Jagged city

Chapter 404 Counterattack

Jagged City - Chapter [-] Counterattack

Car No. [-] was Lin Zhiyuan's car. He passed Lian Rong's car, and had to keep going because there was no turning point.The intercom in the car suddenly rang.

"Chairman Lin, I'm Pei Hong from the Gaotian Special Warfare Department. I'm in danger right now. Please immediately avoid the Xiliang City Bureau 500 meters ahead. 09 Keep your speed, concentrate, and immediately enter the Public Security Bureau ahead."

At the same time, Gao Tian's information monitoring room called Hu Yang to inform him of the situation, and asked Hu Yang to pick up Lin Zhiyuan's car and enter the police station.Hu Yang didn't dare to be negligent when he received the call, and immediately dispatched the police force. Hu Yang followed and ran downstairs, and rushed to the gate of the Municipal Bureau with his men. He felt relieved when he saw Lin Zhiyuan's car enter the police station.

In the basement of a building in Xiliang City, dozens of computers flicker non-stop.There were also seven or eight people busy there.

"Mr. Tan, the mission of Revenge No. 100 failed, and No. [-] is [-] meters away from the target vehicle in front."

"Keep chasing, tell them that as long as they kill anyone in the car, they will be rewarded 1000 million, and if they kill a member of the Lin family, they will be rewarded 3000 million. ***——" This beautiful woman called Mr. Tan dropped her coffee cup to the ground, It shattered.

"Quack——Why should Mr. Tan be angry? One of the little villains of the Lin family must have been hit by my death-killing Gu, and his skin would fester within three days, and he would die of torture within seven days. Already." An obscene-looking old man with a big forehead, raised chin, and a goatee in a black Tang suit laughed strangely, his voice was harsh and harsh like that of a crow.

"I want all the members of the Lin family to die so that I can relieve the hatred in my heart. That's fine, let the little bastards die first, and torture them well. I want them to fall into the abyss of pain; ghosts, you still have to deal with it in the future." You need to work harder." This President Tan is Tan Limei, a big overseas Chinese businessman in Singapore, and Huang Limei, who was against Lin Tao in the past.The first time Huang Limei failed to assassinate Lin Tao by the river, she was wanted by the whole country, and the second time she used a sniper rifle to assassinate Lin Tao opposite the city government, but she became a good friend, and later in Singapore, she met Tan Tian, ​​the leader of the dark hall of the Small Knife Society. Think godfather, after plastic surgery, he lurks back to Xiliang.Framed Zhao Jinlin and others who were engaged in real estate, but failed again. Lin Tao ordered a sweep of the casino, but lost tens of millions. His hatred for Lin Tao grew day by day, but the Lin family took strict precautions.Huang Limei was afraid of missing the target with one blow, so she continued to hide.Three months ago, Tan Limei found out through the people in the secret hall that there is actually a mysterious family of voodoo masters, the Qin family, in the mountains and wild villages of Xiliang. After several visits, she finally impressed the head of the Qin family, that is, the old man in front of her who is called a ghost.

A few days ago, the Ninth Bureau investigated the homicide case and the missing child case. They traced it to Hongshigou and returned with serious injuries. The Qin family also became alert, because the Qin family who were fighting against the Ninth Bureau discovered that the three of Lao Li were also different. In general, especially that bomb, which was so powerful that it scared the Qin family away. After discussing with the seven members of the Qin family, they had to be transferred. If a large number of policemen came, they had to be surrounded. After discussing with Huang Limei, Huang Limei immediately They sent someone to take the Qin family out of Hongshigou and secretly resettled them in Xiliang City.Because Jin Wuxing went to Hongshigou to investigate again, and was spotted by Tan Limei's eyeliner, the Qin family stayed obediently for a while, until two weeks ago, they began to plot against Lin Tao's family.After many investigations and speculations, using computer calculations, the birthdays of the three Lin Tao twins were deduced, and then the ghosts of the Qin family used more than a dozen mice infected with Gu worms to sneak into the Baishi villa. When a little guy was playing outside, he ran past Lin Tianyu's feet, and the Gu worm entered the little guy's body. The ghost urged the secretary to use the secret method according to the three birthday horoscopes, and today he finally communicated with the Gu worm. Fate Gu broke out, Tianyu's face turned blue, and his whole body twitched.This life-killing Gu is very evil. It was cultivated with the brain of a seven-year-old child. I don't know when and who invented this secret method. This kind of Gu insect as small as a flea has a mysterious evil power that destroys If the functions of the human body cannot be eliminated in time, they will die within seven days.It's no wonder that the ghost is talking big, this kind of small bug is ten times smaller than a flea, and after it penetrates into the blood vessel, the current medicine can't get rid of it at all.

The Qin family was taken in by Tan Xiaoli, and was bought with a large sum of money, and they were happy to work for them. For generations, the Qin family only used voodoo techniques to harm people and seek people's money. It is even more incompatible with contemporary people, and it is difficult to integrate into society; now, Tan Xiaoli shelters their family, spends money on their family like running water, and provides them with delicacies from mountains and seas every day, and tens of millions of them are sold. Where has the Qin family seen it before? Therefore, the two hit it off immediately, and immediately took refuge in Tan Xiaoli, and spared no effort to harm Lin Tao's family.With the Qin family taking refuge, Tan Xiaoli not only felt that revenge was hopeful, but also her ambitions expanded again. With the Qin family's invisible means of harming people, she could be invincible in the mall. Tan Xiaoli even dreamed that she became the queen of the business world, with power world.

The ghost heard Tan Xiaoli's deep-rooted hatred, and said with a chuckle: "The little old man promises that Mr. Tan will fulfill his wish,"

Tan Xiaoli nodded and invited Gui Lao to go upstairs.Tan Xiaoli dared to send No. [-] who was guarding the hospital to hunt down after the failure of the revenge No. [-] mission, because these killers were secretly manipulated by ghosts. Once the mission failed, they would die.The police will not be allowed to find Tan Xiaoli here based on clues.Tan Xiaoli had been ambushing in the hospital according to the plan, but at the beginning things went exactly as expected, the Lin family villa hurriedly drove two cars to the hospital, and it would be more convenient for the people who were ambushing at the hospital to attack. I didn't expect to arrive at the hospital soon However, the two Mercedes-Benz turned around.

The Xiliang police dispatched the police very quickly. He Ning's special brigade arrived in time to set up roadblocks and let the two Mercedes-Benz cars pass.Revenge No. [-], which was five parking spaces away, called Tan Xiaoli's command center and waited for instructions.Tan Xiaoli snuffed out the cigar, a cold light flashed in her eyes.Tell your opponent a secret.Guilao asked if he needed to do it, Tan Xiaoli said no.

The special police began to check the vehicles, checking one and letting the other go. At the same time, two team members with submachine guns were watching the next one. When they arrived at Revenge No. [-], they simply checked and let them go. He let out a sigh of relief, because there was a submachine gun hidden under the seat cushion.Revenge No. [-] slowly passed the checkpoint and began to accelerate, but they didn't notice that the vehicles behind them were all stopped.The inspection is called a detailed one. After the inspection, it was not released, and then the second car was inspected.

He Ning held the walkie-talkie: "Second team, get ready, the target is Audi xxxx, with a built-in high-power gun, shoot first and blow out the tire, forcing the gangster to get out of the car, before unreliable. If you resist in a corner, shoot to death directly."

It turned out that the high-definition camera at the intersection of the Xiliang police monitoring hall had already captured the gangsters in Revenge No. [-] playing with submachine guns, and the release just now was just to paralyze them.

"Boss, Revenge No. [-] has passed the checkpoint, please give instructions!"

Tan Xiaoli frowned slightly and said, "That's it, let No. [-] continue to perform the task."

The order Tan Xiaoli gave just now is that if the No. [-] car is exposed, the people behind the three parking spaces behind will press the button secretly, and the bomb hidden in the No. [-] car will explode. It is because they are afraid of stopping the gangsters for direct conflict and causing unnecessary casualties. Second, if there is a gun battle, the impact will be too bad, so they will let them go first and then intercept them.

Three kilometers away from the checkpoint, the four tires of Vengeance II suddenly burst, the car spun, and then rolled on the road.Several black muzzles protruded from the roadbed on both sides of the road.

"Throw out the gun if you are alive, and climb out slowly, or you will kill them all in 15 seconds." The special team leader shouted.

The Audi car was suffocated, and blood seeped from the car. After 15 seconds, there was no movement at all.The captain did not give an order to attack, but waved his hand, one team member slowly approached, and two team members aimed at the driver with a bad head and another motionless person, as long as the guy moved slightly, he would shoot towards him.

"Captain, both of them are dead." The team members who approached the car observed and shouted.

The team leader reported to He Ning, and He Ningrang cleaned up the scene immediately, and soon a forklift appeared on the side road, and took the scrapped Audi away with the truck. The bloodstains were covered up, and it was the same color as the original asphalt floor.These players also quickly disappeared.

"Revenge No. [-] deviated from the established direction and drove towards Dongning Road. What's going on? Please answer No. [-]—please answer No. [-]!" Tan Xiaoli's person in charge of the underground command room shouted to Revenge No. [-], but no one responded.

Just one minute later, the Audi in front of the forklift suddenly exploded.Although it was three kilometers away from the main road, the explosion was still heard on the main road.But the fire was quickly extinguished, and the severely injured forklift driver was rushed to the hospital. The main road was blocked and traffic flowed again.

Zhang Yuhe of Xiliang Municipal Party Committee naturally received the report and heard that Lin Tao's family was safe and that the impact was not significant, so he let go of his tight heart.

Xiao Tianyu was safely sent back to Baishi Villa. At this moment, Baishi Villa was facing an enemy. At the gate of the villa, there were eight soldiers with live ammunition, loaded bullets and submachine guns.Moreover, 30 meters away from the gate, three iron-toothed roadblocks rose continuously on the ground, and the half-foot-long steel cones above them gleamed, even armored vehicles could get stuck.

Xiao Tianyu's complexion was still blue, but fortunately he was breathing evenly. The high-definition camera equipment in the room was aimed at Xiao Tianyu, and Lian Rong stripped Xiao Tianyu naked according to Lin Tao's request.Lian Rong held back her exclamation, there was a blood-red mark the size of a copper coin on Xiao Tianyu's chest, it was shiny and shiny, and there were many bloodshots around it, it was very scary.

"Use a two-inch rear lead plate to surround Tianyu up, down, left, and right, front and back, and build two layers to ensure breathing!" Lin Tao ordered Lianrong, who didn't dare to neglect, and immediately asked someone to fetch the lead plate, and soon Lay it into a small room two meters square.Lian Rong stood by the bed, Lin Tao told her to leave, but she didn't move.Lin Tao reckoned that the things in Tianyu's body would not be dangerous to Lian Rong for the time being, and he needed someone to guard Tianyu's side, so he didn't force it.Now that Lin Tao has boarded the plane, he can't wait to fly to Baishi Villa.

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