Jagged city

Chapter 340 New Year's Gathering

Jagged City - Chapter 340 New Year's Gathering

The tigers of the jungle in Vietnam entered the vast forest without firing a single shot, because they did not encounter any teams. According to their judgment, the multinational special forces and mercenaries would not end without fighting for a day. He happened to make dumplings by then , but apart from seeing a few bloody slaughter sites, I found nothing. There were quite a few jungle tigers, tired and hungry, who almost spit out their bile when they saw the bloody scene. ╔y ╗Major Jungle Tiger could only get some trophies, picked up the scattered equipment, took a few photos, and at least had an explanation when he went back. On the way back, he met a crazy white mercenary, it was Lin Tao. After that, this one is already delirious: "He keeps talking about the god of death—the devil."

The major made a fortune when he went back. The U.S. Secret Service bought those photos and took away the white mercenary, paying a total price of 500 million U.S. dollars.In addition, Tiger of the Jungle was promised to donate a batch of weapons.A week later, the major became a lieutenant colonel, which became another winner besides the Chinese side.

Although the British and American intelligence agencies knew that the secret operation on the Guangxi border was to obtain meteorites, but surrounded by layers of Chinese troops, there was no chance of using their mobile phones.The meteorite was transported away secretly that day, and it was not known whether it was on an empty road or a dry road. In short, the fighter jets at the airport also took off, and the convoy on the ground also went out.

After a brief meeting with Wang Han, Lin Tao returned to Xiliang in a fighter plane. It was only four o'clock in the afternoon when he returned to Baishi Villa, and he set off at nine o'clock in the morning. It took seven hours to go back and forth, flying over [-] miles. An earth-shattering event.

Lin Tao was clean when he left, and he was spotless when he came back. He didn't look like he was traveling far away.Entering Baishi Villa, Lin Tao got out of the car quickly, and walked over quickly with a smile, because the two old chiefs were standing at the bottom of the steps, and there were family members behind them, and the guards of the chiefs were all welcoming him.

"Salute!" Elder Jin shouted.

The soldiers present saluted Lin Tao in unison. Lin Tao was also very excited, and immediately straightened his body, standing at attention in a standard salute.

"Welcome the triumphant hero!" Shang Lao said, and then everyone applauded. The Lin family and some other people didn't know why the two elders welcomed Lin Tao so solemnly.

Everyone welcomed Lin Tao into the hall, and Elder Jin said to everyone, "Let's borrow Lin Tao for a while, let's chat together later."

"Let's go to the third floor and prepare the dinner!" Lin Zhiyuan said.The two relatives went up to the third floor with a smile.The monk Xiaoni of Jinzhen didn't know what was going on, and she was messing with the grandma next to her. The old lady snorted: "Oh, the old man doesn't tell me anything. .”

In the study, Lin Tao sat across from the two elders, and Jin Lao poured Lin Tao a cup of tea. Lin Tao stood up quickly, thinking that the old man's enthusiasm was a bit too much.

"I heard that the Guangxi Special Brigade killed sixteen comrades and injured five, and the Wang Han Special Brigade seriously injured two of them. They were jointly suppressed by several countries." Jin Lao said angrily.

"Yes, they are united. The enemy is powerful. We were too cautious and sent a little less people." Lin Tao said truthfully.

"Well, I'm just afraid of international influence. It's been like this all year round. When I take action, it's inevitable that there will be some constraints. I'm used to it. In the future, this problem must be corrected. Otherwise, we will suffer. When I called in the morning, I heard that Japanese ninjas are very powerful. , Wang Han's team members were injured in their hands." Old Shang asked.

"Well, Liehu met one and killed him, and I finally met one—"

"Tell me, how did you kill him?" Elder Jin asked impatiently.

"Chopped, two pieces with one sword." Lin Tao gestured.

"Okay, good chopping. To deal with little devils, you have to be more ruthless than them. I killed more than a dozen devils with guns, but I didn't have as much fun as you. Back then, I envied those who slashed devils with knives. Back then, we had a platoon leader named Liu Dadao. He was a hero of the whole army when he went into battle shirtless to kill devils. Boss Peng even picked him up. Unfortunately, he suffered a stray bullet when he was fighting in Nanjing. Now that knife is still in the military museum. It’s a pity, a pity. ——" Jin Lao shook his head and said.

"By the way, according to the information sent back, the enemy has six or seven waves, hundreds of numbers, how to repel them, you tell us well." Shang Lao moved forward and said, although he had fought in the past, but After all, it is an old story from decades ago, or even half a century ago, so it is fun to hear Lin Tao tell it!

Lin Tao scratched his head and smiled, "I ran fast, and wiped out every wave I encountered, and finally dispatched our special team to surround and annihilate more than 20 little devils, and captured a prisoner. A head of an American secret service. By the way, at the beginning, a mercenary was released, telling him to pass on a message, don’t come to our house if you have nothing to do.”

"That is to say, except for these three people, the rest were all wiped out by our people." Elder Jin asked excitedly.

"Yes, but when the helicopter picked up the meteorite, it seemed that Vietnam had sent troops over. I didn't take a closer look and returned."

What Lin Tao said was an understatement. After returning to the capital, the two elders were shocked again when they saw the detailed report. According to the dictation of the special forces involved in the operation, there were more than 100 enemies on all sides, and Lin Tao killed about [-] by himself.The report is listed as a century-old unclassified document, and no more than one person has the right to read it.This is the secrecy of this operation and the protection of the participants, especially Lin Tao.

At the dinner, Jin Laoshang made a toast to Lin Tao. Seeing that everyone was itchy, he stroked his beard and said, "Lin Tao went out today and made a great contribution to the country. You just need to know these things. The key is to give Lin Tao celebrates."

"The old chief is too polite. I don't dare to make mistakes. This is my duty and obligation. But I drank this glass of wine." Lin Tao drank it down.

While Lin Tao was drinking the celebration wine, Di Anne was organizing a surprise interrogation of two spies in the secret interrogation room of the National Security Bureau of Northwest Province.

"Henry Michael was active in the Middle East in the 90s. He made great contributions to the two wars against Iraq and even captured Saddam Hussein. However, he was squeezed out and framed by the deputy director of the Military Intelligence Bureau, which blocked the way to be promoted to the deputy director. After 2005, he was active in Southeast Asia. The entire Southeast Asian espionage organization, Japan leaked the door time, and the Russian Butterfly Blood Gate incident seems to have you. You are really a very capable agent. If you were not caught this time, it is obvious that the position of deputy director has been reserved for you. Ready. Well, your son and daughter are quite beautiful, and the teaching quality of that noble primary school in Denmark is pretty good." Diane walked beside Henry with a stack of materials and said, Henry was still silent at first, but seeing Seeing the photos of my daughter at school, I also started to break out in a cold sweat.

"You can't do this, the child is innocent." Henry roared.

Diane shook her finger and said, "Your two children, as well as their mother, Dai Li, have been picked up by our people just now. Do you think they can still survive if the news of your arrest comes out? , your csi methods, you are not the clearest, but you have also carried out such a mission of silence. So you have to thank us, your wife and children are safe. You tell everything you know, I will Keeping you safe."

"How do you promise? I can't promise verbally." Henry sneered,

"At least you have to show some sincerity first, don't you, sir? After all, we protected your wife and children. I believe you are a straightforward gentleman."

"Okay, let me tell you a piece of news first. You are the person named by the director to be assassinated. Queen Fox, your file in csi is probably two meters thick." Henry sneered.

"Oh, since you know me, you should know that there are no secrets when facing me." Di Anne took off her glasses, smiled charmingly, and Henry immediately became demented.

Diane snapped her fingers, and Henry became normal, and Henry exclaimed: "What did you do to me?"

Diane smiled and said: "That's what you think. I'm still in a friendly and cooperative attitude. I've told you very clearly that if you let you go out, you and your family will not survive. You know this very well. Only if you cooperate with us is the way out for your family. If you make me happy, I will let you have no worries about food and clothing for the rest of your life, and you will be able to reunite with your family."

"Okay, Queen Fox, you win. I will tell you everything I know, including how many lovers the last president had." Henry spread his hands and smiled.

That night, Beijing, Shanghai, Wuhan, Fujian, Guangzhou, Xinjiang, and the National Security Bureau launched large-scale operations, quickly attacked and arrested nearly a hundred spies.Among them, the spy chief in charge of Chinese espionage work was captured in a Christian church in Wuhan, cracked the US spy safe house, and obtained a shocking piece of news—someone assassinated the vice chairman of the Military Commission.The location of the ambush was the Panshan Road leading to Baishi Town in the Taihe Mountains.

The news was quickly transferred to Li Guoan, director of the State Security Bureau, and Li Guoan did not dare to be careless and asked to see No. [-] immediately.General Counselor Gao and General Li were notified to enter Zhongnanhai soon. After discussing for an hour and a half, they asked General Li to notify Old Monk Jin and let the two old people decide whether to go back to Baishi or not.After hearing this, Mr. Jin laughed, and said indifferently, what are a few clowns?

No. [-] also smiled wryly, and asked Li Zhongjiang to carefully design the passage route.Arrange for the Hubei military to conduct field training, send personnel from the Military Intelligence Department to investigate, and ask the Ministry of Public Security to cooperate with the national security to carry out an operation.In short, the old monk Jin is still relaxing here in Xiliang, and the Hubei side has become lively.

Admiral Feng, who was far away in the Nanjing Military Region, smashed his teacup into pieces. He didn't expect that the arrest of foreign spies would expose his actions. Fortunately, he dispersed them in time.

Although there is no real evidence to confirm this news, old monk Jin can also guess who is so bold, but this kind of thing is tacit, and if you can't grasp the opponent's handle, you can't get it on the table.

Xiaonian 29, Xiao Huating and his wife, Wang Zhengdao and his wife came to Xiliang to celebrate the New Year.Knowing that the two military leaders were here in advance, they prepared gifts before coming here.Both of them gave the same gift, lake pen, Hui ink, Duan inkstone, and rice paper. The gift was not expensive, but it was important, and it was easy to get. The two old men gladly accepted it.

These big men entered the study, leaving the living room to the ladies.

Lin Tao's study room is also very large, with an area of ​​20 square meters. Not only are there rows of antique bookshelves, but also interspersed with Chinese paintings, oil paintings, and antiques, as well as embellished with bonsai flowers and plants. The layout is very elegant.There are more than 3 books in more than [-] categories including politics, economics, philosophy, ethics, medicine - poetry, prose, ancient books, etc. on the bookshelves.There are book indexes and catalogs in the computer.It can be searched at any time.

In the study room, there are not only personal desks, but also an oval conference table surrounded by twelve sofa chairs.The two old chiefs, Lin Zhiyuan, Xiao Huating, Wang Zhengdao, and Lin Tao sat down.Jin Zhen was in charge of serving tea and water, plus listening in. This was arranged by Mr. Jin. The purpose was to let the mayor Jin know. Except for the two chiefs, they are all people who have made achievements in the economy. Executive Vice Governor Xiao Huating, Governor Wang Zhengdao, Mayor Lin Tao, and Lin Zhiyuan, Ph.D. in economics, the president of Junlian Group, are all experts in economics.Therefore, let Jin Zhen, who will be in politics in the future, listen to the scriptures, and let everyone present get acquainted with it. In the future, he will inevitably need the help of people like Lin Tao.

Old Shang said: "Both Zhengdao and Huating hang up with the Prime Minister. I heard him talk about you, and I am quite satisfied with your work."

The two hurriedly said that they dare not take it.Mr. Jin was careless, and smiled at several people: "We two old guys have worn military uniforms all our lives, and we know a little about dispatching troops. We are completely laymen in economic matters, but we are still very interested. These people are good at economics, let’s talk about it, let’s listen to it.”

Several people did not speak, looked at each other, Lin Zhiyuan smiled and said: "Why don't the two in-laws and Xiao Tao talk about it separately, and then let's talk about the domestic and foreign economic situation."

Xiao Huating said: "Let's talk about the right way first. After all, it is to control the economic lifeline of a province. I also need to learn from it."

Wang Zhengdao said with a smile: "Then I'll throw bricks to attract jade, I have been working in Liaobei Province for three years—"

Wang Zhengdao briefly said, the economic work that has been done in the past three years, what are the developments, what are the shortcomings, and the future development direction, and everyone nodded frequently.

After everyone listened to Wang Zhengdao's words, Shang Lao said to Xiao Huating again: "You two are one south and one north, and the economic development of each province must be different."

Xiao Huating looked at Wang Zhengdao and his son-in-law Lin Tao somewhat guilty, because these two are the top leaders of the government, and he is now a deputy, so it is inevitable that he lacks confidence, but when it comes to the work he is in charge of, he is still a set.The red light of Tiannan's economy is also very well controlled, and the advantages and disadvantages are also clear at a glance. Xiao Huating has also served as mayor and has great insights into the economy. Compared with Liaobei Province, Tiannan Province is more commercial and external. Trade is more developed, so speaking of flesh and blood, it is not exaggerated at all.

After hearing this, Elder Jin said: "Although I am a layman, I have gained a lot of knowledge after hearing what Huating said. I feel that Huating also has the qualifications to control the economic development of a province. After Tiannan's next general election, the superior should not a problem."

Everyone nodded, Xiao Huating was also happy to be praised by Jin Lao, but of course he didn't show too much on his face.Everyone paid more attention to what Lin Tao said about the development of Xiliang, because the development of Xiliang can be described as a miracle. Although the discovery of the underground temple of the ancient Qiang people was a great help to the development of Xiliang, Lin Tao had already made a good start before. At this point, everyone has to admire.

Lin Tao's voice is full of magnetism, and the speed of his speech is neither slow nor urgent, which makes people listen very comfortably.Lin Tao first started to develop Xiliang with the intention of creating a green Xiliang, the back garden of Northwest Province, and a small town for people to live in. However, despite the rapid development of Xiliang, the positioning has also undergone some changes. Now the development goal of the new Xiliang is humanistic. Xiliang, a green tourist city, the ancient capital of thousands of years.But the high-tech industrial zone on the other side wants to build a dense high-tech industrial park. The agricultural development is high-efficiency and energy-saving agriculture, and high-value animal husbandry and breeding.Now that the four surrounding cities have come together, we must consider balanced development and overall interests.From the current point of view, it can only be a small area, with New Xiliang as the leader to drive the development of the four surrounding cities.The second plan is to speed up the investment in the four surrounding cities and the introduction of foreign capital, and increase the intensity of industrial development.The comprehensive promotion of high-tech and high-efficiency agriculture and animal husbandry, in addition to speeding up the pace of adapting to internationalization, because now Xiliang is an international city, there are more than 60 foreign embassies and consulates alone, and many groups and foreign companies have also poured into Xiliang. This is both an opportunity and a test, which must be grasped well.Furthermore, in addition to developing industrial tourism, New Xiliang must increase investment in science and technology and education, to build a science and technology center in the Northwest, to establish a university town that adapts to the development of the times, and various technical schools where graduates can work.In addition, Lin Tao also wants to develop a national brand and create a pillar industry with Xiliang characteristics.

Lin Tao talked for half an hour, and everyone was mesmerized and excited.It seems that Lin Tao's scenes are turning into scrolls of paintings unfolding in front of everyone.

"Okay, listening to Xiaolin's Xiliang economic development plan, it's like fighting a war. It not only makes people excited, but also has a sense of planning. It's very good." Shang Lao praised.The others also nodded.

Lin Tao hurriedly said a few words of humility, and Lin Zhiyuan brought the topic back to the domestic economic situation. Lin Zhiyuan talked about the economic situation of various provinces and cities in the country, the gap between the north and the south, the east and the west, and the exposed problems. Wang Zhengdao and Xiao Huating also joined the discussion. From domestic to foreign, as well as WTO issues, they talked in simple terms for more than an hour, until Xiao Xiao knocked on the door and said that the food was on the table, everyone looked at each other and smiled, and left the study.

After the meal, Mr. Jin called his grandson to the bedroom and asked himself how his grandson felt.Jin Zhen said that he has benefited a lot, and feels that what he has learned is too little, and he will have to study hard in the future.Mr. Jin nodded in satisfaction, and then taught his grandson not to be too ambitious. Listening to this is a good experience. It has nothing to do with Jin Zhen's upcoming work. The most important thing at present is to do his job well.

After the meal, Mr. Jin and Mr. Jin went back to their rooms to rest. Lin Tao, his two father-in-laws, and his father came to chat in the small study in his suite.So these people talked in secret again.

In the living room, Xiao Xiao took out two necklaces and put them on Mrs. Xiao and Mrs. Wang respectively.Xiao Xiao told them that this was designed by Zhu Yueting.The two also like it very much. The diamond is not too big, but it looks very expensive.Mrs. Wang couldn't help but said: "This is a diamond necklace, it's too precious."

Xiao Xiao put her arms around Mrs. Wang's neck and said: "It's my daughter who respects my mother, why should I be afraid, of course there is my little mother's heart here."

"Yes, I also have the blessing of a daughter." Mrs. Wang's eyes were slightly red, and Mrs. Xiao grabbed Mrs. Wang's hand to show her comfort.Mrs. Wang's daughter got acute leukemia on the eve of going to college. She didn't hold on for a month, so she let go. At that time, Wang Zhengdao and his wife were heartbroken. He became even more neurotic. There was a time when Wang Zhengdao wanted to quit his job and live in the countryside with his wife.Unexpectedly, half a year later, because of Lin Tao's entrepreneurial venture, he met Wang Zhengdao. During the Mid-Autumn Festival, Lin Tao took Xiao Xiao to visit. Mrs. Wang saw Xiao Xiao, who was very similar to her daughter, and cried bitterly, thinking that her daughter had returned. After becoming a goddaughter, Xiao Xiao often came and went to Wang's house. Only then did Wang Zhengdao and his wife untangle their hearts and start a new life.Mrs. Wang is jealous now. First, she feels sorry for her daughter's life. Second, she feels that God is still fair. After leaving one, she returns another, and the daughter in front of her is still so filial.I really regard myself as my mother, so I feel sad for a while.

Seeing everyone's uneasiness, Mrs. Wang broke through her tears and smiled and said, "I'm so happy. Since I got Xiao Xiao, Lao Wang and I have a much more fulfilling life. I feel that life has a bright future, and I am very happy to live."

"Grandma, eat candy!" The little girl stuffed candy into Madam Wang's palm as she watched Madam Wang cry every day.

"Well, Tiantian is so good that I feel sorry for grandma." Mrs. Wang picked up Tiantian and kissed her.Tianyu, lying on Xiao Xiao's lap, watched his sister being favored, grabbed two pieces of candy from the plate, staggered and threw them into Mrs. Xiao's arms, and also shouted childishly: "Tangtang, grandma, eat. "

Madam Xiao smiled and picked up Tianyu and kissed her.Zhu Yueting laughed and said, "The little guy is fighting for favor!"

The two little guys laughed, and had no idea about having two grandparents.Call it whatever you want.Xiao Wang's family is connected because of Xiao Xiao, and the two wives and sisters often chat on the phone and talk about family matters about Lin Tao and his wife and their children.But Wang Zhengdao and Xiao Huating are like-minded.Both of them are very capable officials. Wang Zhengdao's character is upright, he doesn't rub the sand in his eyes, and has a cohesive force.Xiao Huating is soft but strong, has a city mansion, and is good at sociability.The two have their own merits.Coupled with Lin Tao, people are constantly amazed. The two also want to shape Lin Tao, and especially want to see how far Lin Tao can develop in the future.Therefore, the two families are getting closer and closer. They are not brothers, they are not sisters, but they are like sisters.

When Lin Tao and others came out of the study room, the women left and went to the entertainment room to play mahjong. Monk Jinzhen Xiaoni was also at the table with Shen Yue and Lianrong.Xiao Guan and Qin Ming were watching the excitement there.This Qin Ming is Lin Tao's driver to and from get off work.Xiao Guan is Xiao Xiao's driver and part-time captain of Baishi's guard.Shen Yue, Qin Ming's daughter-in-law, still works as the secretary of the regiment and an English teacher at the school.Both of them come from Liaobei, and Lin Tao and Xiao Xiao also discussed that if Shen Yue becomes pregnant, they will be transferred back to Liaobei, because their parents, siblings are all in their hometowns, and it is a little uncomfortable to always be with them in other places. I can't bear it.It's just that he didn't say that.And Qin Ming and Shen Yue have discussed it for a long time. They are only 27 this year, which is the golden period of life. It is rare to meet such a good leader as Lin Tao. The two will not leave the Lin family. In the future, although I sometimes miss my relatives in my hometown, but there are holidays, and it is convenient to fly.The development of life cannot be delayed because of these.The elderly in the couple's family also meant the same thing, so the two of them are doing their duty in Xiliang.Fearing that she might not do well, Shen Yue still considered whether to resign and become a full-time housekeeper at Lin Tao's house.

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