Jagged city

Chapter 85 Adventure and Passion

Chapter 85 Adventure and Passion

Two months later, Lin Tao boarded a large transport plane to the Amazon rainforest with the trainees. ┌* ┐Di Anne, the confidential secretary, has been following her. For two months, Di Anne behaved well and did not seduce Lin Tao. Instead, Lin Tao fell into it and was unconsciously attracted by Di Anne's beauty and wisdom. The students were divided into three large The group of trainees led by Lin Tao often sees Diane on the transport plane, but at the moment they are in the same cabin with Dai Nanni, and they seem a little out of control. They often take advantage of Lin Tao's eyes to turn away, secretly gouging Diane fiercely , seems to be able to penetrate the body wrapped in Dai Anne's camouflage uniform, and see through it.Diane's casual glances made more than 20 students go to the toilet three times within 10 minutes. More than 50 clamped their legs tightly and did not dare to raise their heads.Di Anni's eyes were on Lin Tao most of the time, she took out the information and reminded Lin Tao of the subjects of field survival training and related matters, she whispered softly, she was not only a qualified secretary, but also a virtuous little daughter-in-law, inadvertently The ambiguous expression in his eyes made these students extremely jealous. I don't know how many students suspected that Lin Tao was a gay glass, but they were indifferent to such a beauty.

After getting along for two months, Lin Tao knew that Di Anni practiced natural charm, an ancient charm art, and her martial arts foundation was not bad. no problem.Lin Tao glanced at the students who were staring at Di Anni, thinking in his heart that Di Anni's charm had increased a lot in the past two months, otherwise the students would not have lost their composure.

Lin Tao looked at his watch and coughed. The cabin suddenly became quiet, and all the students focused on Lin Tao.Lin Tao said in English: "The 1 people in the cabin will be divided into [-] groups to skydive according to the pre-designed locations. Every group of nine people, now I announce the list of the first group, and No.[-] on the list is the leader. There is a training manual in the backpack, act according to the manual, start roll call, Gao Peng—”

"To" Gao Peng's expression was startled, and he saluted Lin Tao with appraising eyes, which meant that the chief, look at it, and promise to complete the task.

After the roll call of the nine people was completed, the skydiving backpacks were checked, and they were ready to skydive.

"Open hatch - jump".There was a strong gust of wind blowing into the cabin, and those who were blown could not open their eyes. It was no problem that the nine people who parachuted all had goggles. Gao Peng was the first to jump, and the rest came out in a file. A small white flower floats into the distance.

Within 10 minutes, the transport plane disappeared into the twilight with a roar.Lin Tao and Di Anni are members of the No.12 skydiving team.The three transport planes dropped 480 groups of people and horses according to the pre-designed coordinates on the circular arc with the destination as the center and the rainforest as the radius of 36 kilometers, including all the instructors and colleges participating in the field survival.Chief Instructor Dias enjoyed wine and cigars at the destination camp.He squinted his eyes and listened to the assistant's report.

"Young people are young people. As the deputy chief instructor, Lin Tao does not need to participate in any field survival training. For a young and ambitious officer like him, who has no professional military quality and has never participated in field survival training, if he wants to pass the 480 kilometers in the Amazon Tropical If the rainforest is not dead, it has to shed its skin, which is not something that can be done with good kung fu."

"The arrogant must be defeated. This Lin Tao dragged his assistant into the water, and Diane jumped too." The captain said with a frown.

"Son of a bitch, I'm still going to take down that awesome goblin, is the caviar open?"

"It's open, General," said the captain in a low voice.

"Shit, I can only enjoy it alone." Dias angrily walked towards the small restaurant that was carefully arranged.Dias has coveted Diane for a long time, but Diana has been around Lin Tao all day long, flattering Dias several times and implying that she is not at all tricky, which made Dias secretly hate him. I got a chance to be alone with Diane, but I didn't expect Diane to skydive too.

Captain Mike looked at the back of Dias's head and muttered, "Go eat shit, old man."

Lin Tao unsteadily landed on the top of a tall tree, took off his straps, let the parachute hang on the tree, and climbed down the 20-meter-high tree with both hands and feet.Although it was not dark yet, it was already dark under the tropical rainforest covered by trees.Unified configuration for field survival, a large military dagger inside the military boots, a pistol at the waist, built-in headsets, and a button-down walkie-talkie on the collar.Necessities for field survival in the military backpack, one survival manual, one map, three bags of normal saline, three antibiotics, three antipyretics, one serum; tourniquet, iodine gauze, needles, and sutures.One flare gun, one flare; special supplies, one piece of compressed biscuit, one piece of chocolate.A small bottle of mineral water is half a catty.Each team leader has a satellite phone.But the signal cannot be guaranteed to be valid at all times.

The limited range of the walkie-talkie is [-] kilometers.As the leader of the group, Lin Tao was the first to turn on the walkie-talkie and start calling.The code name of each group leader is Cheetah, and the password is set by oneself.

"I am Cheetah, please answer if you hear it. Please answer if you hear it."

"Lightning One received—please indicate the coordinates—"

"Lightning [-] received, please specify the coordinates—"

Within 5 minutes, Lin Tao heard responses from six members, and two team members were missing.According to the order of jumping, the ones who disappeared were No. 10 and No. [-]. No. [-] was a black man with a pound, and No. [-] was Diane.Lin Tao frowned, opened a map, circled the coordinates of the six people who responded according to the coordinates, and then instructed everyone to move closer to No. [-]. Within [-] minutes, seven people gathered under a big tree, but No. [-] and No. [-] still did not respond.

"Instructor, when I was about to land, I saw No. [-] was only one kilometer away from me. It should be in the southeast."

"I also saw No. [-], about [-] kilometers away from where I landed—"

Lin Tao delineated the location where Di Anne fell based on the memories of the two.Then he asked, "Who paid attention to number six?"

No one responded. It seems that even at the critical moment of skydiving, Diane is still the focus of attention.

"The three of you are searching for No. 10 in this range. Whether you find it or not within [-] minutes, return here immediately."


"The two of you stay put and simply arrange for camping tonight. No. [-] and I will search for No. [-]." After Lin Tao ordered, he took No. [-] and searched in the approximate direction where Diane landed.The tall trees in this tropical rainforest block out the sky, the shrubs underneath are reborn, and various tropical plants grow together. Unknown insects lurk on the branches and leaves. Military camouflage uniforms contain special insect repellents, which can disperse most insects. A camouflage pattern covers the whole body, and there are special blended thin gloves on the hands, which are not afraid of thorns and scratches.The collar of the camouflage suit can be turned up to protect the neck, and the thin steel helmet on the head has a built-in gauze, which can be lowered to protect the face from mosquito bites. It is similar to the simplified version of the biochemical protective suit. The beauty with exposed arms and thighs is adventuring in the tropical rainforest, which is almost like looking for death. Scarlet fever, malaria, schistosomiasis, etc. can find her in half a day. The mosquitoes that spread these diseases do not distinguish between day and night. Since you put your thighs If it comes out, if you don't bite you, then you will be sorry to the broad masses of the people! (Writing this, I saw the American drama "The Walking Dead", and I have to say that the director is an idiot, living in the crowd of zombies, and dare to run around with bare arms and legs waiting for the zombies to scratch. Put on the face-covered ancient armor, and put a pot cover on your back for self-defense, instead of showing your beautiful legs and arms to the zombies.)

Lin Tao and Lightning No. [-] walked for a mile, and then began to search separately. Lin Tao was alone, no longer tied up, jumping up and down, and quickly shuttled through the jungle. Several monkeys suspected of breaking into the territory of the same kind began to surround Lin Tao. They evolved better, as if they were elves in the jungle. Several monkeys started howling, as if they were provoked by Lin Tao, and they chased after them.A mile or so ahead of Lin Tao, monkeys also began to respond. Lin Tao suddenly wondered whether Comrade Diane No. [-] was besieged by monkeys. Thinking of Diane being surrounded by a circle of red monkeys, he couldn't help but feel a little funny.

Lin Tao passed through many obstacles and saw a shocking scene. Diane's parachute was hanging on a huge rubber tree 20 meters high. Holding a military dagger in one hand, it hangs in the air.It is ** meters high from the ground. Dozens of monkeys are jumping and screaming constantly on the tree. Two of them are eager to climb up the rope on the parachute. I don’t know if they want to attack Diane. There are seven or eight monkeys under the tree. The stronger monkey bared its teeth at a giant boa that was [-] or [-] meters long, and the giant boa was obviously more interested in Diane on top of its head.Spitting out scarlet letter, opening his mouth waiting for the fat falling from the sky.

Lin Tao took out the dagger, then reached into his backpack and took out the flare gun. He estimated that shooting the flare into the boa's mouth would be more effective than a pistol.When Lin Tao touched the gun, his hand touched the satellite phone, and somehow he took two photos quickly.Lin Tao hid his backpack in the tree hole and leaned close to the giant anaconda. If he wanted to save Diane, he had to drive away or kill the giant anaconda. Lin Tao had only seen this big guy on TV. Hairy.Don't be afraid that it's fake, not to mention Di Anne's green face in mid-air.Lin Tao has a dagger in his left hand, a pistol in his right, and a flare gun pinned to his waist.The cat bent its waist and kept leaning closer. Not only the giant anaconda, but also this group of grinning monkeys are not easy to mess with. A scratch or a bite will hurt you.

"Oh—" Sure enough, one of the most aggressive monkeys jumped towards Lin Tao very fast. Lin Tao was neither a believer nor an animal protector, let alone facing such a ferocious monkey. With a flash of a knife, the monkey The left upper limb flew up spurting blood, and the monkey screamed and fell to the ground, dying of pain.

"Lin Tao save me—" Diane finally saw the savior.Can't help shouting.

The giant anaconda jumped up suddenly and bit Diane. "Oh my god—" Diane kicked her legs wildly, and the giant anaconda flew through the air more than one meter below Diane without touching it.Lin Tao was also in a cold sweat. Seven or eight monkeys rushed towards Lin Tao screaming. Lin Tao raised his right hand and shot ten bullets into the monkey's head and chest respectively. Not stupid, watching his companions fall one after another, coupled with the sound of gunfire, he screamed and fled.Enraged by Lin Tao's gunshots, the giant anaconda ran towards the bushes, and the plants and trees bowed down. It was obviously not a good way to deal with the giant anaconda on the ground. Lin Tao jumped up to a big tree, and the giant anaconda came screaming. , hit the tree directly, and the two-foot-thick tree swayed from side to side. Lin Tao felt the shaking of the tree, and thought that the impact force of this giant anaconda was similar to that of a car. Lin Tao quickly took out a cloth bag on the arm of the camouflage uniform A ten-bullet shuttle is replaced, and three shots are fired at the head of the giant anaconda. This pistol can smash a 20mm steel plate within [-] meters, but apart from arousing the ferocity of the giant anaconda, it obviously has no effect on the giant anaconda. The long head does substantial damage.

The giant anaconda screamed and raised its body to bite Lin Tao. Lin Taolai not only took out the signal gun, but also jumped up. The dagger in his left hand slammed into the eye socket of the giant anaconda. The swaying head is three more shots.The giant anaconda rolled and swept across the bushes. Lin Tao was almost caught, and grabbed a branch to hide.The giant python kept rolling, and finally stopped moving after 1 minute, and the knife handle at the eye socket was still bleeding out.

"It should be dead." Lin Tao looked at the boa with lingering fear. The large dagger covered the boa's head a foot long, which obviously hurt the boa's brain.However, this kind of cold-blooded animal obviously has strong vitality, and Lin Tao doesn't want to check it, so it's important to save Di Anne.

"Diane, jump down, I'll follow." Lin Tao shouted from below.

"My left hand is entangled, how do I get off?" Diane said in a crying voice.Obviously frightened.

"You cut the parachute cord with the dagger in your right hand."

"Oh, I forgot - you caught it, it's so high - ah -" Diane swayed the dagger from the air and fell.

Lin Tao jumped up, and jumped over three meters in the air, supporting Di Anni's waist, and the two of them landed firmly on the ground.

"Lin Tao, I'm so scared—" Di Anni turned around and rushed towards Lin Tao. Lin Tao saw the shining dagger thrusting towards his back, and quickly grabbed Di Anni's wrist.

"You want to stab me to death!" Lin Tao said sweating.

"I--forgot--scared--" Diane let go of the dagger, and finally threw herself into Lin Tao's arms, crying.Lin Tao patted Di Anni on the back, feeling amused, and said to himself, usually she is not afraid of anything, but now she is as scared as a little girl.In fact, if it weren't for the sudden scene and the giant anaconda that had never been experienced before, Diane's strength could completely cope with this scene independently.

"Why did you come to save me? I'll stab you to death, stab you to death—" Diane cried and beat Lin Tao's back.Vent the fright just now.The top of Diane's camouflage uniform was hung down, and now it is a black elastic vest. Lin Tao felt Diane's turbulent surge and amazing elasticity.Looking at the pretty face of pear blossoms raining from tears, she kissed her lightly.Di Anni stopped crying, looked up at Lin Tao, her ears were blushed, she looked at Lin Tao affectionately, Lin Tao held Di Anni's small face in both hands, and said with a slight smile: "How do you want to intervene? Kill me, I'll stab you to death."

"You're a hooligan—" Although Di Anni scolded, she pressed her red lips on Lin Tao's mouth and kissed painfully.I don't know if it was due to environmental factors, but the two who had just experienced life-and-death adventure kissed wetly without any scruples, biting each other's lips lightly, their slippery tongues entangled with each other, constantly demanding.

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