Jagged city

Chapter 338

Jagged City - Chapter 330 Contest

When Lin Tao got the news, it was Wang Han who called him when he was reviewing the documents in the Xiliang government office the next day, and briefly explained what happened. At around [-] o'clock in the morning today, the Chinese side first discovered the meteorite. , The meteorite contains five unknown elements, two unknown minerals and accompanying organisms. The special team wrapped the meteorite with anti-radiation materials. During the transportation, they encountered special teams from other countries and leaked the target. There was an exchange of fire between the special teams of various countries. Ten Chinese people have died so far. , Two people in the SS team were seriously injured. 【】Wang Han's special team is also in danger. Not only can the meteorite not be brought back, but the casualties of the Chinese team will further increase.According to the information returned by the special team.The three teams of the United States, Japan, and Russia are particularly strong, not only well equipped, but also have masters. The members of the SS team were severely injured by a ninja-like Japanese special team member, and the little devil escaped the shooting of the two members. The SS team, all of them are sharpshooters, within a hundred meters, they can't miss a shot, one can imagine how powerful that little devil is.Moreover, China not only fought against one team, but was also attacked by Russia, and the United States joined forces with Vietnam and Cambodia to encircle and suppress China.That place is the primeval forest where the three countries meet, and large troops cannot be sent there, so the special forces are at a disadvantage.Although the Guangxi Special Forces are currently adding reinforcements, the situation is not optimistic.

Lin Tao knew that this was a tactful request from his brother for help.Furthermore, the meteorite is of great significance to the development of Chinese science, and the treasure cannot be allowed to fall into the hands of foreigners.Lin Tao had just returned to Baishi Villa in a hurry, and the two old chiefs had already learned about the situation.

Old Jin asked in a deep voice: "Do you want to go? It stands to reason that with your status, even the country can force you to rush to the front line. If—"

"I'll go with Liehu and let the family warm the wine. I'll come back as soon as I go." Lin Tao laughed.

"This boy, okay, the second master Gu Guan warmed the wine and killed Yan Liang, and Major General Lin warmed the wine to rid the crowd of demons. We two old men will warm the wine for you." Jin Lao laughed.

Lin Tao said with a smile: "It's not enough to warm the wine, you have to lend the fighter jet to me and Liehu, time waits for no one."

"Okay, you and Liehu are ready to go to the airport right away, and we will arrange the rest." Old Shang patted Lin Tao on the shoulder.

Lin Tao returned to the bedroom, Xiao Xiao saw that Lin Tao was busy changing clothes, and quickly asked, "What happened?"

"Go to Guangxi and perform a mission, don't worry." Lin Tao laughed.

"The bulletproof vest has to be put on, and this precious armor." Xiao Xiao pulled out the combination box from the closet, opened it a few times, and put it on Lin Tao involuntarily.Although he didn't know what task to do, Xiao Xiao could feel that it was not an easy task, otherwise Lin Tao, who is the mayor, would not be allowed to do it.Lin Tao kissed Xiao Xiao's forehead, and said a few more words of comfort. He rummaged through the closet and saw a set of black robes. Not only did Lin Tao's mouth turn up.

"Why don't you take this with you! Isn't this the Grim Reaper suit that Xiaolian bought in that Halloween shop! You want to pretend to be a ghost!" Xiao Xiao took out the clothes and laughed.

"I am the god of death." Lin Tao stuffed his clothes into the lockbox.There are pistols, daggers, and several special weapons in the lockbox.Lin Tao took off the big sword hanging on the wall again.After going downstairs, Qin Liehu was already waiting outside.

"Is the body armor on?" Lin Tao gave Qin Liehu a hammer.

Lord Tiger chuckled: "There are two layers inside and outside, the thick one with alloy steel plate, which can resist the first resistance of armor-piercing bullets."

"Good job, so that I can take you there with confidence. Iron cloth shirt is not invincible King Kong, after all, it is still meat, so be careful. Weapons!"

"I can't play with guns well, so I brought two sets of twenty throwing knives. And this." Master Hu shook the long box in his hand, which contained a mace. When dealing with giant snakes, he Used it with Zhao Dingtian.


The two got in the car and drove away, and soon two fighter planes flew out from the northwest of Xiliang, heading towards Guangxi at supersonic speed.An hour and a half later, the plane landed at Guangxi Military Airport.The two quickly changed to a helicopter and arrived at the border half an hour later.There is Guangxi Guoan to respond there.

"Hi, Chief. I'm Nighthawk, and I'm in charge of leading the way." The thin black man codenamed Nighthawk saluted Lin Tao.

"Thank you, do you have a navigator?" Lin Tao asked.

"It's all ready." Someone next to him handed over two things that looked like mobile phones. There were maps, latitude and longitude on them, which could indicate the direction.

"The red dot is the approximate position of our troops. As long as you press this button, the green arrow will always point to the red dot."

"That's right, I don't need you to lead the way, just take care of these two boxes." Lin Tao took out two sets of clothes, one is a death suit and the other is a devil suit, both of which have masks and pullovers.Lin Tao took out a gun, took two magazines, stuffed a dagger into his leg, and tied a belt around his waist.

Nighthawk looked at the old man, took out a mallet from the box, and a metal rod as thick as a duck egg, twisted it up, and dozens of shiny steel cones were exposed on the mallet.Lord Tiger put on his leather arm and smiled at him, Ye Ying swallowed, thinking that this thing is very powerful for hitting people, but can it deal with those long guns and short cannons?Also, isn't that a Halloween costume? Take it as a game!

"Let's go, our headsets have an effective communication distance of five kilometers. Liehu, just keep running in the direction of the arrow."


However, two black shadows quickly ran across the border and disappeared into the dense jungle in the blink of an eye.

At the beginning, Master Hu's speed could keep up with Lin Tao, but after the forest became denser, Lin Tao no longer ran on the ground, but jumped into the air, hopping left and right, and jumping on the branches, Master Tiger was dumbfounded. Xin said, the gap is so big that there is no limit, this is the real skill.

In the depths of the tropical rainforest, a Guangxi special team member was crying bitterly holding a blood-stained corpse.

"Big head, why did you block a knife for me? Damn me, I still claim to be a master of Hongquan. Ah - big head!"

"Okay, let's go, they will catch up later." Captain Han Ming said with red eyes, thirteen of the 30 members of the Guangxi Special Brigade had died.

"No, captain, you go, I will cover."

"Fart, what's the difference between being here alone and being sent to death? The thirteen teammates who died are all our brothers. Those who are alive don't feel sad, but our first task is to bring the meteorite back, and of course we must avenge our brothers. But it’s not about dying like you. Get up. Crack!” Captain Han Ming slapped the team member.He motioned to the two people next to him to pull Han Ming up, and then covered it briefly with a branch.With the sound of crying, the team drilled into the depths of the dense forest.

Two kilometers away, by a river, a few special team members from the Chinese side sank a meteorite with a diameter of one meter into the river, then picked up a lot of stones and wrapped them up. Two people carried them away, and the team members behind wiped off the traces.

"Captain, can you fool those wolf cubs like this?"

"It's a trick for a while. The Storm Squad led the enemy away, but it won't be too long. The brothers of the Guangxi Special Brigade are willing to be cannon fodder. We must complete the task, which is to hold these people back before the Dragon God arrives. Don't let them discover the meteorite." The captain of the Heisha team whispered, his eyes sparkling with excitement.

"Is the Dragon God really coming?" the team members whispered, Lin Tao has a god-like status in the hearts of these S-level and above special team members. Some people call Lin Tao the king of soldiers. Those who have personally cultivated it prefer to call Lin Tao the Dragon God, especially the members of the SS team who have been on missions with Lin Tao.

"Yes, the telegram code has just been sent, and the dragon god is rushing to this area."

"Great, once the Dragon God arrives, everything will be solved—it's just that this time it's too embarrassing for the instructor." The team member said in shame.

"Well, it's just that this time it was too sudden and lacked a combat plan. Besides, the U.S. side has two teams of mercenaries in addition to the special team. In the international market, they only make moves worth tens of millions of dollars each time. I have to admit that they It is top-notch, even in close combat, it is not much worse than us, not to mention that the Japanese side dispatched ninjas, I guess at least Jnin, otherwise how could they escape the shooting of Yasha and me. The most hateful thing is that they have united , We are besieged on all sides-clear the footprints behind, especially the footprints of the two people carrying the stone, so that they can confuse them for a while. Buy time for the arrival of the dragon god."

"Oh, that's great. It's raining. Although we walked harder, they also chased harder. Listen—there are gunshots in the northeast. Could it be that the dragon god is coming." A team member hissed.

"The sound of gunfire is very mixed. It should be the brothers of the Guangxi Special Brigade rescued by the second batch. I really want to tell them not to smash—" The captain's face painted in camouflage became low, although he was not from the same place, he had never seen it before. face, but they are all junior soldiers after all, blood is thicker than water.

Fifty kilometers to the area where the meteorite fell. This distance is not too far for Lin Tao. In the misty rain and fog, a black figure jumped between the dense forests, faster than a cheetah. Although the rain and fog were heavy, Lin Tao was still dry , the rain and fog were blocked half a foot away from Lin Tao's body.Lin Tao is like a wild animal that has escaped from the trap, running and jumping heartily in the jungle that belongs to him. He is an elf in the jungle at this moment.

Lin Tao jumped into the canopy of an arbor, stepped on a branch as thick as a finger, and looked into the distance. 500 meters away, the shaking in a bush did not escape Lin Tao's sharp eyes.Lin Tao took out a miniature telescope from his clothes behind him and put it on his left eye. It looked like a blood-red one-eyed devil, a god of death who reaped lives.Lin Tao could see clearly through the binoculars that it was a small team hidden in the bushes, there were eight people, and they were European and American in terms of body shape and face.

Dick was the captain of the ten-man team. He leaned against an old tree and looked around with binoculars.

"Boss, they will undoubtedly become the turtles in the urn. The key is who will find them first and find the meteorite. The black market in Europe asks for [-] million U.S. dollars. After completing this vote, each of us will be a rich man."

"Hmph, the people from the Military Intelligence Bureau won't let us get it easily. If we really want to sell it to the black market in Europe, I'm afraid we will face the pursuit of CSI."

"Are we afraid of being hunted down?"

"Of course not, haha—"

"Keep your voice down—the meteorite is not in our hands yet."

"It will fall into our hands in the end. Our people have already locked their eyes on their support." Dick sneered.

"Then let's watch them fight to the death first, and then come to the last, how do you say that in Chinese, it's like a yellow bird, a mantis—"

"The mantis catches the cicada and the oriole is behind!" Dick spat out the grass roots in his mouth.

"That's the sentence. Chinese people speak very philosophically. After I retire, I'm going to learn Chinese well. Maybe it's good to retire in Guilin." Dean, who is of mixed race, said.

"Hey, don't forget, you killed two Chinese special forces not long ago, didn't you commit suicide? Did you hear me, did you hear me——I said a Chinese idiom."


"Shhh!—Oh, God, what did I see?" Dick's face became terrified, he rubbed his eyes and set up the binoculars again, but there was nothing on the canopy of trees in the distance except misty rain and fog.

"Captain, what did you see?" Dean exclaimed.

"I'm afraid my eyes are blurred. Just now, I saw a Grim Reaper standing on the canopy of an arbor 600 meters away?" Dick said in surprise.

"What Death?"

"The Halloween one, wearing a skull mask and black robe, but he has a blood-red eye. But it disappeared in the blink of an eye." Dick said with some horror.

"We are full of energy now. Ordinarily, we will not have hallucinations. Could it be that people are pretending?" said a team member.

"But that location is at least 30 meters high, and he is standing on a thin branch, how is this possible? Be alert immediately!" After all, Dick has been a mercenary captain for many years, and his hands are covered with blood. Although the scene he saw was unbelievable , but he believed in the gun in his hand more.Even if the real god of death came to reap his life, he would not stand still.

"Pay attention to the southeast direction. The sniper will be there, and the observer will be in position. The others will take cover. Focus on me." Dick issued a series of orders.

"At three o'clock, shoot!"

"Da da da——" sniper rifles, automatic rifles, bullets poured out, smashing the swaying bushes to pieces.That place was just a small stone falling from a high altitude that touched the branches, and at this moment the god of death was standing less than ten meters behind them.

"Ah! From the back— da da da—" Dean saw that the heads of the sniper and the observer around him suddenly fell off ten meters away, and the blood from the neck cavity spurted out like a fountain.And the god of death, dressed in black and with blood-red light and one eye, was floating over.Dean's eyes were wide open, his fingers were still holding the trigger, and the bullets kept pouring out, but his body kneeling on the ground leaned back, and blood gushed out from his neck.

Dick pulled the dagger out of his boots, threw it like lightning, raised the automatic rifle with his right hand, but found that his right arm couldn't move, and watched the throwing knife pass by Death's fingertips, and changed its direction slightly , but flew even faster, and saw a bright light shooting towards Brien, and saw the flying knife nailed into Brien's forehead, and fell backwards.

"Oh—you're a devil!" Dick was horrified to find that the other six members had already died, that is to say, he was the only one left in the ten-member team.

"You will no longer have guns in your hands, and don't go into the East as long as you live—"

"Oh—no—" Dick yelled hysterically long after Reaper had disappeared.

Lin Tao rushed to the second target. The reason why Lin Tao left a living was to hope that someone would spread the reputation of the god of death.

In a small valley three kilometers away from here, a member of the Guangxi Special Forces Brigade was lying on the ground with bullet holes in his right arm and left leg.People are still breathing weakly.Not far away, another special team member was knocked down in muddy water by a white man.

The white man sneered and said, "Chinese boy, do you know what this kung fu is?"

The special team spit out a mouthful of blood and looked at the European coldly.

"This is the Chinese Kung Fu I learned in Denmark's Chinatown for [-] dollars. How about Iron Fist? Is it amazing? Pity you Chinese don't know this kind of boxing! You can die under the hands of Chinese Kung Fu, and you won't feel wronged .”

Several white people next to me laughed.A look of sadness flashed in the eyes of this special team member. He didn't expect foreigners to learn Chinese Kung Fu so well, but it's a pity that no one taught it in the special team.

Standing on the top of the tree, the god of death in a black robe fluttered, watching all this coldly. From the end of the Qing Dynasty to the Cultural Revolution, [-]% of Chinese martial artists came out. However, many of the quintessence of martial arts are still learned by foreigners, especially in Southeast Asia.There are also some in North America and Europe.This has to be said to be the tragedy of the Chinese people.

"I'm going to hit you with this punch, spouting minced meat from your mouth, like a meat grinder, it must be very interesting." The white man raised his fist and slammed it at the Guangxi special forces on the ground.


But seeing the white man's body flying into the air, bright red blood spewed out of his mouth, mixed with many pieces of minced meat and internal organs.Blood dripped all over the bodies of the two white men beside him.

"Ah—ah—" The two white men opened their eyes wide in horror, when a god of death appeared in front of them.

The two were just about to raise their guns, but they saw two flashes of light in the air, and the two white men suddenly became two pieces from the crotch to the forehead, and their internal organs slanted out.

"Wow!" The special team member from Guangxi vomited. Although it was not the first time he saw a murder, it was indeed the first time he saw such a scene.But he knew that the one in front of him was not a ghost, because there was a big sword on the cloak on the back, and he really didn't see how the sword was drawn just now, but he could feel that the two white men were split in two with the sword. half.

"Take the wounded and retreat to the border of Guangxi—"

The special team stared blankly, as the bullets jumped out of the player's thighs and arms.The arm was straightened by the black-robed Reaper, who took out the gauze from the first aid kit, and tied it to his arm with a dagger as a plank.

"Let's go!" This person felt a few shots, and immediately felt a warm current on his body. When he came back to his senses, that person had disappeared without a trace.

"Could it be a dream? Ah—" biting the tip of his tongue, he cried out in pain. Looking at the bloody four-petal corpse not far away, as well as the guy with the iron wire fist with his mouth wide open in horror, he knew the decisiveness Not a dream.

"God, is this also a Chinese soldier? But why is he wearing a strange black robe and a mask?"

"Xiaojun, what's going on? I'm not dead?" The one lying on the ground finally woke up.

"Not dead, none of us dead—"

"Ah—this is—" This one sat up and looked, and was also stunned by the scene in front of him.The companion was still in a daze, and did not immediately explain everything in front of him.

"Damn, I can't look handsome in this at all, I look like a beggar's uniform." Master Tiger held a mace, and watched the black robe on his body turn into strips, a little annoyed, watching his master Lin Tao flashing in the jungle Turning around, he can't do it at all, but he can jump up, but even the thick branches of the bowl may be broken by him.So all the way can only use a mace to open the way, running wildly on the ground, so the black robe was scraped into strips by the branches, Master Tiger angrily tore off his clothes, threw the mask on the branches, felt comfortable, and wiped his face The rain, continue to run forward.Master Hu finally figured it out, Lin Tao called him here, probably to let him resist the stone.With Lin Tao in front, it is estimated that they will not meet the enemy.

One kilometer in front of Lord Tiger, a member of the SS team shot backwards while running.The black shadow chasing behind used the cover of trees to avoid bullets calmly and gradually moved closer to him.

"Fuck your mother, if you really can't run away, I'll pull you to die together." The members of the Storm Squad looked at the two high-explosive grenades on their waists, and when they were fighting hand to hand with the ninja behind them, they suddenly pulled the fuse and hugged desperately. The ninja who is in hot pursuit.This ninja has been chasing him for ten kilometers without hesitation, and he has circled several times, but he doesn't know where he is now.Unexpectedly, in order to distract the ninja, he fired a few bursts, which actually angered the little man.Although two Japanese were killed, it would not be so desperate.The Heisha team members were very helpless.How did he know that one of the Japanese killed by him was the ninja's younger brother.

The Storm team members continued to run forward, and began to feel grateful again. In the special training of the special brigade, they ran [-] kilometers a day with heavy loads.If it weren't for the arduous training, he would have been exhausted by now.There are still two magazines on his body, and it is estimated that he can only block a distance of two kilometers. Once the ammunition is gone, he will be finished.

As he was running, his neck suddenly tightened, as if someone had caught a chick, and he was carried behind a big tree.My hands and feet were numb for a while, and I couldn't use any strength at all.

"Shh! The sky is moving!" This is the action signal, and the other party's reply to Meteor will be considered a match.

"Master Tiger!" Heisha's team members were surprised and delighted.

"You know me, kid!" Master Hu glared.

"Well, there's a little devil behind." Heisha's team member said in a low voice.

"I see, you shoot and keep running!" Lord Tiger ordered.

The man panted, turned and fired, and continued to run. 200 meters away, behind a tree, a figure flashed out and rushed towards this side. He didn't run over just now because he was afraid of the other party's sniping. When he saw running, he was not so dangerous, so he immediately chased him out.

Just as the ninja was running fast, a wall of flesh suddenly appeared in front of him. The ninja jumped away to the left with a cry of surprise, and with a willow leaf flying knife in his hand, a cold light went straight to Master Tiger's throat.Master Tiger stepped on the ground, flew up, and threw himself directly at the ninja.

The ninja laughed inwardly, the throwing knife is poisonous, as long as you take a small bite, it can poison you.The moment he rolled to the ground, two more throwing knives shot towards Master Hu's face.

"Boy, it's not over." Master Tiger pulled with his big hand, the throwing knife slammed, and the mace in his right hand hit the ninja's back in the wind.

The ninja yelled, and a lazy donkey rolled around, dodging the fatal blow, the mace fell into the puddle with his clothes on his waist, splashed water, and the muddy water hit the ninja's face , actually drew a hole.

"Baga!" The ninja drew out his saber and slashed at Master Tiger.Master Hu swiped upwards with a mace, the man saw that Master Ding was powerful, so he didn't dare to fight recklessly, turned around, and slid to the side to chop at Master Hu's calf.Master Tiger didn't hide, and directly stabbed the ninja in the face with a mace.The ninja cursed inwardly, this is a desperate move, if I cut off his leg with a single blow, he might smash my head.The ninja bent down, turned the knife in his hand upside down, changed from cutting to cutting, and rushed to the right side of Master Tiger with his whole body.Master Hu turned around like a yellow dragon, his body fell, and the mace in his hand also turned from top to bottom, and then slammed upwards. The method is slow, how can I expect that this one is more flexible than him, the ninja tried his best to shake his head and turned to the outside, but Master Tiger's speed was too fast, this one dodged his stomach and bought his waist.

There was only a bang, as if a toad had been drawn.

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