Jagged city

Chapter 339

Jagged City - Chapter 330 Competition

The Storm team members in the distance stared blankly at the black-clothed ninja flying diagonally towards the sky, uttering an inhuman scream, bleeding everywhere in the air. ╠中文 ╣Flew ten meters high and hit a tree before falling.

The Storm team members ran over and saw that the fallen ninja's body had been beaten into two sections, blood was flowing from the waist, and internal organs were oozing out.Blood was still squirting from the mouth.

"Master Hu, you're really amazing! This grandson almost exhausted me to death, and made you smack me like a toad!" The Storm team member raised his thumb.

"How do you know me, kid?" Master Hu said with his eyes wide open.

"You have been to the Special Forces Brigade, and I have seen you. I am the Scud of the Tornado Squad." The man grinned.

"It's no wonder people chased me to death with the rabbit! Lead the way." Master Tiger said impatiently.

"Hey!" Scud almost lay down on the ground, thinking, are you so hurtful, but I bear it, I don't want to be slapped.

"Master Tiger, hasn't the Dragon God come?" Scud asked.

"Dragon God?" Master Tiger was a little puzzled.

"It's the chief instructor."

"Oh, my master is walking ahead of me. I guess I didn't walk in a straight line. If I ran into you, you wouldn't have to run so happily." Master Hu said.

Scud really didn't dare to refute, this Lord Tiger is also very evil, only the chief instructor can accept such an apprentice.When I was in the Special Forces Brigade, I saw this one. A two-foot-square stone was shattered with a slap.That's rocks, not tofu.Seeing Master Hu's move, they all felt that it was not safe to have a head on the neck.

"Master Tiger, there are several strong little devils in this team, one of them seriously injured two of our team members, and the two guns within 50 meters failed to stop him, and his speed was much faster than the one you just killed." Scud introduced Said.

"Just lead the way. If you are far away, you shoot. If it is close, no matter who it is, I can take pictures, but it is probably too much. If they meet my master, they will not be able to get through it at all. That is, your boy will be kicked out. Jumping, I caught one of them. Otherwise, I have to fight the stone. Hurry up—”

"Hey, let me take a bite of biscuit, I can't get enough of it after running for a long time, you can get some." Scud handed over a piece of compressed biscuit.

"No, I'm not hungry, let's go quickly, don't make my master wait too long, I also ran all the way from the border to here, haven't I stopped yet?" Master Hu said faster.

"Ah, that's fifty kilometers away—" Scud almost choked on the biscuit, quickly gulped down a mouthful of water, and patted hard twice before getting over.

Fifteen kilometers away, Lin Tao eliminated another eight-person team. This was the fourth wave of people Lin Tao had encountered.Lin Tao looked at the mutilated corpses on the ground, turned around and jumped onto a branch, galloping towards the northwest, like a legendary swift in the rain.Lin Tao stood on top of a tree and pressed the headset.

"I am Dragon God, Kuang Feng, Heisha to report the location." Lin Tao's code name was given by Wang Han during this operation, and Wang Han also knew that the special forces secretly called Lin Tao like this, so he used the code name of Dragon God.While talking on the phone, Lin Tao looked forward with the binoculars in his left eye, scanning for abnormal movements there.This headset channel is valid for five-kilometer calls, and Lin Tao got through the headset call only after guessing.

"I am Gale, we are currently leading two groups of people in a circle, the position is - please support the Dragon God!"

"Understood, continue to advance to the northwest. I'll fall right away!" Lin Tao jumped down, jumped onto another big tree, bounced up again, and quickly disappeared into the rain.

About five kilometers to the northwest, the strong wind brought three team members to run wildly in the rain.

"Captain, it's the dragon god—is the chief instructor here?" A team member lowered his voice and asked hoarsely, but couldn't hide the joy in his eyes.

"Well, they are approaching us, we just continue to run to the northwest. ***, it's time for us to fight back later." A cold light flashed in Captain Fengfeng's eyes.The code names of the special team captains are all team code names.Storm Squad, Captain Storm.Team members are other code names.

"They have 20 people, and they want to encircle us. As long as we don't stop, they can't do it. Let's plant a booby trap in the water, blow one up, and guide the dragon god." A team member said.

The four of them quickly set up a triple chain of booby traps. Five minutes later, there was an explosion in the jungle.Lin Tao stood on the top of a tree and used a miniature telescope to determine the position. He was only about 5 meters away from where he was, and Lin Tao immediately jumped down.

On the border of Laos, a senior British agent, Daisy, was smoking a cigar, leaning on the jeep, looking at the jungle in the distance.The telegraph operator on the car took off the headset and said: "Sir, 800 million US dollars has been deposited into the Swiss account, and finally cooperated with the US to obtain the meteorite, and the remaining 800 million US dollars will be credited immediately."

"Okay, let the team members go all out to hunt down and suppress the Chinese agents and special forces."

On the border of Vietnam, Major Ruan Hongtao looked at the green soldiers in front of him and said: "Today, when our jungle tigers show their style, the meteorites must be captured by me. When encountering the British and American teams, after warning, those who do not retreat will be killed immediately." .As for other people encountered, they will be destructively culled. Divide into three groups and advance in a semi-surrounding shape!"

At Ruan Hongtao's order, [-] soldiers from the special battalion with all American equipment marched into the jungle to sweep.

The US special agent team in the jungle, Senior Agent Henry, listened to the report of his subordinates. The Philippine naval base has dispatched a transport plane to the Cambodian border, and [-] members of the Marine Corps are coming by transport plane.What Henry has to do is to launch a signal flare to guide the direction.

A red flare flew into the sky, forming a large cloud of red smoke at an altitude of 400 meters.Even with the right eye, it can be seen from eighty kilometers away.

Lin Tao, who was killing the mercenaries of the Siege Storm Squad, suddenly looked up and saw the signal flare that took off, and his eyelids twitched, knowing that it was a signal flare for the helicopter.Can't help speeding up.Ten of the mercenaries who encircled and suppressed the Storm Squad have died, only one of them saw a flashing black shadow, and the remaining ten used the walkie-talkie to gather together to prevent being attacked individually.Lin Tao was running in the jungle, and a mercenary wearing camouflage appeared 50 meters away. The mercenary ran to the northwest and looked back occasionally, but he didn't see Lin Tao.Lin Tao soon appeared on a banyan tree 20 meters away from the mercenary, a cold light flashed in his hand, and a dagger pierced the mercenary's neck in the blink of an eye. He nailed it hard to a tree in front of him. Lin Tao swept over, pulled out a military dagger from the mercenary's thigh, and jumped towards the woods where people were running 200 meters away.

"Ah——" When a mercenary turned his head to watch, he was horrified to find a god of death jumping down from the sky, especially those red eyes were daunting.Two cold lights shot out from the black sleeves of Death God, two dead bodies crashed to the ground, a dagger pierced through the throat, and a dagger stabbed the back of another mercenary's neck.

"Da da da——" a shuttle of bullets shot towards the god of death, and the shooting direction was exactly where the god of death landed.But the god of death didn't land on the ground, but flew up in mid-air, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Oh, what the hell—what?" The three mercenaries 200 meters away felt parched.

In fact, Lin Tao's Grim Reaper can't stay in mid-air and continue to fly upwards. Instead, there is a device on Lin Tao's wrist, a small metal wrist guard. The thin wire will pop out, and the longest distance can reach 20 meters. Lin Tao can freely control the expansion and contraction of the alloy thin wire, like a tentacle. This method was slowly practiced when he returned from Mexico.That's why Lin Tao was able to fly around in this tropical jungle with the help of thin metal wires.In just ten seconds, Lin Tao had turned behind the three mercenaries.Thin alloy wires shot out.

"Tom, let's retreat, it's too weird—ah, oh my god—" The mercenary who turned back to ask the question screamed in horror, because the heads of the two companions behind him suddenly flew up, and the blood from the neck cavity flowed out Crazy spray.

"Devil——" the mercenary ran wildly in terror, throwing away the guns in his hands.Lin Tao flicked his wrist, rolled up the gun, shot out in the air, tapped the mercenary's helmet with one foot, and jumped up to another big tree ten meters away. Looking at the mercenary, he had already fallen to the ground. The cervical spine was crushed by Lin Tao's kick, and he couldn't die anymore.

"I am the Dragon God. The Storm Squad moves closer to the Heisha Squad, and kills all the chasing enemies." Two minutes later, Lin Tao turned on the headset to call, and flew towards the signal flare.

"Guangfeng understands!" Captain Kuangfeng clenched his fist excitedly.

"As expected of the Dragon God! It's amazing to kill twenty of them so quickly." A team member wiped the rain from his face and said.

"We have to speed up, the rain stopped, and the speed of the enemy's encirclement and suppression will be accelerated." The Kuangfeng team quickly chased in the direction of the Heisha team.

In front of Lin Tao, three kilometers to the southwest, a senior US agent leisurely lit a cigarette, because he was the chasing team, so there was no need to be cautious.The Chinese team was stalked by the coalition forces, but the encirclement was getting smaller and smaller, and they couldn't escape. When fifty marines joined the special forces, the US side would undoubtedly be able to eat everyone. Meteorites couldn't escape. of.The position of the general manager of Southeast Asia is also vain, and there are tens of millions of green dollars to take. Henry is considering whether to buy a small island near Hawaii, where he can enjoy himself after retirement.

"Team leader, the rain has stopped. Should we fire another flare? The smoke just now has been washed away by the rain." An agent said with a flare gun.

"That's right, come on again, they'll be there in five minutes." Henry blew out a few smoke rings, feeling very comfortable.

"Whoosh-bang!" A red flare with a long tail exploded high in the air.

"It's a big pile of shit. I think the signal flare should be improved. The red lips of a beautiful woman must be very sexy." Henry flicked the cigarette butt away.

"Leader, it will be more sexy if it becomes a woman's vagina." A black man laughed with his mouth open.

"Oh, Cobb, I just like your straightforwardness." Henry patted the black man on the shoulder and smiled.

Suddenly a bright light flashed, and before he had time to make a tactical lie down to evade, but after hearing a few puffs, when Henry saw clearly in front of him, there were more than a dozen pieces of minced meat on the ground,

"The devil——" Henry opened his eyes wide in horror, and found that the devil stretched out his hand, his body could not move, his mouth opened but he couldn't continue to make a sound.

"Get ready to skydive!" A small transport plane flew to an altitude of 300 meters above the forest, the cabin door opened, and the marines jumped out.

Reaper standing on the canopy of the tree raised the muzzle of the gun. The effective shooting distance of this semi-automatic rifle is 800 meters, and the distance from the tree canopy to the parachutist is only 400 meters. This live target in the air is not difficult for Lin Tao. big.

"Da-da-dada--" The marines who opened the umbrella heard the gunshots, but saw no one. When they were looking around in the air, their faces were smashed.A cloud of blood burst out in the back of his head.

The transport plane is still flying forward, and the Marine Corps members are still jumping down coherently, 21, [-]——

Lin Tao jumped between the jungles, changed several positions in a row, and chased the transport plane. Two minutes later, the transport plane completed its mission and flew away.And fifty Marines jumped off and never got up again.Lin Tao took down the coordinates and chased in the direction of Heisha.

Six kilometers northwest of Lin Tao, Scud held back his nausea, picked grenades from the minced meat, rinsed them in a puddle, and handed them to Lord Tiger, who had already hung two rows around his waist.There is also a sniper rifle on the back, which is prepared for Scud.

"The chief instructor is ruthless. If I didn't see the dozens of heads on the ground, I wouldn't know how many died. Looking at the tattoos, they are desert wolf mercenaries. They are well-known in Europe. But they didn't seem to resist much, so they were killed. The Dragon God cut it up." Scud was also trembling when he saw it, because dozens of pieces of minced meat, blood, and internal organs flowed all over the ground.

"Stop talking nonsense, let's go."

"That's right, Master Tiger." Scud put a telescope on his neck, carried a rifle, and followed Master Tiger. With Master Tiger around, Scud believed that he could contain the two teams, because Master Tiger was fast enough. Just now, he ran for more than 20 miles with him, as if nothing happened.

After 10 minutes, Lord Tiger stopped, Scud was very puzzled.

"There are gunshots in the southeast, very dense, probably about three kilometers away. Let's go!" Master Hu moved his big hand, and his scud was clamped again. Compared with Master Hu, his scud became short legs.

The gunshots were getting closer and closer, Lord Tiger put down his scud, and the scud watched carefully with a telescope.After 30 seconds, he said: "One kilometer ahead is the enemy."

"Okay, let's get close quickly, it's up to you." The two moved forward for another 500 meters.Scud looked through the binoculars and found a vantage point, Master Tiger became an observer this time.

Scud screwed on the silencer and aimed at a camouflage uniform lying behind a tree shooting 600 meters away. The golden hair under the helmet could be seen very clearly.

"Bang!" The man fell down.Before the person four meters away could make a sound, a flower of blood spurted out from the back of his neck.

"There are snipers behind!" the British mercenary shouted.At the same time, another one of their men fell.

"Captain, it's difficult for us to be flanked by front and back. It is estimated that there are one or two snipers on the other side. Should we break out from the west, or send someone to chase and kill the snipers behind us." A black man said.

"You take two team members, bring the Vietnamese group over there, and kill those two people. There are too many people on our side, and the Chinese troops in front can hardly hold back. The snipers behind must be the scattered Chinese special forces. No climate." The captain said coldly.

"Okay, I'll lead someone to hunt down the sniper right away." After a while, eight people scattered in front of him and chased towards Scud.

Master Tiger took a look through the binoculars and said, "Let's go around from the other side."

Master Tiger grabbed the scud with his big hand, and quickly retreated, bypassing the eight pursuers at a faster speed, and instead detoured to the forward position, the east side of the enemy.Scud found another opportunity to kill the two.

The captain didn't feel good, could it be that he was surrounded by people, but the number of opponents was small, but it was enough to disrupt their formation.The British captain decisively issued an order to retreat to the west.

"Jonas, stop chasing, move closer to the west, and we retreat. Jonas—Jonas—" The British captain called, but the other party did not answer.The British captain felt a little panicked, waved and led more than 20 people and a ten-man team from the Vietnamese side, and flew westward.

"I am the Dragon God. When I heard the team members, I immediately approached the direction of the Heisha team and killed the enemies on the way forward."



The ones who answered were Guangxi Support Special Forces and Lord Tiger.

Just as these people were running to the southwest, in the northwest, explosions continued one after another.Lin Tao was carrying a backpack with more than 30 grenades in it.Chasing after those people, like a mortar, jumped to the top of the tree and threw his arms and bombed wildly. In 1 minute, all the grenades were thrown out, and they were accurate and ruthless. The team of more than 30 people was killed and injured by the blast.Those who were alive did not escape Lin Tao's poisonous hands, and quickly disappeared into the jungle with a short sound of dada.

Ten kilometers away, by the river, the Japanese spy team was searching by the river. They chased a section of the Heisha team and found that the meteorite was not on the people in front of them, so they returned to look for it.Seeing that the pursuers hadn't come up for a long time, the Heisha team began to chase back again, and observed a search team of more than 20 people from Japan by the river with binoculars.At 800 meters away, the Heisha sniper fired cold shots and knocked down two of them.Then quickly evacuated, circled northeast, and played hide-and-seek with these people.One of the Heisha team was seriously injured, and one of the Kuangfeng team was also seriously injured. These two people have already withdrawn to the border with the remaining members of the Guangxi special team from the first wave.Therefore, the four of Heisha formed a group to attack, as long as they were not surrounded, they were not afraid of the single pursuit of that formidable ninja.The four played guerrilla warfare.

The Japanese side believes even more that the meteorite was sunk into the river by the Chinese side, and as long as you look slowly, you will definitely find it.But unbearable to be harassed by Heisha, led by that powerful ninja, a total of five people chased and killed the Heisha team that circled around.

Lord Tiger and Scud have joined the 20 members of Guangxi Rescue Second Team.Soon Lin Tao, who was wearing a mask, also caught up.Instead, these people were taken aback. Lin Tao ordered Scud to lead ten people to the US airborne site, collect useful military supplies, and then bring back the head of the agent who had been acupunctured.

Then let Lord Tiger follow the ten-member team to approach the black side.

Heisha suddenly heard the buzzing sound of the headset, he was overjoyed, and quickly called out: "I am Heisha."

"I am the wind."

"Great, Little Japan is concentrated by the river, we are going around in circles, followed by that ninja and four tails. My coordinates are—"

"Okay, the ambush will be carried out three kilometers at a 45-degree northeast coordinate. Damn, he must be killed now." Kuangfeng said through gritted teeth.

"Guang Feng, is there any news from the Dragon God?" Heisha asked.

"Dragon God has arrived. It is estimated that the pursuers behind us have been wiped out two or ten minutes ago. It may not be far from us now."

By the Red River, a little devil was happily yelling in the river.

"Found it, found it—"

"Youxi—Get the stone out."

With an order, more than a dozen people jumped into the water and quickly found out the situation in the water. Some people pulled the rope out, and a few dived into the bottom of the water to lift stones.The stone was quickly brought up, and the stone was tightly wrapped with radiation-proof cloth.The captain carefully opened the package, and the ore of the blue crystal was exposed, and the people around exclaimed, it was so beautiful.

"Carry out a radiation check immediately!"

The little devil took out the equipment, checked for a while, and found that the radiation is not very large, as long as it is not exposed to it for a long time, it will not cause too much harm to the human body.Immediately after performing spectral analysis, the lieutenant held the instrument and exclaimed: "There are more than three wave bands that the earth has never experienced, and the value is infinite."

"Long live Yamato!" The little devil roared excitedly.

"Be quiet—it's very difficult for us to transport the ore smoothly, especially if we can't escape the US. We try to retreat as quickly as possible. If we really can't escape, we can only negotiate with them and cooperate with them."

"Hashimoto, your analysis is quite correct. Let Watanabe Ichiro come back immediately, the meteorite needs his escort. Also, contact our people immediately and prepare a helicopter." Captain Hengichi said excitedly.

The ninja Watanabe Ichiro led four people into the ambush circle of Heisha and Kuangfeng.The sniper rifle fired first, and Watanabe dodged the bullet, but one of the four fell behind him.The remaining few fell down immediately.

"Da da da——" First-class flames gushed out, and the mud splashed 400 meters away hit his face hot.Just as Ichiro Watanabe was about to raise his head, a bullet flew past his head.Heisha and Gust are using a combination of sniper rifles and automatic rifles, gradually approaching them.

Watanabe gestured back a few times.Those three people fired indiscriminately, Watanabe Ichiro rolled on the spot, and quickly hid behind a big tree.The bullet knocked off a piece of bark just an inch from Watanabe's shoulder.Watanabe secretly thought it was dangerous.

"I am the dragon god, suppress the opponent! Don't stop shooting."

Heisha and the Storm team members were refreshed.

"Understood!" The two captains replied at the same time, and exchanged glances with the players around them.Make a gesture and keep shooting.

"Bang!" A bullet broke a branch and shot into the thigh of a Japanese team member.That man let out a scream, half of his body was lifted up, the sniper Night Wolf pulled the trigger, and a bullet was shot between the opponent's eyebrows.

"I am Dragon God, everyone stop shooting!"

"Yes, sir."

Both squads stopped firing immediately.

"Oh my God!" In the exclamation of the observers, the god of death descended from the sky in the distance, with a flash of cold light, two bloody corpses flew up from the ground, and the terrified screams.

"Baga!" Watanabe Ichiro swung his knife and slashed at Lin Tao who was wearing a death suit.But seeing a white light, swiping from bottom to top, the ninja wearing camouflage tights suddenly turned into two bodies and rushed forward.

"Could it be a shadow clone?" The observer exclaimed in his heart!

But seeing the god of death rising into the air and standing on the branch, he didn't care about the two shadow clones behind him, but jumped away.

"Immediately approach the river to encircle and suppress the remnants of the enemy."

Lin Tao's voice came from everyone's ears, and when they looked at the two shadow clones again, blood spurted out of their internal organs, and they fell to the ground.

"Oh, God—**—Tathagata Buddha!" ​​Heisha chanted a bunch of words and ran towards the accident site, and the people with the strong wind also rushed out. After a while, eight people gathered together.Everyone held their breath, except for the one killed by the sniper Yelang on the ground, and the four corpses beside him were severed at the waist.The formidable ninja nine meters away, the master who severely injured two team members and turned Heisha around, turned into two bloody pieces at this moment.

"He was our chief instructor just now, right?" Yelang swallowed and said.

"Yes, that voice, I will never forget it in my life."

"Is the chief instructor still human? I just saw this guy jump out and stab the man in the death suit with a knife—then in a flash, it became two pieces."

"Of course not a human being. He is a god. Our guardian god, the dragon god, is the god of death who frightens the enemy. Alright, let's head to the river immediately. We can't embarrass the dragon god. Our two teams fought too badly today. , I have to let out this bad breath." The eight people took a long breath and ran quickly.

Standing at the top of the tree, Lin Tao had already seen the number of enemies clearly, and ordered in the earphones that Lord Tiger and ten members of the Guangxi team should set up an ambush.Let the strong wind surround the north side, and Heisha surround the west side.Can't let an enemy leak.

"Quick, three kilometers away, there is an open space there, just enough for helicopters to take off and land. We need to get there as soon as possible and occupy it quickly. Baga, what's the matter with Watanabe, have you got in touch?" the captain cursed.

"not yet."

"Damn, it must be too far away."

Lin Tao stood on the canopy of an arbor more than 30 meters high, staring at Hengyi's team with binoculars.

"Tiger, the enemy, is right in front of you, the distance is about 800 meters, enter the range of 500 meters, and then shoot, don't hit the meteorite."


"Gust, Heisha, speed up and get closer, the coordinates—"

After 2 minutes, all three teams were ready.Lin Tao gave an order.The three snipers pulled the triggers almost simultaneously.The three devils were bleeding from their hearts.

Before they could react, three more people shot blood on their chests in the second consecutive shot.

"Enemy attack, lie down!" Heng Yi immediately fell down.

"Bang bang—" At the moment the enemy lay down, three people were shot.This is rifle burst.As a sharpshooter, at a distance of 500 meters, you can still hit a hundred shots with a rifle.

The remaining 19 people were all lying on the ground, not even daring to lift their heads.

"Captain, we are surrounded. What should we do?" Hashimoto said.

"Which party is it?" Heng Yi asked.

"I don't know. It's likely to be the US troops. Only they have this strength. The Chinese side has been dispersed by the coalition forces."

"Don't shoot, I'm Hengyi, we are friends, we can discuss it, don't accidentally hurt your own people." Hengyi shouted loudly, thinking that they were surrounded by Americans. After all, the United States has bases and troops in Japan. There is a lot of cooperation on both sides, and this time it is not impossible, so Yokoichi shouted.

"Heisha, Kuangfeng, Liehu, all teams stop shooting."


The team members were very excited and watched with wide eyes, because Lin Tao was about to make a move.

The little devil lying on the ground could barely see the front and left and right, but he didn't see the top of his head at all. The three people lying at the end of the line were the first to suffer. The thin alloy wire cut the necks of the three people, and it was cut from the cervical spine.Ten meters ahead, two people heard the sound of arteries spurting blood, turned around and saw a black shadow floating towards them, and lost consciousness instantly.

The one on the left, six meters in front, was leaning against a big tree. He turned his head to look north. He felt someone approaching. When he turned his head, a dazzling light flickered, and blood spurted out from his throat. The head immediately fell to one side.

"What is that?" A little devil exclaimed 30 meters away, a cold light pierced his forehead, and the dagger went through his head and nailed into the tree.

"Shoot——da da da——" Watanabe yelled holding a tree, and several people immediately shot Lin Tao.

"Dada—Dada——" Lin Tao appeared next to a big tree 15 meters away in the blink of an eye, and the rifle he picked up in his hand opened fire.Lin Tao flicked around, flying out two daggers from time to time, and the woods fell into silence after 1 minute.

Kneeling on the ground, looking up at the god of death in front of him, his body was trembling constantly, and he muttered: "You are a devil, you are a devil—"

Everyone gathered around, Lin Tao's attire was very creepy, especially for the Guangxi team, they had never seen Lin Tao before, such a person who kills like hemp and cuts corpses like chopping vegetables can't be scary wearing a death suit?

"Contact the base, and immediately take the meteorite to the northwest. Take this guy away. I will go to meet another team to join you. Liehu, the time has come for you to contribute." Lin Tao pointed to the stone ball wrapped on the ground,

"Leave it to me!" Qin Liehu grabbed the rope and carried the [-]kg stone ball on his back with ease.Next to it, two team members used backpacks to cover the bottom of the stone, and fastened it with belts through their waists to Mr. Tiger.

"Boom—the sound of the propeller of the helicopter came over."

"Leave a few people to play a show, you go quickly."

Mr. Tiger was carrying the meteorite on his back, and was escorted by several team members to rush northward.Lin Tao asked the Heisha team to search for the Japanese flares, find the open space, and send out the flares.Li Nao took a large sniper rifle, took an armor-piercing bullet and a high-explosive special bullet, and ran away.

Five kilometers away, the helicopter came slowly, its speed decreased, its altitude decreased, and it was close to where the signal flare was.Lin Tao jumped onto a big tree at the end of the plane, stood on the branch, and put the gun in place. A helicopter appeared in the scope of Lin Tao's sniper rifle, and the crosshairs quickly aimed at the cabin.


The armor-piercing bullet shattered the head of the co-pilot, and blood sprayed the driver next to him all over his face.The driver screamed strangely, and quickly wiped the blood on his face with his hands.At this time, the plane flew to a position 500 meters above Lin Tao's side.Lin Tao quickly replaced the high-explosive special bullet and fired a shot at the fuel tank.Although there was a two-inch thick steel plate, it could not stop the armor-piercing warhead and high explosives. There was a violent explosion in the air, a large group appeared in the sky, and parts of the helicopter flew down in all directions.

"Have fun!" Heisha screamed strangely, and then led his team members to chase in the direction of Master Hu.

Lin Tao found a 60-meter-high tree, climbed to the top of the tree, and took out the satellite phone.Dial Wang Han's cell phone.

"Brother, I received the telegram, congratulations!" Wang Han said with a smile.

"Tongxi. By the way, it's best to send someone over to bring back the corpses of the comrades who died in the Guangxi unit. It's no problem with me watching over here."

"Well, the third wave of people has already gone, and they went to the sacrifice site according to the coordinates. The helicopter will go in to meet them." Wang Han said.

"Okay, after the helicopter enters the country, I will return, and the territory may not be safe. Be careful of enemy retaliation."

"No problem, the border guards have been sent to escort them. At that time, they will go directly to the military base, and the fighter jets will escort them away."

"Well, I grabbed two other tongues, one is Japanese and the other is American, it might be interesting." Lin Tao said.

"Hehe, I'm waiting to come back to celebrate your success. Return early."

After the phone call ended, Lin Tao went into the jungle again, and the signal of the mobile phone disappeared immediately.Lin Tao shook his head.He quickly ran in the direction of Henry, and quickly contacted the Scuds with the headset. Lin Tao told the coordinates of the Scuds and asked them to quickly catch up with the Tiger team.

Lin Tao sat on a treetop and waited to see if there were any pursuers coming. An hour later, a text message came to Lin Tao's cell phone, and Wang Han asked for a call.Lin Tao connected again, and the helicopter had already picked up the meteorite, escorted by Mr. Tiger, the wounded, and the captives. The rest of the team members were approaching the border on foot, and they had joined the third wave of rescue teams, allowing Lin Tao to return immediately.

Lin Tao breathed a sigh of relief and prepared to return, but through the telescope, he saw a change in a place ten kilometers away, and it seemed that there were many people.But Lin Tao didn't bother to watch it, feeling that enough people were killed today.So he jumped down, and his figure disappeared into the jungle.

When the big troops entered the Guangxi border, Lin Tao had already quietly driven to the Guangxi military airport in a car.

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