Jagged city

Chapter 368 Trip to Israel

Jagged City - Chapter 360 Eight Trip to Israel

The Hebrew word for Israel is "the one who wrestles with God". Israelis also took refuge in Shanghai, China.This nation wrestling with God is doomed to many disasters, but it is the Israelites' indomitable will to fight against the sky that finally established the nation in 1948.

Lin Tao was sitting on a flight to Israel, watching information about Israel.Israel borders Lebanon to the north, the Mediterranean Sea to the west, Jordan to the east, and Egypt to the south.The legal land area is only 1.49 square kilometers. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the actual vacant area of ​​other Arab countries has reached 2.5 square kilometers.This is such a small country with an area equivalent to two prefecture-level cities in China, with a population of 700 million, and has created a world-class military and technological power.Looking at the materials, Lin Tao couldn't help but sigh, the cohesion and creativity of the Jews.And New Xiliang is now five cities into one, with a total area of ​​900 square kilometers and a population of 2.5 million.Lin Tao wondered whether New Xiliang could reach the level of Israel in the future.To achieve this goal is definitely a huge challenge.Because Israel's annual per capita income is more than 1700 US dollars.In order to catch up with Israel, it needs to generate more than 70 billion US dollars in revenue every year.Before Lin Tao went to Xiliang, the per capita income in Xiliang was around 20.There is a [-] times income gap between Xiliang people and Israel.It can be described as the difference between heaven and earth.However, two years after Lin Tao came to Xiliang, the per capita income of Xiliang reached more than [-] yuan, narrowing the gap to ten times.In this regard, Lin Tao still has a sense of accomplishment.Because New Xiliang has created huge wealth due to special reasons, it has built a world-class Xiliang New City.After laying the foundation for the development of Xiliang, Lin Tao is confident that in the next three years, the income of Xiliang people will quadruple.And fiscal revenue will more than quintuple.However, even if it maintains a high-speed development, if it wants to catch up with the aliens, it will be impossible to do it within ten to twenty years.Israel is world class in optics, electronics, engineering, biology, medicine, space and more.Every year, several countries want to cooperate with Israel or gain benefits from Israel.China is no exception on this point. Although the United States has imposed an arms embargo on China over the years, it has obtained a lot of key technologies from Israel. In this regard, Israel and China are still very friendly.Lin Tao recalled the information about Israel in his mind. After the founding of the country, Israel has always been tough. Basically, it has fought against neighboring countries, and most of them have won.Israel has a small land area and a small population. It has to implement the strategy of high-tech rejuvenation. All the people are soldiers. It has always maintained a tough diplomatic attitude. Once it shows weakness, it will be in danger of being swallowed up. Be constantly evolving and tough.

"Yes, this country has been fighting and wrestling with God." This is Lin Tao's emotion towards Israel.This visit to the Middle East, Saudi Arabia is the first stop, considering the acquisition of his father Lin Zhiyuan. Now that the trip to Saudi Arabia is successfully concluded, it is necessary to appreciate the customs and customs of Israel, especially Jerusalem, which is a holy place for Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. , There is an endless stream of pilgrims every year.Israel's Mediterranean scenery is also a tourist attraction in Israel, so you must go there.Lin Tao and his team were very excited. Although the mission was mainly for investigation, they were invited by the Islamic Presbyterian Church and the mayor of Tel Aviv, so it can be called a visit.Scenic tourism is an indispensable pastime during the period, which is tacitly understood by everyone.With the mayor leading the team, the team of more than 30 people is very happy.As long as they complete the task assigned by Lin Tao, they can fully enjoy it.The plane that Lin Tao and others took was a Xiliang small commercial airliner with 30 seats.The interior is very spacious and luxurious, and it feels very comfortable whether you are dining or resting on the plane.Lin Tao plans to visit Israel for ten days.Among them, seven days are working time, and the remaining three days are completely free leisure time.In addition to the government subsidy, the members of the inspection team also had a business sponsorship of [-] US dollars, which was provided by Junlian Group.It is a blessing to go abroad with such a big boss, so these people have never had any objection to Lin Tao's arrangement.So on the way to Israel, these guys were very excited.

Lin Tao sat in the middle of the passenger plane, looked at his watch, closed the documents in his hand, and then turned on the microphone and video on the table.He flicked the microphone with his fingers.Everyone heard the sound and saw Lin Tao's figure appearing on the screen above the cabin, and immediately stopped talking and joking.

Lin Tao smiled and said: "Don't be nervous, everyone, we will arrive at Tel Aviv International Airport in half an hour. I will briefly repeat the general schedule for the next ten days."

Lin Tao glanced at the front left. Several cadres were about to take notes. He couldn't help laughing and said, "You don't need to write down the notes. The itinerary basically follows the plan printed out yesterday. I'm just nagging. After getting off the plane in Tel Aviv, Israel , the mayor of Tel Aviv will welcome you. I think our Xiliang government cadres should be more energetic and shake hands with Tel Aviv officials with full enthusiasm. So before the plane lands, you'd better wash your face and tidy up your appearance. Fo Relying on gold and people relying on clothes, everyone represents the image of New Xiliang. Although the rise of New Xiliang is short, the scale and grade of urban buildings are not inferior to them. It is just that there is a lack of accumulation. Therefore, the first time we met , Our image is very important. We must not be proud, let alone cowardly, but must have the boldness and vigor of Xiliang people. Do you have any?"

"Yes!" Everyone shouted in the cabin.A few stewardesses watched secretly at the door, their eyes flickering, and they were very fascinated by the legendary mayor.Every time I delivered drinks to Lin Tao, my heart beat faster, especially Lin Tao's smile made several stewardesses lose their minds, and they often left with blushes.

"This time we came with a mission. You are the elites of the Xiliang government. This visit is in name, but it is actually to learn and seek cooperation. Israel is world-leading in many industries, so we are learning from it this time. Here we come. Everyone must be serious during the work period and must give [-]% effort. Therefore, the arrangement of the inspection is very tense. When the time comes, everyone will act separately, and there will be advance personnel gathered in each group to cooperate with your tasks. Pay attention The importance of discipline. If the characters I arrange are successfully completed, each group will receive special rewards from me. The last three days are the investigation of tourism projects, of course, including sightseeing. The Mediterranean scenery and Jerusalem are all going to go. Time to have free time."

Lin Tao and his entourage are basically leaders, and it is impossible to rely solely on these officials if they want to seek cooperation from Israel's leading industries or purchase technology, etc.Therefore, Lin Tao dispatched some staff to Israel in advance to collect relevant information and pave the way for the inspection work.This trip seems to be loose, but in fact it is tight on the outside and loose on the inside. The officials are not only satisfied but also amazed by this arrangement.I am amazed at Lin Tao's brilliance, strong purpose of planning, and high efficiency.

The Xiliang international business plane finally stopped at Tel Aviv International Airport after a slight bump.

"Forge ahead, be brave in innovation!" Just before the cabin door opened, the Xiliang delegation shouted the slogan together, and everyone concentrated.

As the cabin door opened, Lin Tao stepped out of the plane first, followed by four bodyguards, and then the entourage. After getting off the ladder, Wang Maimai followed closely beside Lin Tao.Wheat is proficient in seven languages ​​including Hebrew, Arabic, English, French, German, Spanish, and Russian. He is also proficient in East Asian languages ​​such as Japanese, Korean, Thai, and Vietnamese.There are five or six foreign language communication is no problem.Therefore, Mai Mai is Lin Tao's personal interpreter when he travels and visits.Fang Liang is Lin Tao's secretary and a good helper for Lin Tao's work. This time, Fang Liang flew directly from Xiliang to Israel. He came a week in advance. Lin Tao applauded.The mayor of Tel Aviv walked in front of a group of officials with a smile, kept looking at Lin Tao, and then warmly hugged and shook hands.Two little girls ran over with wreaths. One was a Jewish girl and the other was a Chinese girl. Both were very beautiful, with big and cute eyes.They put wreaths on Lin Tao and Tel Aviv Mayor Nick respectively.Then Lin Tao, led by Mayor Nick, began to shake hands with Tel Aviv officials, and the entourage behind Lin Tao also shook hands.The military band played a welcome song and sent off Lin Tao and his party to board the car.

When they came to the gate of the city hall, the two mayors shook hands again, walked side by side into the reception hall, and then divided the guests and hosts into seats.Officials from the two cities sat on sofas on either side.Just like a leader meeting a foreign head of state on TV, it is very solemn and formal. Lin Tao and his party also felt the respect of the other party, so they all held their breath and listened to the two mayors talking with their backs straight, not daring to sit casually on the sofa .As a result, the Tel Aviv officials felt a little embarrassed, and slowly sat up straight from the sofa.

"I'm very glad that Mayor Lin led a delegation to visit Tel Aviv. On behalf of millions of Tel Aviv citizens, I welcome Mayor Lin and his delegation."

"I also thank Mayor Nick for his invitation, and thank your city officials and people for their kind welcome to the delegation," Lin Tao said politely.

Then the two mayors talked about the development of the two cities and exchanged views on cooperation intentions.Lin Tao hopes that Xiliang will cooperate with Tel Aviv in the fields of biology, engineering, electronics, medical care, agriculture, etc. Mayor Nick welcomes it.I also hope to communicate with Xiliang in terms of urban construction.Since the conversation was very official and lacking in interest, especially in the presence of journalists and TV cameras, everything was in order.

The meeting ended after an hour.Lin Tao and others were arranged to rest at the hotel, and another hour later, Lin Tao and his party were invited to the hotel for a welcome dinner.This dinner was relatively easy.Not only officials from the two cities participated in the dinner, but also some elites from all walks of life in Israel. Lin Tao also had embassy staff.The atmosphere of the dinner party was very lively.The Chinese ambassador to Tel Aviv did not expect Nick to attach so much importance to Lin Tao.As for Lin Tao, Ambassador Song also got to know a little about Lin Tao through friends, and felt that Lin Tao was an amazing young man who transformed Xiliang, a poor city, into an international city in the civilized world in just two years.This is not something that can be done with a background.What this requires is ability.The construction of a city is not the introduction of an enterprise. It can be done with some background. The construction of a city requires the efforts of millions of people.As a leader, how much courage and ability are needed to build a city from heaven in two years.Many people describe New Xiliang as a miracle.Lin Tao was also called the Miracle Mayor.

Nilu, an internationally renowned female anchor in Tel Aviv, came in professional attire.He touched Lin Tao with a wine glass, and then asked with a smile: "Many people think that the rise of the city from heaven is the will of God or God's will, and the city from heaven has also become a new holy place for Muslims. With this At the same time, the Jewish church and the Christian church also claimed that the temple of ancient civilization excavated in Xiliang was a miracle, and they propagated teachings in the city that fell from heaven. The Xiliang government also strongly supported it. Some people said that Mayor Lin’s development of the city was a religious route. I know how Mayor Lin views this issue."

Lin Taoxin said, this girl's question is sharp enough, maybe it will have international influence, this question can't be answered casually.However, time was short, and Lin Tao was not allowed to think too much. The corners of Lin Tao's mouth turned up, showing a charming smile. Nilu's calm heart seemed to be thrown into a stone, causing waves. This smile is so charming.

"Religious relics are also a symbolic civilization product of human development and historical development. The ancient Qiang relics unearthed in Xiliang can be recognized by world religions, which is also the pride of the people of Xiliang. Xiliang City is called the city of heaven because of its The rapid rise includes the efforts of millions of people in Xiliang, and of course the assistance of international friendly organizations. The development of a city includes many factors such as humanities, geography, religion, culture, technology, etc. China is a very inclusive country It is a country that allows the existence and development of multiple religions, and respects the etiquette and culture of religious people. Naturally, the Xiliang government also adheres to this principle, and welcomes friendly people from religious circles to Xiliang for exchanges and development. The ancient temple in Xiliang is now The iconic landscape of tourism in Xiliang. Just like the holy temple in Jerusalem and the holy mosque of Islam, it is sacred in the hearts of religious people who believe in him, but it does not hinder the admiration and admiration of ordinary people. The excavation of the ancient temple It has indeed brought new opportunities for the development of Xiliang, but this is only a part of the city's development. Now Xiliang is also developing rapidly in the fields of industry, commerce, technology, and agriculture. The purpose of our visit to Tel Aviv this time is to I just hope to get more references from this beautiful and rich city. I hope these will help the happiness of the people of Xiliang. New Xiliang, the city of heaven, welcomes all friendly people to Xiliang for tourism, investment, development, Studying or living. Furthermore, I would also like to thank Ms. Nilu for her attention to the development of the Xiliang Heavenly City." Lin Tao's answer won rounds of applause.Many people cast admiring glances at Lin Tao, especially the Chinese people feel very proud.Next, at Lin Tao's request, the promotional video of New Xiliang was played in the banquet hall.

When the old Xiliang City was shown in the film, the Israelis and some foreigners present could not help booing, thinking, is such a dilapidated city still a city descended from heaven?

The narrator in the film said in English: "What you see is the old appearance of Xiliang City two years ago. So where is the new Xiliang City, which is called the City from Heaven?"

Then came the vistas of the old and new Xiliang City taken by helicopter.It can be said that there is a clear divide between Wei and Wei, with the skyscrapers at every turn to the west and the old and dilapidated Xiliang City to the east.The helicopter flew west over the old city.The narrator said in a sweet voice: "With the construction of the new Xiliang Heavenly City, the old city of Xiliang has also been improved. Not only the streets have been widened, the sanitation environment has improved, and the welfare of residents has also increased. Xiliang On the other side of the Lianghe River is the City of Heaven, wow, the contrast is really great!"

As the narrator exclaimed, many gorgeous and neat or beautiful or strange high-rise buildings appeared on the screen.Especially the ultra-wide street and the crowds of pedestrians of various skin colors in the square made the people present exclaim.

"Is this not the streets of New York? Is this really Xiliang, a city in China?" Many people asked such questions.

The picture is divided into two parts, one is a highly modernized street, some foreigners are not surprised by the few performers standing in the center of the street smeared with gold powder, some are curious to take pictures, and some turn a blind eye.In another picture, a little girl with blonde hair and blue eyes is laughing holding a big bowl. Next to her is an old Xiliang chef wrapped in a white handkerchief with a wool belly. She is smiling with a face full of vicissitudes, serving a bowl of steaming hot water to the little girl. haggis soup!

The narrator said excitedly: "This is the same time, the old and new Xiliang City have different styles. In the City of Heaven, you can see world popular elements. During the day, you can work in skyscrapers, and at night, you can go to world-class concerts. Or go to the bar to drink some wine. Of course, if you like traditional Xiliang snacks, then the mutton alley in Old Xiliang will be your best choice.”

The pictures on the screen are carried out along the new street and the old street at the same time.There are happy smiles everywhere.In Xiliang New City, there are top casinos like Carnival, golf, and ice skating rinks, and in the old city, there are old men and women playing croquet and practicing Tai Chi.There are world-class singers singing loudly on the luxurious stage in the opera house, and on the hillside tens of miles away, there are old sheep herders driving their flocks, singing Xintianyou with leaky teeth.There are Hollywood blockbusters in the cinema, and shadow puppetry in the old theater.The collision of Chinese and Western cultures, and the blending of modernization and nature make the viewers have no distractions.

When the movie showed the introduction of the ancient temple, which was like the foreground of an online game, the audience was full of exclamations.It felt incredible.According to carbon element determination, this ancient temple was established at least 5000 years ago, and many people with religious beliefs are even more convinced that this is a miracle.Because at that time God had not manifested yet, and Muhammad's ancestors had not yet been born.Many continents are still only a few stone age.And the architectural attainments displayed by that temple, as well as the magnificent and shocking scenes, are incomparable to other world cultural ancient buildings.I really don't know how to explain it other than miracles.Or what reasonable scientists think is prehistoric civilization.The statues surrounded by glass windows are even more lifelike.The high-definition lens even illuminates the eyebrows and pupils, which are almost the same as real people.Many people doubt that it is a wax figure of modern craftsmanship.When this promotional video passed, many people felt empty in their hearts.

When the narrator said, the current total area and population of Xiliang.The original inhabitants of Israel exclaimed.Unexpectedly, a city is five times the size of Israel, which is incredible.The movie also shows the situation of Xiliang Development Zone, rows of clean and beautiful modern factories, and the brands of the world's top [-] companies, revealing that Xiliang is attracting the attention of the world, and forward-looking large international companies are Invest in Xiliang.

There are also rural photos and realistic scenes in the film.

There is a huge contrast between rural and urban areas. The narrator described the bright future development of Xiliang and the hope of moving towards the prosperity of the whole people with an excited and enthusiastic voice.

After the video was played, the audience burst into applause.Many people expressed their desire to visit Xiliang.When they knew that there were international direct flights between the two cities, many people thought they were behind and didn't know the news.

Lin Tao received many invitations that night, from various industries. I hope that Lin Tao can visit Lin Tao, although not all of them can go, but his subordinates can represent him.

The next day, Lin Tao went to Israel University to give a speech, and his subordinates scattered around to complete their respective tasks.

The topic of Lin Tao's speech at the University of Israel was urban development and planning.Among them, the image data includes the comparison of the old and new cities in Xiliang, and the information sheet of the ancient temple.Lin Tao's research was humorous, and laughter broke out from time to time off the court.

A student stood up and asked, "Mr. Lin, which world-renowned university did you graduate from? Are you going to run for president in the future?"

Lin Tao didn't know if the student was naive, ignorant, or a spoof.But Lin Tao still has to maintain his demeanor.Lin Tao said with a smile: "I graduated from a medical university in China and am currently studying for a Ph.D. in economics. As for the president? China doesn't have one. Our country has a president and a premier."

"Sorry, I don't understand the Chinese political system. But you are a medical student, and you are not a famous university. Can you manage a city well without a global vision?" the student asked reluctantly.

Lin Tao said with a smile: "In fact, the structure of the human body is more complicated than that of the city. A mayor may know how many streets there are in the city, but he will not know how many blood vessels are in his body."

There was a burst of laughter off the court.

Lin Tao added: "There is a saying in China called Xuehai Wuya, which means that learning is endless. A person's time and energy are limited, and it is impossible to learn everything. The management of a city requires many people to brainstorm together. People play a decisive role. But people cannot rest on their laurels. I came to you to learn and increase my experience. I hope to get better enlightenment from the development of Israel and use it in the construction of Xiliang. Although I have no experience of studying abroad , but now is the global information age, even in China, you can learn about all parts of the world. Of course, reading thousands of books is not as good as traveling thousands of miles, and you can learn better only by doing it yourself. Therefore, I am here today.”

The student sat down awkwardly, and another girl stood up, dressed a little coquettishly.The girl asked loudly, "Are you married?"

Lin Tao was stunned for a moment, and the audience burst into laughter. The reason why Lin Tao was stunned was not that the question was unexpected, but that the girl asked in Hebrew, which Lin Tao didn't understand at all.Wang Maimai who was next to him quickly translated it.

Lin Tao rubbed his nose and said, "I've only learned English, Japanese, Korean, and a little Arabic, but I basically don't understand it. You ask me in Hebrew, are you married?"

"I'm married and have two lovely children!" Lin Tao said in Chinese.The students in the audience were dumbfounded. Lin Tao changed English to Chinese, but they didn't understand.

Wang Maimai translated it in Hebrew, and the girl rolled her eyes, and said to herself, Lin Tao even took revenge, being narrow-minded.However, some students were surprised that Wang Mai could speak Hebrew.

The girl asked again: "I heard that many Chinese officials are corrupt and take bribes, and even have lovers. Mr. Lin is handsome and young, and he is a high-ranking official. How many lovers does he have?"

The girl really hit the point. Although Lin Tao felt ashamed, he had to put on a serious face, and said a few words about his love for his wife and family in a dignified manner.Did not say whether there is a lover.I don't know if Xiao Xiao will scoff when she sees this paragraph.It is estimated that Diane will definitely laugh.

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