Jagged city

Chapter 415 The Great Escape

Jagged City - Chapter 410 The Great Escape

In the early hours of the morning, Zhao Tong's mother and son were picked up by a helicopter and flew into Mexico.As soon as Trion arrived at the Mexico airport, after getting off the plane, someone responded immediately, and he left the airport directly through a special channel and was arranged to rest in a nearby hotel.At nine o'clock in the morning, he was taken away into the airport and boarded a plane to Shanghai.Trion didn't dare to ask any more questions, and could only resign himself to fate at the moment.I secretly prayed in my heart that I must meet my wife and son in China.

Accompanied by Tang Yunchuan, Zhao Tong boarded the plane to Beijing. At this time, the Mexican airport also received a report from the assisted investigation, but Zhao Tong put on makeup, and even his four-year-old son became a little girl.So I got on the plane without any risk.But there was an unexpected situation. When the plane entered Asia, it encountered strong air currents, and there was a problem with the circuit. It had to make an emergency landing nearby, and was forced to fly to Russia and land at Moscow Airport.As soon as he got to the ground, Xiliang got the news. Lin Tao had to seek help from the embassy in Moscow. Because of the long nights and many dreams, as long as he did not enter China, he would not be safe.Lin Tao reported Zhao Tong's news to General Chen.General Chen was also very excited when he heard that Zhao Tong had mastered the special medicine for healing wounds, and immediately sent an order to the head of the CIA in Moscow to protect Zhao Tong's mother and son back home at all costs.

After a day of deduction and research, the U.S. side began to check the videos of airports across the country, as well as the videos of flights from Canada and Mexico to China.Using a large computer to process the images, according to the height, weight, and bone screening of Zhao Tong's family of three, Zhao Tong's mother and son who flew from Mexico to Beijing were finally delineated.If this plane flies into China, there is no other way. Who would have thought that this flight would make an emergency landing in Mexico. The director of the CIA almost jumped up in joy. This is the last chance. Otherwise, more than 30 people and a deputy director of the CIA would have died. Even he is in danger of being dismissed.Therefore, the director of the CIA immediately instructed the agents hidden in Russia to kidnap Zhao Tong's mother and son.

Lin Tao was still a little worried, and sent another team to Moscow to prevent Zhao Tong from being stranded in Moscow alone.In Gao Tianxin's headquarters, Pei Hong said to Lin Tao: "In three hours, there will be a flight from Moscow to Beijing. The international train will be in two hours."

"The plane is fast, but the train is flexible. We still take the international train. As long as Russia does not participate in this matter, it will be much easier." Lin Tao frowned slightly.

Zhao Tong's mother and son were taken away by the car in a daze. They didn't know where to go, so they followed blindly.Not long after the car left the airport, on the highway, a pistol was protruded from a Buick passing by, and it was shot twice at the tire of the car where Zhao Tong was. This CIA agent was a sharpshooter, and the two bullets All of them were shot into the tires, but the tires did not blow out as imagined. Instead, the car sped away at a faster speed. A car following behind poured out a shuttle of bullets. The American agents quickly rolled up the windows of the car. Windows slammed and bulletproof glass cracked.

"Shit, it's actually a solid rubber tire!" The American agent leaned on his seat and cursed.

"We are hollow—" the driver suddenly yelled, and the agent behind him sat up straight. Sure enough, there was a loud noise under the car, and the Buick made an arc and almost overturned.The car was forced to stop, and the two people in the car jumped out.Stopped a car behind, pulled out the driver, and they got in.

Zhao Tong had three cars in the front and back. After being attacked just now, the speed was faster. Although the tire of one car was blown, the second car of the American secret service chased after him.The guy who caught up this time was absolutely daring, he leaned out and fired directly with a submachine gun.Fortunately, bulletproof glass is very strong.

Zhao Tong, who was sitting in the middle car, hugged her son tightly, her face turned pale. She had seen this kind of gun battle before, and the bullet hit the car body, and every hit was terrifying.

The CIA agents were not given for nothing. The Americans behind them chased and beat them. They were very embarrassed. A sniper rifle was stuck out of the car window. The Chinese agent held the sniper rifle in one hand and raised his hand to shoot The gun and the bulletproof glass of the Mercedes-Benz following behind shattered, leaving a bullet hole the size of a thumb. The driver inside the car was bleeding from his chest.

"Stop!" A police car followed behind, honking its horn.

Of course, the three cars protecting Zhao Tong did not stop and moved forward at a faster speed.The police car also speeded up to catch up, but the Mercedes-Benz behind it was even faster, overtaking the police car at once. Two guns were stretched out from the car and fired at the car protecting Zhao Tong in front.

The Russian patrolmen behind were a little stupid, thinking, this is too crazy, chasing and killing in front of the police car.The deputy sheriff, fuming with smoke above his head, also leaned out of the car window to let his subordinates speed up, and he also shot the American agent's car.

"Damn it, you stupid Russian policeman!" The American agent turned around and shot the driver, who was killed on the spot. Fortunately, the deputy police chief was so excited that he pulled the driver past him. He controlled the vehicle and slid a few times. The arc finally stopped.The deputy sheriff let out a sigh of relief and immediately asked for help from his superiors.

The Russian intelligence agency also received a report. The news came back from the United States. Zhao Tong, a cardiovascular expert at St. John's Hospital in the United States, and Tryon, an orthopedic surgeon, absconded with special drugs. The CIA was ambushed and killed dozens of people.And the latest news is that Zhao Tong's mother and son were on a flight that made an emergency landing in Moscow.The Russian Intelligence Agency immediately sent troops, and after a while received a report of a gun battle on the highway, so they immediately dispatched troops to pursue them, and the police also assisted.

Protect Zhao Tong's car, got off the highway, and drove directly to the city. Where did the three cars go?It is much safer to go directly to the embassy, ​​as long as you enter the Chinese embassy in Russia.Therefore, these three cars, ignoring the red lights all the way, drove directly.On the road next to a church in Moscow, there stood a small police chief, directing people to set up roadblocks.He waved his hand to signal the vehicles to slow down. Many cars slowed down and leaned to one side, but the three cars approaching a hundred meters away were extremely fast. As soon as the police took out their guns, the three cars rushed over and the roadblock was smashed. , Three cars passed by one after another, and the fourth car rushed over. The five policemen said to themselves, if the first three cars can't be stopped, can I still stop you?

"Shoot me!" the sheriff ordered, and five pistols opened fire. A bullet hit the left rear wheel, and the tire exploded on the spot. The Mercedes Benz skidded and crashed into the church.Five policemen ran over quickly.The door of the car opened suddenly, and a person rolled out of it, and then a shuttle of bullets poured out, and the two policemen were shot dead on the spot.The other three were so frightened that they fell on the ground, and one rolled behind a statue, lying on the platform and shooting.Another gun shot out from the Mercedes-Benz and a bullet shattered the thigh of the statue, causing the statue to fall.The policeman was so frightened that he shrank his neck and leaned against the back of the stone platform.

Just when the two submachine guns suppressed the three policemen, a Toyota commercial vehicle made a sharp turn and turned nearby. The door opened and a group of heavily armed men and horses, eight submachine guns, poured bullets at the Mercedes. The American agent died on the spot. In addition, although the Mercedes-Benz was bulletproof, it became a sieve under the eight submachine guns. A bullet hit the fuel tank, and the Mercedes-Benz exploded on the spot, knocking down half the wall of the church.The priest standing on the podium looked at everything outside in a daze, forgot to call Amen and made the sign of the sign of the sign of the cross.

The Chinese ambassador to Russia immediately called the Russian president, saying that the staff of the Chinese embassy were being hunted down and told the Russian police not to stop him, and he would explain himself afterwards.

The Russian president didn't understand what was going on for a while, so he called the chief of the police department and told them not to stop the vehicles of the Chinese embassy. The chief had to obey the order after hearing the president's words, and immediately notified all the police stations in Moscow. Although the police didn't stop them , But there are still people from the Russian Intelligence Agency, they chased the three vehicles, and when the warning was ineffective, they started shooting.But the three bulletproof cars transformed by the Chinese embassy are really strong. The rebound glass is not only tougher than the glass of ordinary bulletproof cars, but also twice as thick. Even under submachine gun fire, there are not too many cracks. broken.

Three embassy vehicles finally rushed into the embassy after going through all kinds of hardships, and the embassy immediately closed its doors and entered a first-level defense state.The head of the Russian intelligence agency slapped the table angrily, calling his subordinates a bunch of trash.He ordered his subordinates to quietly surround the embassy and not let anyone in or out, waiting for further orders.

The Chinese ambassador to Russia called the Russian president again to protest against the Russian side's unruly behavior. They actually let intelligence personnel chase down the embassy's vehicles and besieged the embassy.If the relevant personnel are not withdrawn immediately, it will escalate into a major diplomatic incident between countries.

The president made a phone call and brought in the director of the intelligence agency.The chief trotted to the president's office.

"What happened to Rajeev? If you don't give me a clear explanation, I will dismiss you. The Chinese ambassador has already lodged a serious protest." The president said angrily.

"Your Excellency, there is a lot to this matter—" Rajeev, the intelligence chief, told the President what he knew.

"Is there really such a special medicine? The United States deliberately leaked it in order to kill people and silence it. We can't be fooled by it. If it worsens Sino-Russian relations, even I can't afford it."

"Your Excellency, if there is such a special drug, the benefits will be enormous." Rajeev, the intelligence chief, showed a greedy look in his eyes.

The Russian President thought for a while and said: "No, even if it really happened, we can't rush into the embassy to rob people directly! However, we can seek cooperation, and maybe the Chinese side will give some benefits."

Admiral Chen breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the news, but he was very angry when he heard that he was surrounded by people from the Russian Intelligence Agency.Immediately called the Russian Defense Minister, very strict duty, Russia's behavior is against the rules.After the Minister of Defense spoke with the President, he also learned about the situation. The Russian President immediately held an emergency meeting. Rajeev’s intelligence is very likely to be accurate. If not, the Chinese side would not be so angry.

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