Cultivation: Overturning the Rain and Turning the Clouds

Chapter 105 One is more difficult than the other!

Leng Yuecui's self-confidence is really not rootless water. Compared with Duan Lengyan at the triple level of true energy, although the gap is not small, Leng Yuecui also has something to rely on.She has become more and more proficient in the set of random fighting swordsmanship that Wan Dong gave her, which makes her fully qualified to challenge at a higher level.Even if Duan Lengyan could not be completely defeated, it would not be easy for Duan Lengyan to kill her.

As soon as Leng Yuecui's sword technique unfolded, Duan Lengyan was taken aback.A huge pressure beyond her expectation rolled towards her like a wave.

"Is this the fighting power that a martial artist with three levels of true qi can explode?" Duan Lengyan cried out inwardly, and hastily used all her strength to get away from Leng Yuecui's sword.

Yes, let, not crack.Leng Yuecui's continuous stabbing seemed simple, but it contained a subtlety. After Duan Lengyan took a closer look, she found that this sword move was meticulous and rigorous.Surprised, he didn't dare to take a bold move to resist, so he could only dodge and let the past.

But Duan Lengyan's move was like poking a hornet's nest, Leng Yuecui's figure suddenly rose, and the exquisite swordsmanship, one move after another, was displayed like flowing water, without any hindrance, it was natural, and it was even more so. The interlocking is like a rope that tightens the neck of the enemy, and it becomes tighter and tighter, until it seems to strangle the opponent to death in one breath, before giving up.

The contempt on Leng Yuecui on Duan Lengyan's face immediately subsided, and her expression became more dignified.With all the abilities in his body, he didn't make any reservations anymore, and used all of his brains.While struggling to resist Leng Yuecui's continuous sword moves, he murmured in his heart, "Could it be that he is really close to Zhu Zhechi? Why is an inconspicuous girl next to Xu Yaoting turned so difficult?"

It is no wonder that Duan Lengyan has such thoughts. With the entanglement with Leng Yuecui, Duan Lengyan feels more and more that if Leng Yuecui's true energy cultivation is comparable to hers, with such sharp swordsmanship, she may only be killed in seconds Son.

Relying on a set of chaotic swordsmanship, Leng Yuecui fought evenly with Duan Lengyan, who was known as the number one talented woman of the Iron War Dynasty.On the other side, Wu Yang also launched a threat, rushing straight into those black armored guards, like a tiger rushing into a flock of sheep.

This set of fighting swordsmanship modified by Wan Dong is really exquisite, especially when there are many enemies around, and when there are few enemies, it can show the great power of sweeping the universe.Surrounded by more than a dozen armored guards in black, Wu Yang felt more deeply.

A long sword, in his hand, seemed to come alive. It was picked up and down, swept and slashed, sometimes like a snake, sometimes like a dragon elephant, when it should be light, it should be as light as a hair, and when it should be heavy, it should be crushing. Qian Kun, relying on his strength alone, tossed a group of armored guards in black tossing around, making it difficult to look at the head and tail.

These armored guards in black are all brave men carefully selected by Qiu Yunchong. Their force is astonishing. The weakest ones are all at the peak of the first level of true energy, which is stronger than Wu Yang. Not being able to take it down made Wu Yang more and more courageous in the battle, and the trend of gaining the upper hand, Qiu Yunchong's handsome face was so dark that he was better than the bottom of the pot.

"Trash!" With a roar, Qiu Yunchong, who couldn't bear it any longer, suddenly slashed out with his palm, and the force of his palm turned into a gust of wind, sweeping towards Wu Yang.

Feeling the threat, Wu Yang trembled in his heart, and the sword in his hand suddenly transformed into hundreds of phantoms, layer upon layer, varying in strength and weakness, uncertain in reality, and orderly in front and back, just like barriers, layer upon layer. Layers offset Qiu Yunchong's palm strength.

"What an exquisite sword technique!" Seeing Wu Yang's actions, even Qiu Yunchong, who was well-informed and had reached the seventh level of true qi, couldn't help giving a soft compliment.

It's a pity that Wu Yang's true energy is too different from that of Qiu Yunchong's. After all the hundreds of thousands of sword shadows have collapsed, only half of Qiu Yunchong's palm strength has been dissolved, and the remaining half is unstoppable, like entering a land without people , and ran straight towards Wu Yang.

Wu Yang sighed in his heart, so he had no choice but to hold the edge of his sword horizontally and block it in front of his chest, preparing for the worst.

But at this moment, a coquettish reprimand came out of nowhere, and from behind Wu Yang, a sword shadow shining like a lone star suddenly protruded, lightly caught the remaining general strength of Qiu Yunchong's palm, and then moved backwards. Pulling back, the half palm force actually slid past Wu Yang's side, and then drew an arc-shaped trajectory in the air, following the momentum of the sword, it blasted into the empty space.

Qiu Yunchong's eyes widened immediately, such an exquisite sword movement was not inferior to Wu Yang's sword technique at all.

"Qiu Yunchong, after all, you are also a master of the seventh level of true qi, but don't you feel ashamed to attack a child with only one level of true qi?" Tang Xinyi suddenly cheered up when he pulled Qiu Yunchong's palm aside and saved Wu Yang.

Tang Xinyi, who had retrained her sword skills from Wan Dong, had yet to find someone to test her sword with.She tried it lightly just now, and it immediately surprised her.Although Qiu Yunchong's palm strength has been half neutralized by Wu Yang, but Qiu Yunchong is already at the seventh level of true qi, even if only half of his palm strength is left, it is no small matter.

"When did you learn such an exquisite sword technique?" Qiu Yunchong asked Tang Xinyi in surprise and doubt.

Tang Xinyi smiled coquettishly, curled her lips and said, "When did I learn it, do I need to tell you? However, if you want to try the power of my swordsmanship, I can help you!"

"People say that if you don't see him for three days, you should look at him with admiration. It seems that there is some truth. But if you think that with such a set of swordsmanship, you can escape death under the hands of this general, then you are very wrong!"

After saying that, Qiu Yunchong opened his hands, spread his wings like a big roc, and rushed towards Tang Xinyi domineeringly.With a gloomy complexion and cold eyes, it seems that he has no good intentions.

"Wu Yang, you step back first, I'll deal with him!" Tang Xinyi took a breath, raised the edge of the sword obliquely in her hand, and a half-moon-shaped sword aura, with sharp hissing sounds, rushed straight to Qiu Yun. .

Qiu Yunchong was really too strong, Wu Yang was worried, and while hesitating, Leng Yuecui suddenly shouted, "Wu Yang, don't be dazed, take this opportunity, rush out of Tianbao Pavilion, and go out for help!"

Leng Yuecui knew very well that in comparison, they were at an absolute disadvantage.Tang Xinyi was dangerous to Qiu Yunchong, but it was Wan Dong who was really dangerous.Who is Wan Dong facing?That is a super strong man who has reached the ninth level of true energy!Just thinking about it, Leng Yuecui can't help but shiver, and she doesn't dare to look at Wan Dong's situation at all.

" one can leave Tianbao Pavilion alive today!"

Leng Yuecui eagerly urged Wu Yang, but ignored the other person, Pi Xiong!

Pi Xiong didn't make a move at first, but just swept aside.In his opinion, with Wu Qiujun and Qiu Yunchong around, there was no need for him to make a move.But the current scene surprised him, Wu Yang, Leng Yuecui, and Tang Xinyi were more difficult than the other, which was beyond his expectation.If he didn't make a move, Wu Yang would really escape.

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