Wan Dong waved his hand and said with a smile, "Actually, you don't have to think too highly of me. I let Li Baiyi go, mainly for Weiqian's sake. Anyway, Li Baiyi is also Weiqian's elder brother. If you kill him, wouldn't it make it difficult for the second brother?"

When Lin Feng heard this, his face immediately revealed a bit of embarrassment, and he scratched his head repeatedly.

What kind of Huizhilanxin is Huangfuqing, she understood it at a glance, and said with a little surprise, "Okay, Lin Feng, Li Weiqian is not an ordinary girl, you can conquer her, it's really gratifying! But I have to remind you that the Li family has always followed the lead of the Mu family, and our Huangfu family and the Mu family have always been at odds, so it's hard to say whether you, a pair of mandarin ducks, will be able to get together in the end."

Lin Feng swept away his embarrassment, and his expression immediately became firm. He patted his chest and said, "Wei Qian and I are true love. No matter how difficult and dangerous it is, we will never be separated!"

"Okay! If you really have this determination and courage, I will try my best to make peace with Huangfu's family!" Although Huangfu Qing is a daughter, she also values ​​love and righteousness, and immediately assured Lin Feng very simply.

Lin Feng was overjoyed to get Huangfu Qing's great help by accident, and he couldn't help but thank Huangfu Qing repeatedly.

Seeing that the current atmosphere is good, Xin Wuhen came to Huangfu Qing and said, "Miss Qing, you must save me..."

Well said, when Xin Wuhen said such a sentence suddenly, not only Huangfu Qing, but even Wan Dong couldn't help being surprised.

Huangfu Qing was stunned, and quickly asked, "What's wrong with you?"

Lin Feng naturally understood Xin Wuhen's meaning, sighed, and said, "Wuhen's troubles are the same as mine, it's all caused by that trial treasure land. Wuhen was actually kicked out by her family this time. If Miss Qing doesn't Say a good word for him, I'm afraid he will never go back to the Xin family."

"What trial treasure land?" Huangfu Qing became more and more puzzled.

But Wan Dong understood, frowned lightly and said, "Second brother, Wuhen, didn't we agree at the beginning that as long as the disciples are upright, they can be taken to the treasure land to practice, you don't have to So hard to bear with the family."

Lin Feng looked bitter, and said, "Yaoting, you don't know that disciples of our big family have unique advantages, but at the same time, there are many troubles. One of them is that we can't help ourselves. The family will not tell you There are so many, what they want is that we hand over the treasure land willingly, and it belongs to the family. It is absolutely impossible for us to decide who is allowed to enter and who is not allowed to enter. "

Seeing the bitterness on Lin Feng's face, Wan Dong knew that he was making things simple.From the perspective of the family, even the lives of Lin Feng and Xin Wuhen belonged to the family, so how could there be anything that truly belonged to them?

"What kind of trial treasure land is it that the Lin and Xin families value so much?" Huangfu Qing couldn't help but wonder.

For Huangfu Qing, there is no need to hide anything, Lin Feng and Xin Wuhen, you have described to Huangfu Qing the various benefits of that trial treasure land in detail.

"Tsk, there is such a treasure land in the world!?"

Although Huangfu Qing didn't see it with her own eyes, she was greatly surprised just by hearing Lin Xin's description.The essence of heaven and earth is a hundred times stronger than that of the outside world. This alone is enough to compare with the top blessed lands dominated by the three first-rank families.Not to mention, there are also magical beasts that can refine and improve martial skills, even Huangfu Qing can't help but be a little tempted.

"That... can you let me see it too?" Huangfu Qing said to Wan Dong with some shyness.

Wan Dong smiled and said, "What's so difficult about this? Second brother, Wuhen, you must have extra teleportation stones on your body? Let's go together, and it happens that I also miss eldest brother and Luo Xiao."

Lin Feng frowned and said, "Yes, but Miss Qing seems to have no way to go in."

"Why is that?" Huangfu Qing frowned immediately.

Lin Feng and Xin Wuhen looked at each other, and said, "It seems that once the cultivation base reaches the Heavenly Realm, it is no longer possible to use the teleportation stone to enter the treasure land."

"There is such a thing?" Wan Dong was also taken aback.Although his current realm has not yet reached the Tiange Realm, his combat power has definitely surpassed the Tiange Realm.

Lin Feng and Xin Wuhen nodded at the same time. At the beginning, Qi Xuan also wanted to enter the trial treasure land, but because his cultivation base had reached the elementary level of Tiange, he had to give up after repeated trials and failures.

"Let me try." Wan Dong reached out to Xin Wuhen.

Xin Wuhen hurriedly took out a teleportation stone from the storage ring and handed it over. Huangfuqing was unwilling to give up just like this, and also opened her mouth to ask for one.

Wan Dong and Huangfu Qing exchanged glances, and then crushed the teleportation stone at the same time.

After the piece in Huangfu Qing's hand turned into debris all over the ground, there was no reaction, but Wan Dong was enveloped by a sudden burst of red light, and immediately followed by the red light, his whole body, They disappeared into the room together.

Huangfu Qing couldn't help being very frustrated, but there was nothing he could do, he could only lament that he had no destiny with the treasure land.

However, the faces of Lin Feng and Xin Wuhen suddenly showed shock at this moment, and Xin Wuhen couldn't help but let out an exclamation.

Just when Huangfu Qing was puzzled by the expressions of the two, Lin Feng suddenly turned his head and said to Xin Wuhen, "No, the teleportation stone emitted white light before, why is it red now?"

"Quick! Go to the treasure land to see!" Xin Wuhen hastily pulled out another teleportation stone and crushed it before he finished speaking.

Lin Feng's movements were no slower than his, and two white lights lit up in the room almost at the same time.

Lin Feng and Xin Wuhen were already quite familiar with the trial treasure land, and after leaving the teleportation formation, the scenery remained unchanged.The two immediately searched eagerly for Wan Dong's trace.After this search, the hearts of both of them sank at the same time.

Logically speaking, the two of them were only a small step slower than Wan Dong. No matter how fast Wan Dong was, he would never be able to go too far. But as far as the two of them could see, there was no trace of Wan Dong.This immediately made them realize that the red light that sent Wan Dong away was unusual.

"Wuhen, what exactly did you give Yao Ting?" Lin Feng turned his head and glared at Xin Wuhen, asking anxiously.

"What else can it be, of course it's a teleportation stone!"

"What about Yaoting people? He was sent here at all!"

"I... how do I know?" Xin Wuhen yelled for injustice, but he felt really strange in his heart, and checked and checked the contents of the storage ring.

"Lin Feng!" At this moment, a shout like thunder came straight through the wind.

Lin Feng and Xin Wuhen followed the prestige, and saw Xiao Lang leading a group of heroes including Luo Xiao, rushing towards them like a meteor chasing the moon.

Lin Feng frowned and said, "It's just right, if Yao Ting is coming or not, just ask the elder brother and you will know!"

After saying that, Lin Feng and Xin Wuhen hurried up to meet him.

"so big!?"

The two sides approached, Lin Feng was about to open his mouth to call Brother Xiao Lang, but Xiao Lang suddenly swung out a palm and slashed towards Lin Feng.Lin Feng couldn't help being taken aback, and hastily exerted all his strength, swinging his figure in the air several times, and managed to dodge Xiao Lang's palm.

Xiao Lang is already a well-deserved half-step sky right now, but Lin Feng has just broken through the middle level of the earth wheel, and it is really not easy for him to avoid Xiao Lang's sudden palm.

But before Lin Feng could catch his breath, Xiao Lang's second wave of offensive rushed towards him.This time Lin Feng was not so lucky, he let out a muffled groan, and was shocked by Xiao Lang's palm and took three or five steps backwards.

At first, Xin Wuhen thought that Xiao Lang was testing Lin Feng's martial arts, but later, it was obvious that something was wrong.And Xiao Lang's expression was even more gloomy and terrifying, without the kind of gentleness when he saw them before.Although he didn't understand what happened, Xin Wuhen rushed up and stopped Xiao Lang.If Xiao Lang continued to fight like this, Lin Feng would have to lie down today.

"Wuhen, let me go and let me beat this bastard to death!"

Xin Wuhen's stop immediately drew Xiao Lang's repeated angry reprimands, which made Xin Wuhen feel dazed for a while.

Lin Feng was even more stunned, he didn't know what he had done to make Xiao Lang so furious.He hurriedly turned his head to look, and immediately found that not only Xiao Lang's complexion was extremely ugly, but the expressions of Luo Xiao, Wang Yangde and others were also ugly. Girls like Tang Xinyi and Ye Qingxue seemed to have cried, their eyes were red and swollen, The face was mottled with tears.

And when Lin Feng found Ling Wushuang and the embarrassed and guilty Ling Tianhua in the crowd, he finally understood.It must be that Ling Tianhua was not strict in keeping his mouth shut, and disclosed the news of Wan Dong's death to Xiao Lang and others, which caused Xiao Lang to be so furious.

"Lin Feng, you bastard, tell me! If it wasn't for Ling Tianhua, how long are you going to hide it from us?"

Although Xiao Lang was stopped by Xin Wuhen and could no longer do anything to Lin Feng, he was still resentful, pointing at Lin Feng and roaring like thunder.

Lin Feng couldn't help feeling extremely lucky, if he hadn't just met Wan Dong today, he really wouldn't have been able to cope with such a scene.After a pause, Lin Feng was about to tell the truth when Hu Yue and Wu Yang rushed over from left to right, each grabbed one of Lin Feng's arms, and asked Lin Feng in unison with tears in his eyes, "Brother Lin Feng, Our boss isn't dead, he's not dead, is he?"

It was only then that Lin Feng realized that Luo Xiao and Wang Yangde, a group of young heroes, really did not stay in vain in the Treasure Field of Trials.After more than a month, everyone's progress has not only been a thousand miles a day, it is simply a thousand miles a day.Take Hu Yue and Wu Yang for example, their cultivation base can only be regarded as the middle or lower level among the heroes, but even Wu Yang has broken through to the elementary level of Xuanhen at this time, and Huyue has reached the middle level of Xuanhen.It really hurts to be grabbed by the arms by the two of them.

"Not dead! Of course Yao Ting is not dead! You two brats let me go quickly, I'm about to crush my arm!"

After saying that, the Dao Qi in Lin Feng's body shook, and the two of them were immediately shocked back.

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