Jagged city

Chapter 371 Exorcism Bible Cave

Jagged City - Chapter 370 Exorcism Bible Cave

Once the high priest and others discussed it, it was still necessary to take Grumman to the Bible Cave.The cell door opened, and four black-clothed deacons walked forward with nooses, standing on the left and right sides, and put thick finger ropes soaked in tung oil on the head of the thin girl Grumman.

Lin Tao watched from behind. The girl only had a chain tied to her slender ankle. The end of the chain was tied to a thick iron pillar in the middle of the stone prison. Grumman had a three-meter-diameter range of motion and his hands were free.Seeing the two lassoes fall on the girl's head, a sinister sneer appeared on the corner of the girl's mouth that did not match her appearance.

"Tighten up!" Barron was the leader of these black-clothed deacons. Although he was injured, it did not affect his command.

The moment the rope was tightened, the girl's pale and slender hands slammed onto the rope and flicked it effortlessly. The two black-clothed deacons who were pulling the rope were instantly thrown into the air, rolling and hitting the wall. With a muffled grunt, his face was a little distorted, it seemed that the collision was not serious.

The corners of the eyes of the high priest and the others twitched, thinking that this mutated Grumman was simply a monster, and the power was too great.

"Hahaha—you bastards, why don't you let me see the divine power? You can invite the Lord to come over, and I will still trample him underfoot." Grumman laughed wildly, his voice becoming very rough.

"Bold!" More than a dozen old men shouted at the same time, which startled Grumman, and then laughed again.

Juan whispered to the high priest: "It's better to ask General Gulliver to send someone to send an anesthesia bomb. I heard that anesthesia bombs can bring down elephants."

"It's better not to let outsiders know." The high priest said with a frown.Then he looked at the ascetic monk Di Fan and Li Tou.

Brother Di Fan said in a low voice: "The evil spirit is too powerful, it is difficult to subdue it with personal power, and it will be counterattacked!"

"The only way to suppress her is with the help of the Star of David in the Bible Cave! It's not very effective in eliminating demons here." said a bald elder of Judaism.

The high priest put his last hope on Lin Tao.Lin Tao nodded and said, "I'll give it a try."

Lin Tao stepped forward and approached Grumman step by step. An elder couldn't help exclaiming: "Don't approach her, her strange power can tear a black bear apart."

"Quack, quack, kid, you seem to be very confident. Do you want to see the beautiful scenery around you being split into two pieces?"

"Could it be that you have a guilty conscience, the clown who calls himself Oakley. I think you are just using the name of Oakley to cover up your weakness." Lin Tao sarcastically said, his body was only two meters away from Grumman.

"Ah—you hateful oriental, I'm going to tear you to pieces." Grumman opened his mouth wide, shaking his loose hair like a roaring beast, and his eyes became blood red. Squatting down slightly, he rushed towards Lin Tao fiercely. Those two pale hands, like a pair of bone claws, grabbed Lin Tao's neck.

The high priest and others behind couldn't help exclaiming.

Lin Tao didn't dare to be careless in the face of the unknown force, and leaned back slightly. Grumman's hands were three inches away from Lin Tao's neck, but they were restricted by the chains on his feet.Lin Tao raised his hands, grabbed Grumman's wrist violently, and took a step back at the same time.

"Boy, do you want to compare your strength with me? Come here!" Grumman squatted down, trying to withdraw his arms, and brought Lin Tao over.

"You—" Grumman's eyes showed surprise for the first time, because Lin Tao stood there and moved slightly.

"You won't let me down!" Lin Tao smiled, and this smile was undoubtedly the greatest irony to Grumman.

"Come here!" The blood vessels on Grumman's forehead bulged, and he pulled his arms back violently, but Lin Tao's feet seemed to have taken root.

Lin Tao's hands felt as if they were grasping two iron rods at the moment, they were cold and hard, and he didn't feel that they were the little girl's wrists at all.Lin Tao sneered, this strange power is really not small, if he didn't break through the innate, he might suffer a loss, but right now, he can't shake Lin Tao.Lin Tao held Grumman's straight arm and sent it forward with his strength.Only a crisp sound was heard.Grumman's arms were suddenly dislocated.

Lin Tao let go, and Grumman's arms immediately dropped.

"Bastard, you dislocated my arm, bastard!" Grumman growled angrily, twisting his body, shaking his arms weakly.The iron chain under his feet rattled, as if he wanted to bite Lin Tao.

"My lord—Mr. Lin—as expected." After a moment of hesitation, the high priest couldn't help laughing.The others were also dumbfounded. Unexpectedly, the mutant Grumman, who couldn't get close, not only couldn't bear the oriental man, but was dislocated by Lin Tao, like a tiger with its teeth pulled out.

"Boy, come here, I'm going to kick you to death!" Grumman jumped and roared, his arms dangling weakly.

"I want to see how you kick me." Lin Tao knew the strength of Grumman, and walked forward confidently.

"Looking for death!" A Roman stepped on the ground fiercely with his thin soles, and kicked Lin Tao with his left foot with a chain.Lin Tao didn't want to confront him head-on, so he turned sideways and grabbed Grumman's knee with his left hand. Grumman screamed and knelt on the ground.

"Asshole, what did you do? Why do I have cramps?"

"Why are you so violent, little girl?" Lin Tao pushed Grumman to the ground lightly, then patted Grumman's legs and waist a few times with his palms, secretly catching Grumman's spine movement Nerves, and just to be on the safe side, Grumman's thigh joints were removed.Grumman was paralyzed to the ground.Couldn't even lift his head up.

Everyone looked at Lin Tao's methods in amazement, feeling very incredible.

Lin Tao smiled: "I misplaced the joints of her limbs, I don't think she will move around."

"Have you disabled her?" The high priest asked with some heartache.

"No, it's just a temporary dislocation, and it can return to normal at any time." Lin Tao also saw that the high priest felt very sorry for Grumman, who was occupied by evil spirits.However, Lin Tao is not very sure about this statement. In the rural areas of China, there are dance gods, shamans and the like, and the situation of asking gods to possess is similar to this situation. Although Lin Tao has not studied in depth, most of them are deceptive means.As for whether he was really possessed by a god, Lin Tao had never seen it.Therefore, Lin Tao remained skeptical about the so-called Oakley evil spirit occupying the little Grumman girl's body.

"You're a vile bastard, you damn Oriental, and I'll curse you—"

"If you don't shut up, I don't mind taking your jaw off!" Lin Tao snorted coldly.Grumman, who was lying on the ground furiously, didn't dare to speak out when he heard Lin Tao's ruthlessness.The eyeballs are spinning around.I don't know what to think.

Grumman was unshackled and supported by two black-clothed deacons, and followed the crowd into a cave-like cave on the second basement floor.There are many carvings in this cave, as well as carved scriptures all over the grotto. Those scriptures have been painted with silver water, shining under the light of the fire.Inside the cave, there is a solemn picture of Jehovah in heaven, with the Son Jesus on his side, and various high-level angels carved on both sides.Lin Tao admired the Bible Cave and said to himself, this attraction is not listed in the tourist brochures, it seems that this time it is still here.In the center of the grotto is a huge six-pointed star, which is the star of David in Judaism. Several deacons placed Grumman in the middle of the Star of David, separated his hands and feet, and fixed them with chains on six iron pillars protruding from the ground three inches high. .His head was even stuck between two iron pillars.Lin Tao looked carefully, and there were scriptures in Hebrew on those iron pillars.

The high priest, a group of elders, and the ascetic monk Di Fan sat around David's satellite. The ancient sheepskin scrolls in the hands of the elders were opened and thrown on the ground, and then they began to recite scriptures under the leadership of the high priest.Brother Di Fan even took out a golden cane from his pocket, only two feet long, covered with runes.

"Moses scepter!" The high priest's eyes twitched, and he said in his heart, it's a pity that such a sacred object could not be held in the hands of the high priest. It is said that the Moses scepter was a tree that Moses took from the heaven, and natural scriptures were carved on it.As long as you hold the Moses scepter and pray devoutly, you can communicate with the prophets and even the gods in the heavens.Lin Tao saw the shocked expression of several elders when they saw the short staff in the ascetic monk's hand, so he could naturally deduce that the ascetic monk held something extraordinary.

As the scriptures continued to be recited, Lin Tao felt that the lifeless and cold walking stick in the ascetic monk's hand seemed to have an unknown power.Lin Tao stood in front of the deacon on the outside, feeling the subtle changes of the senior Jewish clergy present.

Lin Tao suddenly felt the vibration of the mobile phone in his clothes, and hurriedly walked out of the cave quietly, and saw that it was a text message from Xiaoguan. Lin Tao didn't come out for a long time, Xiaoguan didn't know Lin Tao's situation, and he was a little anxious. Lin Tao sent a short text message, Return immediately.Grumman, who couldn't move in the grotto, suddenly laughed: "You stupid old things, don't you think that reciting the scriptures can drive me away? If it is accompanied by music, it may have a lullaby effect. Oh, this is Moses Exodus The scriptures in the book, the story of Jehovah subduing the evil gods is just a fabrication. The only god in this world is the God of Darkness. The end of the world is eternal darkness. As long as you dedicate your souls to the God of Darkness, you will be able to Get eternal life, believe in that fabricated Yahweh that ends up being a pile of dry bones."

Everyone remained unmoved, still reciting scriptures with their eyes slightly closed.Suddenly Grumman's expression became ferocious. Lin Tao felt that these old men seemed to exude an invisible spiritual power. Lin Tao felt his spirit swayed, and he couldn't help but think that Grumman, who was under concentrated attack, might feel more obvious!

"Shut up, you old bastards—" Grumman yelled frantically, his voice thinning.

Feeling that the power of the scriptures seemed to be working, the voices of these people chanting scriptures became louder.There seemed to be an invisible stance in the entire cave. The scriptures in the cave, the Star of David on the ground, and the murals on the top of the cave became somewhat illusory.Lin Tao relaxed his body, did not resist, sat down slowly, and felt this invisible force carefully.In the underground treasure house of the Lin family, Lin Tao spent a book on metaphysics, which recorded how to train the Yang God of people.Without the annotations and personal opinions of the ancestors of the Lin family, Lin Tao would not have believed it at all. Although Lin Tao remembered this book and thought about it several times, he has never found the trick to practice. At this moment, in this invisible force field, Lin Tao Instead, I have new insights.At the center of the eyebrows in my mind, that is, at the upper dantian, I felt an unknown force burst out, like a seed sprouting.Lin Tao slowly entered a state of spiritual emptiness, and the sound of outside chanting and Grumman's howling were blocked.

I don't know how long it took, Lin Tao opened his eyes, and everything that was serious became clearer. A different feeling came into his heart, and the whole world seemed to be different.At this moment, Grumman, who was tied to David's satellite, had already floated up, three inches above the ground, and seemed to be able to fly if it wasn't for the chains.

"Ah—" Grumman suddenly let out an extremely ear-piercing scream, and then fell to the ground suddenly, becoming unconscious.A trace of blood flowed from the corners of the mouths of the three elders.But there was joy in his eyes.

Suddenly, an extremely violent and bloodthirsty mood appeared in the air.

"The evil spirits are about to escape," said an elder.

"There is no way, we can only exorcise the evil spirits, we can't restrain the evil spirits at all, let alone eliminate them." Another elder sighed.Everyone could feel the evil force in the air, which seemed to convey a thought of revenge.

"We have nothing but divine weapons, but we don't know how to use them. What a tragedy!" Ascetic Monk Di Fan said helplessly, staring at a place in the sky with a complex look in his eyes.

Lin Tao stared at the sky closely, it was a cloud of cold and seemingly invisible gas, if Lin Tao could feel the fuzzy shape of this thing in the past, it was similar to something he came into contact with in the underground cave on the border of Shaanxi, but at this moment, he can indeed see it clearly I saw that group of irritating and bloodthirsty things that were constantly wriggling and exuding bursts of cold aura.Lin Tao stretched out his hand to grasp falsely.The invisible thing didn't seem to expect someone to sneak attack him, and it showed a panic in an instant.

"Ah!" The high priest and the others couldn't help but exclaimed, staring blankly at Lin Tao's grasping hands, as if he was squeezing the evil spirit.Everyone could feel that evil thing was between Lin Tao's hands.

Lin Tao felt the objects between his hands very cautiously, as if there was fury and threat.But do not understand the specific meaning.It seems that this thing can control people's minds.There is nothing between Lin Tao's hands at all, but Lin Tao broke through Hunyuan Yiqigong and cultivated Hunyuan Tiangang according to the Lin family's secret collection. It is an advanced kung fu that can control the form after the true energy is released.At this moment, the evil energy body is bound in a ball-shaped Hunyuan Tiangang, which is continuously squeezed to form an air mass the size of a ping-pong ball.Hunyuanyi Qigong is a kind of extremely yang power cultivated in the human body. It is very mysterious and completely opposite to this yin and evil energy.Completely incompatible.Just like an ice cube falling into a frying pan, the quick smile exploded.

"Zhizhi—" an extremely sharp cry appeared in everyone's minds, and everyone felt their heads tingle.

Lin Tao opened his mouth slightly, his lower abdomen was agitated, and a white gas visible to the naked eye spurted out, accompanied by a "ha!"

The Hunyuan Tiangang ball in Lin Tao's hand exploded, and the evil aura also exploded like fireworks, and then disappeared into the air.The high priest and others looked around, but they couldn't feel the aura at all.

"The evil spirits have been wiped out!" an elder said in disbelief.

"Yeah, it seems to have been completely wiped out, leaving no trace." The high priest looked at Lin Tao in surprise and joy.I confirmed my thoughts even more in my heart.

"Congratulations Your Excellency for eradicating the evil spirit!" Ascetic Monk Di Fan saluted.

"It's just a fluke. The elders have already consumed most of the evil spirit's power. I just gave him the last blow." Lin Tao said modestly. The elders thought about the same, and they seemed to feel lucky.

"Grandpa High Priest!" Grumman opened his eyes and shouted weakly, looking at himself tied up in chains with some puzzlement.

"Grumman, you're fine." The high priest shouted excitedly, and quickly ordered someone to unchain Grumman.

"What's wrong with me? Do you feel any strength?" Grumman said weakly.

Lin Tao looked at Grubman, and his thoughts were completely different from those of the high priest. He didn't believe that the girl had no memory at all, and Lin Tao could still feel that the explosive power in Grumman didn't follow the evil energy group. and disappear.However, it is not easy for Lin Tao to express his inference, and Lin Tao does not want to point it out.After returning to the cathedral, Lin Tao said goodbye.Before leaving, the high priest gave Lin Tao two gifts. One was said to be the Star of David worn by the ancient Babylonian king, which was made of pure gold and inlaid with six rubies.The other is a three-piece set of Jewish scriptures that is also an antiquity, among which the "Old Testament of the Bible" is a gold leaf page; "Talmud" and "Midrash" are sterling silver pages.This three-piece set, also known as the gold and silver book, is said to have been presented to the Roman emperor by a wealthy businessman.It has been circulating for thousands of years, and finally it was acquired by the Israeli Jews, who returned to Jerusalem a hundred years ago.Although the gold and silver book is not yet at the level of a holy object, it can be called a rare treasure.The high priest sent this set of gold and silver books, which shows the importance and respect for Lin Tao.The corners of some elders' eyes twitched when they saw this place. Several of them have been peeping at this set of treasures, and most of them have never seen it at all.Seeing it now, one can imagine the excitement in my heart.Although these elders have a respectable status, the high priest is God's spokesperson in the world, and if they say what they say, no matter how jealous they are, they can't change the high priest's decision.Lin Tao was really embarrassed. Two days later, at the Hebrew University dinner, he donated another 200 million US dollars to Judaism for the protection of ancient scriptures.

On the way back to the hotel, Lin Tao thought happily, would there be any surprises when he went to the Grand Mosque tomorrow?

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