Jagged city

Chapter 333 Life Relay

Jagged City - Chapter 330 Relay of Life

At an intersection in the commercial street, Lin Xiaorong was shouting with a loudspeaker!

"Whoever lost the child, immediately go to the police station to claim it! Who lost the child—"

Lin Xiaorong, patrolling the streets, within an hour, sent three lost five or six-year-old children to the police station not far away. ┠★ & ┨ Two of them were claimed and left, and one was not asked.Lin Xiaorong was walking and shouting with a loudspeaker.I saw Lin Xiaolian walking towards here with a four or five-year-old boy in her arms.

"You also came here to pick up children, these parents are really serious, what kind of game are you playing to throw children during the Chinese New Year!"

"It's not—"

"Hey, why did you take my child away and call you, policewoman—" A woman in her 30s ran over.

"Is this your child?" Lin Xiaolian asked.

"Nonsense, it's not mine, is it yours?" The woman was very aggressive, and she reached out to hug the child.

"Wait, bring the ID card, and what's the child's name? Even if it's your child, you have to register it at the police station."

"Where are you talking so much nonsense, my son, I don't know him!" The woman wanted to come over to snatch her again, but was stopped by Lin Xiaorong.

"Little friend, do you know this aunt?" Lin Xiaolian asked.

"Mum-mum--" the little boy called.

"Since it's your son, you have to take care of it. It's easy for children to be in danger if they leave their parents' side." Lin Xiaolian handed the child over.

"Hey, what is it that is still running to teach me a lesson?" The woman stepped on her high heels and left with her butt twisting.

Lin Xiaolian felt a little cowardly, and her mouth was so stubborn that she could hang up the oil bottle.

Lin Xiaorong comforted her sister, and then shouted again with the loudspeaker: "Parents with children, pay attention to the safety of the children, and don't let the children leave your side. If you lose your children, report to the police station and claim them—"

This is just a small microcosm of the prosperous New Xiliang.

In the municipal government, Lin Tao is making a summary report on one year's work and an outlook for the coming year in the auditorium.The data and numbers in the report made some old comrades present very excited. They admired this young mayor from the bottom of their hearts. I remember that when Lin Tao first came two and a half years ago, many of these old comrades held With a skeptical attitude, he also made sarcastic remarks in private, thinking that Lin Tao is a prostitute, and it is only now that there are such young cadres in the officialdom.After Lin Tao took office, from cracking down on gangsters to solving the problems of the electronics factory, each of them was a good thing that was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, which changed some people's views.But when the Xiliang New District was being built, many people jumped out to criticize Lin Tao, saying that Lin Tao was unrealistic, engaged in face-saving projects, and wasted people's money.Not only was it correct, but it also brought miracles to Xiliang. In less than two years, an international city appeared in front of us, and the overall living standards of Xiliang citizens quadrupled.In particular, retired veteran cadres have received more actual benefits.Some young children who have nothing to do also have legitimate jobs.Although this is not due to Lin Tao alone, it is after all under Lin Tao's leadership that Xiliang has undergone tremendous changes.Therefore, these people were very excited listening to Lin Tao's report, and warm applause broke out from time to time.

Lin Tao finally said: "Xiliang is the Xiliang of all Xiliang people. Xiliang's prosperity and affluence must be reflected in every Xiliang citizen from the city to the countryside. I hope that during my tenure, I can do Up to this point, it requires the joint efforts of all Xiliang cadres and Xiliang people, let all of us present witness the miracle of Xiliang's development! The report is over, thank you all!"

After Lin Tao's report was over, he bowed to everyone, and the audience applauded immediately. Many people stood up one after another, and the applause lasted for a long time.

Just as Lin Tao walked out of the corridor, Fang Liang, the secretary, ran over and said in a low voice, "In the International Business Building, a foreign woman is about to commit suicide by jumping off the building. The police have been dispatched to rescue her. However, the impact was great, and many media reporters also rushed over. .”

"Go to the scene!" Lin Taoxin said, it's not a good thing if it's too developed, and there are more and more incidents.Now it is really in line with international standards, and foreign women have come here to commit suicide.

Ten minutes later, Lin Tao arrived at the scene. Looking up, there was a blonde woman standing on the eighteenth floor of the commercial building.It is 10 meters high, even if the airbags are installed downstairs, it will not work.If you want to save people, you have to rescue them from the top of the building, or find other ways.

On the top of the building, there were six or seven policemen standing. Lin Xiaolian was standing in the front, with a rope tied around her waist.It was dragged on the ground, followed by several police officers.

"Don't pass, come here again, and I'll jump off." The foreign woman cried, but she looked young, probably not yet 20 years old.

"Don't get excited, what difficulties do you have, tell me, maybe I can help you solve it, life is so precious, everyone only has one time, why do you want to do this?"

"How do you solve it? I have AIDS, can you solve it?" the girl cried.

The policeman at the back was also taken aback when he heard this, and thought, no wonder he committed suicide. AIDS is still terminally ill.

Lin Xiaolian continued: "Have you been diagnosed in the hospital? Could it be a misdiagnosis by the hospital?"

"I've been to three hospitals, all of them are AIDS, woo-woo-Jerry, bastard--woo-woo-" the girl burst into tears.

Taking advantage of the moment when the girl wiped her tears, Lin Xiaolian took three steps cautiously and quickly, and then shouted in the same posture as before: "Who is Jerry? Did he frame you on purpose? Don't you want to catch this bastard and beat him up?" It's not too much to beat such a scumbag to death. You come down first, how about I help you catch Jerry for revenge?"

"Jerry's a lunatic, a bastard—whoosh—so what? I'm incurable, too?"

Lin Xiaolian thought for a while but couldn't make up a lie and said: "Your name is Amy, right? AIDS is also divided into early and late stages. You can be treated at the early stage. You know, China is very ancient and amazing. Maybe you can meet someone with a strange The old Chinese medicine practitioners will cure your disease. You have hope. If you give up, there will be no chance of cure. Think about it, once you are cured, you can continue to study and do the work you like , find someone you love to marry, and you still have to raise children—there are many, many happy things in life waiting for you to do.”

"No, you're lying, AIDS is terminally ill, I'm not a fool—" Amy continued to cry, shaking her body a bit, causing a few policemen's hearts to flicker and jumped into their throats.

"Life is full of miracles. If you haven't put in the effort, how do you know that it can't be cured? Aren't many cancer patients cured? Now technology is changing day by day, maybe next year, maybe two or three years later, AIDS will no longer be a terminal illness .At that time, your relatives can only stand in front of your tombstone and feel sorry for you. Why don't you give yourself a chance?"

The girl was startled. What Lin Xiaolian said made sense. Maybe in a few years, AIDS could really be completely cured?

"What you said is true? Maybe it can be cured!" The girl squatting on the edge of the building wiped her tears and smiled, then stood up.

"It must be true——" Lin Xiaolian's smile froze suddenly, because the girl stood up abruptly, her blood pressure rose, and she cried for a long time due to lack of oxygen in her brain, her head instantly became dizzy, and she fell headfirst.


"Amy—" Lin Xiaolian jumped over, but only grabbed a high-heeled shoe, watching Amy's big head fall down.

The police on the roof screamed.The onlookers downstairs screamed when they saw the person falling, but when Amy fell to the sixteenth floor, a figure suddenly jumped out of a window and hugged Amy.The people downstairs exclaimed again, and the flashlights of the media reporters were also constantly on. The people downstairs could see that the man who jumped out was wearing a police uniform, but they saw the two of them rippling in the air and smashing towards the fourteenth floor.The people downstairs prayed in their hearts, the rope around the policewoman's waist must not be broken!

"Dang!" The policeman holding Amy was thrown against the wall by the rippling rope, and it was also a drainage pipe that broke in!Amy suddenly fell from the arms of the policeman.When the policeman reached out, he only caught one of Amy's shoes, and Amy screamed again and fell down from the fourteenth floor.The people downstairs screamed again and again, and Amy fell down quickly.

"Then there are still police?" Someone pointed to the location on the eighth floor and exclaimed.

But I saw a special police officer crawling on the drainpipe, jumping to the window three meters away, and above it was Amy who was thrown down. The policeman leaned back from the window position, grabbed Amy's ankle at once, and then Following Amy's whereabouts, the whole person fell backwards.

Many people said that it was over, and the policeman had to be brought down too, and they all had to die.But the policeman who grabbed Amy and fell down seemed to be falling slowly, and he didn't fall. Instead, he grabbed Amy's ankle with one hand and hung upside down on the window. It turned out to be a foot It was enough on the frame of the glass-steel window, and everyone saw that the glass of that window was broken, and the broken glass also fell to several pieces downstairs.

"Hurry up, what an impact, I guess I won't be able to catch it soon, maybe my wrist is dislocated now!" shouted that impatient citizen.

But the action of the policeman on the eighth floor made people hold their breath. The man hooked his foot to the window and grabbed Amy with one hand, and he got up slowly, just like he was doing on the horizontal bar.It's just that the police force was too strong, and they got up after grabbing a person, and soon, the other hand grabbed the window, and just like that, they jumped into the eighth floor with Amy, killing the people who were watching downstairs. The police looked dumbfounded.

"You guys come up with me." He Ning yelled, and ran into the building with five people.Just when the crowd thought the rescue was over, the special team member wearing a hood came out of the window on the eighth floor and quickly climbed to the fourteenth floor.

"Damn it, how about a policeman on the fourteenth floor? How heroic, how could I forget—hey, it's still a policewoman, my God!"

"Don't be afraid, Xiao Rong, my sister is here." Seeing her sister's danger, Lin Xiaolian climbed down desperately on the top of the building, and quickly reached the fifteenth floor along the water pipe.

"I'm just dizzy, sister, don't climb up." Lin Xiaorong, who fell down on the fourteenth floor, shouted softly.

"Don't make any more trouble." The person who quickly climbed up from the eighth floor shouted to Lin Xiaolian.Then, with Lin Xiaorong, who was gradually unconscious, under his arm, he climbed up.

"Brother, it's you!" Lin Xiaolian said with a smile.

"Still laughing, let's see how I will deal with you two when I get home!" The special team member wearing a mask was Lin Tao, and his heart was beating non-stop at the moment. Just now, Lin Xiaorong scared him enough.These two girls are really courageous.

Lin Xiaolian climbed up this time, and soon the two disappeared from the top of the building.Thunderous applause and shouts immediately erupted downstairs.

"The Xiliang police are doing well! The Xiliang police are doing well!" The crowd burst into excited shouts.

Only 10 minutes after the incident, there were photos and videos of the rescue on the Internet, and someone wrote an eye-catching title-"Xiliang police rescued a foreign woman who fell from a building with three leaping relays that sacrificed their lives."

The video shot by that person was very clear. Lin Xiaolian was the first to jump, leaning out half of her body from the roof, and grabbed Amy's shoe.Lin Xiaorong made a thrilling second jump, swinging on the high-altitude swing, hitting her head on the water pipe, and missed Amy, who continued to fall.In the third jump, Lin Tao kicked the window, hooked his feet, and grabbed Amy with one hand.This is indeed a relay of three lives.In particular, the three of them were photographed in close-up, thanks to the reporter's professionalism. Although it can't save people, at least the photos were taken well.The first and second rescuers were two female policemen. After technical treatment, they could see their faces, but the third one was wearing a hood but didn't know what he looked like?Many citizens and netizens asked to see the true face of the hero.In the midday news, there was a rescue video, and an explanation was given, "Amy, a Dutch girl studying abroad, fell from the building and was rescued by Xiliang police at the risk of her life—" The news also showed photos of the sisters, And, there are several close-ups of Lin Tao, but they are all wearing hoods. One is hanging upside down and grabbing Amy's ankle, and the other is a picture of Lin Xiaorong climbing up.

"Many citizens are very concerned about this third mysterious hero—some people say that he is Xiliang's Batman, but the director of the Xiliang Public Security Bureau says that he is just one of the two thousand police officers in Xiliang. Played a hymn to life, let each of us cherish our own life!" Finally the host said emotionally.

I did a human flesh search on the Internet about the Magic SWAT, but I couldn't find anyone, but some deeds and photos of the sisters were found.When countless people praise this pair of sisters.The two sisters were being reddened by Lin Taoxun's eye circles, and tears fell straight down.

"You think you have the strength to save people. What happened? People fell down twice in a row. Not only was it embarrassing, but it almost cost your own life. Do you think this is a hero? This is overestimation—if, If you fall, you will become martyrs, what will your parents do? What should you do? Do you want to cry your parents to death? Does it make me heartbroken and feel guilty for the rest of my life!" Lin Tao became more and more excited as he talked in Hu Yang's office, and continued to shoot Looking at the table, with the last shot, the mahogany boss table that Populus euphratica cherished was smashed and scattered all over the floor.

"Boss, they are also eager to save people—" Hu Yang didn't dare to feel sorry for the table, and quickly rescued the two sisters.

"I'm so impulsive, what kind of policeman should I be, I'd better go back to medical school tomorrow." Lin Tao slammed the door angrily and left.

As soon as Lin Tao returned to the city hall, the third uncle called and asked what was going on?Lin Tao had no choice but to cover up for the two sisters, saying that the police force had taken protective measures and the safety rope was safe, which was why the two sisters were allowed to act.

"Oh—that special policeman is Xiaotao, right?" Third Uncle asked.

"Well, it was me. When I heard the news, I did it. As soon as I climbed to the eighth floor, I fell down. I didn't expect Xiaolian and Xiaorong to act like this. It almost scared my heart— — Fortunately, there was no danger. I just taught them a lesson. Although the police are obliged to protect the lives of the people, they must also take into account their own safety. — Well, after the Spring Festival, if you want to continue studying medicine, you should I'm still in medical school, and after seeing what happened today, I still regret letting the two of them come over to be policemen—" Lin Tao said intermittently.

"Xiaotao, don't be burdened. The two children were really impulsive today. Fortunately, there was no danger. I guess they also fell in love with being a policeman. I understand how you feel. I will persuade them. If they really If you can give up, you can continue to study medicine. If you really insist, let them continue. To be honest, I was really worried after seeing the video, but I was more proud when I saw the comments." Lin Zhiming was emotional Said.

Lin Tao laughed and said, "I haven't had time to be proud. When I came back from there, I made the two of them cry. I was thinking whether to let them continue to do it!"

"Although the death rate of being a policeman is higher, don't many people who sit in the office every day get into car accidents or die suddenly? Besides, it's not that our family is a policeman, it's just that you have trained them to be too promising. I am relieved to have you here." Lin Zhiming smiled.

"Third Uncle, the more you say that, the more I don't want them to do it anymore. When I didn't go back to Baishi Town before, I didn't know there was a big family like us. We went to Baishi Town to have more blood and family, but we didn't have any real feelings. , but after Xiaolian and Xiaorong came to my place, they got along day and night, and I loved my two younger sisters more and more, even my father did. Having them around added a lot of joy to our life, and I regarded them as my own sisters. So every day Strictly train them, let the two of them grow up as soon as possible, for fear of danger when going out on missions—"

"Xiaotao, there are no cowards in our Lin family. You are a good person. Your future has also been achieved through life and death. As an uncle, I am very grateful for your concern for the two younger sisters. Life is just a waste of decades. I have been a doctor all my life. Although I have a poor reputation in my hometown, I still live by the rules. To be honest, I am still very envious of my two daughters who live such a wonderful life. Although with your help, the path is chosen by them after all. Let's just bless them from the bottom of our hearts. Let's just leave it at that, don't feel any burden in our hearts. I guess your aunt will have to scold them. It's all praise from the outside world, but the family scolds one after another, hehe, caring makes chaos!" The third uncle hung up the phone with a smile.

Lin Tao scratched his head, heaved a sigh of relief, and said in his heart that the third uncle could think about it, but even though he said so, he might be worried in his heart!Simply, after the new year, let the two of them go to the police academy for a year of further study.

Lin Tao reviewed some documents in the afternoon, canceled two activities that were supposed to be promising, and returned home early.It turned out that Lin Zhiyuan was training them, but the two of them obviously had resistance, and they were not as afraid of Lin Tao as they were, but acted like a baby on one side and one on the right, begging for mercy, and soon, Lin Zhiyuan had nothing to do.

Seeing that Lin Tao went back to the room without saying a word, the two sisters immediately stood up obediently, ran to Lin Tao's room to admit their mistakes, and said that they would never dare to be so impulsive next time.

After listening, Lin Tao said: "You have made a lot of achievements in this period, and you have shown your face, but you still have little experience. After the Spring Festival, you should go to the police academy for further study for a year. Take it easy, and you are studying medicine. , and haven’t got a diploma yet, so it’s not justified. So going to the police academy is a must. If you can get your degree in one year, you can come back sooner, otherwise you can finish it in four years.”

"Ah? That's it - haven't we been engaged in video learning all the time? If we pass the final exam of freshman year, don't we need to go -" The two sisters stared at Lin Tao, immediately closed their mouths, and walked out sullenly room.

After a while, Xiao Xiao came back, and scolded the two sisters again, which made the sisters die of depression.Lying in the room without eating dinner, looking at the ceiling and rolling his eyes to play.After a while, the two looked at each other, and went down to the training ground on the second floor of the basement with a heart in mind, and vented their anger on those special forces, beating seven or eight young men, screaming and running away.Then they went to Qin Liehu for a two-on-one fight. In the end, the training ended at ten o'clock in the evening, and each of them ate two big bowls of beef.Clutching her round belly, she returned to the room.

Xiaonian 23 is Sunday, and Lin Tao rests.

Lin Tao got up early at five o'clock in the morning. He practiced Bagua lotus palms on the snowy court. The faster the pace, the faster the palm technique. If you slow down the camera, you can see Lin Tao knocking away the snowflakes on the top of his head and around him one by one. Like being blown away by the wind.Lin Tao is like a rolling wheel on the court. After turning twice in the court, his knees slightly bent, he jumped lightly, and jumped out of the court. However, the court was still snowflakes, leaving no footprints on the ground, just like Lin Tao Never been average.

Wrapped in a white cloak, Lin Tao ran out of his villa on a still dark winter morning, and ran along the road. The next moment, he disappeared into the woods on the side of the road. Lin Tao was like an elf in the snow, running on the hillside In the jungle, sometimes it shuttles through the gaps in the trees, sometimes it appears on the top of the trees, flashing past in the fluttering snowflakes.On the other side of the hillside of Qixing Bay is the villa of the Jin family. At that time, the Jin family also kept a villa, but as the master, Lin Tao came here by accident.Looking from a distance, he found that the lights of the villa were on. Lin Tao ran over and flew onto a tall tree.Just like a huge snow swan standing on a tree branch, looking down.

Lin Tao saw a very surprised scene.Surrounded by low bushes, an open space was formed. There was also a goal with a ball in the open space, but it was only half the size of a normal goal. It seemed that it was intended for Jin Lin to play with.At this time, in the snow, Jin Lin, who was wearing a white exercise suit, was boxing in the snow, and every move was the Lin family boxing.Not only that, but Lin Tao found that Jin Lin was still barefoot. Lin Tao's eyesight was very keen, and he could see that Jin Lin's face and feet were turning red, but he was very serious about every move and style of Lin Family Boxing.

What made Lin Tao's heart ache was that Jin Zhen'ai, who was standing next to him, was using a thin bamboo to beat Jin Lin's arms and calves from time to time to correct his moves.In fact, Jin Lin practiced very well.This made Lin Tao very angry. How can children be abused in such a cold day?

"Mom, I still miss Dad, what should I do?"

"That's because you're not concentrating. You need to speed up your pace and boxing speed, and immerse your mind in the moves. You are a grown child now, how can you find a father like a child? When you grow up and practice martial arts well, You can be with Dad now."

"Oh, what does mom want dad to do? Why doesn't dad come to see you?"

Lin Tao, who was standing on the tree trunk, had a sore nose and tears streaming down his face.

"Mom, why are you crying? Mom, don't cry, I will practice hard." Xiao Jinlin ran over to wipe the tears of Jin Zhenai who was squatting on the ground and crying.

Lin Tao felt his heart was twisted like a knife, and his body swayed slightly on the tree. Lin Tao couldn't bear the sad scene of mother and child anymore. He kicked off the thick branches under his feet, and his body flew down like a nighthawk. In the meantime, the tall figure appeared in front of the mother and child, blocking the howling north wind and flakes of snow.Lin Tao suddenly thought, this mother and son just lack someone who can really protect them from wind and rain?Although the mother and child's situation was not caused by themselves, if they hadn't planted the seeds themselves and had Jinlin, how could it have happened?

"Mom—it's Dad—here comes Dad." Jin Lin rushed over, and Lin Tao hugged his son in his arms, kissing and kissing on the cheek.

With tears in her eyes, Jin Zhenai stood up in a daze, as if she felt that she was dreaming.Lin Tao stretched out his right arm and gently embraced Jin Zhenai in his arms.Jin Zhenai groaned in pain.

"Mom doesn't cry, why does Dad cry--Dad--" A mother and son cried with their faces tightly pressed against Lin Tao's chest. Lin Tao's eyes were full of tears, but his arms hugged them even tighter.

The north wind is getting stronger and stronger, rolling up countless snowflakes, and the small football field is completely white.The three figures became very hazy in the wind and snow.Jin Zhenai and Jin Lin couldn't feel the bone-chilling cold of the blizzard, they just felt their bodies getting warmer and warmer, and they were so comfortable.It was Lin Tao who put the aura outside to shield the mother and child from the wind and snow, and used the true energy in his body to keep the poor mother and child warm and cold.Jin Zhenai was just crying, and after feeling the warmth, her voice gradually became quieter, but she didn't dare to leave Lin Tao's embrace, for fear that she would wake up from the dream when she opened her eyes.

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