Jagged city

Chapter 403 The hatred of women

Jagged City - Chapter [-] Women's Hatred

After sending Gu Gu away, the sisters also left with Li Taize.Jin Shang, two old generals, Wang Han, Lin Tao and his wife, Zhao Dingtian came to a small living room.

Old Jin smiled and said, "Congratulations Xiao Lin, you have accepted two good apprentices!"

"Yes, Junior Brother, these children are good seedlings. I'm afraid they will surpass me in a few years. In the future, my son must be a true disciple." Wang Han said.

Lin Tao smiled: "That's natural, my eldest nephew was born in our sect."

Mr. Jin sighed and said, "Those ineffective grandsons in my family have no one to endure hardships. When my great-grandson grows up, Xiao Lin, you have to be accepted as a disciple. True disciples can't, at least they have to be named disciples."

Old Shang also said the same, Lin Tao agreed one by one, and responded with a smile.He also said that the Lin family twins, the two elders also liked it very much, and asked Lin Tao if he could be recruited into the army. Being a policeman is a bit overkill.Mr. Jin promised that as long as he entered the army, he would first do it for a major.Lin Tao said that those two girls were out of their tempers, and they must not observe discipline when they are soldiers.

Everyone chatted and laughed for a while, and then talked about the ancient times. Jin Lao talked about the things that the ancient wars had repeatedly achieved, and the ancient subordinates were also a powerful force in the entire army. Lin Tao accepted Gu Haichao as his apprentice, which was regarded as a close relationship. Great benefit.

That night, a sumptuous banquet was set up for these people. The old monk Jin lamented that he had served in the army for 70 to [-] years, and he spent his entire life in the army.Old Shang said to Wang Han: "Your position in the special brigade is very important in the whole army. Even some lieutenant generals don't have the real power like you. Therefore, you must seek stability, and you will reach the highest position step by step in the future. Don't be impatient. "

Wang Han nodded and said, "I understand the deep meaning of the two old chiefs."

Mr. Jin nodded and said: "It's good to understand, you are trying to win with prudence. Lin Tao is different. Lin Tao is now hanging like a moon, shining brightly, which cannot be concealed. It attracts people's envy. Lin Tao is a strange man. He must advance bravely and not be suppressed by his opponent. Opportunity. Therefore, the rank of lieutenant general is inevitable this time. Although Admiral Feng is also loyal and patriotic, he is accustomed to tricks. You need to get close to General Chen, Commander Chen, he is a hero, and it is by pushing him to the top that we two old fellows can feel at ease."

Lin Tao and Wang Han nodded. Old Monk Jin analyzed that Admiral Feng might interfere with Gao Tian's affairs. However, Old Monk Jin was shocked by Commander Chen. He didn't dare to go too far. It might be a test. What's the specifics? The tricks are innumerable, they can only be a temporary response, let Xiao Xiao be more cautious, and don't get caught.Xiao Xiao nodded.Then he asked, "Will the arms continue to be exported? The second batch of orders from Colombia and Riga is about to come down, with a total value of more than 300 billion U.S. dollars. Of course, most of the money is still mortgaged with resources."

"Well, let's take this matter for a while and study it after the Military Commission meeting is over. For our army, it is two big cakes. Naturally, we can't give up. It depends on General Feng's attitude. The general will deal with it. You can rest assured."

Everyone talked and talked about the Nansha Islands. Xiao Xiao was also very interested in this, because she often read the news, it was all about China being bullied, either the fishermen were beaten, or the islands were occupied, illegal oil mining and so on. Afterwards, people are filled with righteous indignation.Xiao Xiao asked why the attitude of the Chinese government was so ambiguous and not decisive at all.Old Monk Jin smiled wryly, mainly because there were too many things to consider, and there were many problems, so people's hearts were not in harmony.But the main reason is that China's navy is not developed enough. Once a war breaks out, it cannot effectively control the relevant sea areas. Therefore, in the next ten years, China will vigorously develop its navy, air force, missiles, etc.China has the most powerful army. Even if a war breaks out, no one dares to land and fight. It is self-destruction.But the development of the navy, air force, missile radar construction, etc., in addition to money, the most important thing is technology, and technology cannot keep up.This time, the accelerator technology of the engine obtained from Israel can greatly improve the flexibility of the fighter.Speaking of this, Old Shang smiled and said, this time you and Wang Han have made first-class merits again. Because you have done too much, I forgot to tell you, but they have been filed.It is top secret.If Admiral Feng objects to your promotion to lieutenant general, then he will have to show him your amazing achievements in the past.Fully exposing your credit is a blessing and a curse!

Lin Tao smiled and said, "Shouldn't there be a lot of bonuses for first-class merit? It seems that I haven't been given the bonus last time?"

"You kid—" Lin Tao made the two old generals laugh.

Old Shang said: "What Xiaolin mentioned is right. Xiaolin is not short of money, but bonuses must not be less. One yard is one yard! I think I will let someone count them in these two days."

While these people were eating and chatting, Xiao Xiao followed closely the South China Sea issue and asked: "Those small countries keep testing us, using the cannibalization policy. If we don't do something ruthless, won't they make progress?"

"The international situation is too complicated, it's not just a matter of a single country—" Shang Lao prattled, Xiao Xiao frowned, and said to himself, although these old men have experienced war years, they lose their vigor when they get old.A small country is not afraid of it, what is a big country afraid of? If someone dares to occupy your island, why can't we take it back.Although Xiao Xiao is a woman, she is very courageous. She secretly made up her mind to set up an oil conglomerate after the situation in the country of Costa Rica is stabilized, to develop the South China Sea, and to fight against Vietnam and the Philippines. People, it is no problem to drill the oil well in the sea.

Xiao Xiao didn't refute the two old generals, and suppressed her dissatisfaction. Lin Tao didn't know Xiao Xiao's thoughts.No one expected that in the future, with the support of General Chen, Xiao Xiao would set up an oil company, spend huge sums of money to drill ten oil wells at the southernmost tip of the Nansha Islands, build an artificial island on the sea, and win glory for the country. At that time, Xiao Xiao, the female president It is powerful at home and abroad, and the limelight is the same for a while.

Just as Lin Tao and Xiao Xiao returned home, Lin Tao's cell phone rang. Lin Tao smiled. It turned out that the call was from his adopted daughter Lan Yunling.

"What's the matter with Yunling?" Lin Tao asked gently.

"Father, little brother is sick, something bad has entered his body, come back soon—" Xiao Yunling said in a crying voice.

Lin Tao's heart tightened, and he quickly asked, "What entered Tianyu's body?"

"It's that kind of bad thing, I'm afraid—Dad, come back soon!" Xiao Yunling cried.

At this moment, Xiao Xiao also received a call, it was from Lian Rong, this time she came to Beijing Xiaoguan to follow her, Lian Rong was at Lin Tao's house, she had nothing to do to tease Tianyu, this little guy was three years old, smart and very naughty, Already able to speak coherent sentences, Lian Rong took the two children to play, unexpectedly Tianyu fell down suddenly, Lian Rong went to hug him, and found that the little guy's face was blue, Lian Rong was so frightened, thinking that the fall was something serious , Just about to call someone to find a doctor.The little guy bit Lian Rong's arm with one bite, his face was very ferocious.

Lian Rong screamed, but she didn't dare to use any force. Enduring the pain, she slowly moved the little guy's head away. The little guy rolled his eyes, began to foam at the mouth, and his body twitched.

"There is something bad in my brother's body!" Lan Yunling and Jin Lin had just returned from school, and when they entered the room, they saw Tianyu twitching.

Lian Rong didn't know what Yunling was talking about, so she ran out holding the little guy, called someone to prepare the car, got in the car and went straight to the central hospital.Lin Zhiyuan then chased him out and asked Zhu Yueting to wait at home.The first thing Lan Yunling thought of was Lin Tao, so she called Lin Tao directly.It was Zhu Yueting's call that Xiao Xiao answered.

Lin Tao had a bad feeling, so he directly contacted Mr. Jin to prepare the plane, and the husband and wife went straight to the airport.Lin Tao called Lianrong and asked Lianrong to point the camera at his son. Lin Tao stared and saw a faint blackness on his son's face. Thinking of the bad things Yunling said, Lin Tao frowned. His son was at home How could that kind of thing enter the body? It's weird, but this is not the time to think about it.Lin Tao's head turned sharply, and a book he saw in Lin's library suddenly flashed in his mind. Lin Tao called softly to his ear: "Don't be afraid, Tianyu, father is by your side, don't be afraid, Tianyu!"

Xiao Xiao looked at Lin Tao anxiously, only to see that Lin Tao closed his eyes and called slowly to the phone, as if he put all his mind into the call.Then Lin Tao read the obscure words, Xiao Xiao probably couldn't understand it, it was like a monk chanting scriptures, Xiao Xiao thought, her husband was in a panic, what's the matter?

Lian Rong, who was hugging Tianyu and holding the mobile phone, was extremely anxious at first, but when she heard the ups and downs of the voice from the mobile phone, her mind seemed to be enlightened, and her mind was immediately refreshed, and her impatience quickly stabilized.Lianrong looked at Tianyu in her arms in amazement. The little guy's ferocious expression gradually calmed down, but his face was still blue, but it was undoubtedly much better than before, and his body was no longer twitching. Lin Tao's voice was like a lullaby, Tianyu Breathing evenly, actually fell asleep.

Lin Tao's voice stopped, and Lian Rong picked up the phone and said quickly, "It's great that Tianyu has calmed down a lot—the hospital has arrived, and the doctors have made arrangements."

"Don't go to the hospital, turn around and go back immediately, pay attention to safety precautions."

"What?" Lian Rong was a little surprised.

"Execute the order!" Lin Tao said coldly.


Lian Rong was startled, and immediately told the driver to turn around.On the way, Lin Zhiyuan's car passed by, and he called Lian Rong to ask how he got back. Lian Rong said it was Lin Tao's instruction.Lin Zhiyuan cursed nonsense, and immediately called Lin Tao.

Faced with Lao Tzu's vehement inquiries, Lin Tao was inconvenient to explain too much. He only said that it was not a common illness and did not need medical treatment, so he asked his father to go home quickly.On the other side, Xiao Xiao is calling Gao Tian to inform Pei Hong, Chief of Operations, to send out a special team to meet Lianrong and protect Lin Zhiyuan. At the same time, put Baishi Villa on a first-level alert, and no one is allowed to go out.

Dozens of high-tech talents are busy in Takata base, information monitoring room.

"Minister Pei, Falcon [-] and Night Fox [-] are dispatched."

"Minister Pei, car No. [-] and car No. [-] are locked." Satellite pictures appeared on the big screen, and it gradually became clear that it was Lianrong's Mercedes-Benz and Lin Zhiyuan's BMW speeding on the road.

"Car No. [-], behind you, the Audi is suspicious." A staff member pointed to the screen and said.

"Connect to the No. [-] car——Lianrong, I'm Pei Hong, pay attention to the Audi behind, it's dangerous——"

Lianrong turned her head and saw that Audi was chasing after her, and immediately shouted: "Xiao Zhang, speed up! The number two car slows down and blocks the Audi behind!"

There is another Mercedes-Benz in front of the Mercedes-Benz at the moment, the Lianrong car suddenly speeds up, the car in front turns slightly to the right, the Lianrong car flashes past, the No. [-] Mercedes-Benz returns to its position, and quickly blocks in front of the following Audi car , but that Audi speeded up very fast, and when it reached the side of the second car, I saw a black pistol sticking out of the window of the Audi.

"Bang bang!" The windows of the No. [-] car cracked immediately. The Lin family's special vehicles are all bulletproof. Although the other party was a pistol similar to the Desert Eagle, it could not smash the windows.

At the same time, the No. [-] car's hotshot sticks out two guns from the window of the back seat. The team member fires with both hands, and five bullets enter the Audi car within one second.Bright red blood splashed all over the car windows, and the car drew an arc and rushed out of the road. Due to its high speed, after hitting the roadside guardrail, it rolled and flew out.The speeding car over there also made an arc, killing the driver.Why did the driver drink too much in broad daylight, unable to overtake, and flew out directly.

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