Jagged city

Chapter 89 A Son Comes Out

Chapter 89 A son emerges

Brother Vulture was thrown into the small river after his throat was cut by No. [-], and the corpses of the crocodiles on the bank were also thrown in. It is estimated that the crocodiles from other river sections will come to have another big meal soon. │| │

Lin Tao and his party took out the supplies hidden by the two brothers from a tree hole as a sign three miles ahead.Secret lamb chops and trimmed beef, ten kilograms.Two bags of compressed biscuits and one kilogram of chocolate.Two bottles of vodka.Six guns, serum, ten anti-venom.Antipyretic oral agent in a box of ten sticks.Lin Tao and the others took a short rest and marched quickly for six hours in one breath. They stopped at five o'clock in the afternoon. Diane was dripping with sweat, and the other eight team members lay on the ground panting like dead dogs.It was covered in mud, but it rained two more times in the afternoon, and Lin Tao didn't give orders to stop, and Lin Tao was always walking in front. The others dared not say anything about their troubles, so they could only grit their teeth and follow.

"Instructor, don't play like this. We weren't killed by the mercenaries, but we were going to be exhausted." Lightning [-], the German boy, complained Lin Tao, who was breathing evenly and not blushing.Number Seven wanted to respond, but he didn't say anything.

Lin Tao's breath suddenly changed, and a murderous look seemed to form in his eyes, covering several complaining team members. The hairs of several team members immediately stood upside down, as if they appeared in the ice cellar. Although they were in the tropical rainforest, they felt very cold and did not dare to breathe up.

"You think that I'm taking you through the tropical rainforest for a vacation, with millions of dollars to take, wine and meat, do you still think about beautiful women?"

In fact, these people really thought about it, and they cared about Di Anne at night, but facing Lin Tao's cold eyes, they didn't even dare to breathe, even if there were naked women, they didn't dare to look at them now.They were enveloped by Lin Tao's aura.

"stand up."

Several people jumped up immediately.Looking forward one by one, fatigue seemed to be cleared away.

"Warning on the [-]th and [-]th, the others eat."

"What do we eat, instructor?" No. [-] asked in a low voice.

"One piece of chocolate for each person, half a piece of compressed biscuit, and eat the rest of the snake meat. Rest at the same place for four hours, and leave on time at nine o'clock in the evening."

"Yes." Several people immediately entered the state, gobbling up the snake meat, let alone slice the snake meat, just bite it, the biscuit is dry and choked.Fortunately, Drew picked a lot of wild fruits.

"Drew come here."


"Roast the worms you caught." Lin Tao ordered.

More than a dozen chubby worms were roasted, emitting bursts of fragrance like egg flowers, but except for Lin Tao, Diane and Drew, the other seven had already fallen asleep like dead pigs, and they were specially rewarded by Drew After a meat worm, Drew happily fell asleep with half of the meat worm in his mouth.

"No, I'm exhausted too. Save some lamb chops to eat in the middle of the night, and I'll sleep for a while." Diane sat on the ground leaning against the tree and fell asleep.Lin Tao climbed up the big tree and meditated above the crowd. Hunyuan Yiqigong formed a big circle three times. After one and a half hours, Lin Tao's slight fatigue was swept away, but he became more energetic. Human breathing heartbeat.Perth on the [-]st and Drew on the [-]th breathed steadily and had a strong heartbeat.The others are relatively weaker, and No. [-] is the weakest.Diane's breathing is long and long, and the air flow in her body slowly circulates. It seems that she has practiced the method of performing exercises with her mind. Even if she is sleeping, the exercises can follow the breathing slowly according to the habit formed for a long time.After Lin Tao entered the tropical rainforest, he found that his actions became more mellow. I don't know what strange energy this tropical rainforest has is very good for Lin Tao's body, and Lin Tao's state of mind is closer to nature.

Chinese qigong is very mysterious. It is not only a skill for physical fitness, but also a philosophy about the human body and nature. People who can practice qigong are smart people who are unique in thousands, and long-term practice can also develop people's brains. Make people smarter.Lin Tao is a righteous and benevolent person by nature, but he can be flexible.In addition to being smart, what is more rare is wisdom.As far as the current nine people are concerned, it took only two days to get acquainted with each other.No. [-] Perth City has a deep mansion, a mysterious identity, and enormous energy.Number eight, Drew, is more straightforward, and he can see his admiration for Lin Tao from his eyes.No. [-] is lukewarm, this person is the most difficult to figure out, and No. [-] is ordinary in the team.Number two, three and four are in awe of Lin Tao, and number seven, the Korean boy Jin Bingnan, is a bit aggressive, and he is very happy, so he can only use it, but can't interact with him, and he can't be trusted.Number one is worth wooing, but it also needs to be guarded against.Sixth Drew can be cultivated.Diane No. [-] is Lin Tao's heart disease. Any fool can see that she likes Lin Tao and can't help herself. Lin Tao is a smart person among smart people. Annie is another catastrophe of his own, different from the beauty Doctor Tong's sister-brother love for him, which just fills the emptiness of a woman.Diane may be entangled with Lin Tao for a long time.And not just when working together.Lin Tao believes that his wife Xiao Xiao will be a good wife and mother, and Diane will give him great help in his life.Diane is very attractive to Lin Tao at this time, but Lin Tao hesitates because of her moral side, because Xiao Xiao is Lin Tao's true love.Lin Tao's first love Jin Zhenai not only gave him young love, but also gave him rare emotional trauma.

Lin Tao loves and hates Jin Zhen'ai. How could he have thought that Jin Zhen'ai had a deep affection for him, but because of family affection, she abandoned Lin Tao's love, but her wealthy marriage only lasted for a few months. The child lives together, and that child is actually Lin Tao's child.Jin Zhenai has worked in the Park Corporation for these years, and has 5.00% of the shares of the Park Corporation. As long as Jin Zhenai does not remarry, this share will always be hers, and Jin Zhenai's son, Park Jinlin, is the legal heir of the Park Corporation. Will inherit 40.00% of the shares of Park Group.This Park Jinlin is also the legal second heir of the Jin Group.The first is Jin Zhenai, whose father is now in charge of the Kim Group.This young man, Park Jinlin, removed his surname, that is Jinlin, representing the Korean Kim Group.If it was reversed, it would be Lin Jin, the son of Lin Tao, the crown prince who was born with nearly tens of billions of assets.

Too much money doesn't mean much to Jin Zhenai anymore, except for the love for her son, that is, she misses Lin Tao constantly late at night, and as the years go by, it becomes more intense.Jin Zhenai has been paying attention to Lin Tao, and has learned about Lin Tao through various channels.Father Kim Jong-nam has been persuading his daughter to find another lover. Park's 5.00% shares are nothing compared to his daughter's happiness, not to mention that Kim Jung-ae is the first heir of the Kim Group.

Sometimes, watching his daughter cry silently while holding a photo of Lin Tao, Kim Jong-nam felt as if his heart was being pierced.Back then, I was the one who failed to withstand the pressure of Grandpa Jin Zhenai, and was blinded by family affection and huge wealth.The combination of Jin Zhenai and the Park family was acquiesced, and Jin Zhengnan's persuasion was the reason why Jin Zhenai was determined to leave Lin Tao.Now recalling Lin Tao's various benefits and advantages, Kim Jong Nam regretted it even more.How nice it would be if I lived with my daughter and Lin Tao, who made me very satisfied, and enjoyed the family happiness.But how could Kim Jong-nam stand against the eighty-year-old father crying in front of him.

Jin Zhenai knew that Lin Tao had gone abroad and went to the United States to compete as an instructor.Jin Zhenai was also very happy to hear the news. She believed that Lin Tao, her younger brother, and her first love were the best.This feeling of joy was replaced by deep thoughts.

Jin Zhenai decided to go to the United States and take her son to New York for Christmas. Maybe she could see Lin Tao. This was Jin Zhenai's hope.Jin Zhenai flew to New York with her son, spent Christmas there, and then flew to Miami Beach, where the climate is warm and humid, and it is a winter resort in the United States.But what she didn't expect was that bad luck was coming. A group of masked men robbed with guns, killed four bodyguards, and kidnapped her son. She was seriously injured in the fight and was shot through the abdomen. , she fell in a pool of blood and regained consciousness after three days of rescue.

The unfavorable situation is that the young master is missing.The kidnappers demanded a ransom of 8000 million US dollars.The good news is that Jin Zhenai is recovering, and that night Jin Zhenai knocked out a robber.and was captured by the police.But the Americans did not get much useful information from the kidnappers.I just know that the eight of them are just hired pawns who ordered to kidnap a pair of Hanzi, but they don't know the truth.Moreover, the little son Park Jinlin may have been transferred out of the United States that night.The U.S. Coast Guard did find a suspicious helicopter on the high seas, but Mirai escaped radar tracking, and it may have landed on a merchant ship on the high seas. There were hundreds of ships passing through the Miami route in the middle of the night, and there was no way to find them.And because of Jin Zhenai's coma, the death of the bodyguard.The U.S. FBI formally entered the investigation after receiving a call from South Korea two days later.The relationship is complicated. Although the embassy of the South Korean embassy in the United States and the top officials of the Kim family and the Park family have exerted some pressure on the American police, there is still no progress.The kidnapper's phone call was to Pu's family, asking the family to prepare 8000 million US dollars within five days.Otherwise tear up the ticket.

Twenty-two hours had passed since the kidnapper made the phone call the next day, and Jin Zhenai woke up in the intensive care unit and was transferred to the ordinary VIP ward.After the police, Park and Kim's family questioned and cared, only Jin Zhenai and her father were left in the ward.

"The reason for this kidnapping is unclear. It may be related to the investment of our two companies in Africa. Our investment in diamond mines and iron mines in Africa has damaged the interests of several groups. The Pu family is too eager to advance. Maybe these companies It is the mastermind behind the scenes. It is unrealistic to wait for the Americans to investigate clearly. It would be better if the kidnappers were single depositors. The current liquidity of the two companies is only 4000 million U.S. dollars, and they can borrow 2000 million U.S. dollars in an emergency with their relationship with the bank. , There is still a gap of 2000 million that is being prepared urgently, and the fundraising can be almost completed in one day." Kim Jong-nam said anxiously to his daughter.Jin Zhenai just looked at the ceiling with empty eyes, as if she didn't hear what her father said.

"Daughter—Dad, I'm sorry, daughter—" Kim Jong Nam burst into tears, holding his daughter's hand, looking at his daughter's pale face and empty eyes.Suddenly Kim Jong Nam felt his daughter's hand grasping him tightly.The daughter's blank eyes became sharper.

"Dad, you go out for 10 minutes first and wait for me outside the door." Jin Zhenai said suddenly.Kim Jong Nam was a little puzzled, but he still obeyed his daughter and walked out the door with tears in his eyes.

Ten minutes later, Kim Jong Nam hurried out of the hospital.Helicopter to New York airport, catch the last flight to South Korea.Kim Jong-nam's sensitive identity has attracted many people's attention, but no one has seen a disguised secret guard of the Kim family.Fly directly to Beijing from New York airport.

On January 2008, [-], Beijing time, at five o'clock in the afternoon, a letter appeared on the desk of Jin Xin, who manages a fast food restaurant in Beijing.Jin Xin didn't know how such a letter appeared, but it said that it was very urgent.Therefore, Jin Xin didn't dare to be negligent, and went directly to Xiao Xiao's office by car, and handed the letter to Xiao Xiao.Xiao Xiao opened the letter with only one line. 'The specific content is in the chip inside the envelope, which can only be viewed by you alone, and it is the privacy of your family.After watching destroy. '

Xiao Xiao was a little baffled, so she hurried home and turned on a dedicated computer. This computer room was not connected, and she was afraid that the Internet would leak some privacy.Xiao Xiao felt terrified.Turn on the computer, the chip, there is a clear video, a pale young woman appears in the video, watching Beijing feels like being in a hospital.

"Miss Xiao Xiao, I'm Korean Jin Zhenai, maybe Lin Tao mentioned me to you. Don't be too surprised to hear the following—"

Xiao Xiao looked at the woman in the video. Although the woman was pale, she could be seen to be a great beauty.Lin Tao did mention Jin Zhenai, the daughter of Lin Tao's taekwondo master, a Korean, and Lin Tao's first love.Although I was a little jealous when I heard Lin Tao talk about their first love, I didn't care.That was four or five years ago.Lin Tao also showed Xiao Xiao a photo of Jin Zhenai.In one of Lin Tao's earliest notebooks.

"Could it be that Lin Tao's first love is going to die, do you want to see Lin Tao for the last time?" Xiao Xiao looked at the video in doubt.The video briefly tells about getting along with Lin Tao, the process of falling in love, and how to separate.It was almost the same as Lin Tao, and then he talked about getting married and having children, her husband died tragically in a car accident, leaving orphans and widows, as well as missing Lin Tao, and silent blessings to the two. , you Korean stick hates the poor and loves the rich, now you regret dumping Lin Tao, but it’s cheap for me, bah bah, what’s cheap for me?What am I thinking.We really love each other.

Then Jin Zhenai talked about going to the United States to spend Christmas with her son, and she was kidnapped on the seashore. Her son's life and death were unknown, and she was seriously injured and fell into a coma for three days before waking up.Seeing Xiao Xiao felt a little sympathetic.

The next words left Xiao Xiao in great shock.Jin Zhenai said that she has two supports in this life, one is her son, and the other is her silent miss for Lin Tao, hoping that Xiao Xiao can understand, and then changed the subject. "Actually, in my heart, my son Park Jinlin's real name is Lin Jin. Lin Jin's real father is Lin Tao. Only I know this secret, and the other one who knows the secret is my husband. As a result, he got into a car accident while driving drunk that day. , My father doesn’t know about this either.”

Xiao Xiao couldn't digest this shocking news for a while. Why did Lin Tao have an extra son? By the way, his son was seven years old when he was in freshman year. not sure yet.This philandering big radish is on two boats.I was dumped, so I found me.Xiao Xiao began to cry bitterly. After crying for more than ten minutes, she raised her head to watch the video. The video was over long ago. I don't know what the woman behind said?Xiao Xiao wiped away her tears, gritted her teeth and read it again.

Jin Zhenai said later. "From the time you first fell in love to the time you got together, I know everything very well. Our relationship ends and your relationship begins. I hope you don't resent him. Lin Tao is a rare good man who values ​​love and righteousness. There is no one in the world." , I said this only in the hope of your happiness. If something happened to Jin Lin, I would never bother you for the rest of my life. But now the situation is special, Jin Lin was kidnapped, and only Lin Tao can rescue Jin Lin. Among them, the leader has a chest The tattoo seems to be a special mark of a certain organization. Jin Zhenai drew it on a piece of paper in the video. She hopes that Lin Tao will use his relationship to save Jin Lin. After you get the video, there are still [-] hours before the time to tear up the ticket."

Xiao Xiao leaned on the chair full of conflicts, should she tell Lin Tao, if Lin Tao saves his son, will he marry that Korean widow?They are billionaires.Do you want to tell Dad, no, the woman is right, don't tell this kind of private family members, Lin Tao's identity is very sensitive.

"Lin Tao, you big-hearted radish, I hate you so much—" Xiao Xiao threw a teddy bear back and forth on the table, and finally took a few bites hard.Then he picked up a satellite phone and dialed the encrypted number.

When Lin Tao was training, Lin Tao called and made it clear that unless there was an emergency, Xiao Xiao would usually wait for Lin Tao to call.

Lin Tao was traveling through the Amazon rainforest at this time, and it was already four o'clock in the afternoon on the fourth day in the rainforest.Lin Tao and others are dealing with a group of giant carnivorous bats, each of which is the size of an adult pigeon with a wingspan of two feet.Ten people have shot more than 40 of them, and the remaining 20 or so still refuse to disperse, circling among the woods, waiting for an opportunity to move.

Lin Tao was holding two steel needles and was about to throw them out when the phone in his backpack vibrated.Lin Tao watched the flying bat shoot out the flying needles. Lin Tao clearly saw two flying needles piercing the bat's eyes, and the bat rolled and fell from the sky.Lin Tao took out the phone and saw that it was Xiaoxiao's number, and then frowned. Lin Tao told Xiaoxiao that he could not make this number unless it was urgent.

"I'm the instructor, and all the team members rush forward quickly." Lin Tao ordered in the headset, looking at Di Anne who was looking past him, Lin Tao gestured for her to go first.Nine players started to run forward.

Lin Tao answered the phone and immediately asked, "Xiaoxiao, what happened at home?"

"Well -- there is a very urgent matter, and it belongs to your family." Xiaoxiao said reluctantly.

"What's the matter? Is it my father? It's still a matter of grandma's house." Lin Tao asked anxiously, thinking that Xiaoxiao's phone call today was so awkward, and he hesitated.

"It's not your father, nor your grandma—huh, it's about your old lover?" Xiaoxiao hummed.

"Which old lover, what are you talking about?"

"I'm talking nonsense—you're a philandering radish—huh—" Xiaoxiao burst into tears with grievance.Lin Tao was sweating a little, and said to himself, who is my old lover, is it sister Tong?How did she know, what happened to sister Tong?

"What's going on, Xiaoxiao, don't cry, let's talk about the matter first, can't my lord post it after returning to China?"

"You big villain, big carrot, something happened to your son." Xiaoxiao shouted over there.Lin Tao was a little confused, where is my son?Could it be—

"Good wife, are you stupid? Where did I get my son? If I have a son, it should be in your belly. Why didn't I know that you were pregnant? Why didn't you tell me earlier? Isn't this a happy event? You cry What, did your son have a miscarriage?—" Lin Tao asked uncertainly.

"My son didn't have a miscarriage? Your son was kidnapped? You're a big fool." Xiaoxiao said angrily, and inadvertently told Lin Tao about her pregnancy, but her head was full of anger, and she didn't think about herself at all. say what.

Lin Tao was stunned, what about your son and my son, he was confused.Lin Tao stabilized his mind and continued to ask patiently: "My wife, what are you talking about, why is my son kidnapped, what kind of son am I?"

"It's your son, the son you gave birth to with your old lover Jin Zhen'ai. He's seven years old, you bastard, you've been hiding it from me, you playful pervert—" Xiaoxiao started to mess around a bit.Lin Tao was confused, but he finally understood that Jin Zhenai had a son with him and was kidnapped.Could it be that Jin Zhen'ai was pregnant with my seed during the lingering days in Jeju Island? That's why my son was not successful, so why was he kidnapped?Lin Tao had no choice but to ask again in a low voice: "Good wife, I haven't been in touch with Jin Zhenai for seven years. Why did she have my son and was kidnapped? Where did you hear that? Don't be angry, slow down." Slow down."

Xiaoxiao leaned back on the chair and stopped sobbing, and said to herself, now is not the time to get angry with him, she should clarify the matter first.Xiaoxiao simply said that Jin Zhen'ai's son, Park Jinlin, was Lin Tao's seed, and that the cheap father was hit and killed by a car. Xiaoxiao also added that the man surnamed Park was cuckolded by Lin Tao. Knowing that he had a wild seed, he was hit and killed by drunk driving Really wronged.Lin Tao automatically ignored this sentence.Then Xiaoxiao told Lin Tao that the mother and son were going on vacation in the United States, and Park Jinlin was kidnapped in Miami, and Jin Zhenai was seriously injured and hospitalized.Xiao Xiao, who Jin Zhenai contacted, asked Lin Tao to help save her son.

"I don't know if it's my son, even if it is, how can I save him, who kidnapped him, where can I rescue him?" Lin Tao muttered.Xiao Xiao's heart moved when she heard this, and she thought to herself, whoever said that was Lin Tao's son, I'm afraid it wasn't Jin Zhen'ai who was eager to save people and planted it on Lin Tao.If they are rescued, they will have to do a paternity test in the future.

"By the way, that kidnapped head has a tattoo symbol on its chest. I'll draw it and pass it on to you." Xiao Xiao drew a symbol of a crossed sword on a skull and passed it to Lin Tao.

Lin Tao quickly comforted Xiao Xiao, although he was quite sure that Jin Zhen'ai would not talk nonsense, but he had to express doubts about Xiao Xiao.Then he expressed his loyalty and told Xiaoxiao that he was dealing with the carnivorous bats chasing them in the tropical rainforest.Lin Tao made it scarier on purpose, saying that several team members were scratched and one of them was blind.Xiao Xiao was terrified, and immediately became nervous.

"Then I won't bother you. Be careful, don't get caught by bats, and pay special attention to protecting your eyes. When you see a bat coming, cover your eyes and let it grab you." Lin Tao was almost happy , thinking that Xiao Xiao is really innocent, and even gave herself bad ideas.Lin Tao gave another word of comfort and hung up the phone.

Lin Tao said to himself: "If it's really my son, I can't help it. But why my son's surname is Park, I'm really depressed. Park Jinlin——Lin Jin, it seems that Jin Zhenai hasn't forgotten me, so I gave my son the name of Jinlin. My name is Lin Jin, hey, why bother? If you weren’t greedy for wealth and honor, our family of three would be happy. But then there would be nothing wrong with Xiao Xiao. Alas, just now I thought Xiao Xiao was pregnant and had a miscarriage, but it turned out that My son whom I haven’t met has been kidnapped, what’s the matter——No, just now Xiao Xiao said angrily that my son didn’t have a miscarriage, could it be that he’s really pregnant. I have to ask carefully when I return to the base.”

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