Jagged city

Chapter 90

Chapter 90 Entering the Castle at Night to Save the Son

Lin Tao pondered what Xiao Xiao said. It seems that Jin Zhenai was afraid of revealing this secret, so she sent someone to quietly forward the video through Jin Xin. ╞ ╡ Call Kim Jung-ae directly, I'm afraid the other end will be caught.What is this sign?Skull with a sword in it, maybe you should ask Perth.

The four ran ahead, and Lin Tao quickly chased after them, killing another six or seven bats, and the rest finally flew away without entanglement.

"You guys rest where you are, come here on the [-]st, and go to the front to investigate with me." When the [-]st heard it, he was happy to accompany the instructor on inspections, winked at the others proudly, and followed Lin Tao forward.

"If this group of bats met ordinary people, they would probably do a lot of damage. Unfortunately, they met us, and they were just training us with guns. The instructor estimated that we will reach the destination in [-] kilometers. We should try our best, or tomorrow morning Let's move on."

"Of course it's all in one go. After resting for half an hour, I will set off immediately to do emergency marching training. Let me ask you something."

"What's the matter, please?" Seeing Lin Tao's serious expression, Perth asked quickly. Lin Tao showed Perth the picture sent by Xiao Xiao.

"Which organization is this mark?"

"This is—" Perth saw the cold light in Lin Tao's eyes, paused and continued, "This is the exclusive mark of the God Killer organization. Instructor, what does it do?"

"My best friend's son was kidnapped by this group of people. He was kidnapped in Miami. Perth, tell me everything you know. If you don't know, ask me through other channels. I must Rescue that child. No matter what the price is." Lin Tao said solemnly, with a serious expression on his face.

"How old is the kidnapped child and what's his name?"

"Abducted in Miami two days ago. It has a great impact. Korean, seven-year-old, Park Jinlin, he is one of the legal heirs of the two consortiums of South Korea's Kim and Park."

"Instructor, can I ask my friend in private—" Lin Tao understood Perth's meaning. Lin Tao walked 30 meters and leaned against a big tree, and Perth dialed a number.

Lin Tao was 30 meters away. Although Perth's voice was very low, Lin Tao could hear him clearly. He could even hear the other party's weak voice through the loudspeaker.

Perth asked, "Father, may I ask you something?"

"What's the matter?" A deep voice came from the other party.

"Two days ago, a Korean child, Park Jinlin, was kidnapped on the beach in Miami, USA."

"The god-killing organization did it, why are you asking this?"

"Father, that Korean child is a friend of our instructor's child. It seems that he attaches great importance to it. It is probably his illegitimate child or something. He vowed to rescue that child no matter how much he pays. Look——"

There was a moment of silence on the phone.Lin Tao scolded, damn it, how did Perth figure out that Park Jinlin is my illegitimate son, bastard.

"Although we have a lot of entanglements with Shenshou, and we regard them as thorns in the side, but if we want us to attack their lair in Lili Island, I'm afraid we can't bear the price. You know that child was sent to Lili Island."

"It's not far from ten. The people who monitored Lili Island saw a helicopter entering Lili Island yesterday, and that plane appeared on the high seas of Miami. Combined with what you said they were involved in the kidnapping, then the Korean child is probably Sent to Lili Island. Killing Gods and the others are black. Not only do those who hire them have to pay a large deposit, but most of the ransom goes to them. There is no safer place in Lili Island. Although Lili Island is a private island, its area is only two Ten square kilometers. But they have guns, and none of the battalions can take Lili Island. Unless a gunboat is launched, even if the Mexican Navy officials are bribed. That can't guarantee the safety of the hostages. What's more, they are the same as the Mexican Navy. The officials are also a little dirty, there are a lot of guns, rocket launchers, they are all sold to Shi Shen. I am afraid that the news will leak soon."

"I'm afraid our instructors won't agree easily. You don't know how powerful our instructors are. If you send 100 people to the rainforest to assassinate our instructors, none of the 100 people will be able to escape and they will die here. Let me tell you that our instructors are all crazy." Throw a few branches on the river, and you can step on and jump over it. A [-]-[-]-meter-long crocodile can be kicked to death with a single kick. The marksmanship is infallible. I guess you can't hit him even if you stand in front of him and shoot him. The speed is too fast, like a ghost, father, I am not exaggerating, I am afraid that he still has many abilities that I have not seen. If you have never seen it, you don’t know, his eyes make me shudder. We still try our best Maybe help, this person has a bright future in China. He is now a division-level cadre—”

Perth praised Lin Tao to the sky, which indeed had a great influence on Perth's father.Perth's father said: "Then we can provide transportation to get close to Lili Island, and send [-] elites to assist him."

Lin Tao could hear it clearly from a distance. It seemed that this time he was going to enter the dragon's pool and tiger's lair, risking his life and death to save his son whom he had never met.Perth came over and told Lin Tao about the situation. After discussing with Perth for a while, Lin Tao directly called Perth's father.After some discussion, Perth's father sent someone to meet Lin Tao.Lin Tao returned to the resting place, saying that there was an urgent task, and asked Diane to lead the team, Perth and Drew to help complete the remaining 40 kilometers, and he took the first step.Lin Tao left Diane with the satellite phone distributed by the training camp.With his own satellite phone, he ran into the depths of the jungle alone, and quickly disappeared from everyone's sight.

Forty kilometers in the jungle, Lin Tao appeared an hour later, the main camp of the training camp. This camp was temporarily built on an open space of three square kilometers for survival in the wild. There are several mobile rooms, offices, restaurants and entertainment rooms. The rest are field marching tents, and the way to enter this rainforest camp is by helicopter or walking through the rainforest.

As soon as Lin Tao appeared, he was stopped by the sentry on guard and gunned down. Lin Tao reported the password, and the two saluted and let Lin Tao pass.Lin Tao is the deputy chief instructor of the training camp, and his power is second only to Dias, so no one dares to neglect him.

Lin Tao came outside Dias's office and knocked on the door.Diaz called in.

"Oh, Lin, why did you arrive at the main camp so quickly? You are the first one. Hehe, congratulations on completing the Amazon wilderness survival training for the first time."

Lin Tao responded with a smile.Then the conversation turned back to the main topic, Lin Tao was going to Pang for three days to do some private affairs.Lin Tao is here to ask for leave.

"It's not easy to handle, is it? It's a bit of a violation of the training camp regulations. You are the deputy chief instructor, and you have a lot of things to do."

"Actually, you still don't know my strength. In addition to martial arts, I also use special Chinese rescue methods. I want to treat a patient secretly. The reward is 100 million US dollars. If General Dias can give me a favor, I will send a helicopter If the boat goes to the pound xx airport, how about we split the reward in half?"

"You're kidding, really give me $50."

"Of course I'm not joking, 50 can be transferred immediately." Lin Tao said confidently.

"Okay, 60, I'll help you settle everything, there will be absolutely no records." Dias said loudly, since you don't care about 50, adding another [-] shouldn't be a problem.

"Deal, tell me your bank account number."

Dias dubiously told Lin Tao an account, and Lin Tao sent the account to Perth's father, and then sent another text message.Twenty minutes later, Lin Tao asked Dias to check his account. Dias was both shocked and happy.There is still a little worry.

"Are you really treating people?"

"Of course, I think you have a little kidney deficiency. Let me help you and make sure you won't lose your golden gun tonight."

In order to leave as soon as possible, Lin Tao had to give Dias a while, and used Qi acupuncture to point a few acupoints for strengthening yang.Dias immediately felt a little hot and full of strength, and his little brother tended to raise his head.

"Excellent, I'll go to the apron with you."

Ten minutes later, Lin Tao boarded a helicopter and flew out of the rainforest, and landed at Pound Airport two hours later.The training camp helicopter returned, and Lin Tao boarded another helicopter.Lin Tao boarded a yacht at three o'clock in the morning.Lin Tao didn't know these people either, so he traveled around with a person sent by Perth's father, and boarded a large freighter at noon the next day.At three o'clock in the afternoon, I boarded another helicopter and headed straight to the Gulf of Mexico.When it was dark, we boarded another large yacht.There are more than 10 mercenaries with live ammunition on board the yacht.The yacht sailed to Lili Island.The head of the yacht is Ryan, a right-hand man of Perth's father, who unfolded the electronic map and introduced Lin Tao's deployment of Lili Island.Point out several places where hostages may be held.

There is a castle on the island here, which is the headquarters of Killing God, and there are more than a dozen villas, special training grounds and camps on the periphery.Normally, there should be about fifty to eighty killers on Lili Island, and no less than 150 other people.More than 100 of them are good gunmen.Ryan showed Lin Tao the photos of the leader and some backbones of the God Killing Organization.

Ryan pointed out a place and route for holding hostages, as well as a villa for an important god-killing backbone.If you haven't seen Park Jinlin or got news of the detention after going to these two places, Ryan suggested that Lin Tao return quickly.

Lin Tao and Ryan asked for four island-landing elites. Ryan suggested to bring more, but Lin Tao refused, saying that the four people who landed on the island would also be gradually arranged to lurk, and would not follow him to save people.Because there are too many people, it is easy to expose the target.The yacht stopped at a place ten nautical miles away from Lili Island.Two small rubber boats put four mercenaries on one of the yachts, and Lin Tao led the four to Lili Island first, and got closer. These four were the assault personnel led by Lin Tao, and the other four responded under the island.Ten nautical miles, 22 kilometers, not close.In order not to arouse Lili's idea, the yacht drove away quickly. It took about an hour for Lin Tao to land on the steep side of Lili Island.The four stayed behind, and Lin Tao took the four elites to find the best place to go to the island. Lin Tao first climbed the steep cliff more than 20 meters high with his bare hands. Under the amazed eyes of the four people, Lin Tao swam up like a gecko.The rope was fastened to a rock and lowered, and the four climbed up quickly.Here on the periphery of the island, through the long-term investigation organized by Perth's father, several places that may be equipped with landmines and secret sentries have been confirmed.Lin Tao compared the location of the buildings on the island to determine the walking route. It is now eleven o'clock in the evening, Mexico time.Lin Tao and the others approached the camp, and moved forward cautiously while touching the mechanism. Maybe there was a hidden line in the grass pulling a grenade.The five of Lin Tao finally found a small path. People often walked on the path. Lin Tao didn’t dare to walk in the middle of the path, which was narrow and one foot wide. It was like crossing a single-plank bridge. He was afraid that people from Lili Island would mess with the path. , If the black lights are blind, if they step on a landmine, it will be over. In 10 minutes, Lin Tao and his five passed the small road without any danger, and came outside the camp. There were several street lights in the camp, which were a bit dim. Outside the camp was a three-meter-high wire. Lin Tao instructed the three to stay in the woods Take two people close to the wire.One of the mercenaries took out the scissors to cut the wire, but was stopped by Lin Tao. The wire may be connected to some equipment. Although it is not powered on, the alarm will be triggered if it is disconnected. Lin Tao can't take risks.

"You stand side by side. I'll go in, and you'll be lurking outside to respond. If there's a gunshot, don't worry, I'll go back the same way." The two expressed their understanding, but they didn't know how Lin Tao got in.Suddenly, the pressure on the shoulders of the two increased greatly, and a figure flew over their heads, then crossed the wire, and landed firmly in the camp with only a slight friction sound.The two looked at each other, unable to conceal the shock in their hearts, and quietly retreated to the woods.

"Did you two see clearly in the woods, how did that Chinese get there?"

"You two idiots, the man jumped on your shoulders and flew over the wire. The night vision device saw it very clearly. It was superhuman."

Lin Tao entered the camp, sneaked around, walked in the shadows, and leaned close to a tent.Lin Tao could clearly hear the sound of snoring and heartbeat in the tent. There were four people in this small tent. Listening to their breathing and heartbeat, they all fell into a deep sleep.The door of the tent is an iron bar that supports the rainproof cloth. Lin Tao easily pokes a gap with a dagger, and pulls the door bolt inside.Lin Tao thought for a while and then stopped. The last time he rescued the daughter of the president of a certain country, his whereabouts were leaked by a can behind the door, which exposed him to the enemy's guns. Using the ancient dagger he obtained, he made a three-foot-long opening. Lin Tao listened to the breathing of the four people, and then got into the tent.Sure enough, there are three stacked cans behind the door half a foot away. If you open the door and come in, the upper cans will leak if they are poured. It seems that this method of placing cans is simple and convenient. practical.

Four people lived in bunks, some on their sides, and I on my back.Lin Tao approached quietly, reached out his hand and touched the Sleeping, Dumb and Numb acupoints of the two under the bed.Then he stepped on the bed and massaged the two men above him, knocking one of them unconscious, while the other directly massaged the dumb and numb acupoints, and Lin Tao lifted him out of the bed in the panic of the European.

Lin Tao pressed the dagger on the man's neck and said in a low voice, "If I ask you something, you just need to nod."

"Are you a member of the God Killing Organization?" Lin Tao glanced at the gun beside the bed, asking knowingly.Appease each other's emotions.

The man nodded.Lin Tao asked again: "Are you not 30 years old?" The man nodded again, thinking that I am so old, brother, I am only 20 years old this year.

"Very well, did you know that the organization kidnapped a Korean boy two days ago—is he now in Lili Island?—is he in custody at this camp?" After nodding twice in a row, he began to shake his head.Lin Tao cursed inwardly, it turned out he wasn't in this camp.

"Is it in the castle?" Lin Tao asked nervously, it would be terrible if it was in the castle.The other party nodded, and Lin Tao's heart sank.

"I let you speak, and you only need to open your mouth slightly to answer. If you want to shout, I will save you and cut your neck the moment you open your mouth." The guy nodded.Lin Tao chose the youngest one for interrogation, because he estimated that he should not be brainwashed deeply at this age, so he would not be a desperado.Lin Tao clicked on the man's dumb acupoint.The dagger was pressed against the opponent's neck.If he really dared to open his mouth, Lin Tao would wipe his neck.

"That child, has he been imprisoned in the castle?"

"No, the leader, Mr. Louis, came back today and met the Korean kid in this camp. The kid was smart and spoke English very well. Louis liked it very much, so he brought him to the castle." The boy said nervously.

"Fuck!" Lin Tao swears, thinking that it's unlucky, if he knew about it a day in advance, it wouldn't be easy to deal with it.

"Tell me about the situation of the castle." Luckily, the guy had been in the castle and explained the location of Louis on the third floor of the castle.It is estimated that Park Jinlin is in the guest room on the second floor, or the place where important hostages are held in the basement of the castle.This guy only knew where Louis lived. He was not familiar with the other floors and had never been there.

"Which of the four of you is most familiar with the castle?"

The kid pointed to a white man over half a hundred in the lower bunk and said, "He used to be a cook in a castle, but last year he offended the housekeeper and was sent to the camp kitchen."

Lin Tao knocked him out, then woke up another one, and did the same.According to the old chef who had some resentment towards Louis, Lin Tao even knew the location of Louis' safe.As for the distribution of bodyguards, it is even more clear.And enthusiastically informed where there is a dark sentry agency.Lin Tao told the old man to get a good night's sleep and sew up the damaged part of the tent tomorrow so that no one will know who leaked the secret.The old man was fainted by Lin Tao. Lin Tao put the two of them on the bed and got out of the tent. As for the dumb and numb acupoints, they will automatically recover after four hours.Sleeping point, it won't wake up within five hours.Lin Tao touched the edge of the camp and jumped over with a gasoline can.Let the four continue to stand by.He avoided the monitor as directed by the old man, and quickly touched it.This castle is very old, a European-style castle. Lin Tao climbed up the six-meter-high stone wall by clawing at the cracks in the wall, and turned over with the help of electric gloves with insulating gloves.Lin Tao climbed down the city wall smoothly, avoiding the monitoring range of the checkpoint.Followed the old man's instructions to take out a garbage path, and touched the side of the castle.Lin Tao climbed up to the second floor of the old castle, and opened the iron guardrail with his hands, and the steel bar thick as a thumb was bent in Lin Tao's hands.Lin Tao used a dagger to push the latch of this old-fashioned window. If it was a new-style window, it would be locked inside and the glass would have to be removed. This old castle also has the benefits of an old castle.

Lin Tao touched No. 40 servant room.The maid in this room is dedicated to delivering meals, and she definitely knows where the hostages are being held.The old man introduced that there were three maids in this house, the oldest one in his [-]s was in charge of the people in the dungeon, and the youngest was in charge of Louis' dinner.There are three floors of dedicated servants responsible for serving tea and water.Another maid is in charge of making desserts.Just as Lin Tao approached the servant's room, a woman happened to open the door and came out. There was nowhere to hide in the corridor. When the woman walked out the door with sleepy eyes, she felt a black shadow drifting over and fell into a coma.Lin Tao hid behind the woman, supported the woman's shoulder, and pushed the door open again.

"Why are you back, Daisy?" A middle-aged woman asked lazily while lying on the bed.Lin Tao could see clearly that the woman was sleeping on her side facing the wall, she didn't look at the door, she only spoke when she heard the noise.Lin Tao put Daisy on the base of the wall, and jumped over. As soon as the woman came back, Lin Tao touched her dumb and numb points, and looked at Lin Tao with horror on his face.Lin Tao entered the suite and knocked another woman unconscious.They found out that Pu Jinlin was locked in the basement, and the basement was decorated like a four-star hotel.This kind of hostage is a person who is not very threatening, but very important.Three meals a day can be ordered, the room is air-conditioned, has a bathtub, and has a TV.Of course, there is no phone for the prisoner.Lin Tao found out that there are three rooms for prisoners in the basement, a bedroom for guards, and a duty room at the entrance of the basement, which is on duty day and night.The alarm is on the wall of the duty room. If there is a situation, the on-duty staff will directly sound the alarm.In addition, there are monitors in the duty room to monitor the corridors and halls on the first floor.And the situation in the dungeon.There were no monitors on the second and third floors. Lin Tao's secret passage was very dangerous. Fortunately, he was on the second floor. Lin Tao remembered that the old man said that there were no monitors on the first floor. Could it be that he was cheating me? Lin Tao summed it up.When Lin Tao asked, he found out that the monitor had only been installed for more than half a year, and the old man moved out a year ago, no wonder he didn't know.

Lin Tao had to go to the first floor to enter the basement, and he had to go through the lobby to get to the first floor. There were two people standing guard in the lobby, and he had to be seen when he went downstairs.Make a little noise, the next room is the bodyguard, it is difficult to save people out.

Lin Tao continued to ask the middle-aged woman: "Where can I enter the basement from the outside?"

"On the west side of the castle, there is a ventilation hole under the first floor, surrounded by iron fences, which leads to the basement toilet. But the toilet also has a monitor."

Lin Tao frowned upon hearing this, wondering how to get in, Lin Tao kicked his feet anxiously, and the floor creaked.Lin Tao's heart moved, and he asked, "What is this room downstairs for?"

"The bottom is the spare room, where the sheets and curtains are placed." The woman replied tremblingly, and Lin Tao stunned the woman.Xin said, this old castle is fortunately made of floors, if it is made of reinforced concrete, it is really not good.Lin Tao used a dagger to pry open the floor, and there was a square tree below. Lin Tao used his internal strength to break the three-inch square wood little by little, then dug a hole in the middle, and slowly cut off the other side. Lin Tao did the same for the opening of the hole, breaking four square logs to form a two-foot-wide opening. Lin Tao got a maid's clothes and hood, entered the spare room, put on the maid's clothes, and held a few sheets , the curtain pushed the door and went out, covering his face with a bed sheet. Lin Tao quickly glanced at the corridor. The monitors were placed on the wall about three meters high every ten meters. Fortunately, the opposite door of the spare room was the woman in charge of spare parts and cleaning. Maid room.Lin Tao lowered his head and hugged the quilt and walked towards the dungeon.Lin Tao was wearing a long skirt and a white cloth hood with lace on his head. He was dressed like a maid, and the camera was above, so Lin Tao's face could not be seen.Lin Tao took small steps and quickly approached the duty room of the dungeon. It was already one o'clock in the middle of the night. Looking at a magazine, fiddling with one hand in his crotch.He didn't see anyone approaching the door of the duty room.Lin Tao put the sheet on his shoulders, just blocking his head, and Lin Tao knocked on the door.The guard was startled.In a blink of an eye, seeing the maid delivering the sheets, she chuckled softly.

"Beta, you came at the right time. Do you know that I'm thinking of you?" The guard had an affair with Beta's maid, and this woman often flirted with the guard while changing the sheets in the basement.Lin Tao's idea of ​​stealing a dragon for a phoenix is ​​being used to the point.The guard couldn't wait to open the door, grabbed Lin Tao's arm, and took it into his arms.Lin Tao fell into this person's arms, and directly touched the person's acupuncture points with his hands.Let the person pass out, and the monitor will show three rooms in the dungeon.There are people in two rooms, one is an old man, and the other is a picture of a child curled up on the bed.The doors of the hostages in the basement were all controlled by the monitoring room. Lin Tao found the switch and clicked the open button, and the second room was opened.Lin Tao turned off all the monitors, then went into the basement, quickly approached the second room, and walked in.Walking to the child's window, Lin Tao was very excited. Looking at the round face, delicate facial features, straight nose and black eyebrows, he really looked a bit like himself.Lin Tao turned on the desk lamp and touched the little boy's face.The little boy opened his eyes, and it seemed that he was not sleeping very well. Moreover, the little boy was not afraid at all, but just looked at Lin Tao suspiciously.Lin Tao made a booing gesture.Take off the hood.

The little boy nodded obediently.

"What's your name? What country are you from? What's your mother's name?" Lin Tao asked in Korean.Lin Tao was a little annoyed that Jin Zhenai didn't post a photo of the video, but fortunately he was smart.

"I'm Korean, Park Jinlin, mother Jin Zhenai. I know your uncle, my mother has a picture of you, and my mother often sheds tears when she sees the picture of you and another aunt." The little boy said fluently in Chinese.Apparently he knew that his own father was Chinese, and he could speak three languages ​​at the age of seven. As expected of my son, Lin Tao was filled with sorrow and joy.

"Do you know what my name is?"

"You are Uncle Lin Tao. My mother said you are a Chinese and a great hero." The little boy said seriously.Lin Tao sighed in his heart, it's a pity your mother didn't tell you that I am your real father.

"Uncle rescued you, don't say anything." Lin Tao took out a treasure armor from the prince's ancient tomb, wrapped it around Pu Jinlin's body, hugged Pu Jinlin, and quickly left the basement.He pointed to the floor and ran quickly and silently to the laundry room.Like a ghost.laundry room

Lin Tao slipped directly into the laundry room, walked to the spare room inside, and suddenly saw a man in shorts washing his underwear by hand. The man felt someone coming in at the door, and turned around to see Lin Tao.

"You——" This person is the chef. The chef who replaced the old man in the camp should be unlucky for him. It's okay to do laundry in the middle of the night, and Lin Tao didn't realize it at the beginning. It's far away. After all, the chef is not as good as the bodyguard Jiling. Just now I want to ask, who are you?Lin Tao shook the dagger in his sleeve and threw it out, hitting his forehead. Lin Tao jumped over, grabbed the dead body that was about to fall, pulled it directly into the spare room, and closed the door.Lin Tao took out the ladder in the spare room and reached the four-meter-high roof with his son. Pu Jinlin actually climbed up with his hands on the floor. It seemed that he had practiced a few hands.Lin Tao followed into the maid's room.Lin Tao leaned against the door to listen to the movement outside. Everything was quiet. Lin Tao wrapped his son behind his back with a black gold belt, entered the corridor, opened the window of the castle, and climbed out.Pu Jinlin lay obediently on Lin Tao's back, and whispered, "Uncle, are you Spider-Man?"

"I'm - Superman." Lin Tao's nose soured, and he wanted to say that I was your real father.Lin Tao closed the window again.Slipping down the castle through the cracks of the stones, as the saying goes, you can’t stay long in a place of right and wrong. Lin Tao looked through the big wall of the castle again, returned to the woods by the same route, and informed Ryan on the yacht that the hostages had been rescued, and the enemy hadn’t noticed it yet. After 10 minutes, he went on a kayak. boat.

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