Jagged city

Chapter 344 Lin Family Treasure

Jagged City - Chapter 340 The Lin Family Treasure

Lin Tao followed the old man of the Lin family to inspect the underground treasure house accumulated for 2000 years. He was extremely shocked, especially those bamboo slips, animal skins, and books that recorded words. Can shake the martial arts. │| │In the face of these priceless treasures, those golden antiques are not worth mentioning.

Lin Tao sighed and said: "Grandpa, if you have time, you really want to read all these books carefully. They are all treasures of Chinese civilization!"

"Yes, this is the wealth accumulated by our ancestors. It records the development of China over the past 2000 years. It's just that the Lin family has declined in the past 200 years. If it hadn't been for the improvement in the past 20 years, I'm afraid I will be sorry for my ancestors."

Lin Tao asked suspiciously: "Why is there such a turning point?"

The old man sighed and said: "According to the traditions of the ancestors and some records, 200 years ago was actually a prosperous age for the development of the Lin family. There were three innates in the family, and 26 acquired peaks. It cannot be hidden. According to the ancestor's instruction, it is only to record the development of the incident. However, at that time, the ancestor was persuaded by a hermit to cut off the Manqing dragon vein outside the customs. The masters of the Lin family almost came out. These people contacted nearly a hundred masters and went to In Changbai Mountain, he was caught in the big battle of reversing the universe and was surrounded and killed by hundreds of masters led by the great shaman outside the pass. One of the ancestors, Baishigong, was proficient in metaphysics and led people out of the big formation, but he was also scarred. Fighting to kill more than a hundred shaman wizards, in the end only a dozen people fled outside the pass, and were hunted down all the way. In the end, only Baishigong was left. After three months, he returned to the Lin family. After recording this experience, he sat down and died. Yes. The shamans and wizards of the Manchu Qing Dynasty were almost cut off from their inheritance, so the whole country traced the origins of these people, openly or secretly, and never let up. The Lin family had to hide. It has been slowly declining. There has not been a congenital master in more than 200 years, and few people have been officials in the court. Therefore, there are relatively few records of this period of history. Fortunately, the Lin family has been managing the ancestral land. There are no high-ranking officials, but small officials There are still a few in the magistrate's county government, so Baishi Town has never been robbed, and the occasional hidden dangers have been removed secretly. These things were done by the elders of the past generations, and almost no one else in the Lin family knew about them. The Song and Ma families are that Those who entered Baishi Town at that time were actually deliberately done by the ancestors to cover up people's eyes and ears."

"Then Wudang Mountain hasn't produced any powerful figures in these years?"

The old man chuckled: "There have been, but it's just like Feihezi, but Wudang Mountain is undoubtedly the most conspicuous place. With Wudang Mountain, there are fewer people who pay attention to Baishi Town. This is also the reason why Wudang Mountain exists. Wudang Mountain There are still a few unborn elders in the mountain behind the mountain, but there have been Lin family members among them in the past. Of course, they have changed their identities. They were secretly cultivated by the Lin family."

Lin Tao was sweating profusely when he heard it, feeling that Wudang Mountain was secretly controlled by the Lin family.

Lin Wanhua looked at Lin Tao and said solemnly: "The Lin family has been silent for 200 years, so they should go out. Before your father and son came back, Lin Zhijian established the Maolin Group with the support of the clan elders. Although Lin Zhijian is also very good , but this kid is very ambitious, and I have been worrying about this matter. I am afraid that after a hundred years, your grandfather will hand over the Lin Clan to him. The elders of the family are also relieved. Although Lin Zhijian is not reconciled, but with these old guys suppressing him, he can't make any troubles. In addition, the role of your father and son in the Lin family is gradually increasing. Lin Zhijian can't be a family with money Dominance. But the colorful world outside is more deceptive than before, and the clan is not as cohesive as it was 50 years ago. Maybe the Lin clan will disappear one day, but I don’t want to see it before I die, I want to let The glory of the ancestors has been passed down."

Lin Tao nodded solemnly and said, "Grandpa, don't worry, I will work hard."

"Well, the Lin clan opened up to the outside world in the past two years, and their reputation has spread little by little. Especially last year, the Lin clan people shined brilliantly, which caused a lot of shock in the martial arts. In the past year, there have been many masters who have entered Baishi Town. The Lin family, the Ma family, and the Song family all have to accept some challenges. Tomorrow's martial arts performance after the annual festival, I am afraid that more martial arts figures will come. This martial arts performance will be jointly organized by the Lin, Ma, and Song families of Baishi Town. , the three of us will become the masters. Not only hundreds of domestic martial arts lovers will come to Baishi Town tomorrow, but also foreign ones. In the past two days, we have received a lot of invitations, and some masters from overseas have also come. Especially Tan Tianba, the president of the Chinese Martial Arts Association, is also here, and he is going to hold a meeting here to discuss the re-division of Chinese Martial Arts. Your grandfather Zhennan holds the title of vice president."

Lin Tao smiled and said, "Then tomorrow will be really lively, but is the ancestral temple safe?"

"Well, don't worry about this, there will be manpower left. In addition, only three people know about the opening of this secret passage, and only I know the special method of opening it. Although you saw me turning the mechanism just now, it requires constant infusion of internal strength. , and there are skills in it. I will demonstrate it to you now and tell you the formula method."

Lin Tao watched his great-grandfather explain the secret method of opening these rooms. He really didn't expect that there would be such twists and turns.If the opening method is wrong, not only will the secret room not be opened, but there will be hidden organs on the wall that will kill people.Lin Tao was secretly dumbfounded after hearing this.Finally, Lin Tao couldn't help asking: "Grandpa, hasn't this method been passed down?"

"About this point, there has been an arrangement. If the clan dies suddenly, the clan elder will recommend a clan leader to open the secret room. There is a method to open it here, but to open it, you must have the peak acquired skills, and there is no handhold like me. To teach the opening method, you need to practice for at least two years before you can safely open the mechanism here. Although your grandfather also knows this place, but I haven’t taught him the opening method yet, and it is estimated that he will not be able to use it in this life.”

Lin Tao couldn't help complaining for his grandfather when he heard it. As the patriarch, he couldn't grasp the foundation of the Lin family, which has to be said to be a tragedy.Fortunately, the fat and water don't flow into outsiders' fields.

"Grandpa, are the things recorded in metaphysics true? For example, Tianshijiao, Maoshan Taoism and so on?" Lin Tao couldn't help asking curiously.

"I haven't seen such a mysterious one, but there are some spells and formations. There are indeed mysteries that ordinary people cannot understand. According to the records of our ancestors, 300 years ago, Taoist Lei Fa of the Qing Palace on Longhu Mountain used the Shangqing Taiyi Lei Fu attracted a flash of void lightning to kill a century-old giant python. The ancestor saw it with his own eyes, and then recorded it. The ancestor also studied and practiced on this, and wrote some things. Later, he achieved a little success, but no one liked it. It is so powerful that even when it was a hundred years old, it was still in my heart."

Lin Tao didn't take it seriously after hearing this. Having studied natural science, he naturally knew how lightning is generated in the sky, and how generators generate electricity. Lin Tao still sneered at the idea that a ghost drawing talisman can attract lightning.Lin Wanhua knew that Lin Tao didn't believe him, so he smiled slightly and said, "The techniques of internal strength and acupuncture are both mysterious and mysterious. It's just that there are many people who have seen it, so I don't think it's strange. Your current innate state is that of a mortal. Can it be understood? For unknown things, we can doubt, but we cannot completely reject it without practice.”

"What the grandfather said is that the great-great-grandson has been taught. If I have time, I will study hard." Lin Tao's face was slightly embarrassed.I didn't expect the old man's eyes to be quite poisonous.

Lin Wanhua twisted his beard and said: "There will be time. You have broken through the innate realm now. There is no accident. It is easy to live a hundred years old. I am 2000 years old this year, and I still don't feel the deadline. Maybe I will I see the day when you will carry forward the Lin clan. Come with me here, this is the last secret room, which contains the most mysterious skills and some special weapons. For some martial arts schools, there are many things that come from mouth According to legend, there is no written record, and the inheritance was cut off in the end, which is a pity, although the Lin clan has spared no effort to collect these secret methods for [-] years, but it is only [-]%."

Lin Tao and the old man entered another secret room.In addition to the eighteen kinds of weapons, the weapon rack inside also has many strange things that have never been seen or heard before.

Lin Wanhua opened a small brass box, which contained a thin book and a half-moon-shaped off-white jade-like object that was only an inch in size.Lin Wanhua took it out carefully, and said to Lin Tao: "This is an innate weapon obtained by the ancestors of the Lin family 360 years ago. This little thing is as sharp as a knife, and can cut iron like mud. Look, I can cut it without pouring internal energy into it." break-"

Lin Tao watched as Grandpa held the small crescent blade, which was like a hidden weapon, and easily cut a gold bar as thick as a thumb into three sections.Lin Wanhua went on to say: "When martial arts reach Xiantian, they can not only control the qi in the body, but also spread the qi inside and outside for a long distance, control the qi outside the body, and concretize imperial objects. According to records, no one from the Lin family has arrived here in the past 200 years. Fortunately, there are successors to the Lin family, otherwise they would have no face to face their ancestors."

Lin Wanhua handed the Moonblade to Lin Tao. Lin Tao took it over and looked at it carefully. He felt that it was a bit like a bone, but not quite.Lin Tao picked up the book again, which recorded the process of obtaining this object. According to the records of Lin Tao's ancestors, the aliens holding the moon blade killed more than ten thousand people with this object, and many of them were innate masters. The ancestors of the Lin family speculated that this object was an animal or It is made of human skull, and unknown minerals are mixed into it to make this weapon. It is speculated that this weapon is fed with human blood energy, and the inner energy is nourished throughout the year. The user is like a command arm, and the ancestors of the Lin family can use it at will within [-] feet. .Lin Tao went through this book of ancestors' experience from beginning to end. It contains detailed methods of cultivating innate qi and methods of controlling objects.Although it looks mysterious, it feels very reasonable after deliberation.The subjective conjecture of internal energy practitioners is particularly important, as is the use of true qi, and it is proposed that the true qi be visualized.Transform formless into form.These sayings are not feudal superstitions. There are institutions in Europe and the United States that have been studying minds. For example, some special children can use minds to control the movement of tiny objects after training. It has to be said that it is a very magical thing.We cannot say that science cannot explain it, we can only say that modern science still has certain limitations.Materialism and idealism are not completely opposite.

Lin Tao carefully looked at the moon blade. There were some carved patterns on it. It was more like an exquisite ornament than a weapon.According to the method in the book, Lin Tao poured his energy into it, and carefully comprehended this little thing.He felt a ferocious murderous aura coming back, Lin Tao quickly resisted with his true energy, but saw the moon blade in his palm floating up, vibrating rapidly, and making a buzzing sound.Lin Wanhua quickly exited the room, and immediately sat in meditation outside the door, suppressing the turbulent blood, and couldn't help muttering in his mouth, this innate weapon is too terrifying, and he just felt like he was trapped among thousands of innocent souls.But seeing Lin Tao standing there with his eyes closed, holding the shining moon blade in the palm of his right hand, Lin Tao felt that he was trapped in a boundless bloody aura and had to resist it with all his strength. Fortunately, the bloody aura gradually weakened under the resistance. Lin Tao once again urged his own true energy to wrap the blood-killing qi, surrendered, and finally slowly blended together and retreated to the moon blade. Knowing that at this moment, Lin Tao felt the moon blade in his hand. Lin Tao used the method of imperial objects, and the moon blade slowly floated up. Under Lin Tao's control, it slowly rotated around the top of the head.

"I see, hahaha——" Lin Tao couldn't help laughing.

Lin Wanhua also showed a look of shock. Although Lin Tao is far from the distance of [-] feet from his ancestors who can control this weapon, he has mastered this method after all.After being surprised, Lin Wanhua couldn't help laughing.

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