends?"

"Yeah, if I don't make friends, my eyes will be blackened in the provincial capital. I'm in danger. In our poor place in Xiliang, we're covered in dirt on sunny days, and muddy on rainy days—"

Liu Ming took the opportunity to pour out bitter water, telling about the poverty and backwardness of Xiliang, and the obstacles caused by inconvenient transportation to the development of Xiliang. Scarf, these are not funny at all, Song Yuli's nose also felt sore when she saw Liu Ming's red eye circles when he talked about emotion.This Song Yuli was born in a rural area. When she was 20 years old, she came to Northwest Province to work. She washed dishes and washed dishes, and went to work in a factory. flower shop.Met Ge Hong four years ago, Ge Hong took a fancy to Song Yuli's youth and beauty, and Song Yuli also developed a good impression of Ge Hong, a handsome middle-aged man.Song Yuli became Ge Hong's mistress.Two years ago, the two jointly opened this restaurant. Since then, the business has continued and it has been making money every day.With Song Yuli's support behind him, Ge Hong was promoted step by step. It took only three years from section chief to chief.Song Yuli's business is booming. With more money, she feels more empty in her heart. Every day, Song Yuli is a little numb to seeing the faces of those officials, and she also feels disgusted in her heart.But Liu Ming gave her a different feeling. Hearing the emotional part reminded Song Yuli of her life in the countryside when she was a child. She wore patched clothes and wiped her butt with dirt instead of paper.She had stayed away from such a poor life for too long, but now Liu Ming touched her heartstrings and resonated with her.

Liu Ming stood up suddenly and bowed to Song Yuli, which stunned Song Yuli.

Liu Ming said: "Ms. Song, Ming people don't talk dark words. I'm asking you to help me. I haven't been ashamed to speak these days. I know you are also a kind-hearted person. I am bringing Xiliang 300 It came from the hope and great trust of thousands of people. If I can’t apply for a special fund, I’m ashamed to go back, especially in poor villages. It’s the people who saved a month’s rations and tightened their belts to collect funds. If there is no The start-up funds for the special project will be wasted by the common people. If you can help, then you are a living Bodhisattva!"

Liu Ming bowed again, and Song Yuli was very moved. Although many people looked at Ge Hong's face and flattered her, Song Yuli knew that these people looked down on her, and she was just Ge Hong's mistress, but Liu Ming was different. Ming gave her the feeling that he respected her from the bottom of his heart, and told her about the difficulties from the bottom of his heart.Treat her as a living Bodhisattva.Song Yuli wiped her tears with a tissue, and said with a smile: "Brother Liu, I will definitely help with this job. People ask me to do things, and they flatter on the surface, but they look down on me in their hearts. Brother Liu is the first person who respects me so much. Must help."

"Thank you Ms. Song! Thank you!" Liu Ming finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Song Yuli smiled and said, "If Big Brother Liu doesn't mind, you can call me Yuli."

"Yu-li, I really want to have a sister like you." Liu Ming said a little stupidly, because Song Yuli's smile is really beautiful.In her early thirties, she looks like a 26-year-old mature young woman with a charming and charming smile.

"That's good. I haven't had an older brother to protect me since I was a child. After I have an older brother, no one will bully me." Song Yuli's voice suddenly became a little immature, as if she had become a little girl again. Perhaps in Song Yuzhi's heart, in her When he was bullied when he was young, he always fantasized about having an older brother who could protect him.

Liu Ming patted his chest and said, "Yuli, don't worry, with me here, no one will dare to bully you in the future."

Song Yuli was amused by Liu Ming's appearance.Sweetly called out: "Brother!"

That night, Song Yuli took a bath and sprayed on French perfume to make her skin very supple, waiting for Ge Hong's arrival.Ge Hong looked at Song Yuli, who opened the door for him, wearing a short black lace nightdress, with a pink and slender neck, smooth white arms, and a crisp breast that seemed ready to break free at any time, and her slender legs added infinite charm.Ge Hong's eyes were straight at that time, he swallowed, growled, picked Song Yuli up, and rushed into the bedroom.Soon there were banging and groaning sounds from the bedroom. Song Yuli deliberately flattered Ge Hong, and she sang softly under Ge Hong's body, which aroused Ge Hong's lust, and it took a full hour for the rain to stop.Ge Hong hasn't been so happy for a long time. Looking at Song Yuli's shy face with pear blossoms and rain, Ge Hong's heart is alive. This lover is so satisfying to him. He has long lost interest in the yellow-faced woman at home. Not fulfilling the duties of a husband.Having sex with his wife once a month is not bad.Most of the time he lives in the guest house of the Transportation Department, and he comes to Song Yuli's place once a week.

Song Yuli was also enjoying the lingering aftermath, but just when she was at the height of her excitement, Liu Ming's refined and capable figure appeared in front of her eyes. Although her body was thin, she was very strong and powerful. Song Yuli half-opened her eyes and met Ge Hong for the first time. The round beer belly produced disgust.Although Ge Hong treated her well, he only used her as a tool to make money and vent his desire.Ge Hong is also often flirtatious outside. Although she is the only regular mistress, she has had affairs with many female cadres, and has also played with young ladies.Song Yuli knew all these things, out of sight, out of mind.But looking at the short and thick guy under Ge Hong's bloated body today, he felt a little disgusted after entering countless women's bodies.

"Baby, you are so beautiful today. It's been a long time since you had such a good time." Ge Hong put his arms around Song Yuli, who was naked, and kissed her forehead.

Enduring the disgust in her heart, Song Yuli gave Ge Hong a charming look, and said with a smile: "You are also very good today, and you have made people lose their strength."

"You are my good wife, of course I will take good care of you. By the way, how is your income this week?" Ge Hong said while stroking Song Yuli's smooth back, but he was more concerned about the restaurant's income in his heart.

Song Yuli said: "The gross income this week is 60."

"So much? It was only over 40 last week!" Ge Hong said in surprise.

"Hmph, my big brother is here, and he spent more than a hundred thousand even for the treats and cigarettes and alcohol." Song Yuli took the opportunity to say.

"Big brother? Why don't I know what kind of brother you have?" Ge Hong's face changed slightly.

"I'm new to you. It's brother Liu from Xiliang, my hometown. He's also from your transportation department." Song Yuli said angrily.

"Okay, whoever said that it can't be done, tell me what's wrong with you, Brother Liu?" Ge Hong realized that this Brother Liu might be the director of the Xiliang Transportation Bureau who went to deliver materials to him five days ago.But it felt strange not to be invited by Liu Ming.It turned out that this guy was trying to save the country with a curve, and he wanted to play Song Yuli's idea. It seems that this person is still capable. Song Yuli has met many cadres in the past few years, and there are many people who are higher than her, but she has never recognized any brother.Ge Hong wanted to see it.

Song Yuli told Liu Ming's story again, especially mentioning that her hometown was very poor and needed road construction, so Ge ​​Hong had to help, otherwise Ge Hong would not be allowed to go to bed.

Ge Hong hurriedly begged for forgiveness and said: "Auntie, can I help you? If you don't let me go to bed, why not just kill me?"


Under Song Yuli's arrangement, Liu Ming met Ge Hong the next night.At first, Ge Hong put on airs, but Song Yuli interrupted from time to time, and sometimes secretly threatened Ge Hong with small actions. Ge Hong had to put down his airs. Liu Ming is eloquent and good at communication. Since Song Yuli created this opportunity, he naturally had to seize it. Although they are at the same level, they still report to their superiors like the subordinates, and they respect Ge Hong very much. Ge Hong is very satisfied. In fact, Ge Hong didn’t listen to Xiliang’s difficulties at all, but he also wanted to facilitate the big transportation project in Xiliang. , because the profits are huge, and he wants a share of the action.

"I will definitely help you with this job. You are Xiaoli's boss and mine. I will ask the director to review it tomorrow!"

"Thank you Director Ge, you can just call me Lao Liu, don't dare to be called me, don't dare to be called me." Liu Ming said excitedly and politely.

Ge Hong then changed the subject and said, "Although this special fund is several hundred million yuan every year, it is not easy to manage because there are too many monks, but I can help you get some other funds first. I still have the ability to do so."

"Director Ge, I have to ask you to be more considerate. For Xiaoli's sake, you can just give me some pointers on what to do, and I, Old Liu, will never be ambiguous when you speak."

"Yeah, Lao Ge, you just help the elder brother. How many times has the elder brother drank and vomited at the banquets these days, and he has to go back to get an IV at night. How difficult it is!" Song Yuli begged softly beside her.

Ge Hong smiled and said: "Who said I won't help, Xiao Li, go and add two more dishes, I will have a good drink with Brother Liu today."

Ge Hong sent Song Yuli away, and then said in a low voice: "Urban road construction, this is a big cake. Fifteen brother cities are all overwhelmed by the special fund. Brother Liu, you are also a sensible person. We are all involved in transportation. Some construction companies have contacts, so how can we get some for such a large project.”

Liu Ming immediately understood that this was Ge Hongming's request for the project. Liu Ming didn't dare to agree, but said vaguely: "I came here with the mayor's instructions. As long as the quality of the project can be guaranteed, no one can use it. You Did you mean Director Ge?"

"Haha, brother really understands people, just listen to my good news." Ge Hong said with a smile.

"Director Ge, if you use alcohol and tobacco, you can get it directly from Xiaoli, and I will open an account directly with Xiaoli. In the future, I will definitely come here often to deal with the leaders of the province. I will inevitably trouble Director Ge."

"It's easy to say, easy to say. Come on, let's go!" Director Ge raised his glass excitedly.I am very satisfied with Liu Ming's clean and quick work, especially opening an account in this restaurant is like giving him money directly, and no one else can find fault with it.Because this is eating, drinking, and consumption, the Commission for Discipline Inspection can't grasp the handle of bribery.

(Actually, I feel a little sad when I write that Liu Ming bows to Song Yuli. It is indeed a bit sick to need a mistress and mistress to help normal superiors and subordinates, but in real life, public relations in the harem are often needed, and some wives' diplomacy is also based on this reason. It has also evolved into an official art.)

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