Jagged city

Chapter 370 The Adventure of the Cathedral of the Holy Sepulchre

Jagged City - Chapter 370 Adventures in the Cathedral of the Holy Sepulchre

Lin Tao had a pleasant conversation with the high priest.The high priest is well-informed and well-spoken. He does not often quote the Bible as Lin Tao imagined, but looks like a learned scholar.Just as Lin Tao was listening to the high priest talking about the decline of the ancient Babylonian royal family due to court corruption, the door was suddenly pushed open.

A middle-aged believer in a black robe ran in in a panic.

"Juan, what's the matter with you?" The high priest was a little angry. He felt ashamed that his subordinates were so flustered. Usually, this replacement is a very important person. He has been by his side for 15 years, and his work is very reliable. Today it is true. Very abnormal.

"High Priest—" Juan looked at Lin Tao who was sitting there with some anxiety, hesitating.


"Julio fell ill again. Not only was he talking nonsense, but he also injured Barron's arm. Now no one dares to step forward." Juan said with some horror.

"Barron is injured—" The high priest seemed a little unbelievable, and at this moment a howl came.The High Priest turned pale.

"Do you need my help?" Lin Tao asked. Lin Tao's ears were very sensitive, and he could hear the howling coming from the west side of the church, and it was underground, because the constant vibration reached Lin Tao's feet. Although the vibration was very weak, Lin Tao could clearly hear it. It feels like someone is constantly hitting the wall in the basement!

"Mr. Lin, that's just right." The pale face of the high priest became more bloody, and there seemed to be some excitement in his eyes.

"My lord—this—" Juan didn't expect the high priest to agree to what seemed ridiculous to him. The underground secret room can be accessed by anyone, even if there are no senior deacons in the temple Qualified to enter.Why the high priest let this oriental man in is really incredible.The most important thing is that there is the secret room of the court, and the secret room is where the most important prisoners in the church are held.

Lin Tao followed the high priest into a dark underground tunnel. The tunnel was dark because there were no electric lights, but oil lamps. Although it was strange, Lin Tao didn't ask any questions. Down the ramp, Lin Tao turned around three times before entering a very empty underground space. The fire in the hall was very bright. There were three five-meter-high arched passages around this hall, and there was a constant chatter coming from one of the passages. Roaring, while strange laughter, shouting, crying and other sounds came from the other two channels. This one Lin Tao felt many negative emotions rushing towards him.There is fear, anger, evil, bloodthirsty, rage, sorrow, etc. rushing forward.Lin Tao snorted lowly, and a trace of coldness flashed in his eyes.At this time, the sound of chanting by more than a dozen people in black robes around the hall came out.Lin Tao glanced at them, and saw that these men in black robes were not young anymore, each of them was wrinkled and their beards were graying.

"High Priest!" A middle-aged man in a black robe with a bandaged arm came over.

"How are you hurt?" the high priest asked in a low voice.

"It doesn't matter, the evil power has increased a lot, and Grumman's sanity has been completely lost. We can only take the last resort to purify it." The injured Deacon Baron said coldly, just telling one thing As a matter of fact, there are very few clean changes.He didn't take a second look at Lin Tao either.

Lin Tao could feel that Barron's body hidden under the black robe was full of explosive power, and he didn't know how to exercise it.It feels like Chinese hard qigong, iron shirt or something.

"Let's see first." The high priest said with a complicated expression, a trace of sadness flashed in his eyes.

Lin Tao walked into the arched passage behind the high priest, in which there were cells closed by iron doors half a foot thick.There are three small holes with a diameter of about three inches on the top of several iron gates. Through the small holes, Lin Tao saw an old man in a white robe, who also seemed to be a follower of Judaism, and the eyes of the old man who were originally closed suddenly opened and faced him. met Lin Tao's gaze.The old man's eyes pierced Lin Tao's eyes like two sharp swords, and he was very hostile towards Lin Tao.Lin Tao's aura suddenly increased, the old man in the cell groaned, took two steps back, and there was a rattling sound, it turned out that the old man's feet were wrapped with iron chains.

"Green, don't you want to aggravate your crimes and completely become an evil existence." The high priest stopped and shouted at the old man in the cell.

"Hehehe—foolish, those dogs are just jealous of my genius, I will become a true god, you ants, you are only worthy of being slaves for the rest of your life—ah——" The roaring old guy suddenly convulsed and fell to the ground, Lin Tao Seeing the high priest pressing a button on the wall, Lin Tao estimated that it should be a hidden switch, and the shackles on the old man's feet were directly connected to the power supply.

The high priest said regretfully: "He lost his nature because of his power, and he has been locked in the Holy Prison for 30 years. His power is so strong that the deacons dare not look him in the eyes. He is lost because of his power. He used to be He is a caring and kind elder, and also my teacher."

Lin Tao could feel the strength of the old man Green, and it seemed that an invisible force had entered his thinking just now when they looked at each other.Maybe it's the power of thought.But listening to the old man's yelling, he seemed a little schizophrenic and became manic.

Lin Tao nodded and said: "His mood is very manic, it will be better if he can calm down."

"Originally Green was the most devout believer, but one day he suddenly became violent and seriously injured six elders, two of whom returned to the kingdom of heaven. Afterwards, he locked himself in this cell, waiting for a day of calm, but It's getting slimmer." The high priest said with a sigh.

The roaring sound in the depths of the tunnel became louder and louder, and the sound of banging on the door came from time to time. Lin Tao had already seen a big iron door facing the end of the corridor. Where did the vibration and roar come from.

Deacon Barron walked on the other side of the high priest and explained: "The electric shock is no longer effective on Grumman."

"Really?" The high priest's expression became more and more serious.

The high priest stopped at the door and opened a seal. Lin Tao took the opportunity to look behind him.But Lin Tao was taken aback when he saw it. At first, Lin Tao thought that there was a violent monster like a gorilla locked up here, but what caught his eye was a Jewish girl in the age of fifteen or sixteen. Although the girl was thin, she was full of strength. There was a thud, and there were shallow fist marks when the small fist hit the wall. The wall was filled with steel, and every time there was a banging sound.When the little girl with disheveled hair turned her face around, she unexpectedly revealed a sinister smile, her originally pretty face became distorted, and her smile was very creepy.

"See, my strength is getting stronger and stronger. The God of Darkness has given me divine power. I will rush out of this cage and tear you hypocrites apart." Lin Tao was startled by the little girl's hoarse voice.

The high priest said angrily: "You are just an evil spirit sealed in Thor's Hammer! You, an evil undead, has occupied Grumman's body. You'd better get out of here, or you will disappear forever. My patience with you It's reached its limit."

"Grandpa High Priest, I'm your favorite Grumman! Help me, don't kill me, I'm not an evil spirit—" The little girl suddenly became pitiful, begging softly.Seeing the high priest's indifferent face, the little girl giggled again, as if mocking the high priest and provoking his patience.

"Thunder Hammer?" Lin Tao asked in confusion.

The high priest sighed and said: "Last year, Grumman was a cheerful little girl. She bought a necklace with a small hammer in the flea market and showed it to me at the time. It's a pity that I don't have enough eyes. Afterwards, Grumman became abnormal, as if his body had been taken over by the devil. We performed the demon removal ceremony, but injured the two elders. Only then did we realize what happened. But we learned about the evil spirit Ogle The name, after consulting many thoughts, I found that this Ogle was one of the evil spirits killed by the pagan god Thor. It is said that the heavenly father expelled the pagan gods in northern Europe, but there is no way to prove it. Who would have thought of that The small silver hammer pendant is actually the legendary Thor's Hammer. And Ogle, the evil spirit, is being sealed in Thor's Hammer."

"The necklace pendant on Grumman's chest is Thor's Hammer?" Lin Tao asked in disbelief.

"It should be. The evil spirit that invaded Grumman claims to be Ogle." The high priest is not sure, it must be a myth and legend, even though no one of the high priests in the past has personally seen the priest Jehovah or the holy son Jesus appear!

"Ogle can be suppressed by Thor, the son of the legendary Nordic god Odin. It must be a very powerful evil spirit. It doesn't seem to be powerful at the moment?" Lin Tao knows a little about this kind of myth, but he never thinks it is true. It feels like it's all fabricated by people, and I don't believe in this so-called evil spirit Lin Tao who claims to be Oakley. I wonder if this Grumman has a split personality?But how to explain the little girl's sometimes ferocious expression at this moment, and the huge strength that can leave a fist mark on the iron wall?Lin Tao is also very conflicted on this point.

The little girl screamed suddenly: "You hateful oriental, dare to question the great Ogle, I will devour your soul, and let your soul be tortured by the fire of hell forever."

The little girl roared hysterically, the iron chain that she was struggling with rattled loudly, and the trampling on the ground caused strong vibrations, which shows how strong the girl is at this moment.

"Since you are so powerful, why do you keep occupying a little girl's body and not come out?" Lin Tao seemed to want to provoke this so-called evil spirit.

"Hahaha, ridiculous person, do you think you can provoke me to leave, I will devour her soul to nourish her body."

"My lord—I'm afraid that Grumman is no longer here. What we see now is the evil spirit occupying Grumman's body!" Barron bowed and said.

"Oakley, I'll give you one last chance to leave Grumman's body, otherwise everything will be reduced to ashes under the holy fire." The high priest said gloomyly.

"It's funny, what can a mere fire do to me, even Thor's fire, it hasn't destroyed me for 1000 years, could it be that your bullshit heavenly father will help you spit out holy fire, hahaha——"

"Bold evil spirits dare to blaspheme the great Heavenly Father." The high priest and others shouted at the same time. Lin Tao deeply felt that belief is really brainwashing. Does God really exist?

"Exorcism, I will unite with eleven elders to carry out the last exorcism, if it fails, then - use the stake." The high priest's face was full of pain.Grumman was adopted by the High Priest. After a heavy snowfall 14 years ago, the High Priest found a swaddling baby at the door of the Cathedral of the Holy Sepulchre. In the swaddling baby was Grumman, whose face was blue with cold.The high priest moved with compassion and adopted Grumman by his side for 14 years, undoubtedly doting on him like his own daughter.When the fire was said, the high priest was in a trance.

Juan on the side quickly supported the high priest, and then whispered: "Your Excellency, Grumman is so violent at the moment, if the elders go in to remove the demon, I'm afraid they will be hurt. And Barron is injured, I'm afraid no one can subdue it That evil spirit—”

"This—" the high priest looked at Lin Tao.

Lin Tao said with a smile: "Your Excellency, I would like to meet this evil spirit. I really don't believe that he is a legendary figure."

"Okay, with Your Excellency's help, there is a great chance of exorcism this time. Juan will immediately prepare for the exorcism ceremony and invite fifteen elders."

"Damn Oriental, if you dare to come in, I will tear you to death. Let you know how powerful I am!" The little girl Grumman's expression twisted, and she broke the iron chain tightly, as if she wanted to choose someone to eat.

"Your Excellency, are you really sure? The Grumman at this moment is no less powerful than a bear." The injured Baron said, because he was thrown by Grumman and hit the iron gate and injured his arm.Looking at the gentle Lin Tao, Barron was very skeptical.

"Hmph - this is Lord Lin, don't be presumptuous." The high priest scolded.

Barron immediately bent down and stepped aside, thought for a while and then gritted his teeth and said, "Your Excellency, this evil spirit is very rampant. In order to be safe, why not invite His Excellency Di Fan, an ascetic monk who lives in St. Catherine's Monastery in the cathedral."

"This—" the high priest thought for a while, and finally nodded, and had no choice but to lower his face for the high priest Grumman.Mount Sinai is the Holy Land of Judaism, where Moses accepted God’s Ten Commandments. St. Catherine’s Monastery has been incensed for thousands of years.

Lin Tao also knows that exorcism is just a Christian exorcism ceremony in American movies. Usually, people are tied to a bed, and then the priest holds a cross in his hand and recites the Bible to exorcise demons. Sometimes they hurt people personally, but most of them are gentlemen who talk but don’t do anything. In the end, the exorcism often ends, the priest is dying, the victim is dead, and the exorcism ceremony is over. It is not known where the devil has gone, leaving suspense.But it doesn't seem to have any technical content.

After a while, more than a dozen hemp-robed elders walked in the arcade, all of them were over 80 or [-] years old, all had sideburns, and their faces were thin.Each elder wears a golden star of David, also known as a six-pointed star, on his chest.In addition, the three oldest elders were holding ancient sheepskin scrolls.

One of the elders said to the high priest, "It's best to take Grumman to the Bible Cave."

The high priest frowned, and said to himself, I don't know the Bible Cave is the best, but who can control Grumman now!The high priest coughed and said, "Elder, now Grumman is being controlled by evil spirits and cannot be subdued."

"Your Excellency Di Fan is here!" Many deacons stepped aside, only to see a thin old man with a white beard in a plain gray robe slowly walking over.The high priest and all the elders also attended the ceremony one after another.

"I have met the high priest and all the elders!" Ascetic monk Di Fan saluted.This Di Fan is also very famous in St. Catherine's Monastery. He is a Jewish theologian and archaeologist. It is said that he is the closest believer to God besides the high priest.

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