Cultivation: Overturning the Rain and Turning the Clouds

Chapter 102 The surname Tian has a hot temper!

When Wan Dong shouted, the complexions of Duan Lengyan, Wu Qiujun, and Pi Xiong immediately darkened, while Tang Xinyi was taken aback, looked at Wan Dong, and asked, "All... all? There are thousands of dollars here. Where is the blood steel rough stone!"

Wan Dong's face was full of smiles, and he grinned at Tang Xinyi and said, "Commander Tang, you have good eyesight. That's right, all the blood steel rough stones up and down here are more than 5000 pieces. It's indeed a lot, After a while, the brothers will definitely be very tired when they move. It’s okay, I’m not a stingy person. After the move is over, the rewards I’ll give you will definitely satisfy everyone! Okay, there’s not much time, everyone hurry up Let's do it."

"Xu Yaoting!" Although Wu Qiujun is rich and powerful, it can be seen that Wan Dong is really going to make a move, but he still can't help feeling a burst of heartache, and his expression is very ugly.

Turning his head to look at him, Wan Dong sneered and said, "What's the matter, old thief Wu, do you want to go back on your word? It's fine, as long as you admit to the world that you Wu Qiujun talk like fart, it's just a few thousand blood steel rough stones , this young master can give up."

"" If Wu Qiujun said something like this, would he still be ashamed in the future?His eyes were staring with anger, and it was difficult to breathe.

"What are you? You'd better get out and cool off! You want to be a biao, and you want to set up a chastity archway. Who do you think you are, God's brother-in-law? Get out! Don't waste my young master's time!"

"Boy, you are crazy, dare to insult Wu Lao like this, I will kill you!" As soon as Wan Dong finished speaking, the former chief stone interpreter surnamed Tian suddenly yelled madly for a while, and then waved the stone interpreter in his hand. , and slashed towards Wan Dong.

This stone-resolving master surnamed Tian not only has a bad mouth, but also seems to have a violent temper. The stone-resolving knife is waving like rain, bringing up streaks of dark red, the blood that makes people tremble in the heart, and he is about to split Wandong into eight pieces .

It's just that this man surnamed Tian may be very good at unraveling the blood steel raw stone, but he is not very outstanding in terms of cultivation, but he also has the fifth level of true energy. In Tang Xinyi's eyes, it is enough to pose a great threat to Wan Dong. threaten.

Although she was very reluctant to be a bodyguard, she accepted the duty after all. Naturally, she couldn't just sit and watch Wan Dong make mistakes. Han Mang greeted Jie Shidao surnamed Tian.

Tang Xinyi was also in a moment of impatience and got confused, otherwise she would never forget that Tian held the stone-resolving knife in her hand, but it was a sharp weapon that contained half of the blood steel.As soon as the sword edge collided with the blade of the stone-resolving knife, it was like a tofu meeting a sharp knife. In an instant, it broke into two pieces silently.

"Where did you come from, the mantis is like a car, get out of here!" The surname Tian roared violently, without stopping at all, and while the blade remained still, he swiped his left palm and slammed towards Tang Xinyi's heart out of thin air.

Although Tang Xinyi was negligent for a while and lost her weapon, she had no plans to stop there. On the contrary, she showed her stubborn side to the fullest.Seeing the palm surnamed Tian sweeping towards him, he snorted softly, and simply threw the broken sword away. A pair of jade palms condensed his whole body's cultivation, and together they went up to the left palm surnamed Tian.

Thanks to Wandong, Tang Xinyi has just broken through to the fourth level of true qi, and her cultivation level is quite different from that of Tian. This kind of behavior is really impulsive, but it also proves this girl's promise from the side. At the same time, he also showed his courage and not flinching, and he did not let the eyebrows down at all.


As soon as the palms of the two are strong, it will be obvious whether they are superior or not.Tang Xinyi's throat was sweet, and a blood arrow pierced through the cherry lips, and it fell into the sky. As if her delicate body was being pushed by an invisible big hand, she retreated a few steps in a row. Her flowery face was full of pain. Color, regrettable.

"It's really overreaching!" Seeing Tang Xinyi's situation, Qiu Yunchong sneered, with a sarcasm on his face.

At this time, Tang Xinyi was naturally fussy about it, and hurriedly raised her head to look at the one surnamed Tian.I saw that the figure surnamed Tian was also shaking for a while, and the saber movement in his right hand was affected, so he had to pause, and he couldn't help but feel relieved. The fatal blow surnamed Tian was finally blocked by her, and Wan Dong's danger was regarded as solved.

But just when Tang Xinyi was about to breathe a sigh of relief, a black shadow suddenly flashed in the corner of her eyes, and her heart was seized again immediately.

"What the hell is Xu Yaoting going to do!"

Tang Xinyi roared in her heart and asked herself, she really wanted to cut Wan Dong's brain open to see what was inside.She worked so hard and fought hard to get injured to resolve the threat surnamed Tian to Wan Dong, but unexpectedly, Wan Dong didn't take the time to escape, but instead rushed towards Tian. ?

Tang Xinyi wanted to stop it, but she was powerless.Wan Dong's movements were astonishingly fast, and in the blink of an eye, he was already at the side of Tian.Although Tang Xinyi sprayed Wan Dong's bloody scolding in her heart, she couldn't help but admire that Wan Dong's timing of his attack was really ingenious.

At this time, the man surnamed Tian hadn't completely dissipated the impact Tang Xinyi had made on him, and his body was still not stable, and his previous saber gesture stopped again, completely losing its power. It's a flaw.

The person surnamed Tian obviously didn't expect Wan Dong to have such courage, and even more so, to launch a surprise attack at this juncture, and a trace of fear clearly flashed in his eyes.

Shouting in surprise, the man surnamed Tian hurriedly swung the stone-resolving knife in his hand, risking the danger of his true qi backlashing, pouring the chaotic and restless zhenqi into the blade, aiming at Wan Dong's head, and slashing at it.

However, when the Jieshi knife in his hand was only an arm's length away from Wan Dong, Wan Dong's figure was like a slippery loach. With a sudden bump, he slipped through the hole in the knife's momentum. The broken ties and gaps grabbed him into his arms like a ghost.

"Ah!" In such a situation, even the veteran surnamed Tian couldn't help shouting in shock, his face instantly became as pale as paper.

When the man surnamed Tian stabilized his mind and tried his best to retract the blade, Wan Dong's right hand suddenly stretched out five fingers, like an eagle descending from the sky, grabbing his pulse door in one fell swoop.Without any trace of politeness, the Dao Qi in Wan Dong's body was instantly activated, and an extremely powerful, almost unstoppable suction force immediately acted, as if a huge hole had been dug in Tian's body, majestic and majestic. True Qi poured into Wan Dong's body.

"What are you doing!? You..." After going through such a situation, the face of the surname Tian was filled with horror.

"Hehe... Do you still remember what I said to you before? You have a mouth full of teeth and this tongue, I will definitely decide for you!" Wan Dong showed a gloomy smile, and clasped Tian's pulse door with his right hand Inhaling the true energy in his body frantically, his left hand turned into a fist, and directly blasted towards Tian's face...

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