Within the territory of Tiandu Kingdom, there is a Hidden Dragon Peak.The peak is thousands of feet high, surrounded by green hills and hills, steep and steep. It is known as the No. [-] peak in Dongxuan Continent, and it has fascinated countless celebrities and poets.

However, at this very moment, on this peerless peak, there is a tragedy of beating mandarin ducks.

Wan Dong held the sword in one hand, and panted for Jiao Jiao in the other. Mu Lian, who was already exhausted, looked sad and heartbroken.

"Lian'er, if you persist, I will definitely be able to take you out."

Mu Lian turned her head and glanced at the Qianzhang cliff behind the two of them, where is there a way out?

"Xiaodong, falling in love with you is already a blessing for my three lives, Mu Lian. I don't ask for the day and night, I only want to have it once. Don't run away anymore. I'm tired and I can't escape... "The corner of Mu Lian's mouth overflowed with bright red blood again, adding another three points of poignant beauty to her beautiful face.

"No! You can't go day and night, what's the point of having once? I don't want you to leave me, I want you to stay with me for the rest of my life, no! Ten lives, a hundred lives, life after life!" Wan Dong stroked Mu Lian's cheek, Tears on the face, blood dripping from the heart.

"Dong'er, Dong'er!" A rush of calls came from the foot of the peak.

With the bursts of fragrant wind, a woman about 26 and seven years old, dressed in white neon clothes, like a misty fairy who does not eat the fireworks of the world, came through the heavy mountain fog and came on the wind.

"Auntie?" Seeing this woman, Wan Dong's face was happy at first, then suddenly sank, and he said through gritted teeth, "Don't even you, Auntie, refuse to give us a way out?"

"Dong'er, you are the only blood of my Wan family, and the person that aunt loves the most. How can aunt not give you a way out?" Wan Youqi saw Wan Dong wandering on the edge of the cliff, she would slip and fall at any time, her face was full of panic urgent.

"Then let Lian Er and I go far away and don't tear us apart!"

"This..." Wan Youqi hesitated for a while.

"Stop dreaming! I will never let a poor and lowly woman of unknown origin ruin my family's reputation for several generations! I will not let him ruin your bright future!" Amid a stern roar, a burly man The body shape is like an arrow that is off the string, and it shoots towards it.

This person is domineering, standing there, like a spear made of steel, his aura can be described as monstrous.

Tiandu Kingdom is a small country on Dongxuan Continent, but Wan Haoxiong's prestige is not small at all.As the King of the North of Tiandu Kingdom, not only his martial arts are unrivaled in the world, but he also uses his soldiers like a god. With his own strength, he commands an army of [-] troops in Tiandu Kingdom. Down, stand firm as a mountain!

"Brother, if you have something to say, Dong'er has always been well-behaved, but now he is just confused for a while, so don't rush to blame him." Wan Youqi is well aware of her big brother's temper, and she is afraid that he will hurt Wan Dong in a fit of anger. .

"I don't think he was confused for a while, but he was obsessed with ghosts!" Although Wan Haoxiong said so, his voice was obviously a little less harsh.

After all, blood is thicker than water, and Wan Dong is his own flesh and blood.What's more, Wan Dong has always been his pride.Although he is only 17 years old this year, he is a genius of the sky. He can be ranked among the first-class masters with his own cultivation, and his future is boundless.

"You are the only heartless person in the world who can describe true love as being obsessed with ghosts!" Wan Dong's eyes were red, he glared at Wan Haoxiong angrily, and shouted every word.

"Stinky boy, what are you talking about!?" Wan Haoxiong was furious immediately.

Wan Dong was about to repeat his words again when Mu Lian, who was nestled in his arms, suddenly opened her mouth and spat out a bloody arrow.

"Lian'er, how are you?" Wan Dong was very nervous, and hurriedly hugged Mu Lian even tighter. At the same time, he put one hand on her back, and crazily injected true energy into her body.

Looking at the seriously injured Mu Lian, a trace of guilt flashed in Wan Haoxiong's eyes. Mu Lian's injury was caused by his wrong hand.

Mu Lian shook her head, then closed her eyes, and pressed her face deeply against Wan Dong's chest.With a poignant smile on the corner of his mouth, he quietly enjoyed the last sweet moment.

"Dong'er, I think Miss Mu's injury seems to be serious, she must hurry up and heal without delay." Wan Youqi said anxiously.

Wan Dong was also worried about this, and he lowered his head to look at Mu Lian.Mu Lian shook her head vigorously, and murmured, "No. I just want to be in your arms, even if I die, it's worth it..."

"What a bitch, it's unreasonable to still be so charming when she's about to die!" Wan Haoxiong opened his mouth and shouted angrily.

"What did you say!?" Wan Dong was furious, his eyes were about to burst into flames.A majestic momentum mixed with anger erupted from him like a blowout, which even surprised Wan Haoxiong.

"You kid..."

"Brother, when will you change your duplicity? You are obviously worried about Miss Mu's injury, why do you speak so harshly?" Wan Youqi rushed to Wan Hao when she saw that the father and son were about to turn against each other. Xiongjiao scolded.

After all, they are brothers and sisters, Wan Youqi really knows Wan Haoxiong quite well.Wan Haoxiong blushed, and although he looked annoyed, he still closed his mouth.

"Wan Dong, you bastard, how can I, Shangguan Yunzhu, compare to this wild girl, and you treat me like this?" Amidst the coquettish voice, a woman in a red silk dress, with a beautiful face and a luxurious demeanor, Er Bafang Hua's girl rushed up angrily.

Behind him was a man who was about the same age as Wan Haoxiong. He was handsome and majestic. Although he had a pleasant face, there was a shocking majesty in his brows.This person is none other than Shangguan Feiyun, the current emperor of Tiandu Kingdom.

Upon seeing these two people, Wan Youqi immediately had a wry smile on her face.Especially when looking at Shangguan Yunzhu, it was full of headaches.This daughter of the Heavenly Capital Kingdom is not ordinary difficult to deal with.

"My ministers see His Majesty the Emperor." Seeing Shangguan Feiyun approaching, Wan Haoxiong saluted.

Shangguan Feiyun personally helped Wan Haoxiong up, and said, "Today, I am not here as the king of a country, but as Dong'er's future father-in-law. Since you and I are in-laws, there is no need to be formal."

"Who do you call a wild girl?"

"Of course it's about her!"

"Do you try again?"


Shangguan Feiyun and Wan Haoxiong were talking on one side, while on the other side, Wan Dong and Shangguan Yunzhu had already 'engaged in fire'.The two glared at each other, neither willing to back down.Shangguan Yunzhu and Wan Haoxiong had seen this kind of situation a lot, but it happened on such an occasion today, which made them feel a little helpless.

"Wild girl, wild girl! She was originally a wild girl who snatched other men's men!" Shangguan Yunzhu pinched Xiao Man's waist and shouted at Wan Dong like a cannonball.

"Shut up!" Wan Dong was so furious that he wanted to rush up and slap Shangguan Yunzhu.Mulian suddenly grabbed him tightly.

"Don't...don't leave me."

Wan Dong looked down, and saw that Mu Lian was already so angry that she seemed to die at any moment, and the hairs all over her body stood up nervously.Knowing, if she delays here any longer, Mu Lian's life will die.

Hastily picked up Mu Lian, pointed the sharp sword at everyone, and shouted, "Get out of here! I want to take Lian Er away!"

"Dream! Unless you promise me to sever ties with this wild...and this girl, you will never even think about leaving Yinlong Peak." Wan Haoxiong snorted and said ruthlessly.

"Impossible! Lian'er and I really love each other, no one can separate us!" Wan Dong's words were so decisive that it drove Shangguan Yunzhu mad with anger.

Since childhood, Shangguan Yunzhu has always had a special liking for Wan Dong and regards him as his only man.Hearing Wan Dong say such words at this time, how could he bear it with his princess temper?

"You bastard, I'll kill you!" In a fit of rage, Shangguan Yunzhu drew out his sword, and swiped several sword qi at Wan Donglian.

Wan Dong flipped his wrist, the long sword in his hand suddenly burst into a dazzling brilliance, the sword energy sacrificed by Shangguan Yunzhu disintegrated in an instant, and her people were also staggered back.

As far as martial arts is concerned, among his peers, Wan Dongzhi can be said to be invincible.At this time, Wan Dong was eager to leave here again, and took Mu Lian to seek a doctor. His cultivation had reached [-]%, and Shangguan Yunzhu was naturally no match.

"Little bastard, you are going to rebel against that!" Wan Haoxiong was furious when he saw Wan Dong repel Shangguan Yunzhu in front of Shangguan Feiyue.With a roar, he clawed at Wan Dong with both hands.

"Brother, don't!" Seeing Wan Haoxiong attack violently, Wan Youqi was worried that his subordinates would not be measured, so she hurriedly jumped up, trying to stop Wan Haoxiong.But now Wan Haoxiong is completely angry, before Wan Youqi gets close to him, he releases a powerful palm force to force her back.Without delay, he went straight to Wan Dong.

Wan Dong noticed Mu Lian on his back, her breathing was getting weaker and weaker, and he was so anxious that he didn't care about the many, so he raised his sword and went straight to meet Wan Haoxiong.

When Wan Haoxiong saw it, he was even more annoyed. He clasped his five fingers suddenly and locked Wan Dong's sword sharply.

"If you want to rebel against me, you are still far behind!" Wan Haoxiong's hand, like steel, twisted his wrist, twisting the long sword in Wan Dong's hand into twists.

At the same time, the other hand patted Wan Dong's chest.

"Hao Xiong, be merciful!" Seeing Wan Haoxiong's heavy hand, Shangguan Feiyue hurriedly shouted.Wan Youqi and Shangguan Yunzhu couldn't help but turn pale, they were stunned on the spot, they even forgot to shout.

Wan Hao was furious, but he never thought of killing his own son.This palm looked menacing, but with Wan Dong's cultivation base, he could completely withstand it, and at most he would suffer a little injury.

But what Wan Haoxiong didn't expect was that Mu Lian, who was lying on Wan Dong's back on the verge of death, suddenly opened her eyes at this moment, and suddenly pushed Wan Dong out with strength from nowhere, and at the same time, she used her own strength to push Wan Dong out. His body faced Wan Haoxiong's palm.

"Ah!?" At this moment, even Wan Haoxiong couldn't help but exclaimed, and he didn't care about retaliation, and hurriedly withdrew his internal energy into his body forcibly.Wan Dong could bear his palm, but Mu Lian, who was already seriously injured, couldn't bear it.

It's a pity that everything happened too suddenly, even if Wan Hao's martial arts were world-class, he still couldn't react in time, [-]% of his internal strength was barely recovered, and only [-]% was recovered.

[Author's digression]: Brothers, the new journey begins now!Please continue to support Feiwu!

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