Jagged city

Chapter 343

Iron-Blooded City - Chapter 340 Details

During the Chinese New Year, the lively atmosphere in Baishi Town became somewhat quiet due to the vigilance. After the old monk Jin came over by car, he immediately ordered the cancellation of the vigilance on the street, especially those soldiers who were too conspicuous. │| │The senior deputy director of the Military Intelligence Bureau immediately adjusted the protective measures, increasing the number of secret complaints, and becoming tighter on the outside and looser on the inside.

The old monk Jin and his family lived in a three-deep courtyard, which was completed at the end of the year and prepared by Lin Zhiyuan for himself.Maybe one day in the future, I will return to Baishi for the elderly.This courtyard is an antique building.On the east side of Baishi Town, it covers an area of ​​about 500 mu. The land alone cost 5000 million yuan, and another [-] million yuan was invested to build this small garden like a country gentleman's mansion.This garden is like a building, with gardens, rockeries, and pavilions.The first set of courtyards has nine rooms with a main hall, a guest room, and a study.From the outside, it looks like an antique building of the Ming Dynasty. It is built high, with carved beams and painted arches. It looks very grand, and the inside is also very elegant.Tie Li red sandalwood furniture, antiques, calligraphy and paintings of celebrities, there are a lot of everything, and it can be seen that the owner has spent a lot of thought on the decoration.Although Hubei is not as cold as Beijing, it is still seven or eight degrees below zero. There is geothermal heat in the courtyard and air conditioners are installed, so it is not cold at all.The old monk Jin liked it very much as soon as he entered this courtyard.

Lin Zhiyuan returned to his hometown in fine clothes last year. Although living in the old man's place is justified, he always feels that he lacks confidence, so he built this antique building. In Baishi Town, it is the best mansion.This brings convenience to the security work and does not disturb the people.The old monk Jin walked back and forth under the leadership of Lin Zhiyuan, feeling very satisfied. He also thought that businessmen are good, and they can spend money as they like. Lin Zhiyuan has a luxury house in Xiliang, and the ones here are not cheap. It seems that they have made a lot of money in the past two years.

Turning around and returning to the hall, Lin Tao came over and told the two elders that the elders of the Lin clan had arrived, and the two old generals did not dare to put on airs. From the information, they already knew that some of the elders of the Lin clan were over a hundred years old. up.Although he is a high-ranking and powerful person, there is no ambiguity in respecting and respecting the elderly. The two old generals rushed out to greet them.When he raised his eyes, he was still surprised. Nine old men with white beards, one more energetic than the other, came hand in hand.

The nine old men bowed at the same time, and Lin Tao's great-grandfather shouted loudly: "Lin Wanhua from the Baishilin tribe pays homage to the two eminent monks and the two generals."

Mr. Jin wanted to stop these old men who were older than him from saluting, but after hearing it, he realized that we had been honored by two eminent monks. The two old monks chanted the Buddha's name.After the host and guest have seen each other, they want to enter the main hall.Everyone politely divided the guests and hosts into their seats.Two young girls wearing exercise shirts with embroidered plum blossom patterns came out from one side with teapots in their hands and made tea for everyone. Afterwards, two teenagers quickly served snacks. He is only fifteen or sixteen years old, and there is a spirit in his bones.Lin Tao thought about it for a while and seemed to have met them last year. It should be the grandchildren of the two uncles' family. Lin Tao nodded to them. The four cousins ​​smiled and walked out of the room without saying a word, looking very well-behaved.

Lin Wanhua, the grandfather of Lin Tao, the oldest member of the Lin clan, bowed his hands to the two eminent monks and the two old generals and said, "The two eminent monks and the two great generals can come to Baishi, and the Lin clan is full of glory. Self-victory. This is also a blessing that has not been seen in many years. This is not only the glory of the Lin clan, but also the glory of the fathers and villagers of Baishi Town."

"Amitabha, Donor Lin is too modest, but I apologize for disturbing you!" The old monk clasped his hands and said.

Old Shang also said: "It's my good fortune to meet all the elders of the Lin clan, you don't have to be polite."

Old Master Lin Zhennan stood up and said: "The grandson of Zhenwu was recruited by two eminent monks and inherited the secrets that have not been handed down. Thanks to the two great generals."

Mr. Jin laughed and said: "Brother Lin, you have this descendant, and the thousand-year inheritance of the eminent monk can be carried forward. It is our luck to have another Zhao Zilong in the army. In my opinion, we should not compliment each other."

"Okay, I'll replace the wine with tea, let's have a drink first." Mr. Lin Zhennan picked up the teacup and drank it down in one gulp.

Mr. Shang and Mr. Jin looked at each other, and couldn't help but say, "good tea, what's surprising is that they didn't taste any kind of tea. The tea soup was filled with saliva, and the lips and teeth were fragrant. A coolness entered the stomach, and there was an instant It turns into a gurgling warm current and spreads to the whole body.

The old monk Huineng opened his eyes and couldn't help but praised: "The combination of ice and fire warms the heart and spleen, and can improve eyesight and smooth Qi. This tea is beyond ordinary things."

"Yes, I can say that I have drunk good tea all over the world in my life, but this is the first time I have drunk this kind of top quality tea. I am afraid that after drinking this tea, there will be no tea fun to speak of." Shang Lao couldn't help but said.

Lin Wanhua said proudly: "This tea was born in a strange place, located three hundred feet underground. The tree's body reaches the ice and snow, and its roots enter the hot spring. Its age is unknown. The tea leaves are as thick as willow, as big as mulberry, and the color of the leaves is as snowy. Its veins are golden, and three hundred tea leaves can be picked every ten years. This tea does not need to be cooked. After picking, it is sealed in a jade box. Since the tea is picked, it has been stored in the ice room, which is different from the usual storage of ordinary things."

"Sure enough, it's the best in the world. What's the name of Da Zong Lao's tea?" Shang Lao felt itchy, feeling that the tea he drank before was like the leaves of a tree. Compared with this tea, it was a world apart.

Lin Wanhua twisted his beard with his hands and said: "After picking this tea, it will automatically curl up, like a snow-white silkworm chrysalis with golden threads. Therefore, the ancestors named it Jinsi Snow Silkworm Tea. This tea was picked ten years ago. Over the past few years, the consumption is almost the same, and this year happens to be ten years old."

"Golden Silkworm, what a treasure. One or two teas from Longjing old trees are worth a thousand pieces of gold, and this Golden Silkworm is priceless for a single leaf." Shang Lao and Jin Lao looked at the light golden tea soup in their hands, their eyes lit up .

Since Lin Wanhua took out this tea, he wanted to give it away. He looked at several people and said, "Gold silk silkworms can be kept outdoors for three months in winter. I have prepared them for two eminent monks and two generals. Drinking the tea three times a week for nine consecutive weeks can make the ears clear and the mind clear."

The old monk proclaimed the Buddha's name, and the two old generals were too polite to say it, and they didn't even say no, it was hard to refuse such a treasure.Lin Zhennan did not know where to take out a jade box and opened it for several people to watch. Inside the jade box about an inch in size lay three chubby snow silkworms with golden threads on them. Surprised.The tea leaves are really the same as silkworm chrysalis, but the color and appearance are different, so it is difficult to connect with the tea leaves.Then I made another pot of tea with these three golden silkworms. This time, everyone tasted it slowly, unlike last time when Zhu Bajie and Zhu Bajie ate ginseng fruit and swallowed them whole.

Lin Tao sipped the tea and moved his ears. It turned out that the master told Lin Tao that the tea was a spiritual object of heaven and earth, and it was a rare treasure for the innate.Lin Tao nodded to the teacher, just now a cold breath traveled through the eight meridians, Lin Tao felt the benefits of this tea.For the earth that is full of human beings, it is a great opportunity for contemporary people to be able to find such treasures.The old monk also transmitted the message, "where there are mulberries, there are silkworms, this thing is called tea, it may not be not mulberry leaves, there may be ice silkworms growing under the hole, that thing is also a treasure, eating it is very beneficial to the body.The old monk told Lin Tao to take a good look after he went down, and if there were a lot of ice silkworms, he could take some to eat.

You can't just drink tea, the teacups are soon removed, and the boys and girls bring out various dishes.Immediately the room was full of fragrance.The wine is Zhuangyuanhong, which has been cellared for 50 years. It is placed in a wine warmer, and the aroma of the wine stimulates the noses of everyone in the house.Lin Wanhua twirled his beard and said: "This Zhuangyuan red, the 50-year-old cellar has the best taste, the time is short, the taste is not enough, and the time is long, it has to be blended, and the old cellar brewed from pure grains becomes more mellow the longer it is. Let’s drink some 50-year-old Zhuangyuan Hongnuan Nuannuan first, and then taste the century-old cellar.”

Seeing his great-grandfather's complacent expression, Lin Tao thought to himself, the old man is so coquettish, he hooked out the greedy worms of the two old chiefs, staring at him with eager eyes, almost swallowing his mouth, old Jin laughed sarcastically: " The Lin clan really has a profound background, I admire, admire."

Old Jin couldn't help but feel a little jealous in his heart. One mouth is a century-old cellar. It's awesome. Why have you been living in seclusion?"

"This is the ancestral teaching. The ancestors of a generation were friends of Zhuangzi's commoners. They traveled around the world. Because of their personality, they have always been known as hidden heroes. Later, in the Eastern Han Dynasty, the ancestors of the Lin family participated in the Yellow Turban Uprising. After failing, they lived in seclusion. Baishi Town has undergone dozens of dynasties, and the people of the Lin tribe have also produced generals and civil servants, but they basically retreated bravely, so the reputation of the past dynasties is not obvious. In the past 20 years, there have been too many changes, and the children of the clan are unwilling to be lonely, so they gradually become outsiders know."

"So that's how it is!" Everyone didn't expect that the Lin family had been inherited for 2000 years, and they were no worse than the Kong family at all, but they were always unknown to the outside world as hermits.Shang Lao suddenly thought that maybe the Lin family he saw now was just the tip of the iceberg. As a family that has been passed down for 2000 years, no one dared to underestimate it.This Baishi town was established by the ancestors of the Lin family. The Song and Ma families are just passers-by on the inheritance road of the Lin family. Although they have 200 years of heritage, they are only one-tenth of the Lin family. For the Lin family 200 years ago, Even the Song and Ma families who lived in the same town were at a loss.

During the rest of the night, Lin Tao was called away again. Dazong Lao Lin Wanhua took Lin Tao into the ancestral temple to worship his ancestors, and then led Lin Tao into a secret room, and entered an underground secret passage from a stove that had not been used for many years.Lin Tao stepped on the stone steps and saw a large number of passages that could accommodate three people in parallel. He felt that the project was not ordinary, and the air in the passage was very dry, unlike the area in Hubei.

Lin Wanhua took a flashlight to take photos on both sides, and said to Lin Tao: "There are charcoal buried in some intervals of this passage to absorb water vapor, and it will be replaced every five years. The ancestral temple is located on a high slope, so The underground is also relatively dry.”

"Oh, grandpa, we have penetrated nearly 30 meters underground. When was such a large project built?" Lin Tao was also very curious.

"Since 2000 years ago, it has been expanded intermittently. In the last hundred years, it has only been maintained and not expanded. There are 36 secret rooms in the underground, 28 of which are books and ancient scrolls. These are all precious treasures left by ancestors. I know why Zonglaomen’s calligraphy is so good, do you think we stay in the ancestral temple in a daze all day long? Some ancient scrolls have been copied for a long time, so they have to be copied again.” Lin Wanhua stopped in front of a wall and twisted the wall with his hands. Lin Tao resisted his curiosity and followed his grandfather to get in. The hidden secret door slowly closed again, and Lin Tao saw the bronze slide mechanism on the ground.

"This is the mechanism art studied by the ancestors of the sixteenth generation. According to the notes of the sixteenth generation ancestors, they once studied the wooden horse, oxcart, and mechanism flying birds with Lu Ban. This is the reference room of Bingding, which stores the alchemy techniques collected by the ancestors of the past generations. , Taoist scriptures, alchemy scriptures, medical divination, martial arts secret books, etc., are all classified. The boxes on the wooden frame are filled with bamboo slips, animal skins, animal bones and other things that record words. The time is too long, although they have been It’s well protected, but it can’t stand the passing of time, but fortunately, after the paper appeared, there were copied books.”

Lin Tao was a little silly looking at the library in No. Bingding. This room is [-] square meters, and there are rows of boxes and books on the bookshelves.Lin Tao walked into the bookshelf where the martial arts secret books were placed, rubbed his eyes, the words on the box were gold-painted seal scripts, and then looked at the yellowed book, "Jing Ke's Assassination Technique".

Lin Wanhua said with a smile: "The bamboo slips in the box are only a dozen or so pages copied from the book."

Lin Tao then saw the martial arts practiced by famous knights in the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Periods, as well as the sword techniques, spear techniques, and archery techniques used by famous Qin Dynasty generals.Further down is the Eastern Han Dynasty, Hua Tuo's method of nourishing qi, Qi Qin Xi, Lu Bu's method of turning the sky, Zhao Zilong's spear method, Guan Erye's sword method, everything that one expects to find. Lin Taoxin said, the Lin family is not a spy, right? How are they collected.Famous heroes and generals of all dynasties basically have the secrets of martial arts. Lin Tao walked to the next bookshelf and couldn't help swallowing. Looking at the books, Lin Tao's eyes widened. This is like a Shaolin and Wudang counter.Lin Tao has never heard of many secret books, especially the books written in the series of secret books handed down by the head of Wudang, which makes Lin Tao feel weird, and the same is true for the Shaolin ones over there.

Lin Wanhua twirled his beard and said with a smile: "In every dynasty, the Lin family understands the general trend of the world and pays more attention to martial arts. This secret book is not stolen, but silently written by the ancestors of the Lin family."

Lin Tao swallowed hard and said, "The ancestors of the Lin family were the masters of Wudang and Shaolin?"

The old man nodded and said: "That's true. As long as it is a powerful sect, someone from the Lin family will go undercover. Only the head of the family and a few clan elders can know. It can be said that Shaolin and Wudang’s Tibetan books are far inferior to the authentic ones of the Lin family. Those books are authentic works written by Bodhidharma ancestor and Wudang Sanfeng Zhenren. They were written when the two major factions encountered disaster , was rescued, although the original work was not returned, but the copied cheats were sent back. As for the loss again later, the Lin family is not obliged to send another copy. The inner strength of the Lin family has been fused with various martial arts by the talented ancestors several times. The current internal strength of the Lin family is due to learning from each other's strengths, but in the past 200 years, the Lin family has not produced any real martial arts talents, so it is a bit wasteful."

Lin Tao nodded and eagerly walked to the next bookshelf. On it were medical divination, witchcraft, Taoism, alchemy, etc. Lin Tao opened two books, and the writings were all mysterious and mysterious, but there were still certain things to be learned under careful reading. The truth is, Lin Tao felt amused when he saw the talisman talismans of the Heavenly Master, the Taixuan Records of the Shangqing, etc. from the Zhengyi Sect of Longhu Mountain. For the Tianyi Sect, which has almost lost its inheritance, he wondered what he would think after reading these secrets.

Lin Wanhua walked beside Lin Tao and said: "The ancestors of the Lin family have different hobbies, so the collection of books is also varied, but Jiazi is an official history book, which is written by celebrities of all ages, and there is also the history recorded by the royal family. Contemporary note notes."

Lin Tao looked at Jiazi's study again, and had to lament that the Lin family's private museum would shock the world if it leaked.The Lin family hides too deeply.The officials of the royal family who recorded the official history in the past have been surrounded by the Lin family.Why did the Lin family do this? According to the great grandfather, this was the idea of ​​the second ancestor of the Lin family, to let the Lin family witness the change and rise and fall of historical dynasties.So many books are invaluable treasures!I'm afraid those historians will go crazy when they see it.Lin Tao followed his great-grandfather into two rooms again. His collection included poems and songs, anecdotes about unofficial history, as well as astronomy and geography, water conservancy, agriculture and mulberry. Many original works of everyone are displayed on the bookshelves.Especially the sea charts of Zheng He's voyages to the West, and the design drawings of ships that were recorded in the history books, once again made Lin Tao sigh, because the secretary next to him recorded that the ancestors of the Lin family were cooks who accompanied Zheng He on seven voyages to the West. , I don't know how it got mixed in.Lin Tao followed the old man to look at some calligraphy and painting antique rooms. Many cultural relics that were considered extinct appeared in these rooms.In the end, Lin Tao went to the treasure room of the Lin family. When the flashlight was turned on, the inside was glittering with gold. Lin Tao’s jaw almost dislocated. The 200 yuan gold bricks built during the Wanli period included income from business, income from killing the rich and helping the poor, treasures excavated, and gold mines secretly mined by the Lin family. Anyway, the million kilograms of gold accumulated in 2000.Of course, the room is not empty, there are boxes of jewels, emeralds, diamonds, agates, and gold coins from various countries.

Lin Wanhua said proudly: "Although the Lin family has also suffered various disasters, they have basically turned disasters into good ones. The things inside have basically never been taken out, so they have accumulated more and more. It has become what it is now."

Lin Wanhua looked at Lin Tao with a complicated expression, and said after a while: "People's hearts have changed. In the past, we old people worried that it would be difficult for our grandchildren to keep these things. But you gave me hope again. It can be said that these things are incomparably rich, but we dare not pass them down. If you are elected to the elders of the clan in your generation, how can we rest assured that these treasures will be taken care of by them. How many pieces of antique calligraphy and paintings have been taken out? It can become tens of millions, if you can't keep your heart, what should you do?"

Lin Tao smiled and said, "Grandpa, don't think there are many gold characters in this room, but they are not as valuable as those ancient books. Don't worry, I will take good care of these treasures and make them more valuable."

Lin Wanhua nodded and said: "Zhenwu, I believe everything you say. Although you don't have much contact with this child, it can be seen that you are an upright person, and you are so capable. In martial arts, you have almost reached In terms of business, your father and son have established a large group. I heard that the assets are now approaching 2000 billion. If you don’t reach the peak, you will become a heavyweight. Therefore, I am very relieved to entrust these things to you. Fortunately, my body is not bad, and I may take care of you for another ten or eight years. After I return, I will give this to you."

Lin Tao nodded, feeling that the burden on his shoulders is not ordinary, because it is not just to guard these things, but also to enrich the content. What the Lin family has done in the past 2000 years is really great. Lin Tao suddenly thought that this is the Lin family's contribution to China Guardian of history!Such background, even the Kong family can't compare.

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