Jagged city

Chapter 407 Sensational

Jagged City - Chapter [-] Sensational

On the other side, Lin Tao knocked Gui Lao over with a punch. The old guy rolled on the spot, knocked open a door, and rolled down the stairs to the basement. Lin Tao chased after him.When Lin Tao came to the basement, he was also stunned and became extremely angry. In the empty basement, there were four small black coffins that were no more than three feet long and one foot wide, with strange blood-red symbols drawn on them, which made people feel angry. Lin Tao's atmosphere was not the nine coffins, but the table under the coffins.It turned out to be a bone table, all of which were piled up with skulls. Judging from the shape, they were the heads of children.In addition, there is an old woman fanning a stove, and the billowing smoke is constantly being sent into the upper pipe. It seems that the old woman is responsible for the smoke.

"Don't slap the old lady, the whole family was killed by this guy." The old man wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and shouted, his face grim.

"What, is it true that your son, daughter-in-law, grandson, and granddaughter are all dead?"

"They're all dead!" The ghost thought that the whole family was dead, but in fact, except for the grandson whose head was shot, the rest of the people were not dead.

"Ah--God damn it!" The old woman suddenly had white steamed buns floating up, and she slapped her chest with one hand, as if something was broken. Lin Tao felt that an evil force penetrated into the old woman's body, The old woman's eyes suddenly turned green, almost like an old ghost.With a howl, the three coffins stood up on the altar, and the lid of the coffins was opened. Inside were three children, a man, two women, and suddenly opened their eyes, emitting red lights.The three children looked at Lin Tao and let out a scream. The small coffin was suddenly empty, leaving only an afterimage.

"This is the ghost boy of our Qin family. You are a congenital master, and today you can't be crushed." The ghost sneered behind him.

Lin Tao grabbed the gun shaft and swung it, and with a bang, a child was thrown into the air, but the gun shaft also broke, Lin Tao jumped backwards, and the other two boys followed like shadows, four small fists hit Lin Tao, Lin Tao used five A layer of skill, with two palms, there was a loud noise under the collision, and with a bang, Lin Tao was thrown into the air and hit the wall behind, leaving an inch-deep human figure on the cement wall, and cracks in all directions .The two boys were also blown away.Lin Tao has Hunyuan Kungfu to protect his body, so he came out to test it. Although the three children look like ghosts, they are still flesh and blood with a heartbeat.It's just that the brain is controlled by Gu insects.Lin Tao also felt sympathy for these three children. How sad that they were turned into living ghosts at an age when they should be acting like a baby in their parents' arms.Lin Tao was like, with his own means and modern medicine, can't these children return to normal?Lin Tao had such thoughts in mind.

As soon as Gui Lao saw that the ghost boy had succeeded, his confidence increased greatly, and he jumped up and shouted: "The old woman killed him, avenge his children and grandchildren!"

"Take your life!" The old hag stretched out two bird claws, and rushed over to tear Lin Tao's chest open. This old hag has a nickname called ghost mother, who can lure ghosts into her body, and her hands are as easy as steel claws. Can cut people open. Twenty years ago, a squire in Shaanxi was torn from his chest by a ghost mother in his ancestral grave. They thought it was the ghost who killed the squire, and even the people in the Public Security Bureau probably thought so. A large living person was torn in half from the middle, which is impossible for humans to do!So it became an unsolved case.

Lin Tao was stuck against the wall, seemingly sluggish and seriously injured, but in fact he was safe and sound, seeing the old hag rushing towards him.Thinking of the hundreds of dead bones in front of him, Lin Tao couldn't bear the murderous aura, and burst out from his eyes, and he uttered 'Ha! '

With just this sound, the old hag bleeds from all seven orifices, and the person died in mid-air.Lin Tao swung his right fist at the same time, using a full nine layers of strength. The old hag was blown away like a cannonball, and exploded into a blood mist three feet in front of the ghost.The broken bones and blood drops were like bullets that smashed the ghost behind him into a sieve.

"Ah -ah-" After seeing the three little boy rolling his head after the old ghost died, Lin Tao jumped over immediately and sealed a man with a mixed element. insect.The mother Gu was on the old hag, and was smashed to pieces by Lin Tao.This child Gu was very irritable when the mother Gu died, so the three boys had a headache.Just when Li Xin looked at the other girl, it was too late, the little girl had bled to death from all seven orifices, and what was strange was that black vines emerged from the little girl's eyes and mouth, it was the bloodthirsty ghost vine .Lin Tao blocked it with Hunyuan Zhenqi, but he couldn't stop the crazy growth of the ghost vine, and rushed towards Lin Tao. Lin Tao grabbed the two children and flew away.The black vine grew several feet in an instant. Lin Tao turned back and punched him again, but he still couldn't break it. He thought, this ghost vine is much stronger than the one in the hospital last time, and he couldn't find a way to deal with it for a while. .Lin Tao entered the living room, grabbed the big girl again, rushed out of the living room, picked up the first little girl subdued by him in the yard, and finally rushed out of the fog. He Ning and others immediately surrounded him. Flamethrower, if something comes out it burns immediately.

At this time, the ghost vine jumped on the ghost again in the basement and took root, and soon the bodies of the girl and the ghost became shriveled. The vine came out of the basement and soon took root in the ghost's grandson The corpse, as well as the daughter-in-law who was knocked unconscious by Lin Tao at the door, were sucked and fucked instantly.

"Quick! Turn on the flamethrower!" Lin Tao roared.Eight flamethrowers sprayed 30-meter-long flames into the gradually drifting mist, but there were ear-piercing screams in the mist, and black straight bars like octopus swayed up and down in the mist, throwing a pile of The villa collapsed, and hundreds of policemen saw this incredible scene.Although the rattan was extremely weird, it was very afraid of fire, and it was quickly reduced to ashes in the flames.Lin Tao closed his eyes and sensed that there was no cold atmosphere in the villa anymore.After instructing He Ning a few words, he handed over the living girl of the Qin family to He Ning and took him away. In order to prevent the Qin family from doing tricks, Lin Tao sealed off the girl's acupuncture points. Lin Tao took three of them in the ambulance Kill the Gu worms in a child's brain and spend them with Yang Qi.I gave these three children a great effort to unblock the meridians of the whole body, especially the head.Dispels the influence of dark forces.Lin Tao felt it carefully several times, and carefully checked the bodies of the three children. He was relieved when he found that there were no hidden dangers. Fortunately, only one child had the seeds of the ghost vine hidden in his body, and it was a super version. If not, the three children would be sent to In the hospital, it would be miserable if the ghost vine came out.

Lin Tao sent one of his own guards to guard the safety of the three children in the hospital. The three children were seven years old when they disappeared, but they have been trained in the Qin family for several years, especially the last three children who appeared 40 years ago The two surviving ones trained by the Qin family have already found the archived photos in the archives, but the bone age and teeth are still seven years old. Lin Tao was also surprised when he saw the test report.Lin Tao's main defense is against the five elements of gold. Since Lin Tao visited his home last time, Lin Tao has become wary.That is, Jin Wuxing cannot be allowed to get people like the Qin family.Because the Qin family's methods are very powerful, this time I seem to be relaxed, if it is not for the Hunyuanyi Qigong breakthrough to the eighth Zeng, I will fall down.

Under Lin Tao's instruction, the police and national security interrogated overnight. With videotaped confessions and written materials, when Jin Wuxing led people to arrive, the last two of the Qin family had died at night, and they wailed for three hours. Scared the police in the detention center enough.Because the way the two died was really weird, blood vessels burst all over their bodies, and their eyeballs burst, making them completely bloody people.When Jin Wuxing arrived at the detention center, the body had already been cremated, because the Qin family's voodoo skills were hard to guard against. This excuse was the best excuse to destroy the body and traces, because many people saw the abnormal state of the Qin family the night before yesterday , but was given a gag order, Hu Yang also held a meeting for this, and explained a few simple words with science, saying that the smoke is man-made, there are drugs that cause hallucinations, and the little girl is controlled by special drugs. As for that The black octopus-like rattan is explained as an extinct special plant that was secretly cultivated by the Qin family and so on.It would be best to declare the matter top secret and not to disclose it to family members or any outsiders.

Although there was a big fire in the villa area, fortunately the villas were far apart, and there were police guards outside other villas. These people didn't know what happened, they just saw the flames.

Jin Wuxing was very upset when he came to Xiliang, because none of the Qin family was caught, the corpses in the villa were burnt, and the ones in the prison were cremated.Finally, they went to the basement of Qin's house and brought back a pile of children's bones and several coffins to Beijing.He wanted to talk to Lin Tao about it, but he gave up. He knew that Lin Tao had instigated this matter, but there was no evidence at all.

Tan Xiaoli escaped, and although she was wanted again by the whole country, she was still nowhere to be found, and she did not know where she hid.Bai Laoqi of the Little Knife Society took the initiative to find Lin Tao. Although Bai Laoqi was suspected of knowing the truth and not reporting it, there was no evidence. Moreover, Bai Laoqi repeatedly admitted his mistakes and took the initiative to donate [-] million yuan to the Xiliang government and [-] million yuan to the Chaoyang Welfare Institute in Xiliang. , one for the Xiliang Education Bureau.Even if he spent money to buy peace, Lin Tao no longer exerted pressure on Bai Laoqi, but Guoan's monitoring of Bai Laoqi was still the same, and the hidden power of the Xiaodao Society was still very strong, so he had to guard against it.

Lin Tao had to lament that this Huang Limei is also Tan Xiaoli, she is really a character, such a strict search and arrest actually let her run away, if this Huang Limei lives for a day, the Lin family will have a big hidden danger, because Huang Limei's hatred for Lin Tao is endless.Moreover, this Huang Limei is bold and vicious, secretly laying a voodoo, intercepting and killing openly, there is nothing she dare not do.

The dossier was not only included in the top-secret file of the Ministry of Public Security, but also on the desk of No. 1000. After reading the dossier No. [-], it was extremely heavy. Unexpectedly, a small Qin family had killed [-] seven-year-old children since liberation. There were eighty cases, and there were other businessmen and policemen who were assassinated, totaling more than [-] or two hundred people. This is Qin Huai's confession. If Old Ghost Qin made his confession alive, the number of victims would probably be even more than this.Especially the four altars made of white bones are shocking. The Qin family is like a devil.Chief No. [-] watched it, and called Lin Tao himself, thanking Lin Tao for eliminating a great harm to the country.Lin Tao said a few words modestly, saying that he was a little dereliction of duty, if a police officer hadn't deduced the bizarre case based on the missing persons, I am afraid that the Qin family would continue to hide in Xiliang to harm people.No. [-] sighed and said, this may be the most bizarre and brutal crime I have ever heard in my life. I am afraid that among civil criminal cases, this murder case of the Qin family can be ranked the most in the world. It is really too sensational.He also told Lin Tao that this matter must be kept secret so as not to cause panic among the public.On the last day, he encouraged Lin Tao to work pragmatically and work steadily for a few years.Lin Tao has high hopes.

After Lin Tao hung up the phone, he also sighed. To be honest, Lin Tao didn't have much interest in the officialdom, but now this position is not easy to step down, because many interests are involved.

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