Jagged city

Chapter 80 Revenge

Chapter 80 Revenge

In the Merlin Hotel, Admiral Feng was enjoying the beauty of the major's push. Admiral Feng became angry and pressed the major on the edge of the bathtub. Holding the pink and tender with both hands, he raised his short gun and entered violently. The major was hit violently and let out The voice swayed slightly, arousing Admiral Feng's desire even more. ┌ | ┐

"Little ****, hurry up—yes—"

The bathroom door was ajar, and the sound of sex, the general's panting, and the major's voice came into the living room. The four plainclothes stood there motionless, looking at their noses and mouths, and asking their hearts with their mouths.With a roar, the battle ended.

After a while, the major came out wearing a bathrobe and helped the tired general out. The major blushed and said coquettishly, "The general wanted to charge just now and almost killed him."

"Haha, ever since he married Huang Yutian, the old man finally handed over the Yin-Yang Jue. After practicing, he is really light and healthy, not to mention prolonging his life. Even if his sexual ability will not decline until he dies, you will be blessed in the future. As General Feng spoke, he picked up the major's bathrobe and rubbed the major's powder.

"Don't mess with it, there's going to be water again, and it's time for Staff Yu to arrive later—oh!" The major was patted, gave General Feng a charming look, and ran into the room. General Feng was very proud, and put the bathrobe on Flicking down, walking naked into the room, General Feng didn't have a trace of fat, and his body was as strong as a man in his 30s and 60s. If he didn't have a slightly old face on his face, he wouldn't be able to tell that he was nearly [-] years old. up.

"General, last time Lin Tao escaped unharmed, this time—" the major gave the general his head, but he was thinking of Lin Tao's slender and muscular body. Lin Tao's heroic appearance in the competition had already attracted him deeply She is a major beauty, and she very much hopes that General Feng will not do anything wrong this time.

"This matter can only be done once, and it won't work if you do it again. Two old people in China have already called me and hinted to me that if I make a move again, I will break the rules. This time I just treat them to a meal. , to ease some conflicts, to give the two old things a face, originally to give my son-in-law an outlet, although the expected effect was not achieved, but it also taught the boy a lesson." The son-in-law that General Feng said was Huang Yutian's second son, Huang Jinfeng , Huang Yutian is now the deputy commander of the Nanjing Military Region with the rank of lieutenant general, his eldest son Huang Jinsong is the first military attache of the embassy in the United States, and his second son Huang Jinsong is the deputy commander of a special division of the Nanjing Military Region.And General Feng's daughter is a regiment-level combat staff officer in the Nanjing Military Region.General Feng and Huang Yutian were originally comrades-in-arms, life and death brothers, and now they have become in-laws, and the relationship has taken a step further.Huang Jinfeng was going to participate in the United Nations anti-terrorism instructor election, but was robbed of his love by two veterans in the army and let Lin Tao participate.General Feng lost face, so he wanted to take revenge on Lin Tao, and gave Lin Tao some cartilage powder, so that Lin Tao could not participate in the competition. Originally, taking this medicine was not a serious problem except for physical fatigue, but Lin Tao Hunyuan Yiqigong, automatic detoxification , I got dehydrated and went to the hospital.This is the origin of grievances.

The day before yesterday, General Feng received calls from two veterans in the army, implying that Lin Tao could not move. Not at the same level, General Feng is not easy to tear his face and compete.In order to ease the conflict and give face to the veterans of the two armies, Staff Officer Yu, Lin Tao, Hu Yang and others were invited to dinner again.

At 11:[-] noon, Staff Officer Yu took Lin Tao into the Meilin Hotel. General Feng was slightly upset when he saw that Hu Yang hadn't come, but Hu Yang was insignificant, so General Feng stood up to express his welcome.Staff officer Yu was flattered.General Feng asked about the game, and then praised Lin Tao a few words.

"Tomorrow is the rematch of the top sixteen. On behalf of the Military Commission, I will give you encouragement. I won't drink white wine today. It's okay to drink a little red wine. Are you ready, boy?"

"Ready, please, general, please, please, two chiefs." Major Tong was wearing a black low-cut dress, with a dazzling white chest and a lightly swaying willow waist, making it even more charming.

"It's really unscrupulous!" Lin Tao was even more disappointed with this boss.Although Lin Tao saw General Feng's superficial overtures, who knew if it was a hidden smile!What if there is still medicine in today's wine? Do you want to drink it?It is better to act first. At this moment, General Feng is in front, and Major Tong is leading the staff and Lin Tao. Lin Tao uses Hunyuan Yi Qigong, and sends out a qi needle from a hidden point "Tianmen point" on the tip of his right finger, which is more powerful than ordinary people. The silver needle is ten times smaller, and when it is injected into the human body, there is no pain or itching at all. This air needle was injected into Major Tong's calf, and Major Tong fell forward for no reason.


Admiral Feng supported Major Tong, glared at him and said, "You can't even walk well, really." Major Tong pouted, meaning that you didn't make it up, your whole body was sore.

"Come, please sit down and try this new first-served caviar." Admiral Feng showed a smug expression, completely unaware that the moment Major Tong was ouch, when Admiral Feng was distracted, Lin Tao had already shot at Admiral Feng Four gas needles.This one qi needle can cause General Feng's gastrointestinal colic after 1 minute, causing the banquet to break up unhappy. It was spinning, but Admiral Feng didn't feel it at all.This is the real "Hell Needle", which can make people die invisible. When the old monk taught Lin Tao this method, he once said that this method can heal countless people if it is used properly, and it can kill people invisible if it is done badly.This Hades Acupuncture is based on Hunyuanyi Qigong, and it is extremely powerful. This set of acupuncture techniques is currently only known to the master and the apprentice, and no third person knows. The old monk told Lin Tao that this secret should not be told to anyone, that is, his father. Neither can wives and children, unless it is passed on again, but it must not be passed on without the consent of the old monk.Think about it, if this set of real Hades needles falls into the wrong hands, it will cause endless disasters. If you let your superiors know, don’t you have to guard against him at all times? Of course, the most likely thing is to be killed. If the time is not going your way, if you take an injection, you will see the King of Hades. This kind of practice is simply unbearable!The reason why the old monk taught Lin Tao was firstly that Lin Tao had inherited his own mantle, and secondly, the old monk knew the method of apprehension, knew that Lin Tao was kind, sharp-minded, and proud, and would make great achievements in the future, so he passed on this method.

Lin Tao sent out four needles to assassinate General Feng, and he will be paralyzed for as long as three years. Presumably, such a punishment will make the old man miserable, and he will lose his position in the army, but it will not cause death. Its recovery, this is Lin Tao's revenge.Although Lin Tao is top-notch in martial arts, he has no supernatural powers. He doesn't know that General Feng is really showing his favor today instead of continuing to assassinate him. It can only be regarded as General Feng's bad luck.

As soon as he was seated, General Feng felt uncomfortable in his stomach. He didn't pay much attention to it. He raised his glass and said, "Xiao Lin, you have already entered the top sixteen. Tomorrow's rematch will definitely succeed. I'm-here-" General Feng suddenly put down his wine glass, There was a look of pain on his face, and he pressed his stomach with his left hand, and beads of sweat fell from his face.



"Quick, get to the hospital"

General Feng had stomach cramps, and Major Tong was about to cry. Four plainclothes came over immediately, with murderous looks on their faces.

"What are you still doing in a daze, send the general to the hospital immediately," Staff Officer Yu scolded.

"It's okay—it doesn't hurt so much—it's much better." General Feng stood up holding the table, wiped the sweat from his forehead with a napkin, and then walked a few steps. Everyone looked at him worriedly.

"It's okay. I used to have a stomachache. It was the root cause of my illness at the old mountain front. It has been cured in the past few years. Maybe it's because I drank too much alcohol recently. It's okay." General Feng forced a smile.

"That can't be done, it must be checked, the general is a precious asset of our army"

"Yeah, what Major Tong said is right, let's have a quick checkup." Staff Yu echoed, and General Feng also felt that the colic just now was too severe, so he went to the hospital.The banquet naturally broke up, and Chief of Staff Yu let out a sigh of relief.

On the way back with Lin Tao, Staff Officer Yu said: "When we came here just now, the car following behind suddenly exploded. It must be our people who shot it secretly. This kind of travel is too unsafe. We don't want to come out until the game is over." Actually The subtext of Staff Officer Yu did not say, that is, without General Feng's call, no one will be tricky, and the task must be completed satisfactorily.

At nine o'clock in the morning on November [-]th, the match started. Lin Tao played against Thailand's Jin Dan in the No. With his upper body on, his eyes stared at Lin Tao like a wolf, his arms and hands were wrapped with cloth belts, and he kept jumping on the stage, waiting for the opportunity to move.


As soon as the gong sounded, Jin Dan, a Thai player, jumped over and jumped up into the air. He hit Lin Tao's head with his knees and his elbows down. This move was very powerful. If you leaned back, your knees would Kneeling to the abdomen may cause the intestines to perforate the abdomen. If you avoid your knees, you will still have your elbows waiting for an opportunity.This Jin Dan was originally a folk expert, the boxing champion of the underworld, who was specially recruited by the Thai Ministry of Defense last year, in order to run for the United Nations anti-terrorism instructor and win glory for the country.

Lin Tao saw that Jin Dan's move was not only sharp, but also very domineering. He also learned some information about Jin Dan before the match. Jin Dan's knees could break a three-inch thick stone slab, which is really no small feat.

Lin Tao straightened up and fell backwards. Jin Dan's knees suddenly straightened, and he kicked Lin Tao's lower abdomen with both feet. It had to be kicked off, Lin Tao used Hunyuan Yi Qigong, poured it into both palms, caught Jin Dan's feet, snapped, kicked straight, Lin Tao's body flew out, and flew out obliquely, Jin Dan faced Lu proudly landed on the ring, he knew that his kick would definitely break Lin Tao's metacarpal bone.

There was an exclamation from the audience.

"Lin Tao..." Li Lu exclaimed and stood up in fright.

I saw Lin Tao flying out obliquely, with the potential to fly out of the ring. Suddenly, Lin Tao struggled with his waist and eyes, and did a backflip. His feet landed on the thick rope of the fence, and the thick rope was bent downward. Like a spring, Lin Tao bounced up again, and pressed his palms to Jin Dan's chest. Jin Dan roared, crossed his legs, and punched Lin Tao's palms.Jin Dan's fists have the ability to open monuments and crack stones.

Lin Tao also secretly hated Jin Dan's attack just now, so he poured Hunyuanyi Qigong into his palms and hit Jin Dan's fists hard.

"Ah——" Jin Dan flew out with a scream, and fell on the ring, his fists were red and swollen like hammers, and his arms were dislocated.Lin Tao didn't attack any further. He nailed his feet to the ground and looked at Jin Dan coldly. Jin Dan gritted his teeth and stood up with dangling arms.

"Your Excellency has profound skills, I admit defeat." Jin Dan said something in Thai, but Lin Tao couldn't understand it either.

"Golden Dan admits defeat," the Thai people shouted something in English, and the referee and Lin Tao understood it. The referee declared Lin Tao the winner.The stands cheered.

In the No. 1 ring, the Japanese contestant Nagakawa and the South African contestant Rorty fought inextricably. Changchuan's karate skills are very powerful, and his moves are fierce, but the South African contestant Rorty has a weird figure, slipping like a loach. Can't get it.

On the [-]th ring, South Korean player Park Jin-nam used taekwondo moves, and his opponent was a European. However, after three rounds, Park Jin-nam kicked his calf and kept rolling on the ring.

No. [-] Lei Tao's German player Woods and American player Gail both used Sanda techniques, and the American player mixed with Jiu-Jitsu, so it was hard to tell the winner for a while.On the contrary, the Latin American contestant Firman won before Lin Tao, and he vomited blood from his opponent. It seemed that he could not continue to participate in the competition.

On the tenth ring, the Vietnamese player broke the opponent's arm and won, standing on the stage and screaming, arrogant.

On the third ring, the Russian player and the British opponent fell together, rolled continuously on the stage, and finally landed at the same time, and a tie was awarded.

Just when Lin Tao stepped down to take a break, the Japanese player Nagakawa roared, and used a Chinese move, the overlord, to knock the South African player out of the ring.Chang Chuan cursed "idiot" in Japanese, and after the referee announced the victory, he jumped off the ring triumphantly, hooked his finger at Lin Tao, and challenged Lin Tao.

"Damn you, let's see how I deal with you later, little devil." Lin Tao swears in the Northeast, and Li Lu next to him is stunned.Lin Tao had a bye in the second round. Because his opponent was seriously injured, he couldn't make it to the stage. Lin Tao won directly.Therefore, Lin Tao watched other players' games from the bottom without any burden.After a long period of confrontation, the American player Gail finally won, but he was also bruised, and it seemed that the second round was enough.Intermission for half an hour.At this time, Lin Tao, Chang Chuan, Firman, Luo Di, Park Jinnan, Ruan Xiong, Gail, and Jin Dan who was defeated by Lin Tao were still able to participate in the competition. I also sprayed medicine, and the swelling quickly subsided.

The second round started. Lin Tao was leaning on the chair, crossing his legs, drinking fruit juice, and enjoying Li Lu's at the same time, very comfortable.

"You said that the golden elixir was dislocated by you, how can you put it back?" Staff Officer Yu asked from the side.

"Jin Dan's strength is good. The American player Gail is not Jin Dan's opponent. It won't take three rounds for Gail—it's over." There is no use of hands at all, just because they are not at the same level.Unexpectedly, after Jin Dan won, he clasped his fist at Lin Tao in the audience, looking very respectful.Staff Officer Yu felt a great light on his face and laughed out loud.

"Is Kobayashi good? He shocks the barbarians and raises the prestige of our country."

Lin Taoxin said, these words sound like the emperor of the kingdom of heaven said.It seems that China is becoming more and more prosperous, and its national pride is unprecedentedly inflated.

Japanese player Chang Chuan played against Vietnamese Nguyen Xiong. Although Ruan Xiong shot fiercely, he was obviously not Chang Chuan's opponent. After 3 minutes, the little devil Chang Chuan found a chance and beat Ruan Xiong to vomit blood. fell off the ring.

"We must win! We must win!" The Japanese team shouted, showing off their might.

In another arena, the Latin American player Rorty defeated Firman.Lin Tao fell into deep thought, because Lin Tao could see clearly, a red light flashed in that Rorty's eyes, and then Firman's movements became sluggish, and Rorty knocked him off the ring.

"Could it be sorcery? There really is such a thing!" Lin Tao pondered in his heart. He had heard some strange things from two old monks before. Ghosts, what zombies are there.By the way, the last time I robbed the tomb in Wangyeling, I set up a formation to vent the yin energy of the ancient tomb, so that the yin corpse could not be dissected into a fairy. It was amazing, but Lin Tao didn't believe it at all, but the treasure armor came from the ancient corpse. The piece that was picked up was actually impenetrable to bullets. Lin Tao thought it was made by prehistoric civilization, or some ancient great sword master used some meteorite, and it couldn't be some fairy armor.Because the old monk is not sure, after all, the gods and ghosts are hearsay, spreading rumors, why does the Buddha and God not show up for the world to look at, and how did the Emperor of Heaven send some heavenly soldiers and generals during flood control?Lin Tao is an atheist.But the red light flashed in the eyes of Rorty in front of him, it might be some kind of special technique or some kind of ability.Lin Tao took precautions in his heart and continued to watch.

Lin Tao had a bye, and now the result of the game is that there are five strong players: Park Jinnan, Chang Chuan, Jin Dan, Luo Di and Lin Tao.According to the scoring rules, in the next match between Lin Tao and Jindan, Jindan had already suffered a disastrous defeat in the previous match, so before the game started, Lin Tao had already been notified to win again because Jindan had abstained.When the list of the top four appeared on the big screen, the Japanese player Nagakawa in the opposite stand gave Lin Tao a thumbs up, and then turned to face down.

Lin Tao sneered and wiped Chang Chuan's neck.The smell of gunpowder was already full before the final.The movements of Lin Tao and Chang Chuan were captured by the camera and made a close-up.The host shouted loudly: "This is really a battle between dragons and tigers. Before the semi-finals are held, the top four players have started to provoke each other. I don't know who will win. I believe that the semi-finals will definitely be more exciting. Don't miss it."

When he returned to the hotel, Staff Officer Yu received a call and his expression changed drastically.General Feng suddenly fell into a coma and was sent to the hospital.Officer Yu hurried downstairs to visit General Feng.Hu Yang looked at Staff Officer Yu's back and hummed a ditty proudly.Leaning shoulder to shoulder with Lin Tao, they entered the guest room.

"It's really eye-opening, this old thing, I don't know what An De's intentions are, it seems to want to ruin this competition, retribution is not good! Let's celebrate!" Hu Yang ordered two bottles of Remy Martin XO, which cost nearly 3 yuan in China , Unexpectedly, two bottles in the United States are less than [-].

"Lin Tao, tell me, did the old man drug you last time? I know that many drugs cannot be detected."

"Walls have ears, you just have to understand this in your heart. After you return to China, don't tell anyone." Lin Tao was very proud of himself at this moment, and secretly said, I'm living retribution. I will make you unconscious for three days first, and then make your lower limbs paralyzed. This is what you deserve.Lin Tao would never tell anyone about this kind of thing.

"That's right, isn't this two brothers together? How can I tell others, but this old thing seems to be aimed at you. I really don't understand. When did you offend him?" Hu Yang also didn't know that the martial arts instructor's Chinese competition The victim turned out to be General Feng's son-in-law Huang Jinfeng.Staff Officer Yu knew the whole story, but as a superior, Staff Officer Yu would not tell Lin Tao the matter.

"How can I offend such a big man?"

"Yes, let's drink." The two clinked glasses and drank it down.

"If you win the championship this time and become a shooting instructor, I can become a colonel when I go back, but I can't compare with you, I am afraid that next year's star will fall on your shoulders, and then you will become a reformer." After the opening, the youngest general is now, if he is in politics, he must be the mayor of the city, I rely on you, think about how prestigious it is to be a mayor—"Looking at Hu Yangyi, Lin Tao felt amused, as if this At that time, Hu Yang had already entered the role, and was imagining how majestic he would be when he became the mayor.Lin Tao quickly stopped: "Stop, I haven't heard of a general demobilized and transferred to the government."

"Hey, you are ignorant, not to mention the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China, all the old generals became mayors, governors, even in the [-]s, the deputy governor of Henan entered the army and became the head of the General Armament Department—— "Hu Yang's eloquence shocked Lin Tao. Indeed, Lin Tao didn't have much knowledge. He didn't think much about his official career in the past few years, because since he became the chief instructor, he has been going smoothly, and he knows too little about the officialdom. There is an old man who is the deputy governor, but he doesn't have much contact with him.But if you really want to become a general, why do you enter the officialdom? What's more, life is colorful and not boring at all. You can also make contributions in the army. You have to benefit one side like your father-in-law. Even if you become a governor, you may not really be able to benefit One side, now, has really won glory for the country! , Presumably after special anti-terrorism training, the reputation of the Chinese military in the world will once again improve.Looking at Hu Yang next to him, Lin Tao said, "Don't tell me you want to go into politics?"

"Hehe, I've had enough of staying in the army these years. When I go back and get promoted to a colonel, I'll change jobs. It's not bad to be a police chief in a city bureau. I also want to live a sensual life."

"Damn it, Big Brother Hu, you have not changed your job yet, you already have a dirty mind, by then, you will not be allowed to enter the fence!"

"Spit, spit—spit—you crow's mouth, I haven't enjoyed it yet, why did you get into the fence and punish you with three cups."

"Bang bang—" There was a knock on the door.

"Please come in" The two corrected their sitting postures and put down their glasses.Li Lu smiled and pushed the door open.It really is affectionate, smiling, with a charming face, and the half-naked dress makes Populus euphratica straighten his eyes.

"Both chiefs, why don't you drink in your room? It would be great to go to the club downstairs! I treat you, will you two show me your face?" Li Lu's voice made Hu Yang feel numb. For the past few days, Li Lu was only seen surrounding Lin Tao. Turns out, Hu Yang has never had a chance to get close, and in front of this kind of beauty, he can't let go. Therefore, he has been depressed. Now that the beauty invites him, he will not agree. Before Lin Tao can speak, Hu Yang quickly said: "It must be Yes, it is a great honor to be invited by Miss Diane."

Since the last banquet, Lin Tao has always thought that Diane is a social butterfly. Although he has not been too cold these two days, he still has some conflicts in his heart.

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