Cultivation: Overturning the Rain and Turning the Clouds

Chapter 2 Rising Dragon River under Hidden Dragon Peak!



The bright red blood spilled all over the sky, and Mu Lian flew upside down like a kite in the wind.

"Lian'er!" An earth-shattering mournful cry resounded from Chong Wandong's mouth.

Wan Dong seemed to be crazy, he jumped up and hugged Mu Lian's body tightly.At this time, Mu Lian had completely lost her vitality, and she could no longer feel the slightest bit of anger on her pale face.

Time and space seemed to stop at this moment, Wan Dong just stared at Mu Lian blankly, without blinking his eyes, his whole body seemed to be turned into a stone.

No crying, no laughing, no shouting, no fuss, an incomparable sadness surged and flowed in the air.The whole world, everything must be included in it.

The heart feels no pain because the heart is completely broken.There are no tears left in the eyes, because tears are no longer enough to vent the sadness in my heart.

The entire Yinlong Peak suddenly fell into a deathly silence.Not only Wan Haoxiong, Wan Youqi, Shangguan father and daughter remained silent, even the mountain wind that raged on the peak all year round seemed to have stopped, and the birds and beasts in the forest no longer roared or cried.

Wan Haoxiong stared blankly at his palm, feeling the deep and indelible sadness from Wan Dong, slowly closed his eyes, and let out a long sigh.

Tears ran across Wan Youqi's face silently, she really wanted to walk over, hold Wan Dong in her arms like she was a child, and give him comfort, but suddenly, she found that there was a gap between her and Wan Dong. It seemed that there was a gap that could never be bridged, and she could no longer approach it.

The afterglow of the setting sun dyed the sky red.

On Yinlong Peak, several figures just stood there, letting time pass silently.

"I'm sorry, I didn't intend to kill her!" Wan Haoxiong said suddenly.Although his voice was a bit stiff, this was definitely the first apology in his life, and it was to his son.

"Excuse me?" Wan Dong hugged Mu Lian, and slowly turned to look at Wan Haoxiong.

That gaze shocked Wan Haoxiong, and he couldn't help but take three steps back. It was as if his heart had been pierced by something, and he felt so painful that he was about to suffocate.

"Dong'er, he...he is your father!" Wan Dong's eyes were full of hatred and anger, as if Wan Haoxiong was his greatest enemy in this life.This gaze startled Wan Haoxiong, and at the same time frightened Wan Youqi.

"I know!" Wan Dong gritted his teeth tightly and said with tears of blood, "So, he killed Lian Er, but I can't avenge Lian Er!"

After saying this, Wan Dong clenched his fists tightly, and blood oozed from the crevices of his fingers at the same time.

"Dong'er, we really want to separate you from Miss Mulian, but we never intend to hurt Miss Mulian. All of this may be God's will." Shangguan Feiyue shook his head and said with a sigh.

"If this is God's will, then God damn it! Why does he separate me and Lianer, why?" Wan Dong let out a sharp roar, and with him as the center, a series of explosions sounded within a radius of three feet.Straight on the ground, leaving several deep pits of different sizes.

"Xiaodong, calm down!" Seeing Wan Dong's mad look, Wan Youqi hastily tried to persuade him.

"Calm down? Hahaha... Lian'er is dead, you want me to calm down? Why don't you kill me!" Wan Dong roared, tears like blood flowed from his eyes.

Shangguan Yunzhu seemed to be frightened by Wan Dong, and hid behind Shangguan Feiyue with a face full of horror, not even having the courage to look at Wan Dong again.

"Auntie!" Wan Dong suddenly cast his eyes on Wan Youqi, and said, "You have loved me the most since I was a child, and no matter what I ask, you will satisfy me. Now, I beg you, kill me!"

Wan Youqi's delicate body trembled, she looked at Wan Dong and asked, "You...what did you say?"

"Kill me! Let me go to Lian'er, okay?" Wan Dong's voice was a little hoarse.

"No! No! No!" Wan Youqi yelled three times in a row, leaned against a tree, and began to cry.

Wan Dong turned his head to Wan Haoxiong again, "You should do it! You are so ruthless and cold-blooded, killing your own son, shouldn't be a difficult task for you, right? Since I was a child, I have listened to everything Yours, now I beg you, listen to me once and kill me."

"Son, I..." Wan Haoxiong, such a strong man, couldn't help crying and trembling all over at this moment. "I really didn't mean it, really not!"

"Your Majesty the Emperor! You once bestowed upon me the honor of being the 'No. [-] Wizard in the World'. Now that I have let you down so much, it is better for you to end me. If I can die at the hands of the king of your country, even if I, Wan Dong It’s going to be in the underworld, I believe it will be very beautiful!”

"Dong'er, you are an upright man, how can you be so decadent because of a woman? Hurry up, you still have a bright future!"

Wan Dong shook his head, slowly retreated to Mu Lian's side, and said angrily, "Why? Why are you able to kill Lian Er, but not me? I remembered, your purpose is to I'm separated from Lian'er. Of course you don't want to kill me, you want to separate me from Lian'er forever!"

"No, it's not that Dong'er. Calm down, we all love you." Wan Youqi cried out in mourning.

"Love? Hahaha... You don't deserve to say that word! You ruined the true love between me and Lian'er with your own hands, and you still say you love me with a shy face, don't you think it's ridiculous?"

"Could it really have to let me die in front of you before you forgive me?" Wan Hao roared fiercely.

"No! I can't bear the name of patricide. However, I can't bear a father like you. Let's make a final settlement."

"The final break?" Wan Haoxiong didn't know what Wan Dong wanted to do, but his heart went straight to his throat.

"Dong'er, what do you want to do?" Wan Youqi's voice was also full of tension and fear.

"My whole body of cultivation was taught to me by you. Today, I will give it all back to you!"

"No!" Wan Haoxiong exclaimed, and hurriedly got up and rushed towards Wan Dong.

But before he got close to Wan Dong, a blood arrow rushed out of Wan Dong's mouth, and at the same time, there was a bang in his abdomen, which shattered his dantian.On the Yinlong Peak, Wan Dong actually crippled his martial arts.

Wan Youqi's eyes darkened, her body staggered, and she almost passed out.Shangguan Yunzhu was even more stunned, as if he was stupid.

Shangguan Feiyue had regret and remorse on his face. He knew this would be the result, and he would never stop Wan Dong from being with Mu Lian.Now, the number one talent in the world has fallen like this, how can it be a pity that two words can describe it.

Wan Haoxiong hugged Wan Dong, who was crumbling, and said with grief, "Dong'er, why did you do this? Even if you want to punish me, you can't hurt yourself like this! Dad knows his mistake, dad regrets it, you What exactly do you want from Dad to forgive him? Say it!"

Wan Haoxiong, a tough guy, finally broke down completely at this time.

Wan Dong pushed Wan Haoxiong away, and staggered to Mu Lian's side.Pulling off the belt, he tied Mu Lian to his back.

"Dong'er, you..." Looking at Wan Dong's speechless actions, Wan Hao was so anxious that he wanted to step forward to stop him, but he was also worried that Wan Dong would do something to hurt him again.

"You Qi, you should think of a way, think of a way!" Wan Haoxiong was like a helpless child at this moment, pleadingly shouting to Wan Youqi.

Wan Youqi's mind was blank right now, let alone thinking of a way, she almost couldn't even remember where she was now.

"Lian'er, no one will separate you and me again, I promise you, we will always be together in the future." After a final kiss was printed on Mu Lian's lips, Wan Dong suddenly jumped up and jumped Down the Yinlong Peak, a thousand-foot cliff.

"Dong'er!" A shrill cry came out of Wan Haoxiong's mouth, and Wan Haoxiong rushed out like crazy.

"Hao Xiong!" Seeing that Wan Haoxiong was about to jump off the thousand-foot cliff with Wan Dong, Shangguan Feiyue jumped up and grabbed Wan Haoxiong tightly.

"Let go of me! I want to save Dong'er, I want to save Dong'er!" Wan Haoxiong kept struggling, but Shangguan Feiyue's cultivation almost couldn't hold him back.Feeling anxious, he quickly took out the messenger arrow from his bosom and flung it towards the cloud.

"Aunt Youqi, don't!" At this moment, Shangguan Yunzhu exclaimed.

Shangguan Feiyue hurriedly turned his head to look, just now he was only focused on saving Wan Haoxiong, but he didn't notice that Wan Youqi had also reached the edge of the cliff, fortunately Shangguan Yunzhu reacted quickly and hugged her by the waist.

A group of guards who had been waiting on the mountainside rushed up one after another upon receiving the signal from the sounding arrows, and together with Shangguan Feiyue and Shangguan Yunzhu, they dragged Wan Haoxiong and Wan Youqi back from the edge of the cliff.

Three days later, on Yinlong Peak, the sky was filled with mourning and joy, and the sun was covered by soul banners.

Wan Haoxiong and Wan Youqi stood in front of Wan Dong and Mu Lian's spiritual tablets, tears streaming down their faces.

"You Qi, today is a good day for Dong'er and Miss Mulian to get married, we shouldn't cry." Wan Haoxiong said so, but the tears in his eyes couldn't be stopped no matter what.

"Brother, Dong'er... did he really just go there?" Wan Youqi said in grief.

Wan Haoxiong shook his head speechlessly.He turned his head and looked at the Qianzhang cliff beside him.Under the cliff, there was a cloud of mist, and the bottom of the cliff could not be seen clearly, but the sound of rushing water could be faintly heard.

Rise to the Dragon River under the Yinlong Peak, turning the clouds and rain to create a romantic flow!This ancient saying is known not only in Tiandu Kingdom, but also in the entire Dongxuan Continent.

This ancient saying, which has been passed down for many years, coincidentally corresponds to someone's destiny.A romantic emperor who will become famous in the Dongxuan Continent in the future, thus took the first step of ascending the dragon.

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