Jagged city

Chapter 416

Iron-Blooded City - Chapter 410 Six Thousand Miles Rescue

Trion arrived in Shanghai and checked into the hotel accompanied by two Gaotian security guards.According to the instructions of the superior, the Shanghai Special Police Brigade dispatched eight special police teams Trien for protection.Lin Tao was relieved to know that Trion had checked into the Shanghai Hotel safely, but even though Zhao Tong's mother and son were in the Moscow embassy, ​​it was still a bit worrying.

That night, Admiral Chen called Lin Tao, planning to send a small airliner to pick up Zhao Tong's mother and son back home tomorrow. Lin Tao also felt that it was much safer. The phone vibrated, it was a secret telegram, Lin Tao's brows were furrowed, Zhao Tong was robbed under the protection of the Moscow embassy.Four guards of the embassy were killed, and two of Gao Tian's security guards were seriously injured. Currently, embassy agents are tracking and hijacking Zhao Tong's vehicle.After thinking about it, Lin Tao felt that he had to go there himself.

Lin Tao immediately asked General Chen for instructions. General Chen pondered for a moment and said, "Xiao Lin, it's not suitable for you to go. Your importance is far greater than that of Zhao Tong. It's not unreasonable for a lieutenant general to charge forward!"

"Uncle Chen, Zhao Tong's research has epoch-making significance for medicine and our army. This research result cannot be taken away by foreign forces. In addition, it is no small matter that the enemy can snatch people from an embassy like a battle fortress. Let others Go, I don't worry."

"Are you sure you'll get out of your body?" Admiral Chen asked worriedly.

"I'm sure, don't worry, I'll go there with makeup. By the way, Zhao Tong's child can be escorted back to China tomorrow morning." Lin Tao is still very confident in his hand.

That night, Lin Tao took a special plane to the military airport closest to the border in Heilongjiang.Lin Tao led an SS team under his command and drove directly to the border.The six calmly spared the border guards on both sides and entered Russia.Another reason why Lin Tao was sure of saving Zhao Tong was that Gao Tian's Tang Yunchuan had already installed a satellite tracker on Zhao Tong's mother and child, which was only the size of a grain of rice and could be injected subcutaneously with a syringe.Zhao Tong's location can be tracked at any time through satellites.Therefore, Tang Yunchuan was blocked twice during the tracking, and he could still track Zhao Tong through the instructions of Gao Tian's information monitoring room.Zhao Tong's position kept moving, leaving Moscow, and rushed to Siberia overnight, where the primeval forest was lush, which was very unfavorable for chasing the enemy.

The six of Lin Tao stole a forest farm truck and went directly to a border trade city in Russia.Chinese agents provided Lin Tao with three vehicles, and Lin Tao intervened to intercept Zhao Tong according to the route map instructed by Gao Tian.At around eight o'clock in the morning, Lin Tao finally heard the good news that Zhao Tong no longer moved fast, but stayed in a coal mining town in Siberia.The straight-line distance from Lin Tao is 150 kilometers.Lin Tao didn't dare to neglect. The car maintained a speed of [-] mph and was driving on the road. However, when it was [-] kilometers away from the town, it turned into a dirt road. The road was only three or four meters wide and full of potholes. Fortunately, it was an off-road vehicle. A long earth dragon.

At one o'clock in the afternoon, Lin Tao and his party arrived at the edge of the town, and the team members used a small locator to find Zhao Tong's location. In the northeast corner of the town, the latitude and longitude marks were clearly marked, but the red dot remained motionless, as if Zhao Tong was trapped there. up.

This birch town was born out of coal mines, and there are eleven coal mines in the surrounding 5 kilometers, three of which belong to a Japanese mine owner, and this town is also a stronghold of gangsters.It is the Snow Wolf Gang supported by the Japanese.They often oppress some enterprises in nearby villages and towns. There are also many Chinese laborers in the coal mine in Baihua Town. However, some people died underground, and they were basically solved with 50 yuan. Some mysterious disappearances are not to mention.All these news were sent by Gao Tian to Lin Tao.There is also a satellite picture on it. After clicking to enlarge it, it is found that Zhao Tong is in the villa of the Japanese mine owner Hengdao.It is speculated that there are more than [-] armed personnel with heavy firepower weapons.

Lin Tao's three cars drove into the town one after the other, and after going around twice, they finally stayed in two diagonally opposite hotels.The Hengdao family's villa is on a small hill in the northeast of the town, and there is a road up the mountain. If it is too obvious to go up, it will be difficult to save people during the day, so it is only convenient at night.At four o'clock in the afternoon, Tang Yunchuan led a small team to the west of the town. According to Lin Tao's instructions, he filled up the gas in the town, bought some convenience food, and then went to the south road of the town. Stop the pursuers in the woods ten kilometers away from the town.

As soon as night fell, Lin Tao and the six left the town.

At this moment, Zhao Tong, who had been tied up for a day, was finally untied. A middle-aged Japanese man invited Zhao Tong to dinner.The man with gold-rimmed glasses looked refined, but the smile on his face was sinister.

"Ms. Zhao, we admire your medical skills very much, and we are more interested in your medical research. We have shown enough sincerity that we have not caused you any harm in a day. As long as you write down the formula and production of the special medicine During the process, not only will we not embarrass you, but we will also give you a Swiss promissory note of 1000 million U.S. dollars to ensure your safety."

"Mr. Lu Liang, we are only in the preliminary research and development stage of specific drugs, and we still need a lot of experiments to gradually confirm the various data. We are still far away from the real results. If it goes well, it may take half a year, and it may take three to five years if it goes well. American But eavesdropping has put our family under surveillance, as long as you are not a fool, you will know that the interview for each new drug will take at least a few years." Zhao Tong shrugged and said with a calm expression.

"I believe Dr. Zhao's words. Even so, we hope to get your preliminary research results."

"I have no problem with this. It was originally a private study of our couple. We have the right to dispose of it. Since your price is reasonable, I am very willing to sell it. If the materials were not taken by the Chinese embassy, ​​there would be no such trouble. .”

Heng Dao was very happy with Zhao Tong's cooperative attitude, but he didn't fully believe it. This Heng Dao was a Japanese biochemist who had just arrived in Baihua Town at four o'clock in the afternoon.Zhao Tong held on for a day, waiting for this little Japanese to come and judge the authenticity of what Zhao Tong said.

"Very well, Dr. Zhao's cooperation is very welcome. I also have the titles of Doctor of Medicine and Doctor of Chemistry. I believe that Dr. Zhao will not use some fake results to get away with it. I don't want a beauty like Dr. Zhao to be deceived by those rude people." brutal treatment of people." Hengdao's threatening tone was very obvious.

Zhao Tong burst out laughing, and Heng Dao's heart beat faster when he saw Zhao Tong with all kinds of flair.He couldn't help but asked with a slightly red face: "Why is Dr. Zhao laughing?"

"I laugh that you don't need to threaten. Since I fall into your hands, my life is naturally the first. I will not joke about my life. Besides, the transaction is fair. I have no reason to refuse, so there is no need for Mr. Hengdao to doubt. My sincerity."

"Dr. Zhao is well said, I wish the cooperation a smooth one!" Heng Dao raised his glass, and Zhao Tong raised his glass and took a sip.

"Okay, to show our sincerity, here is a check for 300 million US dollars that I can send to you first." Yokoshima pushed a wallet over, which contained a bearer check from the Federal Reserve Bank, which can be withdrawn at will.

"Then I'll accept it. The dinner was very good. Thank you Mr. Hengdao for your hospitality. I think it can go ahead." Zhao Tong said as he put the check away.

Yokoshima smiled and nodded repeatedly, calling the three recorders to come in and record and record at the same time.Heng Dao made coffee for Zhao Tong himself, and Zhao Tong closed his eyes and thought about it while holding the coffee.The four in Hengdao did not dare to speak out, waiting for Zhao Tong to speak about the prescription.Outside Zhao Tong's door, there were four Japanese men with live ammunition, standing with their legs crossed.Going forward, inside and outside the door are four Japanese samurai with swords.On a tatami mat in the front hall, a white-haired woman is playing chess with a bald man in his fifties.This white-haired woman's face is as white as jade, but the crow's feet at the corners of her eyes cannot be concealed, especially the skin on her neck is a little loose, and she is probably much older than the 50-somethings her face shows.

The two were drinking tea while playing Go, and there was a young woman serving them beside them.

Inside the front hall door, stood two men in their 60s.

This is the inside of the villa, and outside the door there is a post every three steps, and a sentry post every five steps. The whole villa is very tightly guarded, and it is estimated that even if a fly flies by, it can be seen.With such security, it would be difficult to rescue the hostages if they broke in in broad daylight. Even Lin Tao might not be able to guarantee Zhao Tong's safety.

"Mr. Hatoyama, this time you return to China, can you let the puppy follow you up the mountain to practice for a while?" The bald man was extremely respectful to the white-haired woman in front of him.This time, it was the three ninjas headed by Hatoyama who entered the Chinese embassy in Moscow to rob people.The death of four people in the embassy and the serious injury of two people were all caused by this Hatoyama.The Chinese agent had his neck wiped before he could pull the trigger. Later, he was hunted down by Tang Yunchuan and the others. Before he could do anything else, he had to run away with Zhao Tong.When Tang Yunchuan and others chased outside, they encountered a shuttle of bullets.Being blocked by the Hatoyama hijacking convoy, Zhao Tong's vehicle went further and further away.Angry Tang Yunchuan gritted his teeth.

The white-haired woman giggled, the sound was so scary that even the samurai at the door of the back hall trembled.This old hag seems to be easy to talk to, laughing and joking with people, but in fact she turned her face and turned her back on the master who killed the living with her eyes.

Lin Tao used the cover of night to sneak into the west side of the villa, raised his hand and cut off a wire that went into the house with the metal wire thrown from his wrist.The whole villa was instantly plunged into darkness.

"power cut!"

"Send someone to overhaul immediately! Pay attention to safety precautions!"

Someone shouted in the darkness, and in an instant, several beams of light flashed in the villa, which was the light of the flashlight.Lin Tao had already entered the hall in a flash.From behind the door, two old men rushed forward like lightning, with a cold light in their hands. With a pop, two human heads flew high, and two headless corpses fell to the ground spraying blood.In the darkness, several white lights flew over from the tatami, and hit the wall with a crackling sound. The dozen or so chess pieces were all empty, and the white-haired woman flying in the air landed at the door, her eyebrows frowned. Turning back suddenly, there was no expected attack.

"Squeak!" The door of the inner hall opened.

"Damn it!" The white-haired old woman turned into a white light and shot it into the inner hall. The five people in the inner hall looked so strange under the moonlight, and they were as motionless as wood carvings and clay sculptures. By the way, the four guards at the door , the same is true for the four warriors, as if time was frozen in an instant.

Could it be that in an instant, the acupoints of these people were all sealed?This is too unbelievable, just a moment ago there was only a flash of black shadows outside the door, even how the heads of the two disciples were taken off, she didn't see clearly, for her, Hatoyama Hongye, it was really difficult for her to meet in decades. The most formidable opponent ever, the frightening enemy.

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