What surprised Pi Xiong the most was Wan Dong's performance.Facing Wu Qiujun with nine levels of true energy, in Pi Xiong's imagination, Wan Dong should be torn apart with just one move, but the reality is quite different.

Wu Qiujun's offensive is like a wild lion and tiger, fierce and fierce, but Wan Dong is like a slippery fish, he can always find the slightest flaw in Wu Qiujun's offensive, and escapes calmly, every time he kills Wu Qiujun's angry Jumping endlessly.

"Whoever blocks me will die!" When Pi Xiong was in a daze, Wu Yang rushed over.

As soon as Pi Xiong raised his head, his eyes were full of dazzling sword lights, he couldn't help being shocked, but he didn't expect that Wu Yang would have the courage to attack him first.

"Good boy, I think you don't know how to write the word death!" Pi Xiong's cultivation is at the sixth level of true energy, although weaker than Qiu Yunchong, it is much higher than Wu Yang.He didn't put Wu Yang's sword light in his eyes at all, he stood still, pointed his right hand together, and pinched Wu Yang's sword edge.

However, just when Pi Xiong thought that he could easily pinch Wu Yang's sword edge, all of a sudden, the sword lights rushing in front of him exploded one after another, turning into countless dots of dots. The cold light made Pixiong feel at a loss for a while, and at this moment, an extremely fierce and domineering momentum also broke out, and it was so loud that it rolled straight into the sky and smashed the sky.

"Stinky boy, you..."

Pi Xiong only had time to yell angrily, and suddenly felt a tingling pain from his fingertips, a few drops of blood splashed on Wu Yang's sword edge, making the snow-white sword light suddenly a bit more bloody.

The injury was not serious, only scratched a little, but the shock to Pi Xiong was beyond words.He, a master at the sixth level of true qi, actually injured the hand of a rookie at the first level of true qi, if word of this got out, would Pi Xiong still have the face to face others?

This sword directly wiped out Pi Xiong's face, but for Wu Yang, it benefited him immensely.

The sword that Wu Yang issued out of desperation directly demonstrated the true meaning of the chaos swordsmanship, which not only greatly enriched his actual combat experience, but also gave him a deep understanding of martial arts. After comprehending and comprehending, what made Wu Yang even more delighted was that the sword pierced out, driving the true energy in his body to circulate, making him faintly show signs of breaking through the bottleneck and advancing to the second level.

"Wu Yang, you are so strong!" Zong Qi was seriously injured by Wu Qiu's army and did not join the battle. Seeing Wu Yang's supernatural power and stabbing Pi Xiong, Zong Qi couldn't help but cheered loudly, his face Full of yearning and admiration.

Wu Yang was not enthusiastic about martial arts at first, but after this battle, he developed great interest and enthusiasm for martial arts.Defeating the enemy with the sword and sweeping the universe is so passionate, this is the life that a man should yearn for.

With a slash of the sword, Wu Yang laughed loudly, glared at Pi Xiong and shouted, "What is this? After I chop off his head, you can applaud!"

"What an insolent boy!" Pi Xiong was furious after being hurt by Wu Yang's hands, and now he heard Wu Yang's bold words, he was even more furious, he clenched his steel teeth, and his face was full of murderous intent.

"Boy surnamed Xu, let's see where you are going to run away!" Just when Pi Xiong was about to launch a mad attack on Wu Yang, Wu Qiujun shouted loudly, attracting everyone's attention.

Everyone stopped what they were doing, turned their heads to look at Wan Dong and Wu Qiujun, and saw Wu Qiujun's figure, like a ghost, transformed into dozens of phantoms, and they all went to kill Wan Dong. The old Wan Dong had already been pushed into a corner, and there was no way out for him.

"Damn it!" Wan Dong was filled with anger and resentment. If it wasn't for his poor cultivation and his stature being much slower than Wu Qiujun, he would never have been cornered by Wu Qiujun and had no way out.

Now facing Wu Qiujun's offensive, Wan Dong has no choice but to fight.

It was a good thing to transform all the true qi sucked from Tian into dao qi, allowing Wan Dong to break through in one fell swoop and reach the peak of the fourth level of true qi, but facing Wu Qiujun at this time, it made Wan Dong Don was not happy at all.What does this little improvement mean to Wu Qiujun?

"Old thief Wu, I'm fighting with you!" Adhering to the principle that he is not feeling well, and he must not let Wu Qiujun get better, Wan Dong gathered all the Dao Qi in his body, without letting go .

The four palms staggered, and there was a rumbling sound, straight into the sky. It is not an exaggeration to say that Wan Dong's figure is like a baseball that has been kicked, flying straight back more than ten feet away.

Wu Qiujun's palm was really ruthless, it was aimed at Wan Dong's life.As soon as the power of the palm dissipated, everyone immediately noticed that Wan Dong's face was as pale as paper, and blood was spraying out from his mouth.

The intense pain made Wan Dong have to bite his jaw to death to persist in not passing out.Almost all the viscera in the body were displaced, which was even worse than the kick that Tang Xinyi gave Xu Yaoting back then.

"Yao Ting!" Seeing Wan Dong's serious injury, Leng Yuecui felt that someone had punched her hard in the heart a few times. The suffocating pain and the strong fear of losing her beloved made Leng Yuecui Yue Cui could hardly bear it.

"Boss!" Wu Yang and Zong Qi panicked and rushed forward desperately, supporting Wan Dong.

It was also thanks to these two brothers, otherwise, Wan Dong at this time would not even have the strength to stand up.Since ancient times, who has never died?Death is nothing to be afraid of.What scares Wan Dong is that he cannot stand and die in front of his enemies.Too wimpy, not his style!

"Brothers, use your strength, don't let your boss finally... end up kneeling to death, we can't afford to lose this man..." Wan Dong put his hands on the shoulders of Wu Yang and Zong Qi, holding back Painful, said with a wry smile.

"Boss..." As soon as Wan Dong said these words, Zong Qi and Wu Yang couldn't stop their tears from streaming down immediately. They supported Wan Dong's shoulders, and stood up again with all their strength, making Wan Dong stand even stronger. straight.

"Is this guy still human? Can he still laugh at this time?" Looking at the miserable smile on Wan Dong's face, Tang Xinyi shouted in her heart, tears rolled down her eyes involuntarily.

Even in her dreams, Tang Xinyi would never have imagined that one day, she would cry for this bastard young master who she hated so much and was almost kicked to death by her.

For some reason, Duan Lengyan suddenly felt a pang of sorrow in her heart, and she turned her head aside.

"Hey... Old thief Wu, you are not good at this skill. I thought you could save me with a single palm. It seems that I think highly of you!" Wan Dong stared at Wu Qiujun, evil. Evil smile.

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