Jagged city

Chapter 332 Poisoning

Jagged City - Chapter 330 Poisoning

The banquet hall of Xiliang International Hotel is resplendent and brightly lit. This is a palace-like banquet. ㊣(╯▽╰). co? Characters in various evening gowns appeared one after another, including government officials from Xiliang, officials from foreign consulates, businessmen from inside and outside the province, and international tycoons.Some celebrity faces that appeared on TV also came in accompanied by prominent businessmen, and several of them were actually first-line film and television stars.And those international tycoons are also surrounded by supermodels. When the vice president of the Persian Gulf Energy Company appeared on the stage, he caused a lot of exclamation, because the person next to him in a white evening dress had just attended the Best Actress Oscar Award Ceremony Fanny Ivan.Several boys and girls who came with their father excitedly took pictures with their mobile phones.Several first-line female stars in China suddenly felt like green leaves.

Ken with his arms around Ivan proudly shook hands with a few old friends.When McGee, vice president of Mercedes-Benz, clinked glasses with him, he whispered: "The appearance fee is not low!"

Ken quietly held out a finger, meaning $100 million.A world-class star is a bull, and if you fly to a dinner party, you can get 100 million appearance fees.Of course, many people who didn't know the inside story thought they were lovers.The wealthy circle like them naturally knew what was going on.

"Where's your wife?" McKee asked.

"I went to Africa to donate on my behalf. What about you? Aren't you surrounded by supermodels?" Ken laughed.

"Going to Latin America, AIDS charity." McGee laughed.

Suddenly, the crowd came out to boo and gasp again.

Lin Tao and Xiao Xiao appeared on the stage. Lin Tao was wearing a black evening dress with a red collar, and the diamond and platinum ornaments on his chest were shining like medals.Xiao Xiao was wearing a golden, court-like long dress embroidered with blossoming peonies, her hair was tied high in a bun, and the emerald jewelry on her head shone brightly.Xiao Xiao is like the king descending from the Hundred Flowers Kingdom, with a holy face and the most precious aura of a king, people dare not look directly at her.Not only men, but all women, including supermodels and stars at home and abroad, are also holding their breath.Li Linwan and his wife took the lead in applauding, and everyone woke up like a dream.There was constant applause.

There are waiters on both sides bringing champagne, they are the sisters who make up.Lin Tao and his wife raised their glasses.Wherever they passed, they shook hands one after another, and many domestic businessmen also learned the foreign hand-kissing etiquette. Fortunately, Xiao Xiao was wearing white lace gloves, otherwise she would be drool-full.Behind Lin Tao and his wife is Wang Xiaoling in a red dress, acting as their secretary and translator.

Lin Tao and his party naturally became the focus of everyone's attention in the banquet hall.Especially the queen-like Xiao Xiao, who bestowed a hand-kiss gift of pity, made these men lose their minds.The women are not only jealous of Xiao Xiao's beauty, but also envy the sparkling diamond bracelet on her outstretched wrist.Some people who met Xiao Xiao for the first time began to discuss in a low voice after the two passed by.

"I didn't expect Mayor Lin to have such a magnificent wife. It's really enviable and hateful!"

"God, this is the real woman, all the ones I fucked in the past were sows!" the filthy man shouted in his heart.

Just when Lin Tao and his wife arrived at the front desk and everyone gathered around, another mysterious woman with a black veil on her head appeared at the gate, which could barely cover her nose.The woman quietly stood behind everyone, looking at Lin Tao and Xiao Xiao on the stage.

"Such an occasion is indeed more suitable for Xiao Xiao. She is so dignified and her aura is enough to overwhelm the audience."

Xiao Xiao on the stage felt that a pair of special eyes were looking at her when Lin Tao was speaking. Xiao Xiao looked up by feeling and saw Di Anne wearing a black veil.

"How does this woman make me feel like a bewitching charm? Covering my eyes can still make me, who is also a woman, feel this way. What will happen if I take off the black veil?" Xiao Xiao suddenly thought in her heart. A smile appeared on the corner of Di Anni's mouth, and she raised her glass to Xiao Xiao, who also nodded in response.

Lin Tao announced the start of the thank-you banquet, and the audience immediately moved.There are nearly 300 people in the huge banquet hall.Coupled with the fact that dozens of envoys were shuttled back and forth, the atmosphere became even more lively.Lin Tao and his wife went out to socialize, stopped and talked for a while from time to time, and then continued to move forward. Businessmen who wanted to get close to Lin Tao naturally found opportunities to move forward. Their seemingly careless movements were actually approaching their goals.Xiao Xiao could feel that familiar gaze gathering again.

"This is President Xiao, Mrs. Lin, she is indeed a stunning beauty, Mayor Lin is really blessed!" Wearing a black evening dress and a veil, Di Anne looked very mysterious.

"Director Li, why are you so mysterious, but your identity is comparable to yours. Let me introduce you. This is Director Li Lu, who is in charge of the Northwest National Security, and this is my wife Xiao Xiao."

"Hi Director Li!"

"Hello, Mrs. Lin!" The two women shook hands, although through the black veil, their eyes still met, Xiao Xiao seemed to feel a different gaze.It made Xiao Xiao palpitate.Why do you feel this way?I didn't expect that the director of the National Security Bureau was such a mysterious and charming woman. Lin Tao didn't seem to mention it to me.Xiao Xiao was a little uneasy, this must be a woman's intuition.

"Master, Sister Zhenai, you are here!" Lin Tao turned to the other side, Jin Zhenai was walking with Jin Jiuduan on his arm.Similarly, Jin Zhenai also focused her attention on Diane, as if she felt a threat.Lin Tao introduced Di Anne to the two of them again, and when the two women shook hands, Jin Zhen'ai felt even stronger. What kind of woman is this, so attractive.

Di Anni smiled quietly, which was even more charming, but in fact Di Anni was amused in her heart, and Lin Tao's three women met like this.A regular wife, a first love, and a lover, and they are all women who gave birth to Lin Tao's children, and they are all such extraordinary women.

Jin Zhen'ai is also a well-known beauty president in Xiliang's business circle, so she naturally attracts everyone's attention, and at this moment, the mysterious Di Anne is naturally even more eye-catching.Some people started to come forward, especially those who knew that Jin Zhenai was single and saw that Di Anne had no companion.

"Ma'am, I seem to be seeing you for the first time. Are you also in the business world? I am Ma Zhaolun from Northwest Prosperous Construction Company." A domestic construction tycoon came over.

"It's Mr. Ma. The buildings you built spread across half of China. I heard that you bought another good piece of land in Yinchuan." Diane smiled.

"You—how did you know?" Ma Zhaolun felt a little uneasy. This matter is confidential, and the contract was signed only yesterday. He bribed the director of the Department of Land and Resources to buy a house for his son who is studying abroad. and a Ferrari.

"I am a civil servant responsible for the security of the country and the people, so I am naturally concerned about a person who has made great contributions like you."

"You are Guoan!" Ma Zhaolun said tremblingly.

"Well, Li Lu, director of the Northwest Branch of Guoan. I will ask Mr. Ma for advice in the future."

"Don't dare to do it, don't dare to do it, you should do it first!" Ma Zhaolun left in a panic.

Not far away, Lin Tao showed a smile on the corner of his mouth, and then talked to Jin Jiuduan again, but Xiao Xiao, who was chatting with Jin Zhenai, captured that moment.Xiao Xiao felt more and more that there was a problem.

The security personnel at the entrance of the banquet hall carefully observed every person who entered and exited, in order to ensure the safety of the banquet.At the door, there is not only right eye inspection, but also mechanical inspection. Anyone who wears iron will be detected. If there are guns or daggers hidden, they cannot escape the inspection of the instrument.

Lin Tao and Xiao Xiao separated from the Jin family's father and daughter and went to another place. While socializing, Lin Tao also occasionally observed the audience to see if there was anyone with malicious intentions, because Lin Tao was very sensitive to this kind of aura.

In a room next to the banquet hall, He Ning was standing there, looking at the pictures in the hall in front of him, and the technicians were constantly busy, controlling the cameras hidden in the hall.

Bai Zijian walked towards him. Lin Tao shook hands with Bai Zijian. Lin Tao was always wary of this high-ranking member of the Small Knife Society. Although Bai Zijian claimed that he was not involved in the underworld, how could it be so easy for a century-old society to break away from the underworld?

"Thank you, Mayor Lin for your support to our group company! On behalf of the group company, I would like to wish you an early year." Bai Zijian said politely.

Lin Tao said with a smile: "President Bai is too polite. We warmly welcome legitimate businessmen who come to Xiliang to invest in the prosperous Xiliang. If you have any difficulties that need to be solved by the government, just ask."

"Thank you. If there is any difficulty, I will definitely ask you for help. Our group has made great progress in the past two years after entering Xiliang. This is all thanks to Mayor Lin. If it weren't for Mayor Lin Liang is developing so well, our company will not develop so fast!" Bai Zijian said flatteringly.

Lin Tao nodded and said: "We are fish helping water, water helping fish, mutual benefit and reciprocity, I wish Bai head office a better development next year."

Seeing Lin Tao leave, Bai Zijian said in his heart, Lin Tao is still very wary of me, and if Tan Xiaoli continues to mess around, it may implicate me.Damn it, this stinky bitch is so determined to avenge Liao Wendong, is Lin Tao so easy to deal with?In the end, it was you who died. Do you think that by accepting Tan Tian as your godfather and sleeping with the old man, you will be able to stir up trouble?At that time, Tan Tian will not be able to protect you! (The Headquarters of the Small Knife Club is located in Singapore, and its chairman, Ling Haoran, is in a semi-retired state. The business in Southeast Asia is managed by his son Ling Xiaoran, his daughter Ling Yun is in charge of Europe, and there are several adoptive sons in Africa and the Americas. Bai Zijian is in charge of the business in China, and he is also in charge of it. Ling Haoran's adoptive son. As for the entire dark hall of the Knife Society, that is, the underworld, it is actually Tan Tian, ​​an old man who has followed the president since childhood, and is in charge. Tan Tian is loyal to Ling Haoran on the surface, but in fact he secretly hates Ling Haoran. Haoran, although the president has always wanted to separate from the gangsters, Tan Tian secretly held the knife gang tightly. He controlled the life and death of most people with the knife. And Huang Xiaoli fell in love with Tan Tian, ​​and after a little plastic surgery, she turned into a Singaporean businessman Tan Xiaoli. In order to take revenge on Lin Tao, she returned to the mainland and waited for an opportunity to take revenge.)

Tan Tian secretly transferred some properties in mainland China under his name to Tan Xiaoli's name, and then Tan Xiaoli took the money to invest in Xiliang.Setting up a trap for Zhao Jinlin was just Tan Xiaoli's temptation to Lin Tao.Unexpectedly, Lin Tao's counterattack was so quick. Tan Xiaoli already knew that someone was secretly investigating her, and that someone was secretly monitoring her travels, so Tan Xiaoli did not dare to act rashly these days.But the hatred towards Lin Tao continued unabated. I just glanced at Lin Tao just now. Unexpectedly, Lin Tao's gaze was cast quickly. Fortunately, there were other people covering her.

"However, wouldn't it be too boring if there were no exciting programs at the banquet." Tan Xiaoli thought while drinking brandy.

At the corner of the banquet, Wen Xingyun and Bi Yuelian were talking at the same time. Just now, when they accompanied Wen Xingyun, watching her husband chat and laugh happily with those big international businessmen, she also felt a kind of vain satisfaction in her heart.Now that her husband is the deputy mayor, he will definitely surpass his father's level as the provincial propaganda minister in the future.

An envoy was walking towards this side with a glass of wine. A woman standing behind Bi Yuelian who was joking took a glass of wine and flicked her little finger inadvertently. Lin Tao glanced to this side and saw that the woman had already taken The wine glass, did not see the flick of the little finger.Bi Yuelian brought champagne for herself and Wen Xingyun. They talked and clinked glasses with a smile and took a sip. Wen Xingyun was Lin Tao's right-hand man. Yun walked over, and the two clinked glasses again.Lin Tao suddenly noticed that the woman next to Bi Yuelian was looking at the couple with a hint of sarcasm, and a sneer of awareness appeared on the corner of her mouth.

"My stomach is a bit uncomfortable!" Wen Xingyun covered his stomach and brow sweating, and then slowly fell down.

"What's the matter, Xingyun?" Bi Yuelian held the fallen Wen Xingyun, and also felt cramps in her stomach.

"Ah—" the woman behind Bi Yuelian screamed, attracting many people's attention.

Lin Tao rushed over in a hurry, his lips moved slightly: "Control the screaming woman in the southeast corner, she seems to have a problem."

"It's the chief—Spirit No. [-] and No. [-]. Secretly control the woman wearing a yellow dress and holding a red handbag at the southeast corner where the incident happened." He Ning ordered while looking at the screen in the monitoring room.

"It's acute gastroenteritis. You send Mayor Wen and his wife to the hospital." Lin Tao ordered several security personnel who rushed over.

"Miss, you are startled, please go this way to the lounge." The sister waiter took advantage of the chaos and carried the woman away.

Wen Xingyun and Bi Yuelian vomited all over the floor as soon as they left the corner door of the hall.This was Lin Tao secretly using true energy to induce vomiting for the two of them. According to Lin Tao's judgment, the two of them were poisoned.

"Bring water!" Lin Tao ordered outside the door. Someone quickly fetched mineral water from the lounge and poured it for the two of them, who were induced to vomit again.

"Send it to the hospital and do a gastric lavage immediately. It may be drug poisoning, keep it secret!" Lin Tao found that the two were not serious enough to die, so he was relieved.

The two were quickly sent away, and the corner door was immediately cleaned. Lin Tao returned to the hall and said to the dozen or so people who were surprised by the side: "Don't panic, everyone. I heard that the mayor has an old problem. He has been sent to the hospital. Don't worry about it. gone."

As soon as Lin Tao explained, the scene quickly quieted down and did not affect the entire banquet.Due to the noisy crowds in the banquet hall, there were not many people who visited here just now. Many people didn't know what happened. The banquet was still going on lively, and soon it was time for dancing.

The technicians in the monitoring room quickly analyzed the screen and locked the screen on the messenger. Before the waiter arrived opposite Wen Xingyun, the woman in the yellow dress took the wine. The picture was frozen, zoomed in, and then played slowly. In the first shot, although I didn't see any powder, since Lin Tao doubted her, it meant that there was a big problem with this shot.

"What do you want to do? I'm a guest?" The woman shouted angrily when being held up by her sisters, feeling very uneasy in her heart.

"Don't shout, you are overly frightened, please come here and rest for a while." The two women led the suspect into a room.

At this time, He Ning had already brought the technicians over.


"What do you want to do?" the woman panicked.

"Miss, please cooperate." He Ning grabbed the woman's right wrist, and the technicians came and cut off the woman's nails with nail clippers, put them in a small plastic bag and sealed it.

"You two go back to the hall immediately and do a good job of monitoring. Leave it to us." He Ning ordered.The two women left according to the order. At this moment, the woman's face turned pale, and panic appeared in her eyes.

"Say, what drug did you put in the drink? If you confess immediately, you can reduce the crime. Otherwise, it will be too late for you when the test comes out. In addition, I can tell you bluntly that you are suspected of assassinating government officials. This crime may be a crime for you." Sent in prison forever."

"I said—it's just a small amount of purified arsenic. It won't kill anyone, but it can cause stomach cramps. I'm just a prank learned from movies. I didn't intend to kill anyone. Please let me go?" the woman cried said.

He Ning immediately contacted the hospital and told the waiting ambulance staff that it might be poisoned by purified arsenic.The reason why He Ning said it was possible was because he couldn't fully believe what the woman said.

"Tell me, where did you get the arsenic, and who gave it to you?"

"Someone sent it to my house by mail. When I first read the mail, I thought it was a prank. There was a letter and a capsule in the mail. There was also a check for 50 in the letter, saying that it was done according to the instructions on the letter, and I would Give me another check for 50." The woman said tremblingly.

"What did the letter say?"

"Tell me to play a prank, let me poison the wine at the banquet, and handed over the method, and in order to reduce my suspicion, I also suggested that I experiment. I just put it in the water basin for the puppy at home, with my nails After dipping in the powder and flicking it, the puppy started to roll after drinking, and then I poured a lot of water into the puppy. After ten minutes, the puppy was no longer in pain. I believed it was a prank by the other party. For the rest 50, I just did it————”

He Ning frowned after hearing this, and asked someone to take her away, and immediately sent someone to search her house.This woman is a girl from the Xiliang Song and Dance Troupe. She is more vain. Recently, she has been very close to real estate businessman Liu, so she had the opportunity to attend this banquet.After Liu was invited into the Public Security Bureau, after hearing this scene, he was also stunned for a while, and yelled at the woman in the police station.Obviously this Liu did not know.It was because someone monitored Liu and found out the woman's temperament, so he came up with such a scheme.According to a message can not be found at all.This thread ends here.

This is someone trying to mess up the banquet. It seems that this person is dissatisfied with the government or Lin Tao who represents the government. He Ning felt a little uneasy, and said to himself, it seems that there are really many people who are hostile to Lin Tao!What if this time it is a deadly poison?Now I heard that if the mayor and his wife died at the banquet, it would be a huge blow to the dignity of the government!Apart from such things, Hu Yanghe Ning, as the person in charge of security, has a lot of responsibility.Although it is impossible to check every woman's fingertips, poisoning happened after all!Hu Yang, who was watching the interrogation at the Public Security Bureau, also turned blue, and called He Ning again to tell He Ning to be extremely careful, not to let go of any doubts, and would rather offend some guests.

After a dance, Lin Tao saw that Tan Xiaoli in the distance seemed to be more active, smiling and interacting with some people.Lin Tao thought, could this matter have something to do with that Tan Xiaoli? If so, what is her purpose?

The banquet ended at ten o'clock in the evening, and apart from Wen Xingyun and Bi Yuelian's minor flaws of being poisoned, it was still very successful.After the banquet, Lin Tao and Xiao Xiao drove directly to the hospital.

When Lin Tao came in, the couple were leaning on the bed, looking at each other, chatting, with drips hanging on their arms.

Lin Tao laughed and said, "Who arranged the two beds, I think one bed is just right!"

"Tch, I'm too lazy to talk to you. You squeezed my chin to pour water at the banquet, and it still hurts!" Bi Yuelian said coquettishly.

"Thank you, Mayor Lin. The doctor said that most of the medicine had been vomited out of the two times before coming to the hospital. The situation is not serious, and it probably won't affect my work tomorrow." Wen Xingyun said.

"I'm not that harsh, so I'll give you two couples of the same fate a day off, and you can work at home. I won't let you look at me and I look at yours, and sparks will come out." Lin Tao laughed.

"I heard that it was drug poisoning. What's going on, I almost became a fool." Bi Yuelian was still very angry when she thought about it, and always thought it was caused by the deterioration of the wine or drinking fake wine.

"A woman who attended the banquet was instigated by someone to get a small amount of poison to play a prank. In fact, she wanted to damage the image of the government. However, the instigator behind the scenes is very cunning, and it may be difficult to find out."

"She poisoned at will, so we are the only ones who are unlucky?" Bi Yuelian was even more angry, because they didn't plan to target the two of them, they just ordered the unlucky ones.

"If you survive a catastrophe, there will be future blessings. Seeing that you two are fine, I feel much more at ease." Xiao Xiao said, holding Bi Yuelian's hand.

"Speaking of it this way, I'm really afraid. If we put in more, we'll be on the brink of death." Bi Yuelian patted her chest and said.

"Yeah, it's really wronged to die like this. There are still many goals in life that have not been fulfilled, and death is meaningless." Wen Xingyun said with a sigh.

Lin Tao nodded and said: "Xiliang has developed, and the society has become more complicated. There are many sinister people who do not hesitate to engage in violence and conspiracy. You should pay more attention to your daily travels."

"Really, what does the Public Security Bureau do? The secretary of the municipal party committee, Miss Xiao Xiao, has been assassinated one after another. As a result, Xiliang officials will be panicked." Bi Yuelian couldn't help cursing.

Lin Tao smiled bitterly and said, "The most unpredictable thing is people's hearts. Maybe the person who talked and laughed with you just now has evil intentions. At present, the protection capabilities of Xiliang's public security system are being strengthened, and it will gradually get better."

At this moment, at Xiliang City Public Security Bureau, Hu Yang and He Ning are staring at each other, each more depressed than the other. Under such a tight security situation, it is still possible for people to get their hands on it. If Lin Tao hadn't reminded them, even the suspects would not be found. But now that the suspect has been found, but the person behind the scenes can't be found, the two of them can't even mention how useless they are.

"He Ning, we are under a lot of pressure. The last time the secretary of the municipal party committee was attacked, although the gangster was killed, he did not find out the cause and effect. Mrs. Lin was attacked, and his own people took care of the international killer. The sisters of the Lin family were attacked by surprise. The two caused one death and one serious injury. In addition to this poisoning case, one after another, it has exposed the poor prevention capabilities of our Xiliang public security system! It’s almost the Spring Festival, and our entire system has to Work overtime, especially in crowded places, you need someone to patrol." Hu Yang said leaning on the sofa.

"We are still unable to do what we want alone. I think it is necessary to carry out civil defense. In addition, we must strengthen publicity, such as putting up some banners in the streets and residential areas. In addition, it is the peak passenger flow, train stations and bus stations. , especially at airports with constant international flights, the police force must be concentrated in these places." He Ning also felt the pressure.

Although Lin Tao didn't say anything, the doubts from the outside world undoubtedly pointed to Xiliang's public security system.

"We have to do something. We have to cover up our mistakes tonight. I have two gambling strongholds here, and three clubs suspected of prostitution. Let's take it out on them tonight. Concentrate the police within half an hour, The anti-riot brigade, the criminal police team, the city bureau, and the sub-bureau are dispatched together. I will report to Mayor Lin." Hu Yang stood up and called Lin Tao.

Lin Tao received a call from Hu Yang, pondered for a moment and said: "You can take action, but we must focus on pornographic gambling and drug bosses and business premises. Casinos confiscate gambling funds, and fines are fine for prostitutes. Don't hold them overnight, because there must be some foreigners participating in such activities. It’s troublesome, especially before the Spring Festival is very sensitive. But this operation is still necessary, at least it will have a certain deterrent effect and promote righteousness. When taking action, pay attention to the safety of comrades.”

"Yes, sir, please rest assured."

The public security system in Xiliang launched a midnight anti-pornography and anti-gambling operation at midnight.Police cars passed by each station. Fortunately, it was midnight, and ordinary citizens did not pay much attention.That night Hu Yang He Ning led people to seize 6000 million gambling cash.Ten kilograms of K powder were seized.200 clients were arrested on the spot.Because of Lin Tao's order not to detain them, the clients who just went to work and paid the fines left, and the administrative fine of [-] was not much.Because when I looked at the ID card, I didn’t even make a record, and issued a ticket. These people also signed indiscriminately, and dared not write their real names on it. However, a few foreigners yelled, thinking that prostitution is normal, why? What about arresting people?Those who understand English have to explain that prostitution and whoring are illegal in China, so the parties concerned have to be fined administratively, and the boss who organizes prostitution has to wait for the sentence to be pronounced.If you resist law enforcement, you may face more than [-] days of detention.When these foreigners heard this, they honestly paid the fine.

Gambling is for rich people, whoring is for those who have a little spare money, ordinary people who lack emotional life play, do really rich people still use whoring, taking lovers, raising mistresses, playing with schoolgirls, they are all delivered to your door, there is no need to go there kind of pornographic place.Neither of the two casinos caught the boss behind the scenes, but one of the casinos was organized by Tan Xiaoli's subordinates.When Tan Xiaoli got the news, she hated Lin Tao even more. She just played poisoning once, and Lin Tao rewarded him for sweeping the scene.Not to mention the direct loss of tens of millions, especially the loss of the reputation of the casino, which made Tan Xiaoli very annoyed.Moreover, outside the villa, the two cars not far away were obviously monitoring her place, which hindered Tan Xiaoli's actions.And he didn't dare to call casually, for fear that the police would monitor him.Tan Xiaoli didn't know that Bai Zijian had someone report the casino that was swept away.

The next day Hu Yang reported the results of the battle, and Lin Tao instructed to hand over 5000 million yuan, and the Public Security Bureau retained 1000 million yuan for the welfare of the Xiliang public security system.Even though he has 1000 million, Hu Yang dare not send it all.Half of it was reserved for office expenses, 300 million yuan was distributed to counties and districts to update computers, and 200 million yuan was distributed as real Spring Festival benefits. From the city bureau to the rural police stations, 1000 police officers each received 1000 yuan directly into their passbooks.Chinese New Year is when the police work overtime, so this is hard money. Although [-] yuan is not much, it is [-] yuan more than the original welfare, especially this kind of non-discriminatory welfare, which makes the grassroots police very happy, because the director is also [-] yuan, and he is also [-] yuan, no more, no less.This encouraged the enthusiasm of the public security officers and played a big role in the security work during the Spring Festival.

One week before the Spring Festival, there were more security guards with red arm bands in residential areas, streets, and stations in Xiliang, coupled with the patrolling police who appeared from time to time, which made those petty thefts taboo a lot, and the traveling crowd also Felt safe.As soon as they called out to catch thieves, those with red armbands would blow their whistles, and more people would pay attention. Those who were daring would stretch out their feet to stir, and the aunt who was filled with righteous indignation would grab eggs from the vegetable basket and beat them on the back of the head. As soon as they came, they became rats crossing the street. Everyone shouted and beat them, and several thieves were caught by the crowd before the police came.There were also some extremely vicious ones who took out knives to scare people, but they were quickly stopped by the police and charged with murder with a knife. What was supposed to be three months turned into three years.Who told you to catch up with the law and order crackdown!

Before the Spring Festival, various promotional activities of merchants followed one after another, especially in several bustling commercial streets in Xiliang, which were overcrowded.Because there are hundreds of thousands of people coming from the four surrounding merged cities, and even more people coming from other cities.Therefore, the difficulty of law and order has only increased.Even the anti-riot brigade took to the streets, especially the model performances held by some businesses, the car model painting, and the celebrity singing celebrations, which attracted a large number of people.There is no place for thieves, but if the wallet is dropped on the ground, someone will always pick it up, and hide it privately without conscience.This kind of thing is endless, so the police patrolling the street, many people reported the loss of their wallets and mobile phones, and of course there were also many kind-hearted people who handed over the things they found to the police, especially the children who found crying on the side of the road Yes, all hugged to the police uncle and police aunt.

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