Jagged city

Chapter 369 Nerves

Jagged City - Chapter 360 Nine Nerves

In the venue, the students asked a variety of questions, some of which made people laugh and cry, and some professors present were quite embarrassed. Fortunately, Lin Tao answered calmly and always smiled.Finally, Lin Tao described the future development of Xiliang, and invited teachers and students of Hebrew University to visit Xiliang to visit the ancient temple, and also welcomed students to study in China.

Lin Tao left the auditorium amid applause, and then, accompanied by the vice president, visited a chemical laboratory, which is an Israeli national laboratory.

At noon, at the request of Lin Tao, the vice-principal accompanied Lin Tao to eat in the cafeteria of the University of Israel.Although Israeli universities have always insisted on orthodox Jewish education, the school ethos is still very open.Men and women are in pairs, chatting and laughing, and some couples are very close. In my mind, I saw a curly-haired Israeli Nanhai whispering to the blonde girl beside him, and quietly put a hand into the girl's jeans. He touched the girl's butt, and the girl didn't care, but leaned closer.Lin Tao remembered that when he was in college, he pulled Xiao Xiao's little hand and kissed his mouth when no one was around, but he didn't dare to touch his girlfriend's butt generously in the aisle where people come and go.Lin Tao still remembers the words 'no feeding in the cafeteria' posted on the pillars in the university cafeteria.And on the table next to him, there was someone feeding you and I feeding each other with a mouthful of affection, which made the bachelors jealous, whispering, adulterer and adulterer, shameless.In fact, if you can't eat grapes, you say grapes are sour!

The cafeteria of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in Israel is very rich in dishes. There are more than a dozen dishes for students to choose from, including meat, vegetables, fruits and pasta, which are nutritious and balanced.Moreover, students are subsidized for meals, and the consumption is not very high.

The Hebrew University is the comprehensive university with the most comprehensive disciplines in Israel. It has a national library with 500 million books. The University of Israel has also trained many Nobel Prize winners. Einstein and Freud are the founders of the university.The Hebrew University cultivates Israel's elite civilization, and this university is indelible for the development of Israel.This is a world-renowned university, and there are more than a thousand students from all over the world who come here to study here every year.However, the orthodox Jewish education in the university, except for Jewish students, other nationalities do not buy it, but the school has always insisted on it and has not changed.This shows that the Hebrew University also stuck to tradition when developing science.

After Lin Tao had his meal, he visited the library again.The library is quiet, with only the occasional sound of flipping books. Even the vice-principal came here very lightly, for fear of disturbing the people studying around.In the afternoon, in the president's conference room, Lin Tao had a talk on the establishment of Xiliang Comprehensive University in Xiliang and the cultural exchange and cooperation with Hebrew University, including mutual exchanges between students from the two places, and the introduction of graduate students and doctoral students from Hebrew University to The problem of teaching in Xiliang and the scholars from Hebrew University came to Xiliang to give lectures, investigate, research and so on.To be honest, Lin Tao's visit to the Hebrew University has a lot to do with the ancient Qiang Temple.The legend about the ancient creation god is earlier than any religion. He is a myth and legend, but it has been recognized by many scholars and even religious figures in Xiliang.When the Archbishop of the Holy Land of Mecca stood in the underground temple, he felt that his soul had ascended to heaven, heard the whispers of the prophets of all ages, and felt the power of the gods in a world of golden light.Judaism, Christianity, and several diocesan archbishops have visited the temple, and it is said that they have all been inspired by God.It is believed that there is a holy place where the Heavenly Palace fell to the earth.

Lin Tao was the first person to open the temple, which is considered by Islam, Judaism and Christians to be the will of God. It was God who opened the temple through Lin Tao's hand, so Lin Tao's status has become extremely noble.Although Lin Tao is not a believer in the three major religions, Lin Tao is indeed a messenger of God.Regarding this point, not only the Islamic archbishop recognized it, but the Jewish high priest is said to have heard the whispers of the angel on the cover of the golden ark when he visited the golden ark every year-"The angels will come from the east and spread the glory of the gods to the world." . 'The invitation of the Hebrew University was suggested by the high priest, and the vice president who accompanied Lin Tao was a Jewish scholar and a friend of the high priest.Lin Tao and Ben didn't know the inside story, and the principal agreed to the communication with Hebrew University and other questions he raised. While Lin Tao was delighted, he felt a little surprised. He didn't expect this trip to be so smooth. He thought he would be rejected The other party looked down on him and made excuses to refuse, but he didn't expect the other party to smile kindly and didn't say a word of no.He also proposed that Hebrew University will arrange [-] to [-] lecturers, associate professors, and even internationally renowned professors to teach in Xiliang every year.Duration varies from one semester to four semesters.In addition, [-] graduate students and [-] doctoral students from Xiliang University can be recruited to Hebrew University, and they can enter two of the national laboratories for internship.

Lin Tao felt a little stunned by happiness. In this way, the status of Xiliang University in the country will be even higher. Maybe other famous universities will come to compete for these places.Lin Tao immediately decided to donate 200 million US dollars in the name of the government to fund the study of Judaism at Hebrew University.Donate 200 million US dollars in the name of the library for the management of the library.The principal and vice principal of Hebrew are very grateful to Lin Tao for his generosity.The vice-principal said in his heart that he is worthy of being a messenger of God, and he is indeed generous.Three days after the signing of the specific documents, it will be held at the Hebrew University, and there will be a party at which Lin Tao's donation will be made.Lin Tao is very satisfied with this arrangement.When Lin Tao was going back to the hotel, the vice principal whispered to Lin Tao for a while, Lin Tao nodded in surprise, and then left by car.

When Lin Tao returned to the hotel, Fang Liang, the secret method, faxed some minutes. Lin Tao looked at it, then stroked it with a pen, and handed it to Fang Liang.Fang Liang smiled and said, "Mayor Liu and Director Li have made progress, and they are now negotiating."

"Very good, my side is off to a good start, and they have to make persistent efforts. I thought that Hebrew University would definitely look down on our Xiliang University, but I didn't expect them to agree to my conditions so happily and take the initiative Added a few cooperation and exchange projects that I didn't dare to think about. You sort out the records and send them back to Xiliang to make the secretary and Mayor Li happy." Lin Tao said proudly, drinking a sip of wine.

"Understood, by the way, the mayor still has an invitation here." Fang Liang took another invitation and handed it to Lin Tao. After opening the invitation, Lin Tao understood why Fang Liang hesitated, because the invitation looked like a ghostly talisman, and he couldn't see it at all. Understand.

Lin Tao frowned and said, "Call Mai Mai."

Soon Wang Mai came in, and saw Lin Tao was leaning on the sofa and drinking red wine leisurely, wondering what was going on, it turned out that Fang Liang only said that Lin Tao was looking for her, but did not say anything.Lin Tao pointed at the invitation card, and Mai Mai picked it up and opened it suspiciously.The eyes can't help but brighten up.

"What do you mean?" Lin Tao asked.

"Tomorrow at eight o'clock in the morning, the Lord of Islam invites you to attend a crusade at the Al-Aqsa Mosque."

"Oh, by the way, Mai, do you know about Judaism and Islam? And this Al-Aqsa Mosque." Limin asked.

"Well, I have collected some information, why don't you take a look, if you want me to say it, I can't say it comprehensively." Mai Xiao laughed.

"Okay, you little guy wants to be lazy, you go and get it!" Lin Tao snorted.

"They're all big girls, okay? They're already over the legal marriage age at 22." Wang Maijiao said angrily, turned and left.

Lin Tao smiled helplessly. This wheat and Lin Tao are quite close, so Lin Tao's majesty as mayor doesn't work. Besides, Dad Mai is a ministerial mayor, half a level higher than him, so he can only get used to it. .

Wang Mai took over twenty pages of printed A4 paper.There are also color pictures on it.There are records of the religious divisions in Jerusalem and related important events, which seem to be very detailed.

Lin Tao raised his head and asked, "Who are you going out with?"

"Three colleagues from the Foreign Affairs Bureau." Wang Maimai looked anxious.

Lin Tao shook his head and said to himself, the little girl is still too tender, how can she behave like this in front of the leader, but it may be because she is close to herself.

"Remember what I said, no less than three people go out, and someone must follow you, you tell Xiaoguan to let him send someone to follow you."

"Well, I understand!" Mai Mai raised her legs to leave.

"What are you busy with? Is there enough money?" Lin Tao asked.

Wang Mai's eyes lit up, and then they turned into crescent moons, a little shy.

Lin Tao smiled and took out a thousand dollars from his bag and handed it to Wang Maimai.

"Thank you Brother Lin!" Wang Mai jumped over, took the money in one hand, bent down, kissed Lin Tao on the cheek, and then ran away blushing.

Lin Tao muttered something about the ghost girl, and then touched the place where he was kissed.Thinking in my heart, I must be regarded as my brother.

Lin Tao flipped through the information in his hand. The high priest of the Holy Sepulcher and the leader of Islam invited him one after another. It was strange. When did he become so popular.The status of these two people is extremely dignified, even the president and the queen must show courtesy when they see them.Weird!

Jerusalem is a holy place recognized by Judaism, Christianity and Islam.It is rumored that Jesus was born in a cave called Mahed on the outskirts of Jerusalem, and studied in Jerusalem when he was young.At the same time, the last supper of Jesus in the Bible was also at Mount Zion in Jerusalem, where he was betrayed by his disciple Judas.The Cathedral of the Holy Sepulchre is where Jesus was crucified.Jesus was resurrected three days after his death.Then everything about Jesus became sacred. The cup Jesus drank from was called the Holy Grail. The artifact in the hands of the monarchs of all dynasties is designed to stab and kill powerful enemies.The shroud of Jesus is also a sacred object. The most incredible thing is that the genital foreskin that was cut off when Jesus was a child is called the holy foreskin. In addition, the archbishop theologian of the seventeenth century believed that the halo of Saturn was a change of the foreskin of Jesus. Seeing this made Lin Tao dumbfounded.Lin Tao couldn't help thinking that what Jesus left behind was only the foreskin. If he left the whole foreskin, that unsanctified body would be worshiped and worshiped by thousands of people.

Lin Tao saw the introduction of the Holy Grail and remembered watching the movie "The Da Vinci Code", which seemed to be alluding to Mary, the spouse of Jesus.The sacred relics of Jesus appear in many literary works, some of which are miraculous.In particular, the spear of Longinus that crucified Jesus was given the power to hold the kingship.

Lin Tao suddenly found that these religious knowledge are also very interesting, especially when he is in the Holy Land of Jerusalem, he should know more about it.

"Oh, and the Golden Ark of the Covenant!" Lin Tao muttered while looking at the introduction, and there are even more legends about the Golden Ark of the Covenant.It is recorded in the Bible that the stele of the covenant signed between God and Moses was placed in a special cabinet, which is covered with gold, so it is also called the golden ark of the covenant.There are many versions of the legend. Some say that the power of God is sealed in the golden ark, and some say that King Solomon later hid the treasure map of Solomon's treasure in the golden ark.Many movies were made about this gold-clad wooden cabinet.Because after the golden ark appeared in Ethiopia, many stories about him appeared, and the characters involved in it were probably a generation of emperors, so they became more mysterious.It is said that only the high priest can bow down once a year to the golden ark enshrined in Judaism in Jerusalem to listen to God's will.

The Wailing Wall is also very famous. It is not only a holy site of Judaism and Christianity. Mohammed rode a female horse to leap over this Wailing Wall and set foot on the holy stone, and then flew to the seventh heaven to receive the holy revelation, and returned to Mecca overnight. .Lin Tao looked at the records of the prophet's fugue, and couldn't help but think a little profanely, could it be dreaming or sleepwalking.

Lin Tao wondered why the Islamic leader didn't invite him to the Holy Land of Mecca in Saudi Arabia, but went to Israel to join in the fun with the Jewish high priest.However, it is a pity that Lin Tao did not visit Mecca when he went to Saudi Arabia. It would be nice to think about meeting the Islamic leader in Israel.Could it be that he didn't invite himself because he was afraid that the people in Mecca would be too eye-catching?Lin Tao couldn't figure it out, it seems that he can only wait until tomorrow.But it is even more unusual for the high priest to invite himself to dinner tonight.Lin Tao was really looking forward to having a candlelight dinner with an old man.It is said that the high priest can communicate with the prophets and receive God's revelation. I don't know if this high priest is different from ordinary people.

At eight o'clock in the evening, Ratti, the vice president of Hebrew University, came to pick Lin Tao up.Seeing that Lin Tao was protected by two cars, he couldn't help but feel that Lin Tao, the mayor, was indeed quite mysterious. He should be the high priest who received instructions from the Holy Spirit and was an envoy from the East.However, this has to be further verified by the high priest.

The vehicle drove into the side of the Cathedral of the Holy Sepulchre, and the vice-principal Ratti said with some embarrassment: "Mr. Lin, your bodyguards can only stay outside, the high priest—"

"I understand that the High Priest can't interrupt casually." Lin Tao said.

Ratti was very satisfied with Lin Tao's cooperation, and at the same time admired Lin Tao's calmness and composure.You must know that even if he is received by the high priest, he will be uneasy.Latti was a little bit overwhelmed. He forgot that Lin Tao was not a believer, so he lacked the kind of reverence from the soul. For Lin Tao, the identity of the high priest made him even more curious.

As Latti walked into the empty Cathedral of the Holy Sepulchre, Lin Tao did feel a strong religious atmosphere, but Lin Tao was looking for novelty, not awe.When Ratty led Lin Tao through a corridor, he saw two believers in black robes standing in front of a door.Leti let Lin Tao go by himself, while he waited outside.Lin Taoxin said that it was quite mysterious.Lin Tao walked towards the door step by step. Although the door was closed, Lin Tao felt that there was a pair of eyes looking at him in the room.Lin Tao walked slowly, knowing the location of the person in the room very clearly, even the heartbeat could be heard clearly.However, this person's heartbeat was very slow. Lin Tao calculated that it was about 1 times a minute, which was half of a normal person, but the heartbeat was strong and powerful.And the person's breath is long.Lin Tao felt that he was a person with internal skills.Do foreigners also understand internal strength?As his footsteps approached the gate, Lin Tao seemed to see an old man in a white robe sitting on one side of the table in the hall. He should be over 70 years old, but his eyes were sharp.The white-haired appearance adds a bit of mystery.When the eyes of the two met, the believer at the door opened the door and made a gesture of invitation.Lin Tao walked into the door with a smile, and there was indeed an old man in white linen sitting opposite the table covered with white bars, almost exactly as he had imagined.

The old man stood up and saluted slightly, then motioned Lin Tao to sit down.Next to it were two waitresses who took off the metal cover on the plate, and it was a warm and fragrant lamb chop.The maid served red wine to the two glasses placed in the middle of the table.Then he bowed and retreated, the door closed, and only Lin Tao and the high priest were left in the room.

The two have not spoken until now.Lin Tao thought, what is this old man playing?The high priest thought, indeed, he was calm enough, and he had the aura of a high-ranking person.There is an aura that cannot be seen by ordinary people, and the whole person looks very holy.In fact, this was intentional by Lin Tao. Lin Tao released the true energy in his body to form a Tiangang mentioned in the congenital cheats.

"Dinner, please. This is fresh lamb and fine wine that has been cellared for 30 years." The old man finally spoke.

Lin Tao looked at the rich lamb chops on the plate, which were a little golden, and they should look very delicious, but there was no fork, could it be that they were grabbing lamb chops with their hands? Make a fool of yourself.This old priest has silver-white hair, light golden eyebrows, a pair of brown eyes, very energetic, fair skin, looks very shiny, not like ordinary old people with loose skin and age spots.Lin Tao felt that this priest should be very handsome when he was young, and he probably could seduce many female followers.

"Please!" Lin Tao also said please, ready to see how the old priest eats.Because he didn't have a knife and fork there either.In addition, Lin Tao remembered that when watching TV, believers should pray before eating.Obviously the old priest did not prepare for this link.

"This wine is made by devout believers in the best orchards. The grapes are picked by the purest girls in the rainy morning. Please use it." The old priest said slowly, as if tasting the taste , Lin Tao almost laughed, and elaborated, the old man still has an affair!

"However, it was placed two meters away from me in the middle of the table, how can I get it! Can this old thing amuse me?" Lin Tao wondered.

Lin Tao raised his eyebrows, but saw that a wine glass on the table automatically slid towards the old priest along the smooth silk tablecloth.Seeing the old man's slightly wrinkled brows, Lin Tao felt that the old man should be using mental power control, because he didn't feel any abnormality in the air.As soon as the high priest stretched out his hand, the cup was in his hand. The high priest seemed to raise his glass slightly proudly and looked at Lin Tao.Lin Taoxin said, it's strange, how does this old man know that I can also get that wine glass, but it seems that there is no need for the old man to underestimate it.

"Please!" Lin Tao stretched out his hand, and under the astonished eyes of the high priest, the glass of red wine flew up from the table with a red light and landed in Lin Tao's hand.Seeing Lin Tao pouring the red wine into his lips with a smile, the high priest felt his mouth dry and said in his heart that he was indeed an envoy of God, and he was truly extraordinary.

"Lamud, the servant of God, has met the Envoy of God!" The high priest stood up excitedly and saluted respectfully.

"An envoy?" Lin Tao was a little confused, and said to himself, you are making a movie, where is this going?Lin Tao hurriedly said, "Your Excellency, you have misunderstood me. I am just an official visiting Israel from Xiliang City, China. I don't believe in religion."

The high priest looked stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "Religion is just a mortal form for believers to worship gods. Of course you don't believe in religion."

Lin Tao became even more confused, and said to himself, old man, you must be nervous, what are you talking about, it is surrounded by clouds and mists.

"I understand, please forgive me! My lord, please have a meal!" The high priest felt that he might have made a mistake. Although he had received the holy enlightenment, he should not reveal the identity of the envoy of the gods.The high priest was sweating on his forehead.

Lin Taoxin said how crazy this old man is, his heartbeat is over ninety, don't make a cerebral hemorrhage later.

"Well, this lamb chop is really delicious." Lin Tao grabbed it with his hands, and his mouth was full of oil.The high priest was stunned and said it was too bad, he was so excited to welcome the envoy today, he actually forgot to arrange a knife and fork.However, it is very natural to see the envoy eating. Is it true that everyone eats like this in heaven? Yes, this is back to basics, I pay too much attention to form.Seeing how happy Lin Tao was eating, the high priest felt relieved, and imitated Lin Tao to grab it with his hands. Well, it sure tastes more delicious and comfortable this way.

"Hand-steaked lamb chops are really delicious. This way of eating in Inner Mongolia has even spread to Jerusalem. Could it be the custom left behind by Genghis Khan when he invaded here?" Thinking of this, Lin Tao became more and more sure of his opinion.

"Your Excellency, High Priest, it is a great honor to be invited to have dinner with you." Lin Tao didn't eat all night, and ate three lamb chops in a row, then wiped his hands with a napkin and smiled.

"Yes, Da--Mr. Lin came all the way from the east, and I should join the Landlord's Fellowship. If Mr. Lin needs anything in Israel, just say, although I'm just a dying old man, there are still some things I can do. Yes." The high priest said respectfully.

Lin Tao nodded. In this country dominated by Jews, the status of Judaism is unquestionable. The high priest is the spokesperson of God. Especially in the hearts of believers, the status in Israel is probably higher than that of the president.Since the old man is so polite to me, I might as well try it out.

"The purpose of my visit to Israel is to introduce some outstanding talents from Israel, especially in agriculture, medical care, biotechnology, electronics, and machinery manufacturing. I hope to help the development of Xiliang. After all, the living standards of Xiliang people, It is much worse than Jerusalem. I hope that the people of Xiliang can also live a happy life like the people of Jerusalem, with lambs to eat and fine wine to drink." Lin Tao looked at the high priest and said.

The high priest thought about it, but for one thing, he didn't guess what Lin Tao was implying, but Lin Tao repeatedly mentioned Jerusalem and Xiliang, which should be taken seriously.Yes, the glory of God should spread to Xiliang.There is the temple left by the Heavenly Palace in the world, and there is the glory of the gods there.Judaism also needs to bask in the light of God there.

"Your Excellency, don't worry, I will do my best to help Mr. Lin complete the task of traveling west." The high priest said solemnly.

"Thank you so much, High Priest. By the way, the High Priest is welcome to visit Xiliang. You can visit the ancient underground temple in Xiliang. It's amazing."

"Thank you for the invitation, Your Excellency. I have intended it for a long time. I am very honored to be invited by Mr. Lin." The high priest said excitedly. This is an invitation from the envoy of the gods. start.To feel the grace of God more closely, it must be the closest place to heaven.Although the high priest worshiped God, he also accepted polytheism.God is just one of the gods, maybe the greatest, maybe there are parallel gods.Of course, as long as I believe in God with all my heart.

How could Lin Tao know the messy thoughts of the high priest.Just a weird attitude towards the High Priest.I heard from the vice-principal Ratti that it was difficult for any prince or noble to meet him, let alone have a meal together.But why did the high priest treat him so respectfully?What kind of bullshit angel did he come up with? Isn't this old man crazy?I remember a book that once recorded that a believer relied on smoking marijuana to communicate with the prophet or God.It's a bit messy, but it's the best it can do for me.

Lin Tao thought for a while and said, "How can Your Excellency help our delegation cooperate with those companies and institutions?"

"Please rest assured, Mr. Lin, as long as Mr. Lin sends someone to send the list of those companies." The high priest said very confidently.

"Well, I believe in the ability of His Excellency the High Priest. Cheers to the friendship between the two cities!" Lin Tao laughed, but it felt a bit inappropriate after he finished speaking. He should say this to the mayor of the other party.

But the High Priest was all smiles, obviously very happy.Lin Tao just talked with the high priest in a daze like this, and burst into laughter from time to time. The two believers guarding the door outside felt very strange. They had been with the high priest for more than 20 years, and it was the first time they heard such hearty laughter. Voice.

It took Lin Tao more than a year to figure it out, and he felt that he was invited by religious heavyweights one after another, probably because these major religions used the excavation of ancient temples to strengthen their own power, or to promote miracles and unite people's hearts.As the first person to enter the temple, Lin Tao just happened to be there.And what kind of envoy must be for the purpose of paralyzing the believers, coupled with the constant hypnosis, maybe some kind of holy enlightenment will be produced, just like a dream.

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