Jagged city

Chapter 86 Killing Night Demon Group of 4

Chapter 86 Killing the Daredevil Quadruple

Lightning No. 5, hearing the gunshots, quickly approached Lin Tao. After [-] minutes of running, it finally arrived at the accident site. Lightning No. [-] held a gun and carefully looked at the monkey's corpse on the ground. Different from other tree trunks, Lightning Seven turned its head sharply, and what caught its eyes was a huge and terrifying python head, scarlet fangs, and a bloody mouth. ▃ ( v?v )▃

"mygod!" Lightning Seven sat on the ground in fright, pulled the trigger of the pistol, and subconsciously shot desperately.

"Oh, no—" the bloody mouth bit Lightning Seven.Lightning No. [-] only felt that his head was hit hard, and then passed out.

Lin Tao and Di Anne's wet kiss was interrupted by gunshots and screams.The two hurried over, only to see the body of Lightning Seven under the giant boa's head.

With a "thump", Diane laughed and said, "This trash was knocked unconscious by a dead snake, hey, wake up—wake up—" Diane kicked a few times, and Lightning Seven woke up leisurely.

"mygodmygod" Lightning Seven, using hands and feet to run backwards.

"Stop climbing, that's a dead snake. You idiot." Diane jumped over and kicked Lightning Seven again.Lightning Seven stood up in shock, looked at the giant anaconda, then at Diane and Lin Tao, and then heaved a sigh of relief.

"It's so risky, I didn't expect that I could kill a giant Amazon anaconda, should I send it back to South Korea to make a specimen, as a heritage of our family, and let my descendants admire my heroic feat—"

Lin Tao was also amused by the Lightning [-], this Korean really knows how to put gold on his face.Watching Lin Tao pull out the dagger stuck deep in the boa's eye socket, Lightning Seven said: "It seems that the instructor made another knife when I beat the boa to death—"

"Go away, you shameless person." Diane couldn't help but kicked No. [-] again.Number Seven asked a little aggrieved, "Instructor Diane, why do you keep kicking me?"

"The giant anaconda was stabbed to death by Instructor Lin a long time ago. You were just knocked unconscious by a dead snake, idiot."

"Impossible, it's going to bite me. I shot it in the neck several times—there's only one bullet hole in the neck, and it seems to be shot in one place—"

Lin Tao and Di Anni were also speechless, they had seen shameless ones, but never seen such shameless ones.

"On the seventh, I order you to cut off about 10 kilograms of meat and bring it back to the gathering place in [-] minutes. There must be no mistakes."

"Follow me—instructor, can I take the python head back as a souvenir—"

Watching Lin Tao leave, Lightning Seven happily harvested the snake meat.

Lin Tao and Diane returned to the gathering place and found that No. [-] had been rescued. Lightning No. [-] was a French guy. He said with some embarrassment: "Instructor, when I landed, I hit my head on a tree trunk—"

"How do you feel now? Do you have a headache?" Lin Tao thought that if this kid had a concussion, he wouldn't need to train.

"No problem, absolutely no problem." In order to show that there is no problem, Lightning Six even did a somersault and landed firmly on the ground.There is a rule in this wilderness survival training that no open fire is allowed.Therefore, everyone could only eat the snake meat brought back by Lightning No. [-]. Apart from being a bit shameless, this No. [-] also had some advantages. He was very good at Japanese cuisine. He secretly hid a piece of wasabi and a salt block on his body.Quickly cut the snake meat into thin slices, spread salt and mustard on it, and handed it to Lin Tao and Diane. Although Lin Tao is not used to eating raw meat, he can only make do with it at the moment.Others naturally don't have this treatment, and no one does a big piece of meat by themselves.Lightning No. [-] Drew is a pounder, born in the Amazon basin, and has some knowledge of some plants and animals in the Amazon forest.Meet dozens of wild fruits and edible plants that grow in the rainforest.After eating the snake meat, he took out two fist-sized golden-red fruits, oval in shape, like mangoes.Lin Tao and Di Anni looked at the fruit in their hands.

"This is monkey fruit, the favorite fruit of monkeys in the rainforest. It is tender, juicy, and sweet. It only grows in the depths of the rainforest. It can only survive on the tree for two days after it matures. The monkey was guarding, but he didn't expect there were two left in the tree."

"Then let's share the food—"

"It's so sweet—I'm done eating." Diane looked at the crowd embarrassedly, licked the juice from her lower lip with her tongue, and her shy appearance made Lightning [-] to [-] lose their minds.

"It's okay, we have this to quench our thirst." Drew took out a dozen or so three-inch long and one-inch thick green plant roots from his backpack, poked a hole in the root with a dagger, and then pointed it at his mouth, pouring out a lot Green juice, other people follow suit, smacking their lips after drinking it, this green drink is very satisfying.He didn't care about No. [-]'s flattery to the instructor and Diane just now.

It was already dark, and ten people started camping. They lived in hammocks. This was the idea of ​​Dane, an American on Lightning [-]. He cut the parachute cover and made ten hammocks. The parachute cover is very strong. And it is very light, it can be used as a rain cape or as a hammock.The idea was praised by everyone.When they sleep, they work in groups of two and stand guard in shifts.Sleeping in the open air in the rainforest is uncomfortable. Although the clothes are covered with insect repellent, there are still mosquitoes with strong resistance to attack. Fortunately, they all have headgear, but they roar like fighter jets in the ears.At first they couldn't move, Lin Tao forced them to close their eyes and count the sheep, but unexpectedly, the Korean boy Lightning No.

It was enough for Lin Tao to rest for three hours a day. When he started to change the guard at 01:30 in the morning, he did not wake up Diane, but climbed to a branch of a tree, closed his eyes, and practiced Hunyuanyi Qigong secretly.The sounds of insects in a radius of 1 meters, insects chewing on leaves, and crawling all entered Lin Tao's ears clearly. After Hunyuanyi Qigong reached the fourth level, Lin Tao's vision doubled and his hearing tripled, especially now When I was calm, my hearing improved a lot.The fine hairs on his face seemed to feel the movement of air.The functions of all the sense organs on the body are magnified several times.The whole body and mind seem to be integrated into this pristine rainforest.If Lin Tao's heartbeat is measured at this moment, the doctor will definitely think that Lin Tao is in a state of dying, and his heartbeat is only ten times a minute.When breathing, the chest cavity does not rise and fall, and only takes two breaths in one minute, which is very long.This is a sign that Hunyuanyi Qigong has reached the bottleneck of the fourth level, and when it reaches the fifth level, one can enter the state of tortoise's breath at any time, and can breathe once for several hours and heartbeat once.Indian yoga can be practiced at a high level and buried underground for a few days. This kind of thing has not yet been studied by science.

Lin Tao sat on a tree branch six meters high, and the breathing and heartbeat of the nine people below entered Lin Tao's ears very clearly. Lin Tao closed his eyes and focused, trying to feel the subtle movements in the distance. A beetle was digging a hole in the tree trunk. Lin Tao tried his best to feel the position and size of the beetle. Lin Tao had an unbelievable feeling. It seemed that it was a black beetle with a little bit of gold. The powerful double jaws on its mouth were constantly twisting the bark. The tentacles on the head trembled slightly.

Outside the campsite of Lin Tao and others, 500 meters from the northwest to the southeast, four people came towards the camp in the dark like ghosts in the forest. A metal box is connected to a light screen the size of a mobile phone in his hand.Red dots flickered on the light screen from time to time, and then enlarged.It turned out to be a heat detector.This is the most advanced thermal energy detector. It can detect objects that release heat energy at a depth of six meters underground. The effective detection range is 200 meters in open space, and it can detect about 150 meters in this rainforest.

"Look, there is a footprint here, and there are broken branches. The break is new, and they shouldn't be far away. Try to slow down and walk lightly." A short guy said softly.

"Well, it should be within three miles, and we should get rich." The big man with green eyes flashed with a cruel smile on his mouth.

"Aren't they just nine recruits? In the rainforest, we are the gods of death. A head of $200, and the Chinese surnamed Lin $[-] million. It's nothing but money for us."

"That Chinese is a kung fu master, we can't be careless—"

"Hey, as long as they are detected by the heat detector, they will be the souls of the guns, and their kung fu can't stop the bullets." The big man interrupted the small man's words, a little carried away.

"It's best to solve it cleanly. The vultures are fifty kilometers ahead. If I hadn't won the bet this time, it wouldn't be our turn to come out on top. Our agreement with the vultures is that we will wipe out ten people and offer a reward to They share a quarter of the dividends. If they can't solve all the problems, they will do the rest. We will take a quarter before dawn. You three can't fall into the name of Night Demon." Take the night The person at the sight said in a low voice, with a cold light in his eyes, these four are A-level mercenaries in the international black market, as long as they have enough money, they will do anything to kill, kidnap, or destroy, and they are called Night Demons.Vulture is a pair of twin brothers who are ruthless and A-level mercenaries.Both of these living people were hired by the Japanese. Koizumi was beside the United Nations Counter-Terrorism Chairman and knew all the arrangements of the training camp, so the four of them were able to touch Lin Tao according to the place where Lin Tao parachuted.

Lin Tao was observing the beetle. He didn't know whether it was the seventh sense or the eighth sense that put the image of the beetle into his mind. Suddenly, a jungle lizard swallowed the beetle with its long tongue, and then slowly climbed up. branches.

"It's shown that they are 150 meters ahead, why are there ten people? Didn't they say that they were in a group?"

"Let me see. The detector shows that there is another one on the six-meter-high tree. Others seem to be lying in hammocks. The one on the tree should be a sentinel. It's a bit difficult to handle."

"Yeah, let's move the guard first. If he dies, he might fall from the tree and alarm the other nine people. It's very difficult to wipe them out."

"Further 40 meters ahead, [-] meters away, there is no problem with trees blocking it, let's study it again."

"Well, okay, after you stop, use gestures and don't make any noise."

The four of them tiptoed closer to Lin Tao and the others. Lin Tao was about to withdraw his mind when suddenly there was a slight sound of footsteps.Lin Tao could hear the insects crawling and biting 100 meters away at this moment, and the sound of footsteps 150 meters away was several times louder than the sound of insects biting leaves. The whispers of the four fell to Lin Tao verbatim. in the ears.Lin Tao wondered, could this be part of the training content? No, the other party said they wanted to wipe them all out. This is not a joke. Why did these four people want to kill us?Lin Tao was puzzled.The opponent obviously has night vision equipment, we are too passive like this.

Lin Tao first called Diane in a soft voice. Although he could not reach the point where his voice could be gathered into a line, his voice was very soft and the range of spread was not large.Diane woke up, jumped out of the hammock according to Lin Tao's instructions, walked to the side, pretended to squat in the bushes to relieve his hand, Lin Tao climbed down the tree, walked to Diane, and secretly woke up eight people, who took out their guns and were still in the hammock Go to sleep.

"Someone left, that's good. I guess they went to relieve themselves. Well, the one from the tree also came down, and followed that person. It seems that they relieved themselves together. Could it be the glass?"

"Great, those two people are 30 meters away, we can remove the pair of glass quietly first."

"Damn it, I despise dead glass the most. It's disgusting like a shit stick to poke your asshole every day. You two go around and break the back of the two of them. We are separated by a distance, one for each of us." Carrying a thermal detector Put the head of the instrument on the detector, go into battle with light clothes, and touch Diane with his accomplices. The night vision device can reflect weak light, but the vision is not very clear. It is not as good as the daytime, but it is better than the naked eye in the dark. too much.

Lin Tao was leaning against a big tree, and Di Anni was lying on Lin Tao's shoulders. The two pretended to be ambiguous, but Di Anni was making a fake show, hugging Lin Tao, rubbing her face and chest against Lin Tao.

Lin Tao smelled the deodorant that penetrated his nose, felt Di Anne's softness, and felt a little distracted.Secretly thought, what should I do, I guess there will be sparks due to friction in the next few months, I'm afraid I can't stop it, and I'm sorry for Xiao Xiao, my wife, you have a lot of adults, please forgive me, you are the first lady , They are mistresses at most.Lin Tao prayed secretly.

"They came separately. I'll kill the two in front first. Pay attention to the two in the northeast. You go slowly to the southwest and walk around the tree." Lin Tao kissed Di Anne's forehead.Touch the two people 40 meters away from the opposite side. At a distance of 40 meters, Lin Tao has sharp ears and eyes, and he can see and hear better than the other party's night vision goggles. The two people are separated by seven or eight meters and stand side by side. place to touch.Lin Tao's hearing ability can accurately judge the opponent's location. Although the opponent has night vision devices, the bushes are overgrown and block the line of sight. He can only follow the predetermined route and cannot see very far.Lin Tao saw the big man with night vision clearly at a distance of 15 meters, and was approaching on tiptoe. Lin Tao lay down on a big tree. The five-foot diameter of this uncle completely blocked Lin Tao's body. Lin Tao grabbed it with his eagle claws. The tree bark stopped at a height of [-] meters from the ground, and felt that this posture was wrong. He turned over and slowly lay down on the trunk, holding the trunk with his feet, and rushed down with his head.Richard, a big night devil mercenary, touched the bottom of Lin Tao and carefully looked at the position in front of him with the book. Lin Tao was like a huge lizard ready to hunt. Lin Tao's hands were a foot away from Richard's head. Lin Tao saw Richard leaned on the tree trunk, climbed down another two feet, and then slowly touched Richard's neck with his hands. Richard seemed to be aware of something unusual. Just as he was about to look back, a pair of big iron-like hands pinched him. Richard's neck was caught, and Richard was pulled off the ground by Lin Tao and kicked, and died of exhaustion.Lin Tao showed an evil smile. In fact, with Lin Tao's ability, he could touch the opponent's Achilles' heel, or directly interrupt the opponent's cervical spine, but Lin Tao had a bit of a bad taste, so he couldn't help imitating the actions in the movie.Make the other party speechless and die in fear.Lin Tao put down the big man and touched the guy who was carrying the night vision device.

Lin Tao held a small branch in his hand, and silently touched the opponent three feet behind him, walking like a ghost.Lin Tao threw a branch in front of this person, making a noise. The person stopped and carefully watched the swaying leaves in front of him.Lin Tao began to blow air behind this man, making a slight puffing sound. The man's neck was blown by the hot air, and the hairs all over his body sprang up. He turned his head stiffly and saw Lin Tao baring his teeth like a ghost. Just about to scream, Lin Tao tapped the Ma and Ya points immediately, and sat paralyzed on the ground, watching Lin Tao fly over his head in horror.What a ghost, this night devil member was frightened unconscious.

Lin Tao speeded up and ran in the dark. This is a kind of lightness kung fu, and Zhao Banxian taught him the lightness kung fu - dark fragrance floating.Lin Tao is not yet able to step on the snow without a trace, but stepping on a branch as thick as a little finger, not only will the branch not break, but the elasticity generated by the slight bending can also speed up Lin Tao's pace. Lin Tao is simply a civet cat running on the bushes , Grasping with both hands, wandering among the big trees like a spirit ape, the Hunyuan in Lin Tao's body is running Hunyuan without any slack, and it is even more wonderful to cooperate with this lightness kung fu.Now, Lin Tao's whole body is in a state of emptiness and excitement, which is indescribable.

"What's that?" The other two mercenaries noticed the strange situation behind them. They saw the leaves rustling, and a strange black figure disappeared in front of their eyes. It seemed that they bared their fangs and grinned at him.

"Mygod, it's the legendary ogre, run away—" Another mercenary screamed and ran away.

"Jie Jie——" Lin Tao deliberately let out a miserable smile, and the one behind ran to the other side. Lin Tao stood on the tree, broke a branch, and hit the master's back. The soldier fell to the ground with a thud, raised his hand and was about to shoot behind him, another branch pierced his wrist with a strong wind, the pistol fell, and this man screamed and continued to run forward.

"Lightning [-], [-], [-], [-], search for a dead body at nine o'clock, and a comatose prisoner, Lightning [-], at six o'clock, ambush a panicked fugitive, do not shoot, capture alive. The operation is over, the camp Combine." Lin Tao ordered on the walkie-talkie.

When Diane heard the cry behind her, she stopped and leaned against a tree, but when she saw the sound of rushing footsteps and heavy breathing, a person ran over in a panic. Diane stretched out a foot With a hook, the last mercenary of the night devil fell to the ground directly. Diane jumped up and stepped on the back of the mercenary, bent down and grabbed the wrist of this mercenary, and sent it forward. dislocation.Diane seized a pistol with a silencer, a microcharger, a dagger, and a backpack from the mercenary.

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