Jagged city

Chapter 93 Terrorist Attack

Chapter 93 Terrorist Attacks

While Brett and his subordinates were working late at night, in the hollow of a dead tree five miles away from the cemetery, the disappeared Secretary of Dias, Ryan, was kneeling there. ┗#_ ┛What's weird is that Ryan holds a staff in his hand, and gold ornaments from ancient tombs are all worn on his body.Ryan muttered something, and took off the camouflage jacket that was covered in front of him.What was revealed inside was horrifying.It turned out to be a human head, the head of Pooh who disappeared after the crash.Next to it was a pile of poisons, including snakes, spiders, and centipedes—more than a dozen kinds of animals and insects, all of which were highly poisonous and covered in a layer of blood, which was terribly bloody.

Brett muttered something, and finally slammed the staff on top of Pooh's head. Pooh's head suddenly opened its eyes, with a painful expression, and then let out a miserable cry.The cry spread far away, and Brett and others who were working in the archaeological camp could hear it clearly.

"What's going on?" Brett asked in surprise, looking up at the woods.

"You two go over there and check." Alita ordered the special forces to check, and suddenly the monitor screen of the ancient tomb began to shake, and snowflakes appeared on the screen.

"The magnetic field is abnormal, and the peak value increases—well, hey, how did the No. [-] wooden coffin open? Sir, the No. [-] wooden coffin was opened—the strange baby in the coffin disappeared—" the observer said in horror.

"Shit, don't scare yourself, isn't the coffin fine, where did it open?" Brett cursed while looking at the monitor screen.

"Impossible, just now, it was clearly opened—" The observer rubbed his eyes in disbelief, and it turned out that the coffin was tightly stitched and did not open.

"Why don't I go down and take a look?" Alita felt a little uneasy, and always felt that something was abnormal, especially the scream just now, which made people feel hairy.

"I'll check again during the day, and I'll call it a day. Let's take a rest, and get up early tomorrow morning to work." Brett took a sip of his coffee. Even though he said that, he didn't stop the work at hand. At the archaeological site, every day Working [-]** hours is normal.

After a while, a person walked out of the woods. It was the special forces that Alita ordered to go into the woods to check.

"Hey, George, did you see a ghost? Why did you come back alone? Didn't Ann get eaten by a ghost?" The five or six special forces guarding the camp were having supper when they saw George and said jokingly.

George walked out of the woods with the gun, not answering, and staring straight.

"What's wrong with George?" A special soldier felt that something was wrong and asked a little scared, but George still didn't answer, and walked towards them with his gun pointed at them.Obviously several people panicked.

"Hey, George, your joke isn't funny at all, don't point a gun at us—"

"Da da da--"

"Ah—hell, he's serious, ah—"

"What's going on? You're crazy—"

George started shooting frantically, and within ten seconds, seven or eight special forces soldiers fell in a pool of blood.George rushed to Brett's tent.

"I'm sorry, George." The special forces captain shot George in the heart.George fell to the ground with a thud.

Brett and the others got out of the tent, looking at the bloody scene, their faces turned black, while Alita was terrified.It finally happened.

"Sir, George has abnormal energy in his body, he should be shocked—"

Before the observer could finish speaking, George suddenly raised his head, and the micro-pulse in his hand sounded again.There were screams one after another.

"Damn—" The captain shot George's head eight times, turning George's head into a rotten watermelon.Another special soldier rushed over and shot at George's body with a stun gun. Blue arcs jumped on George's body. George's limbs twitched violently, and a piercing scream rang out in everyone's ears.

"Damn it, we lost ten people, Captain Bright, we should ask the training camp for reinforcements."

"No, we can't let the training camp participate. We will strengthen our monitoring and security. The support from the research institute will arrive at noon tomorrow. Ah, Captain, don't move—" Brett suddenly took out his pistol and pointed it at the captain.

"Sir, what are you going to do?" The captain asked in horror, wondering if this Brett had also gone crazy.

"Shh-bang!" Brett made a hissing motion, and at the same time the gun in his hand went off.A lot of mucus was splashed on the captain's face.There was a smashed spider on the ground.

"How could there be such a big spider?" The stump on the ground was [-] centimeters long, and the spider was the size of a fist.The captain was still in shock and kicked the spider to death.There was a rustling in the woods.Like the sound of wind blowing leaves.But there was no wind in the middle of the night.Brett and the others looked around in horror.

"Sir, there's a lot of snakes and insects moving towards us, many—too many—"

"No-ah-da da da—" A big furry black spider suddenly jumped onto the face of a special soldier and bit it hard.The special soldier screamed and pulled the trigger. Bullets flew randomly, and several staff members were shot.

"Sir, hurry to the training camp for help." The captain shot down the bitten commando soldier.

"Okay, you guys use flamethrowers to deal with the bugs that surround you." Brett ordered, walked quickly into the tent, and called Dias.

It was already late at night, and Dias was sleeping soundly with her arms around a naked female adjutant.Suddenly the phone rang, and the female adjutant woke up.After poking Dias, Dias reluctantly opened his eyes, only then did he hear the phone ring.

"Hey, who are you?"

"Colonel Dias, I'm Bright. There was an accident at the archaeological site and I was attacked by blood poisonous insects. I'm asking for support."

"Oh, I was bitten by bugs. Are there many bugs?" Dias asked unexpectedly. Although he knew that the other party was in a hurry, Dias wanted to understand the situation at the time, and he didn't have a good impression of Brett Dias. , thinking that this person is very arrogant, it is too much to ignore him, the chief instructor of the training camp, the colonel of the US Army.

"There are a lot of bugs. A dozen of us have been injured and need support. Please send someone to help immediately—"

Dias heard gunshots on the phone.Realizing that the situation was indeed serious, after hanging up the phone, he pondered for a while, then made a call, preparing to send two helicopters to the archaeological site.This kind of thing must be led by someone, and Lin Tao became Dias's No. 1 choice.

Lin Tao received the report and quickly came to Diaz's office.

Dias said deeply: "The archaeological team in the jungle was attacked by a large number of poisonous insects. The situation is very serious. I want to photograph you leading the team to support and ask for your opinion. You can say no." Dias looked at Lin Tao and said .

"I'll go, but dealing with poisonous bugs requires a lot of pesticides and flamethrowers. I'm going to take a few people with me," Lin Tao said.

"Don't worry, everything is ready. I'll send you [-] team members. It's up to you who else to bring. I hope you can rescue them."

Lin Tao boarded the helicopter, and Lin Tao took three people by name, Lin Tao's former subordinate Gao Feng, and the three people who participated in the wilderness survival together this time.Including the 23 people sent by Dias, a total of [-] people were rushed to the accident site by two helicopters.Lin Tao landed safely at the temporary helicopter landing site next to the ancient tomb, thinking in his heart when such a large open space was cleaned up, it was really efficient.The open space is illuminated by strong lights, so it can be seen clearly.A helicopter was starting up on the ground, and there was a tent not far away. Although it was brightly lit, no one was found to respond.

"Instructor, there are three dead bodies in the helicopter and two dead bodies in the tent. They seem to have been attacked by wild animals, and there are no survivors." Gao Feng ran over and said a little excitedly.Obviously, Lin Tao transferred him to the reinforcement team, which made Gao Feng very excited.Not only did he feel Lin Tao's trust and support for him.Even rarer is performing such a stimulating task at Amazon.

"Phili, Perth, each of you leads eight people towards the archaeological site. Drew leads two people to be responsible for the guard work here." Lin Tao immediately assigned tasks, and then led Gao Feng to rush towards the site behind the team.It has been 65 minutes since Dias received the call and Lin Tao arrived at the scene.The archaeological site was deadly silent, and there were many corpses lying here and there. Lin Tao frowned, watching the team members search.There were more than a dozen dead snakes on the ground, and a dead body still held a spider in its hand.Half dead spider.

"Instructor, it's weird. How could these things besiege archaeologists together? But they don't look like serious archaeologists. Why does everyone have a gun?" Gao Feng inspected several dead bodies, and stood beside Lin Tao. muttered.Lin Tao had a serious expression, feeling the weird atmosphere at the scene.Perth greeted Lin Tao to the monitor.The three watched the monitor screen to find out what happened at the archaeological site.

The scene was rewound for more than an hour, and there was a horrifying scene. In the picture taken by the camera outside the tent, there were scenes of team members shooting each other, exclamations, screams, and the fake UN official Bright. Various orders commanded the scene, and then hundreds of poisonous snakes, spiders, and many unknown flying insects rushed into the scene, creating chaos.The flamethrower couldn't stop the poisonous insects coming from all directions, one by one fell to the ground and rolled, and some rushed into the jungle.

"Sir, there are no living people in the camp, but someone should be hiding in the jungle, should we search it?"

"Search, you two lead people to search the jungle within 2000 meters and bring them back here." Philip and Perth led the team into the jungle to search.He and Gao Feng continued to check the monitor screen.

"Instructor, this is the video of them entering the cemetery for archaeology." Gao Feng opened a video file.Lin Tao took out a file bag from the drawer and opened the file to read it. The content was very strange, and the file was from a certain military research institute. It seems that these people are not folk archaeologists, but a secret organization in the army.

"Damn, instructor, look at this, what the hell is it?" Gao Feng pointed to the strange baby frozen in the No. [-] coffin.

Lin Tao frowned and looked at the terrifying baby in the coffin, feeling chills in his heart.It seems that the bizarre incident that Senior Brother Zhao Banxian mentioned really happened.This strange baby looked extremely evil, and was sealed with iron chains and spells.

"Looking down—" Lin Tao asked Gao Feng to fast-forward the video.The picture appeared, the picture of special forces attacking a corner with special weapons, and the dialogue was very clear.

"Instructor, the unknown energy body they attacked, is it a ghost? It's really frightening." Gao Feng said with a shiver.In the end, Lin Tao and Lin Tao saw the scene of testing the underground passage and the conversation, which surprised them very much.

Dias's call came, and Lin Tao reported the situation on the scene.Dias gasped.He ordered: "Lin, you must find the survivors, even one. This matter is a bit serious."

"Okay, I have sent people into the jungle around the archaeological site to search and report to you."

Gao Feng continued to fast-forward, and the time was fixed to half an hour ago. Three people entered the ancient tomb. It was the fake UN official. Lin Tao had seen this person before, and he had some impressions, as well as the female assistant.They entered the ancient tomb in a panic.The picture is clear, as is the sound.

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