Jagged city

Chapter 169

Jagged City - Chapter 160 Vigorous and Vigorous

"The car is coming!" Someone shouted!

I saw a row of small cars, seven or eight of them, slowly driving towards the factory, clearing the high-end imported cars, the three factory managers couldn't help but think that the group headquarters is really strong!Director Zhang is also puzzled, why are these cars all license plates from the Northwest Province, and there is also a military vehicle. 【^】None of them are company-configured cars.He is not familiar with Xiao Xiao, but he met him once at the company's annual meeting. I don't know how many new employees of the group were impressed by Xiao Xiao's beauty.Zhang Li, the chief financial officer, also looked eagerly at the parked convoy, looking for Xiao Xiao's unforgettable figure.

There were two black suits with a cold appearance. They quickly jumped out of the car, ran to a black Mercedes and opened the door. Two women got out of the car. They were all in work attire, but the tall and beautiful woman was undoubtedly wearing Even more majestic, with a faint smile on her face, the slightly shorter woman was carrying a black leather bag, followed by a female secretary.

"This Director Xiao Xiao is so beautiful, even the hostesses on TV are incomparable!" Factory Manager Liu stood next to Director Zhang and muttered softly.Watching Director Xiao Xiao waving to the people coming down from behind.

The three factory managers hurried up to meet them.Zhang Li, the chief financial officer, hurriedly said, "Director Xiao, the chief financial officer assigned by our group company."

"You are Director Zhang Li, I met you at the annual meeting last year." Xiao Xiao smiled.

Zhang Li met the spring breeze, and said quickly: "Yes, unexpectedly, Director Xiao still remembers his subordinates, let me introduce you! This is the director Ma, this is the director Liu who is in charge of production, and this is Wang who is in charge of technology. Factory manager."

"Director Xiao came to Junlian Electronics Factory to inspect and guide the work. On behalf of the 230 seven employees in the factory, I would like to extend a warm welcome to Director Xiao."

"The three factory managers have worked hard. Junlian Electronics Factory has entered the production stage under the leadership of the three factory managers. On behalf of Mr. Lin Zhiyuan of the group company and the group headquarters, I would like to express my gratitude to the three factory managers and all employees. I believe that Our Junlian Electronics Factory is rooted in Xiliang, and will definitely develop better and better, and will become a well-known enterprise in the industry in the future. This is the goal of our Junlian Electronics Factory, and it is also the ardent hope of the group headquarters and Chairman Lin Zhiyuan.”

"Yes, we will definitely do our best to live up to the expectations of the chairman and the group headquarters." The three factory directors Ma immediately assured, feeling very excited.

Xiao Xiao looked back at the people behind and said: "These people are friends in business. Factory Manager Ma took us to visit the factory area and production workshop. After an hour and a half, he called the relevant responsible persons for a meeting in the conference room."

"Yes, I'll arrange it right away!" Director Ma greeted the director of the office and gave some instructions.

Xiao Xiao and others followed the factory manager Ma into the factory area, and the factory manager Ma introduced the situation of the factory to Xiao Xiao while walking.

Zhao Sifang, Zhao Jinlin and others followed behind, not like the usual giggles, listening to the deputy factory manager's introduction of the factory situation, nodding from time to time, and occasionally asking a question.Zhao Sifang pointed to the big warehouse and said, "This used to be the big warehouse of the flour mill. Has it been changed into a workshop now?"

"The current scale of production is not available for the time being, and it will be developed and utilized in a later stage." Factory Manager Liu's remarks are unified by Junlian Electronics Factory.It is said to be classified.The three of them deeply believed in it, so they strictly enforced it, especially telling those young people to put away their curiosity, and they would be expelled if they did not abide by the confidentiality regulations.So that big warehouse became a forbidden legend.Many workers looked at this large warehouse curiously. The doors of the original warehouse were all blocked, but there were occasional sounds from inside, and they didn't know what they were doing.The more people's curiosity is suppressed, the stronger it will be.In my spare time, I always take a second look.

What did Zhao Sifang do? He grew up in the military area, and he is most sensitive to the occasional "bang bang!" sound, which is gunshots.Zhao Sifang looked at the high curtain surrounded by doubts, and thought, this is a secret base set up by the Xiliang military, no, my father is the commander of the military region, why didn't I hear anything about it? ?It's no wonder that Zhao Sifang was confused, neither Lin Tao nor Xiao Xiao told him about the Gaotian International Security Company.

"The building over there is almost capped, what kind of company is it?" Zhao Sifang couldn't help asking.

Factory Manager Liu showed embarrassment and said, "We don't know either. It seems to be a training base. Their gate is on the west side, so we can't see it either."

Director Liu explained vaguely that Zhao Sifang had noticed that there was a trick in it, and the deputy director was extremely reluctant to talk about the neighbors.Zhao Sifang summed it up, Xiao Xiao and Lin Tao must know something inside, and they will ask privately after visiting the workshop.Zhao Sifang's curiosity was also aroused, especially the looming gunshots stimulated his nerves.

This Junlian Electronics Factory is also considered a high-tech industry, because it produces electronic components with a high technological content. When entering the workshop, you have to put on a white coat and soft-soled sandals.The workshop is divided into small partitions, some of which are covered with glass covers. The noise of the equipment is very small, and the workers are nervous and busy. Although some people come in to visit, these workers still keep working and concentrate on the electronic components in their hands.Every time he goes to an area, the relevant person in charge will come over to report to Xiao Xiao and explain the production projects he is responsible for.

Director Ma said proudly: "Director Xiao, we have introduced new equipment. The factory is full of skilled workers, and the quality of electronic components produced and processed is even higher than those produced by the old factory. The orders that have been completed are 100% qualified and rejected. The other party accepted, and the order company is very satisfied, and one company has already signed a one-year cooperation order with you. If the two big orders are completed at the end of the month, the reputation of our Junlian Electronics Factory will be publicized, and the orders will increase.”

Wearing a white mask, Xiao Xiao only showed her big delicate eyes, she blinked and said: "Very well, no matter how many orders we have, we must control the quality, and inferior products are never allowed to leave the factory area, and those that can be recycled are recycled, and those that cannot be recycled Manager Ma must ensure quality control. Relevant responsibilities must be assigned to individuals, and a specific reward and punishment system must be formulated and reported to the head office."

"Yes, Director Xiao can rest assured that quality is our reputation and brand name, and every component that comes out of the factory has been inspected by our factory."

Xiao Xiao nodded and said: "Our Junlian Electronics Factory is the backbone of the original old factory. There are many technical talents. The factory needs to fully tap their potential. The factory needs to process components for other companies in the early stage, but this is not a long-term solution. Our factory also needs to set up a corresponding research and development team to invent and produce its own exclusive products. The group company will invest in research and development funds one after another, and related patent awards will also be issued. Although our electronics factory has just started, we must have a strategic vision and have The corresponding height should not be lost for immediate short-term interests. The development of Junlian Electronics Factory not only needs to develop the potential of current technicians, but also introduces corresponding talents to lay the foundation for future development and prepare to enter high-end enterprises.”

Factory Manager Ma was moved by Xiao Xiao's words, and the blueprint Xiao Xiao drew was magnificent, which made Factory Manager Ma feel excited.These days, Factory Manager Ma has been thinking about how to increase orders and how to improve work efficiency. He has no chance to imagine this grander blueprint. He is indeed lost in the joy of short-term benefits.Director Ma couldn't help but sigh with emotion, he is worthy of being the director of the head office, and he really stands tall and sees far.

"Director Xiao has a far-sighted vision. I will definitely develop Junlian Electronics Factory in accordance with the instructions of the head office and Director Xiao. May Director Xiao rest assured."

Xiao Xiao looked at the busy workers and said: "Is the workload of the workers too much? Are they satisfied with the current working and living environment in the factory area? The core of our enterprise development is people-oriented. This is definitely not empty talk, we have to put it into practice. , Let workers be full of enthusiasm and work without worries."

Director Ma quickly said: "Director Xiao, we workers are all suffocating. Not only do we not feel that the workload is heavy, but we also hope that the more orders the better, although the company has established an eight-hour work system, the workers have voluntarily requested Work overtime. The workers are not only satisfied with the working environment, but also very grateful to the factory for caring about their lives. The bus in the city runs to an intersection 500 meters away, so it is very convenient to commute to and from work. For workers who work overtime at night, the factory has special This is unimaginable before. In addition, the food in the canteen of the factory is also very good, and the combination of meat and vegetables is better than the food at home. All 120 people eat at the factory at noon, and 60 people work overtime at night Eat around the factory. The food is good, there is overtime pay for overtime work, and the enthusiasm of the workers is particularly high. Director Xiao can rest assured about this."

"That's good, but the factory manager Ma still needs to take the initiative to understand the mental state of the workers. Although the workers voluntarily request to work overtime, the workload must be controlled. Once the time is long, it will be a kind of harm to the body and the spirit. We To be responsible to the workers is for the consideration of the long-term development of the factory. There must be more than two days of rest every month. Not only the workers need to relieve the intense work intensity, but also every family needs it. In addition, if the employees of the electronics factory have any difficulties in their families, the factory will You have to understand and help as much as you can."

"Yes, Chairman Xiao, please rest assured. On behalf of all the workers, I would like to thank the head office and Director Xiao for their love and concern for the workers. With such a good system and such a good leader, it will be difficult for the electronics factory not to develop!" Ma The factory manager said with some emotion.

After inspecting the workshop, Xiao Xiao went to the cafeteria again. The cafeteria was freshly painted in white, the floor was wiped clean, and the windows were bright, which made people feel very comfortable.The person in charge of the canteen of the factory is Li Hongyun, a poor employee of the electronics factory that Lin Tao helped at the beginning.

Director Ma introduced to Li Hongyun that Xiao Dong from the group headquarters is the wife of Mayor Lin.

When Xiao Xiao shook hands with her, the circles of Li Hongyun's eyes turned red and tears rolled down. Xiao Xiao was a little surprised and looked at Director Ma for no reason.

Director Ma said emotionally: "Mayor Lin is a great benefactor!"

Li Hongyun is very grateful to Lin Tao. The tuition and living expenses of her daughter, Yaomei, are all paid by Lin Tao. There is no need to worry about going to school. Now she has boarded at the school and concentrates on studying.Under the arrangement of Lin Tao, an old man in the family and a husband who was paralyzed in bed underwent glaucoma surgery, and the old man regained his eyesight. With hearing aids in his ears, he could hear voices. The husband’s condition was also under control after a month of treatment. Although he is still half paralyzed, he can walk for a few minutes with a cane, at least he can take care of himself. Now Li Hongyun earns two thousand a month, which can fully afford the family's living expenses. Lin Tao saved Li Hongyun's family. At that time, Lin Tao took time to visit, and Li Hongyun's family was so grateful that they wanted to kneel down to Lin Tao. I don't know how many little nurses were moved. Looking at Mayor Lin, a handsome and caring guy, his eyes were full of little stars.After Li Hongyun got home, he arranged for the old man and husband to cook. The kitchen of Li Hongyun's house was in the concierge. Li Hongyun took off the lock and pushed the door in. He found two bags of rice and three bags of noodles piled up in the concierge. Ten barrels of soybean oil, twenty catties of beef and mutton, and several bundles of fresh vegetables.Tears kept flowing, and I thought, Mayor Lin is really a living Bodhisattva.

Hearing Li Hongyun's shouts and cries, the old man came over with his son in his arms. Seeing all this, he couldn't help but burst into tears.Muttering to himself, "Benefactor, benefactor."

That night, the family sat around and ate white flour buns and beef stew. Seeing Yaomei gobbling it up, the three adults felt sour.

The old man said in a trembling voice: "Hongyun, you mothers have suffered a lot these years. I didn't expect that I have been deaf and blind for five or six years, and I can see the light again today. Hearing your words, I am worth dying for. But Mayor Lin’s great kindness has to be repaid, and it will take hard work on you and Yaomei. You can take Yaomei to kowtow to Mayor Lin tonight, let Yaomei recognize you as a godfather, and wait for Yaomei to be successful in the future , to repay the great kindness of others. You have to work hard in the factory, don't worry about your family, we two are waste together, but now we can take care of ourselves, so you don't have to worry, just use your energy in the factory cafeteria , that would not be in vain of the good job Mayor Lin arranged for you."

"Father, don't worry, I'm not at home during the day, and the sister-in-law Jin next door will come over and help make lunch. If you need anything, you can call her, and I won't let her do it for nothing. I will give you 200 yuan a month, and sister-in-law Jin will watch over you." Now, I can work with peace of mind. My salary is [-]. I heard that there is a bonus every month. This money should be spent. Father, Deshan, you can stay at home with peace of mind." Apart from his gratitude to Lin Tao, Li Hongyun , full of confidence in life.She was not overwhelmed by such difficulties before, but now that the blessings come from the sky, she has become high-spirited again.There is a touch of spirituality in the whole person.At seven o'clock that night, Li Hongyun went to Lin Tao's house and took Yaomei to kowtow to Lin Tao. How could Lin Tao accept this, but Li Hongyun insisted on making Yaomei kowtow, seeing Li Hongyun excited, Lin Tao had to accept it.

Li Hongyun said: "Mayor Lin, for your great kindness, the two men in our family can't repay it, and I can't repay it either. This kindness will be repaid by Yaomei in the future. You can call me godfather, Yaomei. You have to study hard, you will have a bright future, and thank your godfather for grandpa and parents!"

"This——" Lin Tao was seated on the sofa by Li Hongyun. Lin Tao looked at him dumbfounded. Little Yaomei Yingying knelt down and kowtowed to him, kowtowed, and called godfather.Lin Tao was both moved and worried, worried that Yaomei would be wronged. Although Yaomei was only 16 years old, she was already a sophomore in high school.

"Yaomei, get up!" Lin Tao hurriedly pulled Yaomei up.

"Sister-in-law Li, this is inappropriate. My younger sister is a high school student. Don't wrong the child and affect her studies. Just call me uncle."

Li Hongyun turned to Yaomei and asked, "Yaomei, are you willing to recognize your godfather?"

"I am willing. Grandpa and father also said that their bodies can't last for a few years. If I can't repay godfather, they will die with regret. Godfather, I will study hard, don't worry."

When Yaomei was ten years old, her father, Li Deshan, was paralyzed, and her grandfather was deaf and blind. The family was supported by her mother, Li Hongyun. The children of the poor were already in charge of the family, and Yaomei, who was ten years old, started cooking for her grandfather and father. , and sometimes pour shit and urine, this is something that adults can't do, but Yaomei can do it.In her young heart, she hoped that her father would be tall and tall, able to shelter the family from wind and rain.So Lin Tao's tall figure walked into her heart. When she came out of the house, her parents and grandfather asked her if she would like to be Lin Tao's goddaughter, and she answered very simply, "yes!" '

When Yaomei was calling her godfather at Lin Tao's house, the old man was sitting next to his son Li Deshan.The father and son stared at each other.

The old man said: "Son, Yaomei recognizes her godfather, you feel uncomfortable!"

"No..." Li Deshan's tears flowed down the corners of his eyes. He hated himself for not living up to his expectations. Not only could he fail to bless his wife and daughter, but he also dragged down the whole family. A big man lay on the bed all day long and let his wife and daughter serve him. The sadness in his heart One can imagine.

"Oh, this is fate. Our family was in a desperate situation before. Although the wife supported the family, it couldn't last long. If Mayor Lin hadn't come, he saved Yaomei and drove away the wicked. Yaomei would be destroyed. Yes, that Hongyun will also collapse. Yaomei is the support of Hongyun, the lifeline. Our father and I can’t say that we starved to death at home. After I heard about this, I was afraid after thinking about it. I used to be deaf and blind. How did this mother and daughter survive? Now it’s all right, I can see, I can hear, I can last for a few more years, and I can take care of you. Our two fathers and sons live happily for two years, let the red mother and daughter breathe a sigh of relief, wait Yaomei is going to college. One day you and I can't hold on any longer, so let's go together."

"En, Dad, I'll listen to you." Li Deshan burst into tears. He tried to die twice before, but he was rescued, which only added to Li Hongyun's burden.

"Hey, I asked Yaomei to recognize Mayor Lin as a godfather. You must also understand that Yaomei, if you have a future, you can repay it. If you and I leave, please do your filial piety to Mayor Lin, so that I will leave as well." Willing to, in addition, how do orphans and widows survive in this society? With Mayor Lin as a godfather, they also have a backer, at least no one will dare to bully my sister, mother and daughter—"

"Father, I understand. I hate myself for not living up to expectations. I can't honor my father at the top, and I can't take care of my wife and children at the bottom. My work is in vain. I—"

"This is fate, how can I blame you, if you hadn't met a black-hearted driver six years ago and broke your waist, this family would not be like this. Fortunately, God can't die of starvation! The sky is full of people On the road, I met a living Bodhisattva like Mayor Lin. I have suffered enough in my life, and God can't stand it. It is the mother and daughter of Hongyun who moved God and made Mayor Lin come to Xiliang , our father and son are blessed before they die. So in the remaining few years, we father and son should be more optimistic, and you should stop frowning, and let Hong Yun have more smiles on his face—”

The reassurance given by the old father of the Li family is really desolate, no one knows the decision of the two father and son.Every day after Li Hongyun came home, there were more smiles and warmth in the house, and Li Hongyun felt energetic all over her body when she washed clothes for her father-in-law and husband.After going to work, I am full of energy. I devote myself to the cafeteria. I buy vegetables and choose them myself. I cook with all my heart. The stainless steel tableware is disinfected once a day with hot water.Li Hongyun set an example, others would not dare to be lazy, and in order to repay his kindness, Li Hongyun was not afraid of offending his colleagues in these factories. He said what should be said, criticized what should be criticized, and kept the cafeteria in order.The workers who ate did not fail to say good things.

Today, when Li Hongyun heard that this was Mrs. Lin Tao, she immediately felt as if she had seen a relative. Tears couldn't stop streaming down her face, and she was very emotional.Director Ma briefly explained the process, Xiao Xiao was also quite moved, and praised the work of the cafeteria a few times, expressing his satisfaction.Li Hongyun finally stabilized his mood, stepped forward, and said: "Director Xiao, don't worry, we work in the canteen, safety and sanitation are the first, and every canteen worker has undergone a health check. Vegetables, fruits, meat, and rice noodles are all made by me. Hand-checked, all are of the best quality.”

Xiao Xiao said encouragingly: "Your work is very good, but you must continue to maintain it. Only when the logistics work is done well, can the workers work better, and the company's profitability has increased, and it is also due to your credit. When the time comes, the factory director Ma You won’t begrudge rewards.”

"Your work has been praised by Director Xiao, but you can't be complacent. You still need to make persistent efforts. The company's profits are booming, and your bonuses are also indispensable!" Director Ma encouraged the canteen workers.

Xiao Xiao and others followed Director Ma to the office building. This office building has only three floors, the first floor is the cafeteria, and the second and third floors are offices.On the second floor, there is a lobby divided into many small areas for centralized office work, and there are two small reception rooms.It is a place to receive guests.There is a conference room on the third floor, which can accommodate a hundred people. There is a relatively large factory director's office and a financial office.

Xiao Xiao, Zhao Sifang and others entered a reception room. The office director and clerk brought tea to the five people, and melons and fruits were placed on the table.

Zhao Jinlin said: "After inspecting with Sister Xiao Xiao, I really gained a lot of knowledge. Sister Xiao Xiao really has a leadership temperament, and she speaks and acts vigorously. This factory is also good, small in scale, but refined, and no one is superficial. Job, everything is in order. Looks promising."

"You guys learn a little bit, your leather bag company is purely a mob, it doesn't look like a construction company." Zhao Sifang said with a curled lip.

Hong Quanli said, "Brother, you are also a shareholder of the company, okay?"

"Damn, aren't you taking care of that!" Zhao Sifang said helplessly.

Ma Zhantao asked suddenly: "Sister Xiao Xiao, what kind of company is that over there? It's very strict. Could it be that it's doing something shameful?"

Xiao Xiao grabbed an orange and threw it on Ma Zhantao's head, which made several people startled and then laughed.

"Damn, you kid made sister Xiao Xiao angry, you really should hit him!"

"I didn't say anything?" Ma Zhantao covered his head with aggrieved expression.

Xiao Xiao scolded with a smile: "What nonsense are you talking about? Why are you so shameful? It's a company under my name."

Zhao Sifang leaned forward with interest, and immediately asked: "Sister and brother, tell me quickly, what's the matter?"

"Ah, that's Miss Xiao Xiao's company too. What does it do? Could it be the expansion of this electronics factory?" Zhao Jinlin exclaimed.

"Shall we go for a visit too?" Ma Zhantao said hastily.

Xiao Xiao said seriously: "It's not open to the outside world, after it's completed, I'll take you there again when I have a chance."

"What kind of company is it? Tell me, Sister Xiao Xiao, it made me even more curious." Several princelings showed longing looks.

"Gaotian International Security Company, you will know in the future, no matter how much you yell, I can't take you there. Although I am a legal person, I haven't been there yet."

"Damn it, it's not from a movie. Some political figures, the security companies hired by giant businessmen travel, there are guys on them, and they all have extraordinary skills—" Zhao Jinlin said excitedly.As a result, Zhao Sifang slapped him on the head.

"Just know, don't talk nonsense!" A trace of shock flashed in Zhao Sifang's eyes.There must be a shadow of the military here, but my father doesn't know it yet. It seems that Lin Tao's roots are really unfathomable.

"Sister Xiao Xiao is a veritable big sister! Sister, you are my own sister, you must protect my little brother from now on!" Zhao Jinlin, Ma Zhantao, Hong Lili and the three immediately bowed down on the table.

Xiao Xiao covered her mouth and laughed amused by the funny looks of the three, coughed and said: "Then you three will listen to me from now on?"

"That's absolute. Sister Xiao Xiao, you said you want to beat the dog, but we would never dare to beat the chicken!" Ma Zhantao said, patting his chest.

"Okay, look at the three of you, you look like children, you really don't look like big bosses who run a construction company."

The three of them expressed that they were just children in front of Xiao Xiao, and Xiao Xiao had nothing to do with the three shameless and lazy guys.

Xiao Xiao went upstairs for a meeting, Zhao Sifang and the others were farting and chatting in the small reception room.

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