Jagged city

Chapter 170

Iron-Blooded City - Chapter 170 Hundreds of Feasts and Flowing Seats

Conference room on the third floor. │| │

Xiao Xiao, accompanied by female secretary Lian Rong, entered the conference room under the guidance of Director Ma.There was immediate applause in the meeting room.Xiao Xiao clapped along and motioned for everyone to sit down. Xiao Xiao glanced at them, and there were fifteen people in total.There are three factory directors, one chief financial officer, one office director, one chief of sales department, one chief of production management department, one chief of technical department, one chief of personnel department, one chief of procurement department, and five directors of production workshops.They are all cadres above the section chief level.

Director Ma said to everyone: "I would like to introduce you again. Ms. Xiao Xiao is one of the founders of Junlian Group and the second largest shareholder of Junlian Company. She is responsible for the subsidiaries and investment projects of Junlian Group in Northwest Province. , everyone is warmly welcome!"

The persons in charge of each department of the electronics factory applauded warmly again, with excited expressions on their faces. One was the presence of people from the head office, the other was related to the development of Junlian Electronics Factory and the welfare of employees; Such a beautiful and temperamental woman.

Xiao Xiao said: "Everyone, this time I am bringing the headquarters of the group company and the chairman Mr. Lin Zhiyuan to greet you. You are the founders of Junlian Electronics Factory. You have worked hard!"

Xiao Xiao stood up and bowed to everyone, and everyone stood up and applauded again.These people feel that the fruits of their labor are respected by the head office and Director Xiao, and they are extremely proud.

Xiao Xiao sat down again and continued: "Before the meeting, let me introduce the current situation of the group company."

Secretary Lian Rong handed out the color-printed promotional pages of the company group to everyone. These people were very excited while watching and listening to Xiao Xiao's introduction. It turns out that the group company has such a strong strength, which makes the people in the electronics factory more confident. Under the leadership of the group company, the electronics factory will inevitably go to glory.

Now Junlian Company's main industry is still the catering industry, and Mingyue Lake Hotel is the leader.But fast food chains are indeed the most effective. This 'palan beef rice' is a hot business in every city. The flagship store can recover the investment in four months, the medium-sized store in two months, and the small store in one month. invest.After more than four years of development, the company now has ten flagship stores of more than 5000 square meters, 3000 medium-sized chain stores of more than 45 square meters, and 120 small stores of less than 50 square meters, covering more than 3 cities in six provinces.The average daily net profit of this small shop is around 300 yuan.A medium-sized store is more than 2000 yuan, and a flagship store has a daily net profit of more than [-] yuan.This one store is nothing, but these chain stores together now have a daily net income of [-] million.The company headquarters receives [-] million yuan in cash transfers every week, and the bank loans are basically paid one month in advance with principal and interest. Now the city banks where the chain stores are located take the initiative to ask for loans.The group company's goal is to have chain stores all over the country within three years, with [-] flagship stores, [-] medium-sized stores, and [-] thousand-square-meter small stores.Under the leadership of Lin Zhiyuan, the company can be said to be developing rapidly. Lin Zhiyuan saw that this chain store is like a money printing machine, so he accelerated the pace of development. The company established a special decoration design department, food development department, market research department, and public relations department. .In the year when Lin Tao went to the anti-terrorism training camp and became the deputy mayor of Xiliang, he tripled the number of chain stores.Otherwise, he would not have bought the Mingyue Lake Hotel grandly. Although Lin Tao and his wife contributed nearly one-third of the funds, Lin Zhiyuan's ambition is even greater. His goal is to turn the Mingyue Lake Hotel into a five-star hotel. Junlian is the real leader and iconic company in the catering industry.Therefore, the hardware standards of Mingyue Lake Hotel are all five-star, and they only need to wait for the soft power to improve before being promoted to a five-star hotel in one fell swoop.

The flagship store on Chang'an Road in Northwest Province is about to open. In the other dozen or so prefecture-level cities, there are also companies who are busy with research, site selection, and public relations personnel. There will be chain stores all over Northwest Province before the Spring Festival.At this moment, Lin Tao didn't know that his father's movements were so fast.In addition, Tello Group has cooperated with Junlian Group to establish a seafood import and export company in Yinhui. Tello Group is responsible for transporting seafood to Yinhui, and Junlian Group is responsible for developing markets and sales. These imported seafood will appear in all domestic land city.With the cooperation with Tello Group, the logistics industry of Junlian Group will also rise rapidly.Now Junlian Group is aggressively recruiting troops, and the development of the company cannot be achieved without talents.Therefore, Jin Xin's wife, Qu Hong, the head of human resources at the headquarters, poached around to find some elites, and even sent people to colleges and universities to recruit college and undergraduate students as reserve cadres.Qu Hong also works part-time as the legal counsel of the group. The two are dedicated to the company's business and are Lin Zhiyuan's right-hand men.

Xiao Xiao introduced the situation of the head office to the people of the electronics factory in order to give them a sense of belonging and enhance their self-confidence. Xiao Xiao said that the electronics factory will be built as another industrial chain of the group company.

The meeting officially started, and the heads of various departments began to report on their work. Each person only had 5 minutes to respond to outstanding issues.These people tried their best to organize their language, just like interviews, they were a little nervous.Xiao Xiao's secretary, Lian Rong, turned on the camera of the notebook, made audio and video recordings, and made written records at the same time.

Xiao Xiao looked at the minutes of the meeting. The problem of concentration is that with the increase of orders, new equipment needs to be purchased, and the order market needs to be further developed. The chief of the technical department proposed to develop a security door alarm, which requires investment related personnel and funds.

Xiao Xiao said: "For the purchase of new equipment, the electronics factory has to write a good application and submit it to the group company. With my approval, the funds will be allocated soon. In addition, I will transfer several sales and public relations talents from the headquarters to enrich our electronics factory. The strength of the factory. Independent research and development of products is the target task assigned by the group headquarters to the electronics factory. The group company will invest a lot of money and introduce some talents. Establish the company's own product research and development department. "

Everyone in the electronics factory immediately became more open-minded when they heard it. As expected of the directors of the group, the problem that made the factory leaders scratch their heads was basically solved in a few words.Next, Xiao Xiao asked Director Ma to read out the new welfare policy.The basic salary of ordinary workers has been raised by [-] to [-].The basic salary of skilled workers is [-], the salary of senior technicians and project team leaders is [-], the basic salary of chief section chief is [-], the deputy factory director is [-], and the factory director is [-].Employee bonuses will be allocated [-]% of the net profit of each month's income, and will be distributed according to the position and specific contribution, which needs to be determined by the factory itself.At the end of the year, there will be year-end awards, outstanding cadres, and outstanding employees, at least more than [-].As for pulling orders, [-]% of the commission will be used as a reward for the sales department or other individuals. The details of the patent reward for the R&D department are yet to be determined.

These people in the meeting did not expect the group company to be so generous, with various rewards emerging one after another, and the eyes of each of them were shining with excitement.At the end of the meeting, the factory director Ma and everyone expressed their determination that they would do their best to run the factory well, otherwise they would be sorry for the love of the group company.

Xiao Xiao's inspection lasted only three hours, but it brought good news to the company and aroused the enthusiasm and enthusiasm of the employees even more.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, Xiao Xiao and his party left in the farewell of the workers of the electronics factory.

Lin Tao called Xiao Xiao and waited for everyone in Mutton Alley.

Mutton Hutong, Ma's small shop, the boss was a little nervous in his excitement, and was very excited to face Lin Tao.At the beginning, Lin Tao wiped out the gangsters who collected protection fees at his house, and restored the peace of Xiliang Hutong. After Zhao Wu and his gang were sentenced to prison, firecrackers went off in Mutton Hutong, and the owner of the small shop All half-price rewards.

Lin Tao asked: "How is Boss Ma's business recently? Are there still some unemployed people making trouble?"

"Business is very good, even more prosperous than before, thanks to Mayor Lin. Now the law and order in the Mutton Alley is very good, and no hooligans dare to cause trouble here, and comrades from the police station often come here to attend work."

"Boss Ma, you are polite. This is the responsibility of the government. If you can't do it to keep one side safe, how can you develop the economy? By the way, I am here today to invite some friends to dinner. Boss Ma asked the masters to do a good job. For those who are used to eating in big restaurants, enjoy the specialties of Xiliang.”

Boss Ma smiled honestly: "Don't worry, it's guaranteed to be the best craft."

Half an hour later, several young and old followed Xiao Xiao to Ma's shop.As Lin Tao said, these four people are used to eating star-rated restaurants, but they are interested in special snacks. Therefore, not only did they not feel that Lin Tao treated them poorly, but they felt that Lin Tao was close to them and did not treat them as outsiders.

Boss Ma was in the kitchen, and his wife said, "Head of the house, come Mayor Lin, what shall we do?"

Boss Ma smiled and said, "Let's just make the best offal soup."

"What? Just make one dish!" The daughter-in-law said to herself, her husband is not a stingy person. Although he plans to treat Mayor Lin for free, he can't make one dish. Also, Mayor Lin eats at home instead of going to other people's house. What a face. Last time Mayor Lin handled a case here, he made those colleagues envious. The business is better than other companies. Isn't this all due to Mayor Lin?

Boss Ma smiled and said: "At the beginning, there were many owners who greeted Mayor Lin. If Mayor Lin came again, they would also thank them. I can't eat alone. I asked each of them to prepare a special dish for Mayor Lin. Give them a chance."

"You are the only one with a lot of ghosts!"

The six of Lin Tao sat in a semi-enclosed private room with a small screen, and they could see the outside even when they stood up.I didn't pay attention at the beginning, and found that the dishes were not big, medium in size, but one after another, like a flowing water mat, the few people who ate it were full of praise.

"Brother Lin, the special dishes in this mutton alley are absolutely incomparable. No four-star or five-star restaurant, nor any eight major cuisines can compare. It's really delicious!"

"Yeah, you look at the sausage, it seems that there are beef and mutton, and tendon and so on, as well as broken belly, mixed together, steamed, delicious, I want to take some back, give our old man often" Zhao Jinlin said while eating.

"Yes, Boss Ma, prepare a hundred catties for me, and I will give it away when I go back. Don't worry, we will not only give money at a hidden price, but also give tips, and we will never eat for nothing!" Ma Zhantao and Hong Quanli followed suit.

"These dishes are also good, but they are not easy to pack, unlike sausages!" Zhao Sifang said after taking a sip of haggis soup.

Boss Ma smiled and said: "Mayor Lin, gentlemen, there are still a lot of dishes in the back. Feel free to taste them. This is the special flowing water banquet in the Mutton Alley. Our family only has this haggis soup, and the others are from various small shops. Special dishes sent by the boss! They all want to thank Mayor Lin, I am giving them a chance, as long as you say hello to the guests, it will be enough for them to enjoy themselves for half a year."

Zhao Sifang and the others couldn't help being moved, and said to themselves, Lin Tao's mass base is so good. When he came to a small shop, all the bosses in the whole Mutton Alley came to deliver the food in person.This kind of harmonious relationship is impossible even for a few princelings. Presumably these old guys will feel ashamed if they know it.

Lin Tao was also very moved. This ordinary person, as long as others show him a little kindness, he can remember it for a lifetime.Lin Tao stood up holding his wine glass, and was moved when he saw dozens of pairs of eyes from outside the private room looking at this place.Lin Tao followed Boss Ma outside, and Boss Ma shouted to everyone, "Everyone, this is Mayor Lin."

"Hello, Mayor Lin!" Although the voice was uneven, there was respect and enthusiasm in the voice.

Lin Tao looked at the crowd and said, "Thank you, bosses, for your kindness! I'll toast you all."

Everyone simply held a bottle of beer.Lin Tao drank a glass and they drank half a bottle.A small shop owner bravely said: "Mayor Lin, thank you for sweeping away the underworld that collects protection fees. We also want to offer a glass of wine to Mayor Lin."

The bosses drank the remaining half bottle of beer in one gulp, and Lin Tao's second glass of baijiu was also empty.Everyone applauded.

"Bosses here, the prosperity of Xiliang is inseparable from the catering industry, and the catering industry is inseparable from Mutton Hutong. The development of Xiliang also requires everyone's contribution. It is the responsibility of the government to create a stable economic development environment, let alone me. I have credit, but it is your enthusiasm that makes me ashamed. I can only say, do your job well and do your part for the development of Xiliang. I appreciate everyone's wishes, and I will feel even more sorry if it affects your business .Everyone should greet other guests!" Lin Tao said to the enthusiastic bosses.

"Mayor Lin, it is an honor for all of us to have you come to Mutton Alley. If you have the opportunity to visit other small shops, we are always waiting for you!"

"If I have time, I will definitely go!

Boss Ma took the opportunity to say: "Okay, let's go, everyone. Mayor Lin still has to entertain guests. I will help you treat Mayor Lin warmly."

"Goodbye, Mayor Lin!"

"Boss Ma, if you don't treat Mayor Lin well, we won't spare you."

"Let's go quickly, I'll take care of you, don't worry." Boss Ma smiled, and now he is more famous in Mutton Alley.

Everyone left one after another, and Lin Tao returned to the private room.Several people gave a thumbs up, and Zhao Sifang said: "For those who are in politics, with an official voice like yours, this life is worth it!"

"You really deserve to be Brother Lin, your idol!" Zhao Jinlin said, holding his thumb.

Ma Zhantao and Hong Quanli also said that if an official is not scolded by the people, he is a good cadre, and it is rare to be supported like this.Brothers come here with long faces!Tsk tsk, the owner of a hundred small shops is giving away special dishes at the flowing water table, this treatment!I didn't say anything, let the brothers offer a cup to Mayor Lin.

Lin Tao said with a smile: "Okay, I'm going to be overwhelmed if you praise me a few more. I only do small things, and the boss here is grateful. This is the simplicity of the people! Come on, let's have a toast with thousands of ordinary people!"

Xiao Xiao was also very happy to see that her husband was supported by the people in Xiliang, and she also drank a small glass of white wine, adding two blushes on her face to make her look even more charming.

Hong Quanli said: "It seems that this person still wants to do good deeds. As the old saying goes, if you accumulate some virtue, you will be able to go to a good family when you are reborn in the next life."

Xiao Xiao covered her mouth and smiled and said: "Yes, you have done good deeds in your previous life, and you were born into officials' families in this life. But with all your virtuous conduct now, you will definitely become kittens and puppies in your next life."

"If it's reincarnated as a kitten or puppy, if it's Xiao Xiao's family, then I'll be happy." Ma Zhantao laughed.

Lin Tao laughed and said, "Then you will be miserable. Xiao Xiao has no love for small animals. Last year, she trampled and broke the leg of a stray cat basking in the sun in the park."

Xiao Xiao glared at Lin Tao and said, "Who says I don't have love anymore? Didn't I send that cat to the pet hospital?"

"Yeah, I gave the cat Mala Tang on the way, and ended up having diarrhea and died within two days of arriving at the pet hospital!"

Zhao Sifang said with a smile: "It seems that you are reincarnated as kittens and puppies of Xiao Xiao's family. It's really not a good idea!"

Everyone laughed.

Xiao Xiao suddenly thought of something, and said to several people: "Aren't you trying to accumulate virtue? Last month, Lin Tao mentioned to me that a teacher couple in Xiliang had adopted more than a dozen orphans. I was very moved when I heard that. I have an idea of ​​setting up an orphanage, how about getting you an honorary dean Dangdang?"

Ma Zhantao said: "That's good, how about I donate 20?"

Xiao Xiao said disdainfully: "You're really stingy, then I can only give you the position of honorary director."

Hong Quanli asked, "What level is the director in the orphanage?"

Xiao Xiao clutched her stomach and laughed: "The rank is not low, and all those who go to the toilet in the orphanage are under his control."

"Pfft!" Zhao Sifang sprayed Ma Zhantao with a sip of beer, and dozens of drops of water hung on his face.Zhao Jinlin thumped the table and laughed.

"Director Ma—hahaha—"

Everyone burst out laughing, and it was the first time Lin Tao discovered that Xiao Xiao was so humorous.I was also amused and laughed.

Ma Zhantao cried and said: "Sister Xiao Xiao doesn't bring such a spoiled brother, can I donate 50?"

After laughing for a long time, Xiao Xiao responded:

"That's about the same. I'll give you an honorary vice president. If you want to be an honorary president, you need more than a million dollars."

"Charity really burns money!" Ma Zhantao said with heartache.

Zhao Jinlin waved his hand and said, "Follow Sister Xiao Xiao, that's right, 50 is too stingy, the company will make up 50 each, and the four of us will make up 400 million, and we all have to be honorary directors."

Xiao Xiao said proudly: "This is a patriotic businessman. It is taken from the people and used for the people. If there is too much money, it is just a number. It must be fed back to the society. I am going to build a Northwest - no, it is the largest in the country. private orphanage."

"Ah—then I don't have to donate my wife's capital!" Ma Zhantao said with a bitter face.

"Okay, it's still Miss Xiao Xiao who has courage. In this matter, brother, I will definitely do my best, and I will bring a few more charitable people."

I was very happy with the meal. Although Lin Tao stopped letting the bosses deliver the dishes, the dishes were still delivered one after another, and there was no duplicate of the 95 dishes.After dinner, the owner Ma didn't take any money at all, and said to Lin Tao: "Mayor Lin, if I dare to take money, I'll be scolded to death, I won't be able to meet people in this mutton alley."

In the end, Lin Tao asked Boss Ma to make a list of all the people who had delivered the food and take them away.On the morning of the third day, these small shops all received a gift, a flower basket with a banner on it, "I wish the boss x a prosperous business, a prosperous Xiliang economy, and a harmonious society." 'The signature is Xiliang City Government Lin.From then on, the owner of Mutton Alley felt that his back was strong wherever he went, and he was unambiguous when he met a big businessman. He said in his heart, our family has a flower basket and a banner sent by Mayor Lin!Do you have any?

After dinner in Mutton Alley, it was already 07:30 in the evening, Lin Tao and Xiao Xiao returned to the community, Zhao Sifang and the other four returned to the hotel to play mahjong.Xiang Xiaofen also rushed back from the dinner reception hosted by the Organization Department of the Heping District.Helping my husband with mahjong advice, and occasionally peeking at the cards of several companies, which made several people complain.The two couple laughed loudly and only cared about the money, regardless of the life and death of the three of them.If the three of Zhao Jinlin were rogues, then the couple would be rogues plus three levels.

Ma Zhantao said suddenly: "Brothers, you are not joking when you are eating, you really donated 100 million!"

"Donate 100 million for what?" Xiang Xiaofen asked in amazement.

Zhao Sifang said to Ma Zhantao: "You, Mao Nen! I don't know if Xiao Xiao encourages you to donate money. But I think this is a good deed. Putting aside the side of doing good deeds, think about it, Xiliang Now there are signs of great development, and the renovation of the old city is indispensable. The real estate business will attract a large number of builders, and there are gods from all walks of life. Although our relationship is hard, other people are not bad. This construction of Xiliang Orphanage, participating in charitable donations. Then our company must be well-known, and we pay out before making money. What is this, this is sincerity, this is a stepping stone! You said that if there are three or five companies with similar conditions, as Xiliang The government, who will you choose? Even if the Lin Brothers help, they will have the confidence."

Everyone's eyes lit up, Ma Changtao slapped the table and said, "Tall, it's really tall. Boss is indeed the boss, he's insidious enough, he's as smart as an old fox."

"Fuck, at your level, I really don't know how to graduate from university. It's insidious enough. What kind of word is this? Brother, I'm old and cunning, don't you know?"


Xiang Xiaofen, who supported Zhao Sifang's shoulders, drank tea and listened. Hearing the conversation between the two, he took a sip of tea and sprayed it all over the face of Ma Zhantao next to him.

Ma Zhantao was about to cry, and while wiping his face, he muttered, who did I offend today, and I got sprayed twice, it's all because of you two, I'm a villain today!

"Quack, I'm sorry brother, my sister-in-law wiped it for you, it's not the fault of you two illiterates!"

Ma Zhantao smiled and said, "It's okay, luckily it was sprayed from above."

Zhao Jinlin and Hong laughed hard.Zhao Sifang didn't care, these people were used to making trouble, and it didn't hurt to make some adult jokes.

Xiang Xiaofen quit, and while twisting Ma Zhantao's ear, she cursed: "You bastard, you really don't know how to flatter you, and you spit shit all over your mouth!"

"Sister-in-law, take it easy--en--" Ma Zhantao continued to act mischievously, acting like a fuck.But I regret it in the blink of an eye, Xiang Xiaofen is really screwy!

"Sister-in-law, please forgive me, if you touch it again, it will fall off—it's the ear, I mean the ear—"

Zhao Jinlin and Hong Quanli laughed loudly, and Zhao Sifang took the opportunity to push a card, "Huh!"

"Damn, Boss, we haven't seen it clearly yet, why are we so stupid?" Hong Quanli yelled.

Zhao Sifang stared and said: "Blind, everyone is clear, 32, get the money quickly, two thousand per person—"

"Damn, the two of you are fairy dances - I'm cheap, do I think it's okay to pay?" Ma Zhantao saw Xiang Xiaofen who was about to rush over, and quickly recognized Xiang Xiaofen by pinching his nose, let's pay!

Lin Tao and Xiao Xiao returned to their residence, and Xiao Qin brought Shen Yue to visit Xiao Xiao.

"Hello Mrs. Xiao!"

"It's Shen Yue. Call me Sister Xiao Xiao. Don't call me madam. It sounds awkward. I heard Lin Tao say that you cook well. Thanks to you for taking care of him, I have to learn from you when I have the chance."

Shen Yue said with some embarrassment: "It's Mayor Lin who has been taking care of us. It's too late for us to be grateful. Cooking a little food is nothing. You are too polite Xiao—Sister Xiao!"

Seeing Xiao Xiao's reproachful expression, Mrs. Xiao turned into Sister Xiao Xiao, Shen Yue's face turned red, she felt embarrassed to be stared at by such a beautiful person.Shen Yuexin said, only Mrs. Xiao is so beautiful to be worthy of Mayor Lin, I am like a little sparrow in front of her.

"Okay, it's all my own, so you don't have to be polite." Lin Tao said with a wave of his hand.Lin Tao took Xiao Xiao for a brief tour of this small nest. Except for the study, there was basically nothing to see. It was a very ordinary three-bedroom and one living room, and it was simply decorated.Shen Yue made tea and poured it for the two of them. Xiao Xiao sat down and chatted with Shen Yue for a while, asking about her family situation and work situation, and she was very concerned about Shen Yue. , are amiable. After 10 minutes, she and Xiao Qin said goodbye. They didn't want to be light bulbs, and the leader should take a rest, so they didn't care about it.

Xiao Xiao said: "These two are not bad."

"Well, very good, Xiao Qin is very responsible, Shen Yue is very motivated, and works well in school. It is quite worry-free to have her take care of her in the past few months. She eats ready-made food every day, and this Xiao Shen is really good at cooking. It tastes good!" Lin Tao said honestly.

"Hmph, what you mean is that I can't eat it." Xiao Xiao said angrily.

"You're good at cooking, but I like your long-lasting delicacy even more!" Lin Tao put his arms around Xiao Xiao and kissed her.

"Slick tongue!" Xiao Xiao gave her husband a charming look, and the little flames of her sex shot up.

"Really? I'll let you have a good taste!" Lin Tao pressed Xiao Xiao on the sofa and kissed, and the two quickly rolled down on the carpet, tearing each other up, but after only three days apart, they had sex .These two couples really never get tired of playing for a long time, and the sound of sex soon came from the room.

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