Jagged city

Chapter 79 Secret Protection

Chapter 79 Secret Protection

"The old thing dared to plot against me. Fortunately, Hunyuanyi Qigong can be practiced unconsciously after reaching the fourth level. Otherwise, something might happen." The moment Lin Tao fainted yesterday, he knew that someone had drugged him, and he hated himself in his heart. I didn't notice it, maybe it was the medicine in the last glass of wine. The taste buds are not so sensitive, and the Moutai with sauce fragrance disturbed the sense of smell, so I didn't find it.Fei ㊣\(≧▽≦) Lin Tao guessed right, it was General Feng who gave him the medicine, the colorless and odorless "Shu Jin Cartilage Powder", after taking this medicine, he felt weak and drowsy, and there was no unique solution It takes at least a week to recover from the medicine, which is still called Lian Jiazi, and ordinary people need a month.However, Lin Tao's exercises are special. Hunyuan Yiqigong makes Lin Tao's cells full of vitality, and has a strong resistance to harmful substances that invade the body. Coupled with unconscious exercises, the ingredients of cartilage powder are automatically discharged by Lin Tao in the bathroom. Hence the dehydration.At this moment, Lin Tao has already supplemented with a bottle of glucose and enough water, and with the exercise, there is no serious problem.If the skill can score five or six points, it should be able to deal with the preliminary round.When Lin Tao saw the military uniform on the hanger and the bag on the table, he was also slightly moved. Apart from being coquettish, Li Lu also had many advantages, so why should he have trouble with her.

Lin Tao didn't know that when entering the fourth floor of Hunyuan Qigong, there would be demons, that is to say, he would be upset. Only by seeing through the demons can he truly enter the fourth floor.But the old monk didn't tell him, if he told him, it would aggravate his demons.I didn't expect Lin Tao to get through it so smoothly. If the old monk knew, it would be even better.

When Lin Tao came out wearing a neat military uniform and holding a handbag, everyone was stunned.Is this still Lin Tao who has just become terminally ill? At this moment, Lin Tao's complexion is rosy and lively, and he doesn't look sick.

"I'm fine, let's go to the competition"

"Okay, it's fine." Staff Officer Yu's voice trembled, a little like weeping with joy.

"You're all right, that's great, I'm so worried." Li Lu grabbed Lin Tao's arm and her eye circles were red.Lin Tao smiled, and handed her the handbag, and everyone sent Lin Tao downstairs like a star, got in the car and went directly to the army base.

Finally, 10 minutes before entering the arena, Lin Tao got under the ring.Lin Tao was wearing a white background, a golden dragon from top to bottom, and a Chinese exercise suit with the dragon head just above his chest. He was barefoot.There are ten arenas on the competition field. The arenas are one meter high and ten meters long and wide made of rubber, with thick rope fences on them.There are 20 people in each group on the stage. The rules of the competition, the time limit is 5 minutes, no calls to stop in the middle, no hits on the throat, lower genitals, or back of the head are allowed. A player who is subdued to the ground for 30 seconds is considered a loser, and a player who falls off the ring is considered a loser.The winner gets three points, the loser gets 0 points, and the tie gets one point each.Each player has five chances to participate, and those with more than eight points will enter the first round of rematch.In other words, you need to win three games to enter the semi-finals.This rule was made to be fair.In addition to shooting and martial arts competitions, the army base also has a bomb disposal competition. However, the bomb disposal competition will be held on November [-]th, so Chinese bomb disposal experts are still undergoing emergency special training, and they will not be able to come to participate in the competition until the morning of the [-]th.

In the morning, eight groups of 100 people have competed. In the afternoon, five groups of 260 people will add up to [-] people. Lin Tao is the last group.

"The No.15 contestants are on the stage, the No.15 contestants are on the stage—" the English broadcast started, and contestants from all over the world stepped onto the ring one after another, and Lin Tao was the third ring.Lin Tao came to the bottom of the ring, leaped over the ring [-] meters and [-] meters above the ground, and won the exclamation from the stands.

"This is already the sixth person to fly directly into the arena. The costume with the dragon must be Chinese. Why don't these people participate in the Olympic high jump competition?" Schuls, the chairman of the International Security and Counter-Terrorism Headquarters of the United Nations, wondered.

"Is this a special function?" the beautiful assistant looked at the screen and exclaimed.

"In our eastern country, the really tall people don't bother to participate in the competition," Koizumi with mustache said contemptuously.

"It seems that there are many very good players in this competition. I must go to the third round of the rematch. I can't miss such an exciting match. It's a pity to only watch the finals. Oh, the competition has begun—ah, it's too late. Too soon," the counterterrorism chief exclaimed.

On the third ring, as soon as the gong sounded, Lin Tao ran over with a single step. The opposite player was a player from Luxembourg. It seemed that he had some experience. When Lin Tao was two meters in front of him, he jumped to the left. Move, avoid Lin Tao's frontal attack, but Lin Tao didn't give him a chance, he took a step, and shot out like a cannonball. Pushing with both palms, it hit Luxembourg's left rib. With a gentle push, the Luxembourg player flew out obliquely, passed through the guardrail, fell on the sponge pad outside the ring, and bounced twice.Feeling his weakness, he stood up, jumped up and down a couple of times, but he was fine, with an expression of the rest of his life on his face, completely forgetting that he had lost the game.Thunderous applause erupted from the stands.

"Ring No. 212, contestant No. [-] wins" red subtitles appeared on the big screen.From the sound of the gong to the moment when the Luxembourg player fell off the field, the whole process did not exceed two seconds, and the sound of the gong was still pending.

"My God, I didn't see clearly at all." The beautiful assistant at the United Nations Headquarters exclaimed. The Japanese next to him, with a very ugly face, walked into the lounge and made a phone call.

"Mr. Miura, China's No. 212 player is a strong opponent, I hope to make arrangements early"


A sneer appeared on the corner of Koizumi's mouth, he pushed open the glass door of the lounge, and returned to his humble nature.

Hu Yang had already finished the shooting competition when Lin Tao entered the arena, and the group returned to the hotel happily.Staff Officer Yu was in the guest room. He had just opened a bottle of Coke when his phone rang.

"Old chief, I'm Xiaoyu. Everything went well. Lin Tao and Hu Yang won the first round—yes——Lin Tao won very easily. He knocked the Luxembourg player off the ring with one palm. The game took no more than two seconds—— That's right, Colonel Lin will definitely become the champion——I have one more incident to report, and it's like this—"

Staff Officer Yu turned off his phone and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.The old chief's snort just now made Staff Yu terrified.Just as Staff Officer Yu hung up the phone, Lin Tao picked up the phone in another room.

"I already know what happened to Xiaolin last night. The matter is very complicated. You should pay attention to your own safety. If that person invites another banquet, you can refuse it."

"Thank you, the chief is concerned, yes, I understand." Lin Tao hung up the phone and thought to himself, why did he refuse the banquet, but I am looking forward to the next banquet, so that the old guy will know what it will be like to assassinate me.

There is no suspense in the next game. Lin Tao easily entered the third round of re-examination. There were only 16 people in the third re-examination, which means that Lin Tao entered the top 15.The most eye-catching players are Lin Tao, Nagakawa from Japan, Jinnan Park from South Korea, Woods from Germany, Gale from the United States, Jin Dan from Thailand, Rorty from South Africa, and Firman from Latin America.They are all easy wins, and all wins.The third round of re-examination will be the first confrontation between Lin Tao and these seven masters.However, Lin Tao is very confident, resting for two days in the middle, so that the players from all over the world can fully recover, because NO.17 will decide the semi-finals in November.Each person has three games, and those who win two games will enter the next round until the semi-finals are produced.This day is a test of the players' endurance and fighting ability. The third day after the top four is decided is the final on NO.[-] in November. On this day, all three competitions will be finalized.

On November [-]th, the second day of Lin Tao's rest, General Feng called again for a banquet, this time earlier, at noon.Hu Yang changed his face on the spot.

"Consultant Yu, I'm not feeling well, I'm not going, you go" I was cursing in my heart, shameless, what kind of heart is there, tomorrow is the most important match for the top sixteen to advance to the top four, what the hell Forced, I will not go if I tell the big day.

Staff Officer Yu also had a bitter look on his face, he didn't say anything, and frowning.

Lin Tao laughed and said, "It's delicious and delicious, why don't you go?" The subtext is that I must go, and it's not a gentleman not to avenge a grudge.

"Okay, then I'll go with Colonel Lin, and Xiao Hu can rest in the hotel." Staff Officer Yu's small arms couldn't twist his thighs, pinched his nose, and led Lin Tao out of the hotel and onto the embassy's special car.

The Mercedes-Benz quickly got on the main road, completely unaware that a conspiracy was about to break out.

"Cheetah, cheetah, fawn has appeared"

"The cheetah found the target." The German mercenary in the Humvee smiled and chased the Mercedes-Benz of the Chinese embassy at full speed.

"Chief, the black Porsche behind us has been following us since we came out of the hotel. It's very suspicious," Lu Qing, the co-pilot on the embassy's special car, turned his head and said to the staff.

"It's okay, it's one of our own," said Staff Officer Yu. It turned out that the defense was strengthened. I don't know if it was arranged by the old chief.Staff Officer Yu said it easily, but he was very nervous in his heart. He prayed secretly, but nothing happened!

"Falcon, Falcon, I'm a cheetah, there's a doe in front, and the target is blocked." The Hummer overtook the car three times without passing the Porsche in front, so he naturally saw the clue.

"Continue to track and wait for an opportunity to surpass the doe"

"Cheetah understands"

There is a broken down truck on a fork in the main road. It is parked on the side of the road, 30 meters away from the main road. There is a hole in the tall cargo box. Inside the car is a red sports car, and a man with a pink wig is sitting inside. Japanese girl.A man stood on top of the sports car with a long-range sniper rifle in his hand.

"Sirius 12, the target travels at a speed of 20 meters per second, reaches the correct position after [-] seconds, and can shoot at a distance of half a foot in front of the fuel tank"

"Sirius understands" the sniper tore off a movable wooden board at the upper end of the carriage, exposing a foot-wide gap, and aimed his eyes at the sniper scope.

"Arrive in three seconds, Sirius pay attention"

"Sirius understands"

"Boom—" The big truck shook violently, a tire under the carriage blew out, and a black BMW passed by and drove into the main road.

"Baga, there are actually accomplices" Sirius No. [-] put away the sniper rifle, got into the red sports car, opened the cabinet, the sports car slid out, and quickly drove into the main road.

In the back room of a Japanese restaurant in New York, dozens of computers are working simultaneously.A middle-aged man dropped his wine glass to the ground.

"Waste - Call the Falcons, Number One Failed, Plan Cancelled, Stop the Cheetahs, Stop the Moves"

On the main road, the Hummer following the special car of the embassy passed the Porsche for the fourth time. A bullet hit the left front wheel of the BMW from behind. With the sound of a flat tire, the Hummer rolled and flew out. , crashed into the guardrail on the side of the road, and exploded into a big fireball.

"Call the Cheetah—Call the Cheetah—"

At the Office of International Security and Counter-Terrorism at the United Nations Headquarters, Koizumi slammed his cell phone to the ground.

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