"Xu Yaoting, who are you talking about?" Unable to stand Wan Dong's sarcasm, Qiu Yun's face darkened, and he asked.

Wan Dong chuckled, and said, "Qiu Yunchong, do you think you're overthinking again? This young master didn't say a word, and you're going to sit in the right seat. Why are you doing this?"


"What are you? You are still a great general galloping on the battlefield, mother-in-law and mother are like girls. Now that Commander Tang wants to ask questions, you should keep your mouth shut!"

"You're looking for death!" Qiu Yun rushed loudly, and the armored guard in black behind him immediately showed his blade.

As soon as the armored guards in black moved, the Fengxiang guards were unambiguous, and only heard a series of sounds of drawing swords. In the blink of an eye, the entire Tianbao Pavilion was full of swords and swords, and the tense atmosphere was palpitating.

"Commander Tang, what do you want to do?" Qiu Yun rushed around and found that something was wrong, so he couldn't help asking in a deep voice.

Before Tang Xinyi could speak, Wan Dong smiled coldly and said, "You don't need to ask, any idiot knows it, let's arrest the rebels!"

"Who do you say is a rebellious party!?"

"Whoever wants to harm my young master is a chaotic party! I said Qiu Yunchong, I found out that you don't understand anything? How did you become a general? It really doesn't work, let this young master do it!"

Wan Dong made a "sweep" like a submachine gun, and Qiu Yunchong, who was sweeping straight, was stunned for a long time, unable to recover.

Tang Xinyi couldn't help covering her mouth and giggling. Why was she so happy when she said this?Niu x is like you Qiu Yunchong, it turns out that there are times when you blush and have a thick neck, and sometimes you can't speak.

"The whole case is already very clear. This general sees it, so there is no need to ask any more questions." It is said that when a scholar meets a soldier, there is no reason to explain why it seems to be the other way around today.He, Qiu Yunchong, was clearly a great general in charge of the military, yet he suffered successive losses in front of Wan Dong, what was he trying to do?Qiu Yunchong really didn't understand.

"Qiu Yunchong, you are clear, but Her Royal Highness still doesn't know. How did you get this job? You don't care about your master's feelings at all as a slave, you are extremely incompetent!"

"Xu Yaoting, you..." Qiu Yunchong was so annoyed that even his hair stood on end.

Wan Dong sneered, and said, "Qiu Yunchong, what are you doing here? Are you so angry? I advise you, when you have nothing to do on weekdays, don't worry about eating and drinking, and learn more about self-cultivation and self-cultivation." , I am really worried that if you continue like this, you will not die on the battlefield in the future, but will die on the bed of anger."

"Okay, okay, the commander is asking the case under the order of the princess, and everyone else should be quiet." Seeing that Qiu Yunchong was about to vomit blood from Wan Dong's anger, Tang Xinyi felt relieved, and tried to put on a serious look on her face. Even though he had an expression on his face, it was still difficult to hide the narrow smile on the corner of his mouth.

The Qingyun fighters are not fools, after watching such a good show, how can they not understand that Tang Xinyi is for them.No more scruples, he gritted his teeth and told about the deception of Tianbao Pavilion, and even pointed the finger at Qiu Yunchong. One of the warriors was the most daring, and even directly accused Qiu Yunchong of being a slave of the Tie Zhan Dynasty and not worthy of being the Qingyun Empire General.

Qiu Yunchong wanted to kill like crazy, but was stopped by Tang Xinyi and Wan Dong. "I said General Qiu, what are you doing, killing people to silence you?"

"This bastard is talking nonsense and tarnishing my reputation, shouldn't he deserve to die?" Qiu Yunchong no longer cared about his demeanor, his eyes were red and his face was ferocious, making Duan Lengyan shake his head repeatedly.

"General Qiu, when you encounter problems, you must first reflect on yourself, and then blame others! Why do people say that you are a slave of the Iron War Dynasty, but not me? This is the will of the people, how can General Qiu trample on it at will?"

"You..." Qiu Yunchong glared at Wan Dong angrily, almost fell out of breath and passed out.

Tang Xinyi also looked at Wan Dong in amazement, and sighed in her heart, "This guy is really ruthless! Just a few words and a few words raised the martial artist's accusation against Qiu Yunchong to the level of popular opinion. This is not only to place Qiu Yunchong in an unjust place." , and even Qiu Wanli, if not done well, it will be hard to get rid of it."

"Since this matter involves General Qiu, from the point of view of this command, General Qiu should avoid it for the time being! I will take him back and interrogate him in detail!" Naturally, Tang Xinyi refused to miss such a good opportunity to hit Qiu Yunchong. Said.

"You...you..." Qiu Yunchong could see that Tang Xinyi and Wan Dong were trying to beat his sap with all their heart, and their harmony was really amazing!If he continued like this, he would have to be put into a sack by them.

"Okay! Then I ask Commander Tang to make a clear investigation and get my innocence back for this general!" Qiu Yunchong resolutely let go, which made Wan Dong slightly regretful. This Qiu Yunchong was really not a good person.

It is obviously impossible to bring down Qiu Yunchong just by relying on the accusations of these few warriors.Wan Dong never expected such extravagance, as long as the lives of these warriors can be saved, in Wan Dong's view, it is already very gratifying.After all, he has no power or power now, and can only rely on his grandfather Xu Wenchuan's status, and there are too few cards to play in his hands.

After this encounter with Qiu Yunchong, Wan Dong was woken up.The path that Qiu Yunchong took was the right path.No matter how powerful the family is, there will always be times when it is unreliable.It is better to rely on yourself than to rely on the sky and people. If you really want to stand firm, you have to hold the power in your own hands!

Tianbao Pavilion became the battleground between Wan Dong and Qiu Yunchong. As the masters, Wu Qiujun, Duan Lengyan and Pi Xiong became bystanders.Seeing several Qingyun warriors being taken away by Xiangfengwei's people, the three of them did not stop them.It's not because they are afraid of the princess, but because they are more afraid of Wan Dong.This Wandong has endless tricks, and his eloquence is as sharp as a knife. Sap traps, one after another, even if you are an old Jianghu, old man, you can't guarantee not to be caught by him.

Wu Qiujun and Duan Lengyan, who had already suffered several times in a row, were actually full of helplessness at this time, and in the spirit of doing more is worse than doing less, the three of them really didn't want to make any further incidents.

Although they knew in their hearts that these few Qingyun warriors would not be interrogated when they arrived at Xiangfengwei, they would most likely be treated as heroes and received warm hospitality, but what can they do if they are clear?No matter how angry they were, they could only swallow it forcefully.

"Hehe... Commander Tang, you came at the right time. I have something to trouble your brothers. I don't know if it's okay." Wan Dong looked at Tang Xinyi with a smile and asked.

Tang Xinyi now felt an indescribable satisfaction with Wan Dong, she nodded without thinking about it, and at the same time asked curiously, "What do you want them to do for you?"

The smile on Wan Dong's face was even brighter, he pinched his waist with both hands, and shouted to a group of Xiangfeng Guard soldiers, "Brothers, have you seen that all the blood steel rough stones here are intact, and all of them will be moved to Dingshan Palace for me. After I'm done, I'll be rewarded a lot!"

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