Jagged city

Chapter 406 Finding the Murderer

Jagged City - Chapter [-] Finding the Murderer

Lin Tao caught Qin Huai, and after torture, Qin Huai was extremely weak. Under Lin Tao's hypnosis, he said what he said, not only explained the Qin family clearly, but also said that Tan Xiaoli took in their family and dealt with Lin Tao. A family matter.Lin Tao was taken aback, after much deliberation, he finally put Tan Xiaoli and Huang Limei together.I really didn't expect that Huang Limei changed her face and became an overseas Chinese in Singapore, and came to take revenge on herself again.This time it actually hurt his son, Lin Tao said that he couldn't let this vicious woman go.

Lin Tao drove the car to the Public Security Bureau, asked Hu Yang to detain Qin Huai, and then informed Guoan that Li Lu was Dai Anni, because Guoan had been monitoring Tan Xiaoli, but this woman was very cunning and had not found any strong evidence. This time, she was doomed. up.When Li Lu's deputy and He Ning arrived at the Public Security Bureau, several people held a meeting overnight to arrange a plan to arrest Tan Xiaoli and Qin's family.Because of the Qin family's methods, Lin Tao had to take action this time.

That night, Lin Tao transformed into a member of the Special Forces, wearing special combat equipment and wearing night vision goggles in his eyes, so he couldn't tell what he looked like at all.

Tan Xiaoli lives in the Dynasty Villa District, which is also a high-end villa district in New Xiliang. Every family is a villa over a thousand square meters, with an outdoor swimming pool or something. Although it is not comparable to Qixing Bay, it is a villa district where rich people gather.First of all, Hu Yang took eight plainclothes criminal policemen in an ordinary car and entered the gate of the villa area.

The ghost family lives in a villa to the west of Tan Xiaoli's villa.Although it's eleven o'clock, Gui Lao still hasn't gone to bed, feeling a little scared tonight, so he called his son, but he didn't get through, Gui Lao's heart tightened, and he went to check his son's natal Gu, and found that he was safe, so he felt a little relieved, Maybe the mobile phone has no signal there, the ghost thought.

Outside the Dynasty villa area, the road leading to the villa area has been blocked. The police and special forces are about one kilometer away from the villa area, so they are divided into several teams, running into the villa area, forming a circle, and slowly approaching Tan Xiaoli and the Qin family. villa.In addition, national security personnel went to the hotel where Tan Xiaoli often stayed.

But within 10 minutes, a three-layer blockade was formed, and Lin Tao led a group of people approaching the Qin family villa.He Ning has deployed snipers around.Lin Tao waved his hand to stop the team behind him, because Lin Tao felt a few dark breaths ahead.It had already been discussed during the meeting that those who rushed out of the villa should be knocked down first with anesthesia bombs, and if the opponent had a firearm to fight back, they could be killed directly.

Lin Tao ordered: "Don't touch the corpses of small animals inside or outside the villa, wait for my order before moving forward."

Lin Tao walked around the villa and killed more than 20 poisonous snakes and more than 50 mice. He thought that Old Ghost Qin was really weird.According to Qin Huai's confession, Tan Xiaoli's villa is equipped with high-tech security equipment, while the Qin family uses the Qin family's method of protection.

On the other side, [-] meters away, two special police officers at the gate of Tan Xiaoli's villa opened the door with an iron bolt, and gunshots rang out inside. Fortunately, the attackers were wearing double-layer body armor and also had bulletproof heads. As soon as the gunshot rang, the two immediately fell to the ground.The special team next to them threw five or six flash bombs into it at once, mixed with two tear gas bombs.

As soon as someone showed up at the window to shoot, the sniper pulled the trigger, and the two bodyguards with guns were shot in the head.Gunshots rang out at the gate, and a small team rushed in. Tan Xiaoli's men in the villa rushed in, and there were well-prepared and well-coordinated special forces opponents. When the second team rushed in, three people jumped out of the villa window. , was shot down with anesthesia bullets by the special police surrounding the perimeter.

But Lin Tao's side was surrounded by wind and rain, and the innermost circle of people never got close to the villa by 30 meters, because Lin Tao didn't give the order to attack.However, several streams of black smoke spewed out from the ground around the villa, which condensed and did not disperse, and soon the villa was surrounded by mist.Lin Tao ordered the people behind him to retreat 50 meters.

"What's that?" A team member couldn't help but exclaimed.

I saw figures flickering in the mist, and there was a sound of howling ghosts and wolves, which made people's hairs stand on end.

"Trumpet Blossom 21, two eight two five six—" five or six little girls in red clothes with croissants were jumping and singing nursery rhymes, with silver bells ringing on their hands and feet. These little girls were not only not cute, but also said Unbelievably weird.

"Captain, I can't see anyone!" The sniper said nervously.

"Lock with an infrared energy detector."

"It's too fast, it's hard to lock!"

"Don't act rashly, wait for my order!" Lin Tao rushed into the fog with a gun in his hand.A little girl in red jumped to Lin Tao's side, her eyes glowed green, which was very strange. Lin Tao felt that this little girl was not a so-called ghost, but a real child. She moved very quickly, just like a little girl. Like a monkey, in such a weird atmosphere, ordinary people may be at a loss, and even run around in panic, but Lin Tao is not an ordinary person.For this kind of little girl called a living corpse, in fact, it was the Qin family who invaded the child's brain with Gu insects, and then urged the mother Gu to manipulate the child. The child was fed medicine, and his body was extremely flexible, and his strength was four years stronger than that of an adult man. five times.Moreover, there are sharp iron claws on a pair of small hands, which can pierce a person's skull and tear a person's throat.This seven-year-old corpse can survive for five years, and then the child dies completely.According to Qin Huai's account, even if such a living corpse of a child is taken out of the sub-gu, the child will not be able to live, but it will speed up the child's death, or in other words, from the moment the child is infected, the child will no longer be a living person.And if the Gu worm controlling the child survives five years later, it will become even more powerful.However, making living corpses is very difficult. Even if specially selected seven-year-old children are injected with Gu worms, within a month, one out of ten can survive. The one that survives is the living corpse of the Qin family.

As soon as Lin Tao entered the mist, a living corpse rushed over. Its sharp claws clawed at Lin Tao's throat. This speed was faster than the boxing champion's punching speed. Even the special police present, there were probably few people who could catch Lin Tao's throat. Hidden away, but in Lin Tao's eyes, there was no threat, because Lin Tao still used his aura to sense whether the little girl was still alive at this moment.Although Qin Huai said that such a child would not survive even if he took out the Gu worms, but Lin Tao could not kill this little girl as a ghost. The Qin family made monsters!

Lin Tao flicked his hand, and the little girl jumped into the air and jumped six meters away. Lin Tao didn't stop, but ran to the door quickly, because there was a middle-aged woman leaning against the door singing, and the nursery rhyme was exactly this What the woman sang was not sung by the little girl. The woman at the door was taken aback. She didn't expect that this person could find her in the psychedelic smoke, and she would not be affected at all. There will be hallucinations, naturally there are countless ghosts, and it is normal to be attacked by surprise.But Lin Tao is protected by Tiangang, the fog does not invade, and the singing is even more difficult to hypnotize Lin Tao.The middle-aged woman was about to use a more powerful method, but she fell unconscious on the ground with a pain in the back of her neck.The little ghost-like girl in the courtyard also fell to the ground, motionless.

"Looking for death!" A middle-aged man stood in the living room and watched everything outside. Seeing his daughter-in-law being brought down, he shook his hand and a steel whip swept over him.However, he swept it away, and the special police in front of him disappeared.

"Dad, behind you!" A beautiful big girl shouted from the door of a bedroom, and at the same time smashed the urn in her hand.

Although someone reminded him, the middle-aged man didn't have time to react. He suddenly felt severe pain in his jaw, shoulders, and legs. These five joints were instantly removed by Lin Tao. Constantly rolling, his face contorted, and screaming, Lin Tao looked at the beautiful girl in her 20s with sympathy in her heart. She was born in the Qin family and was raised to be a murderous demon since she was a child. Qin Huai is this girl Uncle, according to Qin Huai, this girl also used Gu to kill five members of her family as a coming-of-age ceremony, and she was only 13 years old that year.Now in his twenties, he must have killed many people in the past seven years.

"Kill him!" The pretty girl shouted into the air with a stern voice, and two groups of evil dark energy bodies rushed towards Lin Tao, and the brain waves sent out made Lin Tao feel the violent and evil of that thing.This kind of thing was created by the evil ritual secretly handed down by the Qin family. Only one 'ghost slave! 'It's similar to raising ghosts in Southeast Asia, but it's more evil.

In the eyes of ordinary people, these two dark energies send out brain waves to stimulate the brain, and the images formed are two children, so-called ghosts.But Lin Tao was not affected, he felt two groups of cold energy, sometimes bloodthirsty emotions, just as Lin Tao was about to make a move, two people rushed out from the second floor, one was a guy in his 20s, the other was a skinny one The old man with a white beard has a broad forehead, deep-set eye sockets, a pair of small yellow eyes, a hooked nose, and a raised chin, just like a living ghost.As soon as the guy came out, he raised his hand and fired two shots. Lin Tao slid sideways, and in an instant he came behind the girl, raised his hand and fired two bursts.The ghost was as fast as lightning, and jumped to the first floor, but the boy didn't dodge, a blood hole opened between his eyebrows, and he fell to the ground.At the same time, Lin Tao cut the back of the girl's neck with a knife in his left hand, and the girl threw herself to the ground with a groan.

"Wow, how dare you kill the old man's grandson and granddaughter, I will smash you into pieces!" The ghost jumped up, as fast as an old ape, and rushed to Lin Tao with a snap of his fingers, and punched Lin Tao in the head .Before the fist arrived, the fist wind had already arrived, with a strength of two hundred catties. Lin Tao was slightly surprised. He didn't expect that this ghost's kung fu was high enough to reach the pinnacle of the posthumous world.As for the two little ghosts, they had no choice but to fly up and down even more violently against Lin Tao who was dressed in Hunyuan Tiangang.

Lin Tao didn't dodge, and hit a straight punch. This is the innate qi cannon hammer in Hunyuan Thunderbolt Fist. It's ten times faster than Guilo's fist. , Opening his mouth and spitting out a blood arrow.Lin Tao grasped the two groups of dark energy bodies with both hands, and squeezed them hard.There was an extremely ear-piercing scream from inside the house, and everyone outside the villa blocked their ears.Everyone wanted to rush in, but Lin Tao didn't give an order, so they were in a hurry.

"Captain!" A small captain shouted anxiously.

"Wait a minute! We can't deal with these ghost things." He Ning said seriously, and He Ning wanted to rush in even more, but this fog is weird, if it is like Lin Tao said, if you go in and have hallucinations, then everyone will kill each other what to do?Tan Xiaoli's villa on the other side has been fully controlled, six people were killed, four were captured alive, and a comprehensive search is underway.Something happened to the hotel where Tan Xiaoli was staying, and more than 30 people were arrested without firing a gun, but Tan Xiaoli was not found.Although this operation was secretive, so many people entered the hotel, and many people were frightened. A waitress fell and hit her forehead, unconscious, and had to be sent to an ambulance.Everyone didn't care, but when they got back to the detention center, news came that two ambulancemen had been knocked out, and the injured waiter hadn't been seen for hours, so the people from Guoan shouted that they had been fooled. The waiter must be Tan Xiaoli in disguise, and the deputy director's expression turned pale. Qing, when the waiter was carried into the car, he also looked at it, and found nothing unusual, it must be wearing an ultra-thin mask.The deputy director slapped his thigh, the director had entrusted such an important matter to himself, and it was actually messed up.Hurry up and watch the surveillance video to find clues.

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