The true qi in his body left him like crazy, which made the surname Tian almost lose his wits. To Wan Dong's menacing punch, he felt powerless, and before he even had time to dodge, Wan Dong's fist was gone. It hit him hard in the face.

The majestic force was released instantly, not to mention Tian's teeth, even Tian's facial bones collapsed in an instant.Broken teeth and blood splashed everywhere, and the scene was like a coquettish and eerie fireworks blooming.Needless to say the intense pain, even Tang Xinyi and the others who were watching couldn't help feeling numb and fearful.

"Let him go!" Seeing that he, the chief stone-resolver hired by a lot of money, was about to fall into Wan Dong's hands like this, Wu Qiujun hurriedly yelled angrily, flew over, and grabbed Tian's back, thinking To drag him back by force.

Seeing this situation, Wan Dong's face turned cold, he snorted secretly, grabbed the right hand of Maimen surnamed Tian, ​​and suddenly exerted force, the two of them jumped towards Tang Xinyi together, and shouted loudly at the same time, "Give me the knife!"

Tang Xinyi subconsciously snatched the knife from Feng Xiangwei next to her, and threw it to Wan Dong.

Wan Dong took the knife in his hand, and immediately burst out with piercing chills.Wu Qiujun couldn't help but shuddered, and shouted sharply, "Xu Yaoting, how dare you!"

If this matter fell on Xu Yaoting, he really wouldn't dare, but on Wan Dong, it would be a piece of cake.With a sneer, the steel knife in his hand suddenly flashed a gloomy light, and pointed towards Tian's mouth.

The person surnamed Tian had at least [-]% of his true energy at this moment, all of which was sucked in by Wan Dong, and his whole body was so limp that he almost became noodles, and his mouth was full of teeth, all of which were blown away by Wan Dong. The pain made those who tortured him stunned. They knew Wan Dong's intentions, but they were powerless to resist.

With a sharp whoosh, a large piece of flesh and blood was picked out by Wan Dong with a steel knife and thrown on the ground, wriggling like a whole tongue.Tang Xinyi and Leng Yuecui were speechless in shock, and even Duan Lengyan's winking eyes couldn't help showing a hint of fear.

The person surnamed Tian has not only lost his cultivation, but also his spirit has collapsed after going through all these tosses.The whole person didn't even utter a groan of pain, and passed out directly. I don't know what it will be like when he wakes up.But his bad mouth should be gone.

After cutting off Tian's tongue, Wan Dong casually tossed Tian's tongue as a hidden human weapon, and threw it at Wu Qiujun.Naturally, Wu Qiujun can't be hurt, but it can make him feel sick.

He held the man surnamed Tian in his hand, and seeing the miserable condition of Tian, ​​Wu Qiujun's face and facial features were all contorted together, so ferocious.

"Stinky boy, if you dare to hurt my people in Tianbao Pavilion, I will kill you!" Wu Qiujun was really ruthless, and the killing intent in his eyes alone could scare those timid people to death.

Tang Xinyi also knew that this old guy was difficult to deal with, so she hurriedly waved her hand and led a group of Fengxiang guards to form a human wall, blocking Wan Dong.

"Xu Yaoting is the only grandson of King Dingshan today, with a noble status, is he the one you say you can kill?"

"I have made a contract with your emperor. I have the right to deal with anyone who dares to make trouble in my Tianbao Pavilion, including this kid! You'd better not stop me, otherwise, don't blame me for killing! Our iron war dynasty You are not easy to mess with!" Wu Qiujun said through gritted teeth.

"Well! Mr. Wu is right! Commander Tang, if Xu Yaoting hurt the people in Tianbao Pavilion for no reason, he is causing trouble in Tianbao Pavilion, and he should be handed over to Mr. Wu! This is a contract signed by His Majesty the Emperor himself with Mr. Wu. If you If you stop it, His Majesty the Emperor will fall into a state of disbelief. Not to mention you, even His Royal Highness the Princess can't afford this crime."

Qiu Yunchong really knows how to stab a knife in the back!It is obvious that the surname Tian deliberately hurt others, and Wan Dong defended himself, but he insisted that Wan Dong hurt people for no reason, and even cited the emperor's reputation. This is to put Wan Dong to death.

When Qiu Yunchong heard about Xu Yaoting before, he always said how Xu Yaoting bullied others, he was ignorant, so he never put him in his eyes.But today's collision surprised Qiu Yunchong, and felt a great threat from Wan Dong.Now that Xu Wenchuan has gradually turned towards Princess Baidie, Wan Dong will sooner or later become his enemy.If you can take the opportunity to get rid of it at this time, it will be done once and for all in the future.In addition, Wan Dong humiliated him several times today, which made him extremely angry. Right and wrong have long been forgotten, and the only thought is to put Wan Dong to death. Why not?

Hearing what Qiu Yunchong said, Wu Qiujun's determination to kill Wan Dong became even more unshakable.With Qiu Yunchong's testimony, what can Xu Wenchuan do to him?You Dingshan King is great, but is the national teacher a vegetarian?

"Hey... boy, next year will be your death sacrifice at this time!" Wu Qiujun's grin was even worse.

Tang Xinyi sensed the uneasy atmosphere, and looked over at Wan Dong full of worry. She could tell that Wu Qiu's army was so powerful that he and these Fengxiang guards could not stop him.

Faced with such a situation, Wan Dong's face was calm, without any panic, and there was a sarcasm smile at the corner of his mouth, which made Tang Xinyi's slightly confused mind immediately calm down a lot.

"What a joke! Excuse me, did His Majesty the Emperor also make an agreement with you back then that your Tianbao Pavilion can attack the generals of our Qingyun Empire at will, but our generals of the Qingyun Empire cannot defend themselves and can only be killed at the neck?"

"This..." Wu Qiujun was stunned. Although the surname Tian didn't intend to target Tang Xinyi, but Tang Xinyi was a little overwhelmed and suspected of being a car with her arms, but Tang Xinyi was indeed injured by the surname Tian, ​​which is irrefutable.

Wan Dong suddenly turned his head and stared at Qiu Yunchong again, pointed at his nose and cursed, "Are you blind? Didn't you see that it was the one surnamed Tian who attacked me first? I really convinced you, are you really a jerk?" Bones, why are you so willing to act as a tail-wagging dog for the people of the Iron War Dynasty? What crime did the national teacher do, how did you give birth to such a thing? Or, if the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked, even your old man is too A bone that eats the inside out?"

Wan Dong scolded Qiu Yunchong furiously, and Qiu Yunchong, who was scolding directly, was dumbfounded, as if he was dreaming.He, Qiu Yunchong, had never been scolded like this before, even his old man Qiu Wanli had never scolded him like this.

While Qiu Yunchong was in a daze, Wan Dong turned around, pointed at Wu Qiujun again, and shouted, "Old thief Wu, don't think that you can keep these blood steel rough stones by killing this young master with an excuse. Let me tell you, you It's a daydream! You can't kill me, young master, and since these blood steel rough stones are named Xu, you can never take them back!"

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