Jagged city

Chapter 91

Chapter 91 encountered a strange incident

The four mercenaries watched in disbelief as Lin Tao ran over with a child on his back. They didn't dare to ask, but just followed Lin Tao. 1 Middle swastika 1 got off the cliff and got into the rubber boat. The four mercenaries quickly rotated the wooden oars and caught up with the oncoming yacht in 35 minutes.Ryan pleasantly congratulated Lin Tao on successfully rescuing the hostages.It is unbelievable that Lin Tao was able to quietly rescue the hostages in the basement of the castle.Ryan has some impulsive thoughts about whether the 30 people who cooperate with Lin Tao to go to the island can wipe out all the people in Lili Island.Lin Tao made a call. It was a lawyer from the Jin family who opened a law firm in China. Jin Zhenai once asked him to apply for a passport for Lin Tao. Lin Tao tried to dial this number, and he got through.Lin Tao greeted Lawyer Jin fluently in Korean.It was said that it was Lin Tao, Kim Jong Nam's apprentice, and Lawyer Jin really remembered it.It was transferred to Kim Jong Nam's mobile phone smoothly.

"Master, I am Lin Tao."

"Xiaotao—you know about my grandson, right? Zhenai said that you can rescue Jin Lin. Although we have prepared the ransom, we haven't transferred it yet. We are afraid that the other party will tear up the ticket if they accept the money. I am sorry for their mother and son." , I am also sorry for you, apprentice, it would be great if Zhenai lived with you——huh." The other end of the phone couldn't help crying, and Lin Tao's eyes were sore.Passed the phone to his son Park Jinlin.

"Grandpa—Grandpa, I miss you—" Pu Jinlin, a young adult, didn't cry when he didn't see his relatives, and cried when he called.

"Jin Lin, is it Jin Lin? Where are you? Why are you with Lin Tao? Has he been caught too? Oops—" Kim Jong Nam, a [-]th-dan taekwondo master in Korea, was also confused when he heard his grandson's voice .I said in my heart that it was a crime, the grandson was gone, and the apprentice was brought in again.How can I explain this to my daughter?

"Grandpa, I'm fine. Uncle Lin rescued me from the bad guys. Uncle Lin is a superman who can fly. We're on a boat—" Park Jinlin was a child, and when he heard his grandfather say about Lin Tao, he immediately eloquently and stumbled. The mention of Lin Tao made Pu Jinlin even more confused.Xin said that he was not being held by the bad guys, Lin Tao was fooling his grandson to make him happy.

Lin Tao answered the phone and told Kim Jongnam that Park Jinlin had been rescued and would be sent to the South Korean embassy in the capital of Pound at [-]:[-] p.m.Kim Jong-nam kept thanking Lin Tao. Lin Tao was a little speechless, and said to himself, although he is your grandson, he is my own son, so there is no need to thank him too much.Lin Tao just thought about it, but didn't dare to say it.Kim Jong-nam hung up the phone and immediately contacted the Park family to hire a private jet to fly from the United States to Pound.

When they were two hours old, Lin Tao and his son boarded an uploaded helicopter and flew towards the capital in the morning sun.The helicopter fell down two more times, and finally entered the capital at five o'clock that night.

The old castle on Lili Island was fried.A cook died and was found by a maid.There was still a hole in the floor of the maid's room on the second floor. It was soon discovered that the dungeon guard had been knocked unconscious, and then it was discovered that the hostage Korean child was gone.After checking the surveillance video, I saw a person who looked like a maid entered the surveillance room.According to the clues, the windows on the second floor were opened, and the steel bars outside were bent.It is not clear how to enter and exit the gate of the castle. The lair of the god-killing organization in the international dark world was actually sneaked in and rescued the hostages, and it was defending the castle dungeon in the forest without alarming anyone.Louis, the god-killing boss, almost vomited blood. Looking at the dozen or so bosses under him, his face turned blue.

Looking up to the sky with a long sigh, he said: "Fortunately, the other party came here to save people. If he wants to kill me, I'm afraid you will see my dead body this morning. The other party is warning me that we are nothing to kill God. Enter Lili Island, if you enter my bedroom and kill me, that would be a steal."

"Sir, do we want to track it down?"

"Follow the ass and offend the other party, nothing will end. This time, I just killed a cook who washed his underwear in the middle of the night. It seems that he ran into him in a hurry after saving someone. None of the others were injured. Then It saved us some kindness. If we don’t know what to do, we will definitely receive bloody revenge from the other party, and we cannot resist it.”

"Report sir, a figure was captured on the surveillance video in front of the building."

"Let it out and have a look." More than a dozen people watched the video, and saw a black shadow quickly climb up the six-meter-high stone wall from the southeast corner of the castle, and then flew over by the wire. The whole process was not enough two seconds.Everyone was shocked beyond measure.

"See, it's such a mysterious master who rescued people. What to check, I'm afraid the more we know, the worse it will be for us. Block the news, say that the other party invited a big shot, we have no choice but to let him go, and return the money to us. The three-party group. Damn, the security measures of the castle must be fully resolved within this week, not even a fly can fly in from the outside. Set up guards at both ends of the three corridors, and be on duty day and night." Louis slammed the coffee pot and jingled Noisy, roaring angrily.

That night, a taxi stopped outside the South Korean embassy in Pound, and a group of Korean bodyguards hurriedly greeted Park Jinlin and entered the embassy.Inside a black BMW at the corner of the street, Lin Tao let out a long sigh, waved his hand, drove into the avenue, and disappeared into the traffic.

When Lin Tao returned to the camp, Dias greeted him warmly. Lin Tao only asked for two days off, and Dias earned an extra $50. It was a blessing in disguise. Naturally, his attitude towards Lin Tao changed greatly.

"Chief instructor, what happened during the two days I was away?"

"All the team members returned to the camp yesterday. Of course, some of them suffered minor injuries and acclimatization. They were all minor ailments with high fever and diarrhea, and their conditions were all under control." Dias handed Lin Tao a cigar, and Lin Tao was not used to it. He smoked a cigar, lit it for Dias's sake, and took a puff occasionally.

"How many quit midway?"

"Look for yourself." Dias threw over a list.There were 50 people in total, 20 of them were injured during skydiving, fired signal flares to ask for help, and returned directly to the camp, and the remaining 30 were injured one after another and could not persist in field survival training.

"These [-] guys are trash, embarrassing to the soldiers. If you want to become a counter-strike elite, you can't even pass this test. The players in your country have performed very well. Especially the group you lead, you go at night Yes, they were the first to finish training and arrive at the camp at one o'clock in the morning." Dias flattered.

"The day after tomorrow, it will be a five-day jungle siege training. I will go to the camp and the ward first. Let's have a drink in the evening."

"Okay, I will open the Bordeaux red wine that has been preserved for ten years." Dias looked at Lin Tao who walked out of the office, thinking in his heart, Lin Tao is not a bad Chinese, really generous.When Lin Tao came to his office, Diane was working at her desk. When she saw Lin Tao coming in, she stood up happily.

"Lin, you're back." Diane grabbed Lin Tao's hand excitedly, and then gave her a hug, which was completely involuntary.Lin Tao patted Di Anni on the shoulder, did not go further, his head was thinking about the emergence of a son, he had already set the backyard on fire, and provoke Di Anni, if it spread to Xiao Xiao's ears, it would hurt the couple's relationship too much up.After all, Lin Tao and Xiao Xiao are the legally certified couples.Moreover, the relationship between the two is deep, and they called Xiao Xiao on the way back, and it was confirmed that Xiao Xiao was pregnant for nearly three months.Originally, he wanted to give himself a surprise, but the atmosphere really spoiled the atmosphere of Park Jinlin, the son who fell from the sky.Lin Tao comforted him in every possible way, and also expressed doubts about Park Jinlin's identity.This made Xiao Xiao angry a lot.

"Di Anne, I heard that some team members are sick and hospitalized. Let's go and see. The day after tomorrow is the jungle siege training and see if they can participate."

"Oh, yes, this time there are more than a dozen people infected with malaria, some with minor fractures, and five or six people with persistent fever. It's good to go and have a look." Can go back to work disappointed.

The camp, the health center, Lin Tao and Diane conducted inspections, and the doctor in charge reported the condition of the team members.

"Instructor, before yesterday, the illnesses of the 25 team members who were sick were under control and improved. But this morning, three team members suddenly developed a high fever. After laboratory tests, the white blood cells were very high, and the cause was unknown. They were placed in separate tents—— "

Just as the doctor was introducing, there was a noise outside, interrupting the conversation, and a team member hurried over.Saluted Lin Tao first, and then said to the doctor: "Medical officer, two team members suddenly convulsed and foamed at the mouth. The fever is very severe."

"Come on, let's go take a look." Lin Tao took the lead out of the tent and walked towards the emergency tent.

"Help, trap their hands and feet—" a doctor shouted anxiously.I saw two team members on the hospital bed, foaming at the mouth, and moving their hands and feet with great force, throwing a team member who was pressing his hand to the ground.After running over, four team members held down the twitching black guy and tied his hands and feet.The same is true for the other, and the face is covered with sweat, and the vest on the body is soaked.

"Inject sedatives, antipyretics, and apply ice packs—" the medical officer ordered after simply looking at his eyelids and checking his mouth.

The two beds were rattled by the two twitching team members, and the bandages were tightened by Ladd.

"Shit, why is this skinny guy so strong?"

"Oh, by the way, why did five of you in this group fall ill, and when you came back, you saw that you were a little wretched, and something went wrong." A team member said suddenly.This aroused Lin Tao's idea.

"It's no wonder I didn't get sick after eating messy things in the jungle for five days—" the man said with a disturbed expression.

"Stand at attention, report your name." Lin Tao said in a commanding tone.

"Member 215, Pooh, report to the instructor."

"Pooh, how are your other team members doing?" Lin Tao asked seriously.

"Two people who were bitten by poisonous insects four days ago have been sent away for treatment. The remaining seven people arrived at the camp safely. Three of them had a fever in the morning, and now there are two more. Captain Gail is resting in the camp—seems to be a little fever."

"The three of you and you go to the camp to get Gail." Lin Tao pointed to Pooh's three team members and a doctor.The four ran out immediately.

"Medical Officer Homan, I suggest that the five people who have a fever and the soon-to-be-sent Gail be placed in secondary isolation, and that Pooh should also be admitted to the hospital for observation. Consult immediately and report to Instructor Dias."

"Yes, we will prepare immediately."

"Bang bang——" gunshots came from the camp, and Lin Tao immediately ran out to the scene of the accident.

"Gail, if you don't stop, I'll hit you, you're crazy—" Several team members backed away in horror.A red-eyed white team member rushed towards the three team members with a bloody dagger. On the ground, the doctor was pressing his bleeding thigh, grinning in pain.

"Don't shoot yet—" Lin Tao's voice reached everyone, and a figure appeared in front of the mad Gail, who howled and stabbed the dagger fiercely.Lin Tao pinched Gail's wrist with his left hand, and swept Gail's legs down, bringing Gail down.Lin Tao stepped on Gail's back with his feet, Gail roared and struggled, Lin Tao felt Gail's huge strength, Gail grabbed the ground with both hands to get up, Lin Tao increased the strength on his feet, and firmly stepped on Gail's back back.

"Oh God, Gail is crazy, you see his hands are in the ground, what a force."

The ground of this camp is compacted red soil, which is very hard, almost like bricks, but Gail put his hands on the ground abruptly.And Gail shook his head wildly, growling as if he wanted to bite Lin Tao.Lin Tao secretly used Hunyuanyi Qigong to send out three qi needles to seal Gail's acupoints. Ordinary people would lose their ability to move when they were numb at the acupoints, but the qi needles that Lin Tao penetrated into Gail's body were instantly broken by Gail. Lin Tao felt that Gail's body was filled with a strange power. This kind of energy was frightening and destructive. This was the first time Lin Tao felt this kind of energy field.Lin Tao has cultivated to the fourth level of Hunyuanyi Qigong, and his body's perception is more acute. For example, the aura of a murderer is very different from that of ordinary people. Lin Tao can easily feel the cold-blooded feeling and bloody aura. .The aura emitted by Gail is frightening, a strange force.

The law enforcement team came running quickly. Lin Tao grabbed Gail's arm and felt that Gail had the strength of five or six people. Lin Tao sent his hands forward, and everyone heard a squeak. Lin Tao dislocated Gail's arms. Then he called the law enforcement team to lean on Gail, but Gail was still growling and biting with his mouth open.In the end he had to keep his mouth shut.

Gale's madness and anomalous behavior are indeed frightening.Dias ran over after receiving the report, and Lin Tao briefly explained what happened.Then he took Pooh to Dias's office, and Dias looked at Pooh with a sullen face, the only one who was safe and sound in the group of nine.

"Immediately explain what happened, otherwise the military law will be followed." Lin Tao suddenly shouted.

"I said, I said, on the afternoon of the third day in the jungle, we found a ruined stone foundation, and found an entrance, and we went down. Inside there was a stone chamber, which seemed to be the natives of the Amazon long ago. Inside the tomb, there are sacrificial murals on the walls, a few scary stone statues, and a few dead bones on the ground. There are two coffins in the middle, which are quite scary. The captain and others opened the coffin, and there was a mummy inside. It seems to be the sacrifice of the indigenous people. The captain and the others took some things from the dead body. I was afraid that I didn’t dare to take them. Suddenly the tomb started to vibrate, and there seemed to be some weird noises, so we all ran out. Two people were killed by spiders or something that night. Bitten, poisoned, after the two were sent away, the six people who were left with them often had nightmares and behaved strangely, and started to have a fever this morning, this is what happened in the past."

"What about those things?" Dias asked.

"The two team members who sent away took three pairs of gold earrings. The other people's things are all in the tent and should be in the backpack."

"Maybe the priest's jewelry was smeared with toxins, or produced some germs," ​​Dias said with an uneasy expression, subconsciously thinking that the team members who took the things were cursed by the Amazon native priests, but such superstitious things, I can't speak out, it doesn't fit my status, and I'm afraid it will cause unnecessary panic.

The items in the backpacks of the feverish people were found: a one-and-a-half-foot-long staff made of the spine of an unknown animal, with a weird little skull on it, the size of a fist, with a mouth full of fangs, There are three small horns on the skull, two rubies in the eyes of the skull, gold threads wrapped around the spine, and bloody symbols carved on the bones, which are gilded with gold water.A necklace of turquoise, a necklace of bones carved with charms.A silver headband inlaid with precious stones, a gold collar, two pairs of gold earrings, a pair of gold bracelets, and two pairs of gold rings, all carved with patterns.

Pooh was placed in solitary confinement and solitary confinement.Dias looked greedily at the pile of things on the table. They were basically gold, not to mention priceless, and selling them for several million dollars would not be a problem.Lin Tao frowned at the side, because he robbed the tomb with Zhao Banxian back then and took five things, a pair of ancient Buddhist and Taoist relics, a strange small sword and a kung fu in a jade box. The ancient philologists translated the general meaning, but it is obscure and whimsical. The two old monks have been researching and trying for the past two years, but there is no specific result.Lin Tao took a Panlong jade pendant and the light silver soft armor he was wearing from the ancient tomb.According to Zhao Banxian's instructions, these two items were exposed to the sun at noon every day, and many geniuses put them on, and the Panlong Jade was worn on Xiao Xiao's body.Afterwards, Zhao Banxian said a lot of rumored things, but Lin Tao was dubious. After all, materialism pays attention to seeking truth from facts and seeing is believing.The illusory ghost legends should only be talked about for after-dinner entertainment.When I encountered this incident today, I don’t know if a few people were injured by bacteria or poisonous gas from the ancient tomb, or they were really cursed.

Just as Dias was about to reach out to touch the staff, Lin Tao suddenly shouted, "Don't touch it."

Dias was taken aback, and looked back at Lin Tao suspiciously.

Lin Tao laughed and said, "I don't know if there are viruses or poisons on it. I think it's better not to touch it directly."

"Hehehe, I'm just curious about these antiques, thank you for reminding me. By the way, how to deal with these things, there is also the ancient tomb in the forest, and an unopened wooden coffin. There should be many antiques. It is a major archaeological discovery."

"This matter involves eight sick team members, and the training camp has mixed ears and eyes. This matter has been known to many players. I think it is better to report it in time and wait for the higher-ups to deal with it. Maybe members of the World Heritage Protection Organization will be sent here Archeology. We still need assistance."

"Well, it makes sense. I think I will do as you said. I will ask the secretary to draft a document and report it." Dias was a little reluctant to look at these things, so he asked his men to come in and wrap them in newspapers, put them in a lockbox, and lock them. Into the safe.

Suddenly, Dias' phone rang, and Dias' face changed slightly after he answered the phone.Lin Tao could hear clearly from a few meters away that the two team members who were sent to the military base suffered from sepsis in the morning and are now dead.

"Those two team members died. The army hospital with the world's most advanced medical equipment, the best medicine, and world-class doctors failed to treat the two team members who were bitten by spiders—" Dias fell into panic for a moment.

Lin Tao pondered for a moment and said: "For the sake of safety, I think it is better to immediately report the situation of the other eight team members and apply to transfer them to the Army Hospital."

"Well, okay—damn it, is the document drafted? Speed ​​up." Dias called the secretary's office and cursed.

In the isolation tent, six team members with a fever fell into a coma. Although there were ice packs for cold compresses and intravenous drips to reduce fever, there was still no effect. Three comatose guys had blisters at the corners of their mouths and nostrils.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Pooh, who had no fever, and six other team members who had fever were sent to the helicopter to the army base.

At eleven o'clock that night, the staff on duty in the office heard abnormal noises in the office, and their ears seemed to have auditory hallucinations, similar to the strange sound of wild animals roaring and neighing.Reported to Dias, Dias also called Lin Tao, and checked the office together. In Dias's view, Lin Tao was very mysterious, and Lin Tao seemed to have a sense of security.

Opening the door of the office, Dias was taken aback. The documents on the table and some knick-knacks were scattered on the ground, as if they had been blown by a strong wind. It affects the room, not to mention that there is no wind at night.In addition, the safe in the suite seemed to have been kicked down, and it turned over a few times, and it was three meters away from the original place.At this time, Dias's phone rang suddenly, which shocked Dias, cursed shit, and then answered the phone.

"What? The helicopter didn't fly over and lost contact. Why did you call to contact me?" Dias hung up the phone sullenly.He stared blankly at the safe.Then take out the key, open the safe, and then open the combination box.He opened his eyes wide and exclaimed, "Why is something missing?"

"What's missing?" Lin Tao asked from behind.

"It's all gone, those ornaments and staffs are gone. Someone must have stolen it, and called all the staff in the office." Dias said angrily.

Ten minutes later, nineteen of the twenty people in the office came, except Dias's secretary Ryan.I sent someone to look for it again, but there was still no trace of Ryan.

"Shit, this bastard Ryan actually stole something and ran away." Dias shouted hysterically, while Lin Tao frowned. Ryan is a major, young and promising, so he took risks for these accessories.If you are wanted, it is obvious that the United States cannot stay, which seems somewhat unlikely.Two of the team members died, the helicopter that transported the other six disappeared, the secretary was gone, the gold ornaments and staffs were gone, everything was weird.

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