Jagged city

Chapter 92

Chapter 92 Horror No. [-] Wooden Coffin Mysterious Unknown Passage

At noon the next day, three helicopters landed at the camp, and Dias and Lin Tao were ordered to meet them. [-] The visitor is an official from the United Nations World Cultural Heritage Protection Organization, with a team of archaeologists, and American special forces responsible for the safety of the group.The men had a quick lunch at the camp, then boarded the helicopter and departed.He didn't have much communication with Dias and Ryan, and he seemed arrogant, and didn't take Dias seriously.Of course I didn't hang on to Lin Tao,

Lin Tao looked at Dias in confusion, and Dias said with a little embarrassment: "This is sent by the higher authorities, and the helicopter that escorted the wounded has been found to have fallen near the ancient tomb. Obviously, there is nothing wrong with us." gone."

Although Lin Tao knew that there were some tricks in it, he couldn't figure out the specific situation.It's just that the helicopter crashed near the ancient tomb was even more weird.

This group of people is not from the United Nations at all, but from a certain military research institute in the United States.Obviously, I am very interested in the Amazon tomb, especially after several weird things happened, I paid more attention to this matter.This American Institute has been studying the paranormal for five or sixty years.According to the antique photos sent by Dias and the earrings found in two members who died in the army hospital, it is preliminarily determined that this is an antiquity 60 years ago. According to the patterns and symbols on the antique, it is determined that it has been circulated in the Amazon basin for 2000 years. A very wide mystical religion - Zoroastrianism.This sect respects the fire from heaven as a god, which can burn all evil in the world.According to legend, the demise of Zoroastrianism was to deal with some devils and monsters from hell five or six hundred years ago.

However, this research institute is very interested in this kind of legend, and develops some kind of mysterious power by studying legends and some supernatural phenomena, which is also called marginal science.This science is not recognized by most scientists because many theories are vague and unverifiable.

This time the team was led by Bright, a senior expert of the institute, his assistant Alita and six entourage members, and the remaining sixteen special forces were subordinates and bodyguards, belonging to the military institute.

Three miles away from the ancient tomb, an open space with a radius of 500 to [-] feet was developed at some point, which is enough to land a helicopter.Brett and Alita got off the helicopter and went straight to the crash site of the helicopter escorting the wounded [-] meters away.The helicopter did not burn, so it was not a wreck, because the whole helicopter was intact. Except for the broken tail and broken glass, it could not be seen that it had fallen from a high altitude, but it seemed to have landed directly in the jungle.However, the interior of the helicopter was horrible. There were a total of eight corpses, all of which were bleeding from seven holes.At the crash site, there was a special soldier standing guard, and two people were investigating the site. What are they studying?Seeing Blair and Alita walking from inside, a middle-aged man greeted them.

"Carter, what's going on here?"

"Six team members with a fever, a nurse, a doctor, and a pilot all died. According to the symptoms of death, it was intracranial hemorrhage. What caused this situation seems to be the sudden ultrasound, which destroyed the brain. According to the information from the training camp, the direct There was also a team member, Pooh, who was not sick on the helicopter, and is now missing."

"Where is the entrance to the ancient tomb?" Brett briefly checked the scene and asked.Carter pointed out that there were several stones covered by shrubs in a place 20 meters away.Brian walked up to the moss-covered stones and carefully looked at them. With a shovel, the moss fell off.The quaint patterns and some patterns on it are exposed.Pushing aside the bushes revealed a dark hole, a tunnel with steps leading to the ancient tomb.

Several special forces wearing gas masks first entered the ancient tomb, and some soil and plant samples from the ancient tomb were sent to it, and professionals immediately started testing.No poison and some special germs were found.And a photothermal experiment was done quickly, and no change was found.Only then did Brett order his men, wearing simple gas masks, to enter the tomb passage, and began to install wires and lighting equipment.At the same time, tents were also set up on the ground and various equipment was installed.

Under the ancient tomb, Alita and others are familiar with the installation of magnetic field detection, sound wave detection, camera-and many other equipment.It seems to turn a blind eye to the two coffins in the tomb.Brett was in the tent, watching the progress of the project with satisfaction through the monitor screen.

"Sir, the radiography display shows that there is a passage under the second coffin, which slopes downward at 45 degrees. The exact length is unknown, but at least it exceeds 50 meters. Do you want to open the underground passage?"

"Don't open it for now, now take high-definition photos of the tomb, and check the remains in the No. [-] wooden coffin. Special substances are packaged and tested." Brett ordered, obviously a little surprised by the newly discovered passage.Immediately ordered the other team members to enter the ancient tomb, and covered the three ferocious stone statues with a special plastic cloth, but I don't know the specific function.It just looks more mysterious.

"Sir, the right hand of the mummy seems to have held an oval object with a diameter of about five centimeters. It did not appear in the training camp report. It is estimated that Pooh, the missing person, hid the news." Alita was working under strong lights, inside the coffin The situation in detail appeared on the monitor screen, and Brian watched the screen while listening to Alita's report.

"Sir, this ancient tomb is very dry. This is a tropical rainforest. It rains twice a day, but the ground less than six meters from the surface is very dry. It seems to be protected by a special force field. The specific parameters are still being tested. ——” Another researcher reported to Lyont in the tomb.

From time to time, Leant listened to the reports of six or seven researchers in the ancient tomb, while he analyzed and summarized them, and watched the monitor screen from time to time, unexpectedly being able to do two things at once.Time flies, and night falls.After Brett and his men had a simple meal, they entered the second round of work. Nine special forces carried special pulses, electric shocks, rays, flamethrowers and other special weapons into the ancient tomb to provide bodyguards for the staff.Brian's many years of archaeological experience is that in tomb archaeology, especially at night, he cannot work until after eleven o'clock, so he made a rule to evacuate at 10:30 and continue to work during the day.Special forces are for emergencies.

The second wooden coffin was opened, and the strange scene frightened the archaeologists. Inside the coffin was the mummy of a strange baby. It was said to be a strange baby. This monster had a head the size of two grapefruits, a mouth full of sharp teeth, and only four fingers. , but with a bony hook resembling a claw at the top.It has a bulging and round belly, short legs, and a thin layer of scales on its skin, making it impossible to tell whether it is human or not.The strange baby was naked, and was bound with iron chains as thick as the little finger that passed through the shoulder blades and calves. The iron chains passed through the bottom of the coffin, and it was unknown where they were fixed. Moreover, there were more than 20 pieces of gold and silver bones around the strange baby. The utensil, which is full of symbols, should be a magic weapon.Correspondingly, on the inner walls around the coffin, there are tens of thousands of secret numb spells, which are purple-brown in color, and seem to be carved on the coffin with blood.As soon as the coffin was opened, the tomb immediately became eerie and quiet.Although the archaeological team members have seen many archaeological scenes, at this moment, they couldn't help but stand on their hairs.The entire back of the head to the spine is numb.

"My God, this thing is too evil." An archaeologist exclaimed beside Alita.A look at Alita next to her was also pale, with frightened eyes.

"Report the data!" Bright shouted nervously.The personnel who detected various data took a long breath and began to report.

"The temperature in the ancient tomb suddenly dropped by [-] degrees Celsius, the electronic signal weakened, and the parameters of the magnetic field change are—"

"Take photos quickly, without any omissions, and then seal the coffin." Brett listened to the report and gave the order decisively.

"Sir, there is noise in the equipment, the frequency band is abnormal-there is an abnormal energy concentration in the northeast corner-"

"Special forces launch pulse weapons—electric shock weapons—to the abnormal energy area—" Brian watched the screen and gave orders continuously.

"The sound waves are normal, the energy is normal—" the tester reported that the data had returned to normal, and everyone felt relieved.

"The imaging device shows that there are organs in the coffin bed, which are connected by gears and iron chains. The head on the lower right side of the stone bed under the No. [-] coffin should be the switch to open the secret passage. Please instruct if you want to try it." Alita closed the door. Coffin No. [-] still has lingering fears, but her interest in exploring the unknown keeps urging her to open the secret path to explore.

"Try to open it. If it is opened, do a channel distance and depth test immediately." Brett ordered.

Alita twisted the lizard-shaped head, and the coffin began to turn, creaking, creaking.Everyone held their breath, looking at a three-foot-square entrance exposed on the stone bed.A cold breath rushed over, and everyone couldn't help shivering.


Alita turned on the laser measuring device, and another team member threw a rubber ball the size of a ping-pong ball into the dark underground passage.The ball kept jumping and rolling down, making a thumping sound.The camera immediately followed up and took pictures. This is a downward-sloping passage. The coffin is placed across the stone bed to block half of the entrance. The top distance is getting higher and higher, and the channel seems to become wider after [-] meters.

"The channel is inclined at 45 degrees, and the test distance of the laser tester is 72 meters."

"Report, the ball reaches the end of the laser test, turns 45 degrees and continues to jump down [-] degrees. The built-in camera shows the image as follows."

Computer-mapped images enter Bright's computer screen, based on rubber-ball-ned sensors and cameras.This passage keeps going downwards, 13 meters from the highest point on the top, and a width of five meters. After turning downwards, it continues to jump for a distance of 720 meters, and then turns downwards and slopes downwards at 45 degrees. rice.The image disappears at the fifth turn, and the total testable distance of the channel is 720 meters, and the vertical distance is 950 meters.

Brett was dumbfounded when he saw this data, and immediately ordered the entrance of the passage to be closed, and ended the investigation of the tomb that night, and transferred to the ground for work.At ten o'clock in the evening, all personnel were evacuated from the ancient tomb, and various monitoring and monitoring instruments were operating as usual, and the entrance to the surface was covered with canvas and pressed against the tree trunk.

Other personnel entered the tent to count various data and improve their work.Brett, Alita, and Carter looked at the line photos captured when the rubber ball was jumping, and after zooming in, incrementing, and displaying traces, they discovered many murals and some special symbols on the inside of the cave wall.The three of them couldn't help being amazed. The Amazon's religious civilization seems to be very extensive and advanced, but some of the pictures are full of magical colors, making it difficult to distinguish the authenticity from the false.Brian turned on the echolocation of the ball again, and the geomagnetic distance sensing test data for the two to watch.The faces of the two changed continuously.

"According to the final test distance, the ball stopped 5 minutes after the opening was closed, and seemed to jump down five corridors, and the final distance from the surface was about 600 meters, with an error of no more than three meters." Brett said hoarsely.

"Maybe it's a channel rebuilt from a natural crypt." Carter said with little confidence.

"The current inspection situation shows that we must increase our manpower and material resources. No matter from which aspect, this ancient tomb is extremely valuable. We should report the situation overnight and send relevant information back to the base." Alita said cautiously.

"Okay, get ready now. Maybe we will open a new page in history." Brett rubbed his hands, his expression was both nervous and excited.

(More content will be updated tomorrow, so stay tuned.)

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